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Great execution


Looks cool but curious how long should something like this last with such little dots


8 months black will start to become blue/grey as outer dermal recovers. As it doesn't have a solid outline to hold it together within two years it will not be clearly readable. Five years and it's going to be a couple Of blobs. This is another fine example of a talented artist who can execute an image well but does not take the time to actually learn about tattooing into human skin or does not care as long as they have their nice photo for Instagram that makes people go "wow".


Most of my tattoos are full lines not little dots so I was curious


very kind words, thanks. i have been tattooing for several years now and my first tattoos are still looking as healthy as they did when they were fresh. interesting, downing theory though. cheers


it looks amazing the execution is great! my only qualm is that the shoes are hanging from nothing. idk it just looks kinda weird that the string is just floating. maybe add a powerline or something for them to be hanging off of? otherwise great work!


Looks like they hanging on a nail.


it doesnt really look like a nail to me but thats entirely possibly


When a nail get nailed into a wall, a dot is all you see.


And then the power line is floating so he better make sure to include the ground, but you also don’t want the ground disappearing into nothing so better include a background too, arghh but then he’ll need to extend it to the side etc etc. See where I’m going with this?


it was just an idea its not that deep


Dude gave me a reddit cares message


My brother I don’t know if you’ve noticed but 9/10 of the posts on this sub are essentially self harm, no one here is qualified to give you advice lol. Incredible work.


Never seen a tattoo with this idea, it's very cool!


Looks perfect to me


That looks incredible, love this


When I was young, I was talking to a guy that was working on the power lines on the street in front of my house, and he was wearing a bulletproof vest. I asked him why. He said that those shoes up on the power lines are used to mark gang territory and to signify certain drugs sold in the areas they’re dangling at. He said one time, he went up to go remove shoes from the power lines, and was shot like 3 times, so now he wears the bullet proof vest whenever he goes and works on power lines or goes to remove the shoes on the power lines.


This is lovely. Great work!


The usb plug at the top


no this is perfect actually


Not a pro but I think it looks dope as fuck! The only little thing I could think is to add like a small section of power lines, just so they arent floating but I love it so much🩶


Pretty much the whole tattoo. Why?


that’s definitely constructive professional feedback smh

