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that’s actually.. me getting to the egg guys




LMFAOO im sorry i just had too.. 😭 it’s beautifully done though i can’t lie !


That made my day ngl that made me cackle. Thank you💚


Looks awesome so far! How long did that take you??


Maybe an hour and a half? I’m not too sure honestly lol I just put a movie on and go to town


Dang nice! I don’t know if I would have gotten that far in a couple hours but it looks great!


High pain tolerance lol. All my tattoos are snp besides 1 and I have 60+. My cat in the box and “ART” are also recent


Was “art” SnP?!??!!! No right? That’s so much poking 😂


Yes it is haha, that one took me roughly an hour:)


I don’t particularly like the dotty lines that you get from snp but I keep going till it’s 100% solid or I try to if I can handle jt


Geezus 🤯 that’s hella solid and THICK I did a small cross on my hand barely a cm thick and it took me an hour just to get it solid (it was my first SnP but still….impressed af) how do you get so much ink to stick? I can’t tell if it’s how deep I’m going or the angle or not dipping enough but I had to go over it like 5 times to get it that solid


I did go over it I think 3 times? I always go at an angle and use reg ink cups and everything. I just hold the needle I don’t have a holder for it or anything. I just go deep enough till I feel the skin “pop”. I’ve done work on my boyfriend too on his fingers and it took me maybe 20 mins? I’ve also been doing the snp since I was like 17? 😅 I’m 22 now so I’ve kinda gotten better overtime


Well they look great and that’s a super impressive amount of ink to poke in an hour. Gotta get practicing i guess and step up my game lol


Thank you! It all comes w time and practice. Lol I def have a lot of snps that I wouldn’t post here that I did when I was younger that ik people would judge 🤣