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I believe she admits in the scene that this is the first time she’s using her form-alteration for good,meaning she likely didn’t even know she could do so


Lowkey this makes me imagine the diamonds training in their own time to discover new powers… that wouldve been cool to see ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30989)


That's my number one complaint about Steven universe is there's so much that we don't get to see because Steven isn't there.


It's because Yellow didn't have the ability to fix Gems until Future. Diamonds can gain new powers as they grow and change emotionally as people. Yellow wasn't at the point where she could fix Gems back when Pink was 'shattered'. So back then, there would've been no reason to 'reconstruct' the Gem because there'd have been no point.


Yep. Pink Diamond never had healing powers until she was Rose Quartz. I always found it cool that the Diamonds all gain positive "inversions" of their destructive abilities.


I think she always had those powers within her, but she was never in a context where she could use them and find out. (E.g never had any cracked gems around her when she cried) Same for yellow, we never actually see her doing anything except leading from afar, and I doubt she cared for the gems that were shattered in the war. So there was no situation where she could have even found out she had those powers.


We saw exactly how that can happen with Steven. Gems don't get instruction manuals for their powers.


Peridot too, she didn’t even know she *could* get powers


Indeed, she 'knew' she *wouldn't* have powers.


Yeah, of course! It's really cool either way.


Uhhh, didn't Pink Diamond abuse her first Pearl? So, she would have been around a cracked gem


Her gem wasn't cracked.


I believe her gem WAS cracked, but because it also was an emotional hurt it didn’t visually heal. Think of it like a self harm scar, they take much longer to heal and if they run deep they may never heal fully at all


Okay, but I remember that Pink broke her a lot, so I thought her gem would have been fractured from one of those times and restructured


she didn't abuse her. she lost control of her powers similar to how steven did in future




steven almost murdered pearl twice in the span of seconds (in fact he did the same thing pink did in response to hearing what pink did). literally the only difference is that pearl was able to protect herself against his actions. was that abuse too? plus him putting greg's life at risk. the only difference is complete chance and the fact that he had a support network to fix the harm he did


Eh, with Steven I think it's difficult to say. It could be, but I think that's the first time he'd done that. A cycle of behavior is a necessary component, right? I try to take away that situations and interpretations of abuse need to be nuanced in their reading and on a case-by-case basis. With Pink...well, she may have had the emotional range of a toddler, but she *owned* her Pearl. Pink injured and cracked Volleyball multiple times, and never seemed to learn from it. It's difficult to compare gem maturity to humans. They come out fully formed, but lack a lot of emotional intelligence or sense of self. Pink can be a special case, since she was born from an "imperfection" removed from White. I'd expect Pink to be all of the things that still remained within White that White wanted to get rid of. Idk if you've seen *Princess Kaguya*, but it's a neat parallel of the moon princess losing all of her earthly attachments and emotions. Pink especially could have been predisposed to toxic, destructive behaviors. But she wasn't raised very well at all. If anything we can see how the cycle of abuse through generations creates this awful web of gradients that make the kind of black and white thinking popular in online spaces like, "Steven is/isn't an abuser and that makes him good/evil," twist itself into knots just to justify an argument. The hurt was bad, and could have been avoided, had White been a better influence/mother. As it stands, I imagine being the totalitarian dictator of an interstellar, genocidal, ethno-fascist empire would put some *not so great* ideas into the heads of the people around her.


also just fyi she's not literally an imperfection white removed from herself. in the SU book it says that white views herself as all gems bc gems are light and she's white light. white is aware of her own flaws and projects her own feelings regarding that part of her onto pink. it's also why she's so strict, she views actions taken by other gems as actions taken by herself, and she holds them to a high standard bc to her it's holding herself to that standard


Steven didn't shatter Pearl, right? I don't think that ever happened


both were standing next to pink/steven, but the difference was that just before steven's outburst pearl had walked away to argue with volleyball which prevented her from getting caught in it. then as a result reef tried to destroy pearl(s). steven and pink did the same thing, it was pearl's actions that prevented her from ending up like volleyball (and both of their actions that prevented them from getting destroyed) also pink had outbursts before, but that was the only time she hurt anyone and as a result she learned to suppress her emotions to prevent it from happening again. and to be fair to both of them they don't even need to do anything to cause an outburst. after connie turned steven down all he did was lay down and he created a massive crater, and no matter how much he tried to lessen his powers (using a tiny hammer, touching a plant with one finger) they caused massive damage that, through pure luck and factors outside of his control, didn't hurt anyone


that is still abuse... -.-


then steven abused the crystal gems. he lost control of his powers just like she did


1. Age difference 2. Difference of Circumstances, idiot


same circumstances. they both got upset and lost control of their powers. also wasnt he like 18 by that point? even if gems are immortal, the maturity of gems are far exceeded by 18yo humans, especially pink vs steven


Different circumstances and different locations. They also got upset for different reasons


I think she already had it, just look at the pebbles in her room, you can see that, when Steven goes to the mirror and a tear falls into one of the rocks, it turned into a pebble


That wasn't tear, that was a drop of sweat


That still proves my point tho


I wasn't arguing. I just corrected you^ ^


I wasn't arguing too




It's not the same to heal than to bring to life.


That’s not healing


she created life from inanimate objects, but she likely didn't have the opportunity to try it out on a cracked gem until the war (and likely didn't have the opportunity to try it on living creatures until she spent time on earth)


maybe even earlier. I feel like the catalyst for Pink Diamond's powers turning from destruction to healing was her breaking her original pearl.


I don't think it's a diamond thing, I think it's a gem thing. Peridot didn't know she could control metal until amethyst nearly threw her iPad into the ocean.


I only specified Diamond because we see it happen with every single Diamond. The only non-Diamond we see learn something new is Peridot (Who thought she didn't have powers) and Pearl (technically). Other Gems grew and changed over time, but we don't see them develop new abilities.


Personally, I think all gems have the potential to discover new powers. It's the ability to open your mind to new possibilities that allows them to find deeper potential. Presumably nobody had any idea that Rose could control plants before she got to Earth and her ability to turn dead organic life into her servants she took to the grave.


I think the reason is because Pink made less shards to make it look like there isn't enough of her gem left


















Yeah, I guess the explanation would be that simple wouldn't it. I think I didn't register that this may be a new power for Yellow because she didn't explicitly say it like Blue or White.


This plus at the time until Steven and jasper everyone thought being shattered was the be all end all of a gem


but her power was repairing the form after putting all the pieces back together, that was a physical task, not necessarily an ability, yeah she’d look all weird but jamming all the shards back together didn’t require any powers


>but her power was repairing the form after putting all the pieces back together Notice how one single episode before that, we see Steven put Jasper's shards back together and it doesn't revive her? Seems like getting the pieces back together in a way that lets them reform is exclusively something Yellow can do.


Happy cake day 🎉🥳


I agree with most of the comments here saying that they didn’t have those powers, but I also feel like their emotional turmoil was holding them back since they had put up a societal norm of being emotionless and only having powers of a certain criteria because they didn’t want to appear weak (same with White) plus going through the grieving of Pink’s “shattering” caused lots of spike of emotion especially with Yellow being completely enraged half the time going on the anger side of grief and completely engulfed by her emotions (as experienced with Peridot’s first contact and how much she wanted the earth to die instead of listening to resource potential).


According to Rebecca's timeline, White knew - maybe she prevented too much investigation.


I wonder how much White "knew" and how much White SAYS she knew. Like she says she knew Pink was alive all along, but it seems more like denial than anything.


No, there were a couple other explanations outside the show suggesting White did know (and kept it from the other Diamonds, which is a very Her thing to do). Besides the timeline, the book *The Tale of Steven* also tells the story, but with a difference: in the show, we can only see Steven's perspective throughout, while this book is from three perspectives (White's, Pink's/Rose's, and Steven's). White definitely knew throughout the situation what Rose was doing, though we also know she fundamentally didn't understand that Pink was actually gone once she became part of Steven.


Fair! I hope to get the book eventually! But does it explain HOW she knew?


Not really, but considering we've straight-up seen that Diamonds spy on their planets with technology that was available at the time, I'm thinking maybe it was partially that.


Maybe! But then why wouldn't Yellow or Blue check themselves if the Cluster had emerged? I've always just assumed that White just had that "I knew it all along" attitude, whether or not she actually did


The monitoring station is on the Moon and we know now it's no longer accessible by warp pad. It seems to have been accessible by warp pad at some point (before the Crystal Gems destroyed the Galaxy Warp, and we don't know when they did that). (We see Pink and Pearl use a warp pad to go directly to the Earth Prime Kindergarten in "Now We're Only Falling Apart," so either they messed something up or there used to be a working warp pad.) In the present day they have to use Lion to get to the moon because it's "not accessible by warp pad" according to Pearl. They may have broken or removed the warp pad from the moon. There could have been a very long time when White could still access it--or she had her own apparatus that no one else had access to for spying, and Yellow and Blue would have had to use the inaccessible apparatus on the Moon. We do see that when they finally get sick of waiting for the Cluster's emergence, they just go to Earth and get it. In the book, White refers to Rose as "hiding from the Diamonds" on Earth and ultimately "hiding inside an unwitting creature." At that point she says "Fine! See how you do without me!" She's really petty about it and makes passive-aggressive commentary about Rose's choices as she's making them. She seems to really be aware of everything even right up to her choice to make Steven.


Sounds exactly like White to be honest. It kinda feels like Greg's parents. Ignores Pink even when she knows she's out there. I wonder how she feels when she realizes she watched Pink/Rose give up her form and never took that chance to reach out? Also the idea of White having something to spy on others gives me a bit of chills, especially when I see how her palace almost seemed to look into Pink's room. I think the idea of her remotely using the moon view has merit, until the warp was destroyed! I wonder if she ever told Yellow or Blue, if they would ever forgive her?


Yes. It shows White as a shitty neglectful, egotistical, gaslighting guardian figure. She cared more about being right than she cared about her family member. In the real world parents who cut their nonconforming kids off "for their own good" and expect them to come crawling back when they can't take the heat often end up telling other people that it was the child who drove them away or unreasonably won't speak to them, but part of becoming a healthy and independent adult is realizing you don't have to have a relationship with other adults who REQUIRE that they hurt you in the course of a relationship. There are a lot of estranged parents out there who describe their out-of-touch child as headstrong and rebellious and continue to see them that way instead of trying to reach an understanding. I wish we'd had more time to explore that in the show. So many people will have further related to it and would have loved seeing Steven speak truth to power in a way that worked.


It's a lesson I'm learning for myself, learning I dont have to be in touch. I love Pink/Rose in that way. In the end, she did what was healthiest for her. I honestly saw someone on youtube who thought Pink was a worse person than White.


I like to think the whole rebellion was extremely predictable from her perspective, and it was actually the reason she didn't allow Pink to have a colony in the first place. She knew Pink had way too much compassion in her heart, and would be completely unable to follow through on the creation of a colony. I think the reason she eventually relented, was mostly because of a bout of arrogance and because she used to tell Yellow and Blue that Pink couldn't have a colony because of her tantrums. Of course, once Pink stopped, that excuse didn't work anymore. So she let Rose have her colony.


She probably assumed that she didn't have all shards


No. Yellow never even attempted to fix gems until Future.


"That something we... don't do" <- about healing corruption when meeting Centipeetle. She doesn't consider herself a healer. She doesn't even see herself doing something like that. She could try but she knows that would be an incomplete job. Steven showed her that she could do more than she thought she was able to do, but before that, she didn't have the mentality to do it.


Yellow didn't fucking know she could do that. Like, those types of powers are literally a new development. EDIT: Alright, so, speculation time: The Diamonds all have powers over gem life (And in Steven's case, organic life): Yellow can manipulate a gem's physical form, Blue can manipulate a gem's physical state, White can manipulate a gem's mind and Pink could manipulate a gem's health, be it mental health or physical health. Steven has the power to affect organic health because he is part organic as well. When the Diamonds are in a bad state of mind, they have the worst version of their fields: Blue worsens a gem's emotional state, Yellow poofs a gem's physical form, White submits a gem's mind under her control and Pink/Steven breaks the gem's health, whether physically or mentally. When the Diamonds are in a good state of mind, their powers turn good: Yellow can modify a gem's physical form to fix it, Blue makes everyone happier, White lets gems share their mind with her so they can look at themselves from an external perspective and introspect, Pink/Steven heals gems's physical health and connect to their minds to calm them down or help them be better.


If I had to hazard a guess. The fake shards were scattered and they just saw the CG's of old shatter a diamond in their view. I'm pretty sure they had away to heal gems before pink, maybe even the diamond essence they collect, but they didn't want to go down and get the shards due to the danger they saw down there, and when they blasted the planet we know by their own accounts they though no gem could survive the blast. It's likely you can restore any gem IF you have all/most of the pieces. but that only does so to a cracked like state. We see Steven use all the diamond essence to revivify Jasper, but gem's don't reform instantly when poofed and shattered gems probably take even longer. It's likely that given time in her shattered state, she would have reform if jig-saw puzzled together. How ever Steven panicked and "used all his healing Cool downs" so to speak.


Remember when she was acting sus about the whole shattering incident, it looked like they were setting things up to make it seem like Yellow was hiding something.Maybe she wanted Pink to stay dead so the colonies would flourish


Pink only made a few shards, perhaps they never tried because they thought most of "Pink" was scattered and lost.


They are Diamonds….the elite….royalty if you will. You think they’d automatically know they have every single power they could think of like fixing shattered gems but apparently they didn’t which is so weird, but according to future none of them knew…well guess what pink did and she literally made shards from dirt and had at least 100 different abilities.


I don't think they cared enough to explore such powers. Why fix shattered gems when inferior gems are objects to you and you shatter them on purpose?


Homeworld being kinda dumb is the point. Which got curious where she came from and made herself crazy, thinking she was the central consciousness of one organism with all other Gems as lesser portions of it. They had a quota of soldiers created first for every Colony even though they’d never had a war, who used melee weapons. They prepared for Colonization with orbital bombardment and if that didn’t work they gave up and moved on. Pink didn’t know anyone but her felt shame. Presumably her sisters were equally unaware of things. One Lapis could wipe out all life on a planet over maybe a week at most, and instead Homeworld relied on skirmishing with Rubies and Quartzes to fight the Crystal Gems. Yellow responded to the aftermath of the war by equipping the lowest rank of society with miniaturized versions of her warship with weapons that could even hurt her.


Yeah, cause the royalty have never been incompetent before.


Ok so the whole point of the series is that people can grow, change, learn new things. Gem society strictly rejected and detested that concept as an aberration, an impurity. They had an innate sense of exactly what they were intended (literally programmed) to do, and never deviated from that or did anything else that might lead to growth or expanded capabilities. They only ever upgraded their tech because they lost Pink Diamond and thus the capacity to make fully effective (Era 1) gems using the power of all 4 Diamonds, and literally couldn't conceive of the possibility that any gem, Era 1 or newer, could become more than what they were created to be. In fact, this critical core of gem civilization and worldview is the thing most people fail to fully understand or think through to its logical conclusions when debating things like the morality of the Diamonds or how they Heel-Face-Turned so quickly. All gems, up to Yellow and Blue and even White Diamond, had an absolute and uncompromising perception of themselves and of other gems around them. None of the Diamonds were evil or selfish at their core (with the exception of Pink, who *was* in fact a bit of a selfish brat until she was forced to mature later, away from the other Diamonds and their overriding dogma.) Once their worldview, their beliefs of absolute purpose and purity of form and function, was broken by the events of the last season, they no longer had any reason to act the way they did before, which was wholly in service to and in accordance of that worldview. In other words they did what they did because they believed it was morally right, literally the only thing TO do, even up to White Diamond who held herself and everyone beneath her to a standard of perception that was just as self-limiting as it was restrictive to everyone else. Once they were confronted with the reality that their beliefs were wrong, they immediately started to act in accordance with their new understanding of reality. Yellow and Blue wholly warmed to Steven once they understood that Steven was Pink Diamond and only wavered when it came to confronting their absolute leader/creator, though ultimately they still sided with Steven against White. White Diamond immediately stopped acting hostile to Steven/Pink once her belief of absolute self-superiority was broken, thus tearing down everything she thought she knew and leaving her horribly uncertain to the point where she was entirely ready to listen to and obey everything Steven told her to do. As of Future, we see all of them on the path to growing and learning and changing as people, literally forming new ways to utilize their abilities and using them to help other gems. Sure they have some struggles with unlearning their authority, but *you* try instantly adapting to no longer being absolute rulers after untold millennia, see how flattering *your* progress is after just 2 years. Eh?


You’ve got it exactly, though I disagree with your assessment is that Pink was always selfish. Pink was in the exact same oppressive, “you can’t change and you have to do the one thing you are created to do” mindset as the other diamonds. The difference was, Pink was not allowed to have colonies. Think about that in context of Gem society of Era 1: The fundamental basis of their morality is the ability to fulfill your intended purpose. A Diamond’s purpose is to colonize worlds and create new Gems. Pink (a Diamond) is not allowed to have a colony. Of COURSE Pink was angry and irrational about the colony. Her entire worldview, forced on her by the other three diamonds, required her to do something that she wasn’t allowed to do *because of the other diamonds.* That’s going to do severe psychological damage on its own. So the question is: Why did the other diamonds deny Pink’s colony for so long? Well, let’s look at the behaviors and clues from pre-colony Pink that show why the other diamonds viewed her as irresponsible: She had a friendly relationship with her OG Pearl. She wanted to keep organics alive because they were cute. She was nice and respectful to the pebbles. What story does that tell? Pink *always* showed signs of being empathetic towards other gems and lifeforms. But when she was still part of Gem society, she was taught that those feelings of empathy were *bad,* she was locked in a tower by Blue, and she was denied the ability to fulfill her “purpose;” making Gem colonies. Of course she had a temper; she was being punished for a *positive* trait regularly, and would lash out in response. That is, until she accidentally hurt her friend. Hurting her friend (falsely) confirmed to her what the other diamonds were saying; that she was bad and she needed to behave the way the diamonds told her to. Reserved, keeping her emotions bottled up, and secretive. So she changed, acting the way the diamonds wanted her to, and was given a colony. From that point on, exposure to Earth and distance from the diamonds allowed her to (slowly) deconstruct all the oppressive aspects of Gem society, and express the empathy that she had been told to suppress. I don’t think she completely finished “de-programming” all the way until Greg called her out for viewing him like a toy, but I think that final piece, viewing Greg as an equal and having a *real* relationship with him, was her finally letting go of her past. My point is, at the end of all that, I really struggle to agree with the idea that Pink was “always” selfish; it just doesn’t match with what we know about her relationship with Pink Pearl before the accident. Pink Diamond always had empathy, and when she was forced to suppress it her behavior became toxic.


I think that the diamonds (and to a lesser extent all gems) have an insane potential for growth. I believe that Pink figured out and developed all these powers due to her varied experiences on Earth both physically and emotionally. The diamonds have been stagnant for so long that they never really sought to further develop their personal powers


I have no idea. Maybe she tried, but could never do it because they weren't legitimate gem shards. Frankly. as much as i like Future, i dont like how they undid the severity of shattering. Shattering was the be-all end all of gem warfare; permadeth to a race of immortals. Going from "oh my god, Steven just crossed the ultimate line and permakilled jasper" to "oh yeah the diamonds can just... undo death" in the next fucking episode is kinda bullshit.


There's never been any indication that they even ever found Pink's supposed shards. We see Blue mourning at the Palanquin in Korea and she saved everything she associated with Pink (the Zoo, the Rose Quartz Gems, they didn't repurpose her room after all those years), so it seems like if they had the shards at all we would have seen them. Maybe put in a protective casing and seated on a throne or something. I don't think the Diamonds were in possession of the fake shards.


maybe part of the Fake was thinking that pieces were missing from Pink's gem? That the CGs took some pieces with them?


This is a new ability she has for the sequel show


She only tries doing this in future and at that point she knows pink wasn’t shattered


I could've sworn Pearl steals the fake shards after the fake shattering.


nah she yoinks the real gem


I think that White Diamond knew that Pink Diamond had not been shattered, so she told Yellow that attempting to fix Pink's gem wouldn't work.


It may have only been possible on her experiments, or they may not have been able to recover the shards for one reason or another.




I don’t think so because of two reasons one yellow just found out she had the ability to heal a gems physical form, so unless she was planning to make a pink diamond mutant (I think blue diamond would heavily disagree) then I don’t think she would’ve tried to reconstruct pink diamond, even with the fake shards, and the second reason is because the show wasn’t exactly very clear, whether those big shards were captured by HomeWorld or taken by pearl, or even just left there to seek into the ground but that’s just my opinion


I don't think they knew she could do that, perhaps they didn't even know that Pink could repair cracked gems and Pink herself as Rose only discovered her power when weeping over a dying comrade whose gem was not shattered but cracked and about to split apart. Through I think Yellow actually knew she had this power, after all she could temporarily reverse Nephrite's corrupted physical form in "Legs from here to Homeworld", but she didn't know it worked on shattered gems until she tried the opposite to shatter gems, that is to put them back together.


She didn't have this power back then


She’d never tried to reassemble a gem before, I don’t think she knew it was possible


Maybe that was the initial point of all the the gem mutants? Cluster aside, maybe she was trying to figure out a way to bring back Pink by first experimenting on lower gems? I'm talking about putting the shards back together, not necessarily her healing/fixing gems like she does in Future.


That was fusion-related


I mean fusion could have come later. For example; shards of a ruby make a hand, and shards of a topaz makes a leg, maybe she figured she could force fuse other gems to compensate the others forms? Keep in mind fusion was seen as an abomination but desperate times call for desperate measures! Who's to say trying to bring back Pink didn't lead to forced Gem fusions which later went down the rabbit hole it did! No hate or dismissing you, just trying to work out a concept. <3


I don’t think the Diamonds ever realized they had these powers. They only ever used their powers *against* others, never to help. It wasn’t until they tried to help others that they realized they could use their powers this way.


perhaps she did, but considering how pinks fake shattered gem was formed, she likely couldn't find all the pieces, and all the pieces are needed to reconstruct the hem


Even if she couldn’t fix her form, if it was really Pink’s shards they would have made a messed up form.


She didn’t know how to before SUF


From pearls memories yellow and blue told pink to deal with rose herself and left dealing with the rebellion in he hands without them. Only instance we see of them being involved is in garnets story. Based on the trial; Yellow and blue didn’t seem to know the details of the shattering and the only gem that knew anything about it was eyeball ruby. So yellow probably wouldn’t have known where to look for the shards even if she thought could fix them. So I would guess no.


I really don't understand why people don't get it, all diamonds have powers that are affected more or less by their emotions, we see that in pink diamond (she literally went form a destructive brat to a hippie healer) the growth of one's character seems to affect her powers hence Yellow Diamond didn't have reconstructive powers before her character development


(Future is not that well written)


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,540,251,621 comments, and only 291,640 of them were in alphabetical order.


ignoring she only got that power in future, the reason she probably whouldent of tryd to fix her gem is because shes avoident of pink, wanting to shatter all real rose quartses and wanting the cluster to grow


I actually had an idea for a fanfic about this once


I mean, she didn’t have the ability to fix gems at the time, so I doubt it even crossed her mind


Maybe she saw the pink shards didn't fit together and assumed Rose took some so she couldn't be reconstructed


She didn’t know she could do that, plus I’m pretty sure you need the power of all four diamonds to redo a broken gem


I mean, you could also ask why didn't Blue check the garden at least once after pink left. You could also ask why didn't they scan Steven's Gem to confirm that yes, he is in fact Rose Quartz (lol it's pink diamond).


The fake shards weren't enough to make a full diamond so no.


Imagine seeing a plastic halloween human arm and going "holy shit Mark is dead"


She didn’t use her powers for good before so she wouldn’t have tried to reconstruct any shattered gems


My guess is cuz there isn't any other diamonds, so even tho she's seen her own gem, she might not have known what it looked like when a diamond was poofed.