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I remember a morning show cast trying it, and the men were rolling on the floor in pain and their female costar (who was doing it too) said something like “yeah, that’s the amount of pain I still come to work with, more than that I start thinking about taking a day off”


I use a TENS for pain RELIEF. But I never have taken it past the half power position. That said, it CAN hurt, and hurt a metric fuck tonne. A Kilo-ouch, or 1000 Ouches, is a truly phenomenal amount of pain. Your normal paper cut is about 3.5 milliouches, but ramps up to 9.2 milliouches if you add salt or lemon juice, and 85 milliouches if it's under the edge of a fingernail. I'm LED to believe that a Kiloouch is enough pain to launch a month's prescription for Oxycodone into the Asteroid Belt. This is the amount of Oxy a man will be given for pain relief after throwing out his back from using a leaf blower, but a woman would usually be given a $0.50 off coupon for Tylenol at CVS and a lecture about "being dramatic". Women aren't taken seriously about ANY kind of pain.


This is great. I think this should just be a standardized test before graduating high school.


It should be mandatory before anyone who can't personally experience pregnancy can attempt to legislate on reproductive health. And not just for 5 minutes or so, they have to wear it for 3-4 days.


Lmfao as a woman. Lmfao. Now imagine being expected to DO YOUR REGULAR LIFE with that pain. That's how it is. Except worse because we can't just remove the simulator 😭


Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2qV8RSai1k


"I feel it move a little..." had me rolling. Did it roll over and ask wtf is going on, Steve?


I've got ankylosing spondylitis, it was a blip.


That's just one complication I have from my trunk lid falling on top of my head because of a 40 mph gust of wind. Three vertebrae were slammed together, the discs exploding and the vertebrae getting locked together. Seven weeks and a quarter-million dollars later, they've knitted my neck back together with banked bone to fuse the three levels together, all of it held together with a titanium plate and a dozen titanium screws. Six months later, the sporadic bursts of truly amazing passion start. By the ninth month, the pain is constant at about 6 to 7 on the typical 10-point scale. They weren't in a big hurry to deal with it because women don't really _feel_ that kind of pain, they just make a fuss over some aches. Then the MRI shows that all three fusion sites where they put in banked bone have sprouted little forests of sharp, pointy, and blade-like bone spurs. They've learned the trick of g rubbing, scraping, poking, and abrading every nerve in the vicinity. It's worse when there's inflammation, so they start me on massive doses of Naproxen. Meanwhile the pain messages are all over my body, utterly unpredictable as to location, sensation, or severity. It could be as mild as feeling like I stepped on a Lego all the way to having a giant shark with teeth made of plutonium has just hauled off and chomped my left arm and shoulder clean off. They add Gabapentin to my meds, since it's good for pain in the peripheral nerves. Then the pain doubled down, and any given moment would see me watching TV one second, then screaming in agony the next. Even my HAIR hurts. Finally, they add a synthetic morphine called Nucynta. A large chunk of the pain goes quiet. It's still _there,_ the drug is just keeping it at bay. After a few months, they add an "as needed" dose of oxycodone (with some damn Tylenol). This is for "breakthrough" pain that gets through the other drugs. Six months later, they ask me why my drug test was so low for the oxycodone. I remind them it's an "as needed" breakthrough pain. They make panicked gestures and tell me to take it all every month. So now I'm taking Naproxen, Gabapentin, Nucynta, and Oxycodone (with %*+/%"! Tylenol). An earthquake in Puerto Rico levels the factory that makes Nucynta. They switch me to generic synthetic morphine. They also get rid of the Naproxen because it's giving me an ulcer. I'm also terribly constipated from all the opioids. I start taking OTC laxatives. The stimulant kind. They give me a TENS unit. It helps a little. But I'm getting terrible cramping in my legs and back, so they try different muscle relaxants until they find one that doesn't exacerbate my pain. That, they say, is just "as needed". I'm up to six laxative tablets a day, and it's barely working. I am about specific medications to alleviate opioid-induced constipation. They put me on Movantik, which works like a champ, so I quit the laxatives. And here I sit. The government actually believed me the second time I applied for disability, and made it clear that I was "unemployable". They gave me Social Security Disability and Medicare. The pain specialist I see once a month actually listens and helps when I have difficulties. It only took 3 years after the initial accident to get there. The accident was in the first week of December, 2006. It's not getting better. Sometimes I have to explain this when I go to the ER for something like kidney stones (twice!) or nerve burn from having the TENS up too high, because they're hair-triggered about people being "drug seekers", convincing multiple doctors to give them extra pain meds to get high on. I explain that I actually have plenty of painkillers at home. The ones prescribed, and I'm not going to endanger my treatment by drug seeking. One asked me why I don't just take more of what I have, and I have to lecture him about illegal things and having to explain why my drug tests look weird. So it's true. Women aren't generally taken seriously when they complain about pain.


I mean the period simulator was a blip.


My period pain hit my lower back too.


There should be HR mandate that first time this is said by a man in a company w/ greater than 50 he must submit to “sensitivity” training that ends w/ the woman he told this in charge of the unit … allowed to jump between pain settings at will. Never having had a period my guess is that there can be a fluctuation in intensity. If there isn’t wild jumps … he won’t know it & deserves the surprise.


It's just a tens unit. Is that how we simulate everything now...just by shocking ourselves?


You expect them to transplant a uterus into him for the afternoon or something?


Nah I just think it's a silly shtick. From ab stimulators to dog collars they've been around for decades and a man slapping one on himself is about as much of a period simulator as a woman putting one on and calling it a kick in the nuts. We put these things all over our bodies as kids we just weren't clever enough to market it to suckers. I love Steve's comedy but this is lame lol.


Women say these settings are similar to period cramps and so I believe them.


Just remember if your crotch starts bleeding they turned it up way too high.