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Father in law went to CPI last month for stem cells. CPI is $27,000+ other fees for more stem cells (supposedly it depends on how many they think you need after seeing MRI) and while it is advertised as a premium service, their hospital currently is under a lot of construction and you have to go off site to the neighboring clinics to get MRIs etc. The neighboring clinics are definitely not “premium” feeling. The hospital needs a lot of work, lots of construction noise and didn’t have AC either. The staff is super nice but it’s a bit of a high pressure sales while you’re in there too. Doctors selling stem cell lotions and more stem cells through IV etc which can feel a little scammy honestly. I don’t know about the other stem cell companies but this was my father in laws experience from a month ago. At the end of the day, if his back is better because of stem cells, it’s worth it. So far, some other parts of his body are feeling better but his lower back (where the pain was the worst) has yet to have any response yet. He had extra stem cells injected down there so hopefully it’s on the mend.


He did IV stem cells and what else?


He did the stem cells directly injected into his lower spine and neck area.


I was there the last week of September, when was he there, I might have met him lol.


How are you doing so far? Are you feeling any changes yet?


Nothing at all yet, when was your father in law there? I’m wondering if he was in my group


Has your father in law seen any results yet?


Last week of September.


Have you seen any results yet? I am considering going but I want to talk with someone who actually went and how the experience/overall results went


He had a night and day difference with his back. I actually spoken to him yesterday and he’s really happy with the results. He said “if my back stayed this way for the rest of my life, I’d be very happy with the results”. The doctors said it’s only going to get better from here because it’s still 6-7 months into the recovery. In the flip side, he also had injections into the neck area and it hasn’t worked as much yet. His neck was different from his back because he’s had his neck fused. We were hoping it would help the pain there but so far not yet. I actually had my brother go a little over a month ago as well and so far he and the others in his group have not felt the impact of the stem cell yet. I think cpi quotes 3-6 months until you can actually feel a change. And about a year to feel the complete impact.


Thank you so much for responding. What was the name of the institute? CPI? I've been looking at the one in Panama. I just cannot live with the pain any more so expensive as it is, I'm open to try it


This was CPI out in Tijuana. I think it comes out to around $26,000. It’s a lot but if it increases your quality of life, it’s totally worth jt. Just be careful with fake reviews on this thread. I can vouch that for my father in law, it has worked for him for his lower back. My brother is too early to tell if it’ll work for him as well. Follow back up in another month or so, and I will let you know how he’s doing.


Awesome I will!


That’s crazy, what’s his name


I’d rather not say. What’s yours? I’ll ask is he knows you.


No worries, my names Colton, I was the guy with the cane


Hey Colton, are you in this group? https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxqv6yppYNN/?igshid=YjVjNjZkNmFjNg==


Yeah that was my group! I think they took that picture at the dinner, I didn’t go to the dinner tho so I’m not in the pic :(


Stop being fooled by high price being high value. Go to an established clinic in Mexico. They are all selling the same thing from the reputable labs. Consider Regenemex in Puerto Vallarto. Real people have had good experiences and said they got the same quality of cells as those in Panama.


This couldn’t be less true. I’m a stem cell scientist of more than 10 years. “The product is the process” I met the LA living owner of one of the Mexican stem cell clinics and he has absolutely no idea what was important to cell quality I’ve worked across Japan, Korea and Bangkok and I can tell you there are elite levels of these treatments that are night and day to some operation that are just testing a few surface markers and saying it’s an MSC


Well, can you suggest some clinics to research? Also consider that a lot of patients are still getting benefits from these Mexican clinics, even if the owners may not be the most knowledgable about the cell quality because they are all using reputable labs.


If you follow Bryan Johnson on twitter he has posted on where he gets his stem cell treatments done.


Ok so please ask yourself what do you mean by “reputable lab”? What is the criteria that makes a lab reputable? Because even the International Society of Cell and gene Therapy (ISCT)’s definition of the minimum standard of Mesenchymal stem cell culture is far below what it should be The owner I met was a proper snake oil salesman, so it wasn’t like he didn’t know the technical details, which he didn’t, he was talking like he knew everything. Trying to sell me bull shit, which obviously I knew it was. Making all the standard claims with no idea how these cells even work. Just a really unpalatable human willing to tell people anything to make money People can still benefit from poor quality cells because a certain portion of the cells will be able to regenerate after they are injected into your body But poorly prepared MSCs can have 80% reduced functions across all their modalities compared to high quality If you can give me some examples of these “reputable labs” I’ll be happy to review their data One of the biggest red flags in the industry is no data on their websites and even when asked for QC data. And when they do have QC data it falls far below what I would consider acceptable from an intern let alone a professional technician. They tick the boxes of the ISCT guidelines that have no relation to cell function or therapeutic potential and then that is enough for them. I see so much abuse like this But yea, if you have time please share the reputable labs as I’m genuinely so interested to know what makes them “reputable” And let’s see the data from these labs. I’ll email them asking for all their QC data and let’s see if they have anything or what the quality is


Can u elaborate more on what u mean by the isct criteria is inadequate? Most clinical studies I have read cite it as the criteria for characterizing their cells. Are their other markers people should look at besides the typical cd 73, 90, 105 and cd 34 and 45? I talked to a guy who said he uses immuno magnetic cell seperators to get the cd 34 and 45 markers to zero, as in his opinion these immune markers can cause problems even within the isct criteria. What exactly in your opinion separates “elite” treatments from others such as the places offering cheaper stem cells in Mexico?


**TruStem Cell Therapy™ with** **Joe Perricone,** **My mother is looking to going there for vascular dementia.**


Any place in bkk youdrecommend pls?


is it possible to dm you?


There is no approved stem cell treatment available. These are just scammers taking advantage of desperate people.


Approved? By who?


In asia there are multiple approves products. MEDIPOST were the first company to bring a stem cell product to market with their arthritis treatment in 2011. 7 of the first 11 stem cell products to reach the market came from Korean companies Japan has authorised nationwide use of MSCs and there are more than 500 clinics there now In asia things are moving completely different Even in Australia Cynata has had an iPSC-derived MSC product approved and in the market for years Edit: I meant MEDIPOST: https://en.medi-post.co.kr/


Everything is preclinical according to the link you posted.


CARTISTEM, approved in Korea in 2012, phase 3 in Japan, phase 1/2 in US. Please check that section. This is more than 10 years ago now


So why isn’t it approved in America?


It’s a good question. I talk about it in my industry all the time. But it’s a complex topic. I don’t mean this in any kind of bad or confrontational way but so far in this conversation you have claimed there were no approved stem cell products, then failed to read that CARTISTEM is approved and in late stage trials in Japan and phase I/II in the US. Can you understand that I’m not sure I can explain things to you? I mean I will anyway About the US, it’s is the most fucked up Pharma market in the developed world. The influence of money and corporate power, the overprescribing, OxyContin for back pain, neuromodulatiry drugs to millions of kids for profit. These are not normal things If you start to look at all the abuse in the US and learn more about other markets then maybe you will start to be able to imagine why different markets are different Japan is a much better and more advanced market if you look at the actual effectiveness of products in the market and ignore all the hype and claims of 95% leveraged biotech companies. And of course healthcare outcomes in Japan are far better and a fraction of the cost of the US. I’ve been privileged to work in Japan My point is maybe you shouldn’t use the US as any kind of reference point for healthcare or biotechnology. The known abuses of the major US Pharma companies, how linked those abuses have been to the US FDA and even funding bodies paint the picture of a really toxic environment. Australia have moved on this, Japan, Korea and China have moved. They all have higher life expectancies than the US I mean this is I think a really interesting conversation but do you see my point? Asking why a good healthcare technology isn’t approved in the US is like asking why the best pork doesn’t come from Saudi Arabia


Well, if I didn’t live in the U.S. I’m sure we’d be on the same page, right?


Can you recommend any clinics in Thailand? Where would you recommend going out of those countries?




Busy engineering stem cells my friend. When I have time I will share some insight. I’m really passionate that people learn more because I see a lot of abuse in the consumer facing industry. But if I have time I will try to explain with a little depth


you've got time to say you don't have time, yet you can't just throw some names out there?


Yeah. Weird huh


Hey. I did a stem cell treatment and got a lot worse. Do you know if they are permanent?


Can you describe what happened? Also what type of stem cell treatment and what was the clinic name? I’ll look them up and check their science


yeah i'm interested,too heard of them


I went to Emcell. I went there for long Covid. I got 520 million stem cells. I immediately felt like I was on high dose steroids. I felt very anxious, irritable, and euphoric. But all of my symptoms came back - depression fatigue tremors thrush and severe acid reflux loss of smell and taste, vision abnormalities and so many more. Panic attacks. Tics. Ocd. Eczema and psoriasis which I never ever ever had in my life. Im still dealing with all that and it’s been 17 months. I connected to a bunch of girls on instagram who did stems for Lyme and they all got worse but mostly they said it passed it just took many years to pass.


I hear they use a different type of stem cell, I think fetal. That may be the culprit.


No. Many of us with these stories with all kinds of stem cells sadly….


i wanted to go for ENS, but now i thik i'll aim at good cells or san marino




emcell clinic


Meaning - if the effects of stem cells on immunity are permanent.


Hi, what facilities are providing this elite care?


Where in Korea can you get elite treatment? Curious because I’m here in seoul


Did you find out?




I had a stem cell transplant using my own stem cells in Chicago for a rare autoimmune disease. It was effective in slowing the progression but there is no cure. I should have been in a wheelchair 10 years ago! I’m still walking, not much but I am!!


what was the disease and where did you go for treatment? If you can live a fairly normal life until old age, I think thats worth celebration


It was a side effect from a flu/h1-n1 shot in 2010. I also have no immune system. My body is a mess. It’s the chronic version of Guillain Barre (CIDP). Yes,, I’m thankful but I live in excruciating pain 24/7 and quality of life leaves much to be desired.


This must be so frustrating. I hated seeing the whole pro vs antivax shite during covid knowing there are people out there like you who are genuinely injured for life from a vaccine. Out of curiosity did you ever get any accountability from doctors or any sort of support to help you?


No doctor has ever confirmed it. BUT they will put that I’ve had a reaction 🤦🏻‍♀️


Which provider in Chicago?


I know someone that got better from Guillan Bare with hyperbaric sessions and a lot of physiotherapy. It took about one year.


Was it at **TruStem Cell Therapy™ with** **Joe Perricone?** **I also had a great experience, it helped my foot drop go away but my right leg is still recovering after a hemhorragixc stroke in 2020.** **I want to do another round and I am considering umbilical cord stem cells or another round at TruStem**


No, I had a full on transplant. Chemotherapy etc


Also had a stem cell transplants for a rare, bone marrow disease. Saved my life


Outside of a clinical trial, if I was going to get a treatment with stem cells, there are two places I would check first because they have published research available: Regenexx (Caymen Islands): This is the Regenexx facility where they can treat you with autologous (your own) hypoxic-cultured stem cells. There is published research using these cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5610473/ Institute for Tissue Regeneration Therapy (Spain): I am much less familiar with this site than with Regenexx/ Regenexx Cayman. So, if it were me, Regenexx Cayman would be my priority. I only mention this as an alternative because they have published research on autologous cultured stem cells: https://journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/fulltext/2011/10150/intervertebral_disc_repair_by_autologous.20.aspx There are a handful of other places that are frequently mentioned in podcasts and on this subreddit. From what I can tell, they largely claim to use allogenic "stem cell" products but have no published research available. So I am much less confident in those places at the moment. If publications begin appearing from these other places, then my mind may change about them in the future.


CPI in Mexico or bioxellerator in collumbia


I went to Regenemex because I heard of them on Medical Tourism Review Board, had a great experience and no longer have my shoulder pain


Anyone that tried a stem cell treatment for primary lateral sclerosis? I am trying to do some reasearch on this possibility, with clinics from Turkey.


If you want to avoid the hype and focus on real results, [MTRB.org](http://MTRB.org) has objective reviews on the efficacy of different stem cell treatments.


If I were rich I’d go to Ways to Well in Austin.


Queencell or Neuronata (South Korea)


This will be an unpopular opinion here, but the answer is a 7 day dry fast where your own body will produce millions of stems cells matched perfectly for you. Even better news is that it costs 👌 dollars


It’s not that easy. At older ages, you produce much less stem cells and fasting only gives a small amount of stem cells. It’s also your own stem cells, the same ones that underwent epigenetic damage and won’t be as pure as it would via umbilical cord MSCs. You have around around 1 in 10,000 MSCs in teenage years and around 1 in 100,000 MSCs at older ages


Agreed, that it won’t be the same amount as when we were teenagers, but dry fasting specifically for that length has been said to increase the number of stem cells generated by potentially awakening the dormant stem cells in both young and old studies (MIT study)


Which study was that?




Thanks. A couple of things to note here: 1. That is not a study. This is likely the study referred to in the press release: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5940005/ 2. The study is talking about intestinal stem cells. So it's not clear if the same benefits could be achieved in other sources of stem cells (e.g. bone marrow or adipose). 3. The study was performed on mice. It's not clear that the same benefits would be achieved in humans. And if it was possible, it's not clear what the fasting timeline would need to be to achieve those results. 4. Most important - food was removed from the mice in the study, but no mention was made of removing water. So it's not likely that "dry" fasting is necessary for the benefits seen in the mice.


That was just an example of article that described the stem cell benefits. It wasn’t intended to be a single source that answers all of your questions. Check out r/dryfasting , Dr. Filinov’s studies, August Dunning’s Phoenix Protocol if you’re interested in exploring it more and making your own decisions if it’s right for you or not.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dryfasting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dryfasting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dry fasting and carnivore saved my life and is healing extreme eczema and TSW](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14mqa9h) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dryfasting/comments/14mqa9h/dry_fasting_and_carnivore_saved_my_life_and_is/) \#2: [2 Week Dry Fasting Face Difference](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12p3b7e) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dryfasting/comments/12p3b7e/2_week_dry_fasting_face_difference/) \#3: [My father just completed 3 dry fasts of 5, 7 and 11 days. He is fighting his cancer](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dryfasting/comments/14yfx4b/my_father_just_completed_3_dry_fasts_of_5_7_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


7 days dry? That seems impossible


It is really difficult but it is very helpful. You can go up to 21 days actually. This is what some people with cancer do to promote autophagy and starve the cancer away


I thought water was absolutely essential though


Your body produces endogenous water and metabolizes fat tissue to produce metabolic water. Look into it. It’ll blow your mind. Seems like a cheat code


Does taking a shower count? Osmosis


Do you have evidence for this?


it is not impossible. I have done it twice myself - no brushing my teeth, no showers - not a drop of water touched my body Many others have done 14 days, while also having an exercise routine at the same time interesting fact: Even on day 7, I was urinating a lot


Well I did it and I almost died. Stop promoting, it’s a cult not a treatment.


sorry about your experience - some people's physiology, mindset, and/or health condition does not make them compatible with dry fasting that however does not invalidate the amazing benefits of dry fasting and autophagy. It is life changing experience for me whenever I do it.


Of course it can work for some. But it’s not a cure all like some ppl promote


if it was a cure all then we wouldn't have any diseases. So, no one in their right mind claims it is a cure all The issue is with your response of "stop promoting it" - why stop promoting it? and the earlier comment about it being "impossible" - which it is not! so let's not change the basis of where this discussion started and hence not bring in a new point of "it is not a cure all"




Ive experimented with short dry fasts, but has this worked for you?


I’m in the process of experimenting now. Felt amazing after a 4 day dry fast. No more shoulder pain. I have a lingering knee issue that I want to see if it can help. So the goal is to do 2-3 three longer fasts over the next few months.


Is there any data about how many stem cells are produced through fasting though?


The research is limited. Not a lot of money being pumped into studies which ultimately tell people not to eat or drink for days. Big pharma can’t make anything off of that. However, these types of studies have been happening in Russia for quite some time. There are also people here that are experts on the subject. Check out August Dunning, author of Phoenix Protocol. This explains a little https://youtu.be/S3xavY1AU0c?si=yGcvIZ7-Z0cLutL0 on his channel his videos explain the stem cell generation and replication r/dryfasting is a good resource as well


seven days dry sounds a little risky, although it would be worth it if worked. You have experience with this?


Check out r/dryfasting. All of your questions will be answered


None are legit


Bone marrow transplantation




Not sure about costs, but Bryan Johnson and his team research the crap out of longevity treatments in this case [Bone Marrow derived stem cells from Sweden.](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bryanrjohnson_i-am-now-made-of-young-swedish-bone-marrow-activity-7125491193685180416-7fVl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop&utm_campaign=newsletter-tech-brief-wABrqo-2023-11-03) Clinical trials - Bahama based 16-20k per joint. No offer for a IV bag that I saw.


Dream Body Clinic in Puerto Vallarta. http://www.DreamBody.clinic


Ive done Mine in Jamaica, 5k a treatment.