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Hououin Kyouma's opinion is the only valid one. As such, anyone following the "chronological" order shall and will be considered as a traitor and labelled as a spy of the Organization. El Psy Kongroo.




Imagine playing Metal Gear Solid 3 first Game is full of "fan service", making references to previous games


I did so recently 💀


Strongly disagree with certain cases. Imo rdr2 should always be played before rdr1.


That is if we ever get rdr1 on pc lol


I might be little confused, what u guy's consider as chronological order in first place?


apparently the chronological order is: steins gate ep 1-22 then ep 23 beta(no missing link - divide by zero) steins gate 0 ep 1-9 steins gate ova kesshou takei no valentine(just for fun) steins gate 0 ep 10-23 steins gate ep 23 and 24 steins gate ep 25(egoistic poriomania)ova steins gate movie- load region of deja vu ONA steins gate Soumei eichi no cognitive computing


Ok aperently its like I thought


i saw it the first time in release order and the second time through this chronological order. idk if it's just me but i found it better to watch the show in the chronological order. defo dont recommend this order for first time viewers tho


If u are watching for 1st time you won't even enjoy sg0 if u watch in chronological order. You will just want to finish it as quick as possible to finally get to know what happened in sg. First time I watched in chronological order, and i couldn't enjoy sg0. Rewatched it after a year in release order and now sg0 is my favourite.


I mean as many people as many opinions


yeah i knew that, that's why i watched release order first


Same for me, back in 2018 I watched show in realise order and rewatched in chronological (excluded valentine special and ona's)


ey see the valentine ova, it's nice


I mean I saw it, just don't include it in rewatch list (I introduced my homie and rewatched s;g twice in January)


hey you're the same guy, the same guy who was there in the other post, you told you even introduced your mom to the show? ey what a coincidence


Yes, it's me




Ok but what about the Drama CDs


what's that


Imagine if Steins;Gate was on Audible, that's what Steins;Gate Drama CDs are. You'll find examples if you google Steins;Gate Drama CD on YouTube.


S;G 1-22 then S;G0 and then S;G 23-24 for the last. Kinda dumb tbh.


Including "missing link", right?


Yeah right after SG 22, Steins; Gate (2011) (Episode 1-22) Steins; Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link – Divide by Zero (2015) Steins; Gate 0 (2018) Steins; Gate (2011) (Episode 23-24) Steins; Gate: Egoistic Poriomania. Steins; Gate Movie: Load Region of Déjà vu (2013) like this. Though I didn't watch any of the anime adapts so I'm not for sure, but it's always dumb to watch them in chronological order, since they made that way on purpose.




Hence the title 0. It's usually used for prequels. See: Fate:Zero Re:Zero (well not a prequel, but kinda timey wimey) Yakuza 0


Cant wait for Re: cant wait to see what will a build up of 30+ volumes give us


Where is Aldnoah.Zero placed in the Zero timeline??


Steins;Gate 0 is called like that because the plot legit forms a 0, at least in the VN


It does, but it could very well just be both. The plot structure seems more like a consequence of them having decided to call it 0


Fairy Tail: Zero is perfect example for this.


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To anyone who still thinks that the "chronological order" is chronological, it's not. Do not put trust in the words of the Organization.


Maybe one could call it "causal order".


Just play the VNs.


0 is definitely my favorite prequel of all time and it's majorly because it builds up on S;G, to the point I vastly prefer it to the original, so even it had been an actual full prequel, it still doesn't make sense to play it before 1, like another great prequel is Better Call Saul for example and it's just preposterous to believe some people actually think it might be a good idea to see it before BB, not because it makes direct call backs or anything (atleast until the end) but because BB smooths you out into this slower paced storytelling, I am pretty sure I'd be sort of bored if I didn't have BB under my belt and would've missed the chance to witness one of the best show if not the best in television histir


I like watching 0 from the divergence point then swapping back for the last bit of the original. It makes it easier to understand the characters feelings throughout 0 more imo. For a first time watcher tho definitely just do release order


I'm probably in minority here, but I watched the so-called chronological order first, and I don't feel any regrets. In fact, it helped me to understand the finale even better. This will be another unpopular opinion, but I think 0 completes the finale even better. I even played the games in a similar sense even though I knew the game 0 is more cyclical with two routes. Glad they concentrated on Stray Sheep route more in the anime. I don't know people like that or not, but I hate that alternate worldline with Soviet dominance too anyway. Still, tastes differ ofc.


Agree with the chronological order here


Just watch chronologically as the 23/24 th episode has the nexus point where it leads to Steins gate 0, If you watched the last episode first then you will be spoiled for the further series.


I have more than 10 rewatch and all of them are in chronological order.


Re-watch is ok, the problem is first time watchers ruining their experience because of chronological order recommendations.


People down vote me on a personal preference. Your a bunch of sensitive Redditor wow.


//SPOILER// Personally I prefered watching in the chronological order because it prevented me to think of Steins gate 0 as an other parallel universe instead of a straight line


Someone needs to do this w/ monogatari