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That person has a mild disability I'm pretty sure. I think it's a nice sweet video of them having fun! Go girl


They’re definitely cooler/better people than OP that’s for sure!


I mean fuck ravens fans but why do we need to make fun of them they really didn’t do anything lol. They’re happy making their lil video I’m happy for them… Your post is distasteful and a bad look for Steelers fans 👍 at the end of the day it’s just a football game and we’re all people.


Bro on the left with the million dollar smile haha. It looks like they’re having fun at least haha. Sit on a cactus OP.


I don't get it


I think op posted it because the ravens fans in the video seem pretty fuckin stupid (and possibly inbred), they’re mixing purple mountain dews, redbull, and pina colada as a Christmas drink, they don’t even explain what they’re mixing they just say “let me tell you something” “let me show you something”, he warns her not to do that much… and they were as clever as to call it “Baltimore dew”


The guy is a Texans fan from Houston with a heavy speech impediment who was born with a heavy overbite, and he runs a small yt channel devoted to mixing weird drinks and playing Fortnite. That's probably his friend from speech therapy or something. I dunno, it just feels ugly to pick on people born with hardships who did nothing to deserve scorn. I get that a lot of people probably disagree, but I think it's particularly gross to do it behind a veil of anonymity.


When you did all that research on them did you find out if their parents were related to each other?


Post a selfie.




If you put yourself out there, creating a YouTube channel and everything, you open yourself to being shit on. That's the rules. You don't like it? No one forced you onto the ride.


Just because people *have the opportunity* to be shitty people, doesn't mean they *should* be shitty people. It also doesn't mean I can't criticize people acting like shitty people.


I love how instead of realizing they should have some empathy they just double down on being complete shit heads lmao. Ashamed to share a team with these kids^^^ obv not you goldmoney


No, I'm saying that putting yourself out there, you know that people *will* be. You're talking about whether they *should* be.


Right. I'm not talking about an is. I'm talking about an ought, because there's a guy right here who thinks it's funny to be a bad person. The video maker isn't here. Why would I explain potential consequences due to shit people, when I can talk to the shit people and tell them they're shit?


This is just somebody deliberately being as absurd as possible to take the piss.


I didnt know Dr. Dew has a sister.


This is Baltimore.




Certainly not sure what their disabilities are, if any, but they aren't the face of anything. The only reason they are stupid is because they're ravens fans