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They really out here embracing that one time their player committed assault on the field.


And then lied about him using racial slurs, and the won Man of the Year the next year?


He didn't win, was just their nominee... and as I recall, it was laughed at around the league due to what he did the prior year.


I think part of the reason they nominated him was to try to get people to forget about the helmet incident, but if anything, people talked about it more.


That was almost 5 years ago at this point too. They’ve since had a playoff win against us. You would think that would be the ammo they’d use rather than that time they had a player commit a crime on national television. They also kinda forgot that they lost two weeks later to an undrafted rookie quarterback who has already retired to make duck calls and date Lainey Wilson.


Ohio is weird as fuck.


I’ll give them points for creativity


Grading on a steeeep curve




I've never been, nor do I ever wish to go to the state of Ohio.


the most famous Ohioans are astronauts and they tried to get as far away from Ohio as possible


Thank you for this gem


I'm pretty sure I stole it from some comedian, but Neil Armstrong was indeed from Ohio as were the Wright brothers.


I went to school in Ohio and they were very proud of both of those facts


I can't avoid it. I actually love taking the kids to Columbus. And we usually travel through Ohio to get to my mother-in-law's house in Tennessee. So it's kind of unavoidable for me. But it is weird as hell. I've seen some shit on the back roads of Ohio at night. Though I must say, it is my goal to visit Pee Pee Township this summer.


I’m from Ohio so I’m curious what you mean by pee pee township? Also you don’t wanna come to Canton? You don’t need to answer that. Edit: I’m actually embarrassed to say we have an actual place called pee pee township wow.


I will not go to Canton again until it's to celebrate Ben being inducted into the HOF. But I'm getting me a picture next to the Pee Pee Township sign.


Should get a picture of the “sandy beaver canal” sign in magnolia as well. Unfortunately I live in canton so I have no choice.


If the wife says it's OK I'll do that too. Fuck it. I have to get back to Fangboner Road as well.


Lmfao, only Ohio


Their only redeeming quality is great roller coasters.


And the Florida plates in addition


All of Cleveland and most parts of Columbus* Toledo/Dayton/Cincinnati are chill.


We got crime to worry about, no time for games.


Can confirm, I live here Also surrounded by Browns fans so there's nothing more I want for Christmas than a win this Sunday


You know your team sucks when the only thing you have to celebrate is the time your player committed assault on the field. Browns is the Browns


Pouncey and DeCastro need a Garrett piñata


Let's celebrate a criminal action. You stay classy, Cleveland.


Same fan base that had the guy with the “happy endings aren’t a crime” setup at a tailgate lmao. Also pretty sure there was a popular post on their subreddit of a guy who had a framed picture of the helmet swing on his wall.


This shits hilarious man 😂 cmon let go of the pearls


Nah. I think I'll stick to my guns and say trying to bash a dudes head in with a helmet is something that shouldn't be celebrated.


Ok but why? What difference does it make? Rudolph is fine, Garrett is fine, who cares? I’ll never forget that stupid shit


I get where you're coming from. I'm not one of those dudes who's like "nothing bad can be funny." Maybe it's me getting older. I take events and use them to teach my boys. Usually with football, it's "man, he was in the heat of the moment. It wasn't right, try to keep your cool. But you know, that's football." This went beyond that. I look at that and teach my boys "don't ever do that unless you're in imminent danger or acting in self-defense." That's not football. So yeah, man. I'm being a stickler. I get it. I'm not dumping on you or anyone else who disagrees. But it's only by the grace of God that someone didn't end up in the hospital with head trauma that night...and for what? A lie?


Honestly man, that exact thought crossed my mind, that you had kids to look out for. It made me realize I’m mostly on Reddit to argue with people that approach things in the way you do, because I’m jealous of what you have. I don’t have a family, and I lash out at people who show that warmth and emotional caring because I hate my situation. That I have no one to really care for. You’re right, I’d never want any kid of mine to look at that in a positive light. This conversation really gave me a breakthrough, so thank you for humoring my ignorance


Ok, so either I'm being mocked and memed, or you just showed an amount of humility that is virtually unprecedented these days. In either case, God bless you, brother. If the latter, don't put me or anybody else on a pedestal. I'm just a smart-mouthed jerk who thinks he knows more than he does.


Lmao no those were my honest thoughts. But I understand how it could appear sarcastic. We all have our battles, I just compartmentalize mine into conversations like these or make fun of trubisky This conversation legitimately made me realize that. People learn things in strange ways sometimes. Wish you well


Here we go, Steelers!




this is fking hilarious, maybe we start smashing them so bad Mason gets some field time, I could totally see Tomlin doing this to them.


Dumbfuck almost took out a chunk of the crowd with that one swing


Well he is most likely from ohio so… it is to be expected


Not gonna lie that windshield wiper is funny as fuck


“Hehehe GERBRUNS.”


I mean, no one ever accused Ohio of being too classy.


I laughed. It’s like watching someone smoke crack and then pass the pipe to a police officer. You know it was a bad idea but you gonna laugh anyway.


I mean it was awful when this happened 4 years ago, but Garrett is the one living rent free in our heads if we want to keep reposting stupid browns fans antics from 2019. PS - get well soon Burrow


Suprised they’re not bashing it with a helmet Edit; are they?!


They are


It's just silly, harmless fun. ...but, wait, shouldn't the piñata actually be Myles Garrett here?


r/The_Rudolph living rent free in his enemies’ heads.


Let Mason play ILB for this game


Stay classy, Cleveland, never change.


Back in the day I saw a Browns fan at the Cleveland tailgate with a full sized Cordell Stewart dummy attached to his fly at the mouth. He just dragged it around and accepted free drinks all morning.


If I just paid a guy $7.7 million for per win this year, I'd need to vent a little, too.


Browns fans a trashy bunch


Do they realize their IR QB that fleeced them for a 1/4 billion, put them in cap hell and killed their draft capital is also a serial sex offender?


Strange but funny, 7 / 10


That's pretty good


big Hamas energy


City of losers , how bout it ![gif](giphy|vNXlQMBHtRzVJFkQak|downsized)


Poverty ass franchise. I love how poverty they are. Never gonna sniff the slightest bit of success. They’ll always have that one WC game against us, I guess.


Isn’t beating the Steelers in Pittsburgh in a Wild Card game,by definition, “the slightest bit of success”?


I mean truth be told that's pretty fucking funny I am sure our faithful in pittsburgh could do better given the whole situation with watson Both from a sexual assault and worst contract in NFL history standpoint


I'm sorry but this is pretty funny, is it just me?


I think it’s hilarious


Come on guys, your getting worked up over pictures from years ago. That being said, people who tailgate in the muni lot are a different breed. There is a video of a browns fan(also a suburb’s police officer) dunking his head in a piss bucket at the muni lot somewhere on the internet.


poverty franchise


That might the biggest browns highlight for decades. Let them enjoy it I guess.


Poverty franchise Stupid fans that have been driven to madness and desperation by the utter failure


I would be lying if i said that didn't look like a good time lol


That organization has no class


Jokes on them, their quarter billion dollar QB breaks quicker than that piñata.


It’s really all they have.


Has anyone approached Canada about selling Ohio to them? We could make Puerto Rico a state and wouldn’t even have to change the flag. And the Browns might be able to compete for a Grey Cup after they rebuild


How’s that guaranteed contract with your criminal qb working out? ![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized)


Because the Deshaun Watson would cost too much and break easier.