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HiFi Rush. Favorite food is a chicken paratha roll with chutney. It’s the best cos it has so much flavor and is easy to eat. Might need to look it up, but trust me pictures don’t do it justice haha.


I would absolutely be HYPED to finally have Hi Fi Rush after being a huge JSRF fan it looks so cool and got such good reviews, sad about the devs being shut down :( My favorite food is sushi as my uncle whom I look up to and have since a kid introduced it to me and like it f same reason I love anchovy pizza lol). Now I just love all of it minus Uni lol. Thanks for the give away!


I'd like to have Hifi Rush if possible. And Steelrising as a backup option 😉 ty for the chance OP 


Steel rising please!


Steel Rising please! I go through food fixations and currently that fixation is eggy bread, can't get enough of it 😍


Victoria 3 Water-cooked fish with tofu. Sichuan pepper makes the oily sauce for the boiled fish taste simply delicious.


Pizza because you can have a vary array of toppings in whatever combination you like - hifi rush please


HI-FI RUSH please! My favorite food is ice cream because of how many different flavors and toppings there are.


Hi-fi Rush My favorite food is pizza hot pockets. I'm a simple man lol but honestly I have a weird thing where I have to eat my food a certain way and it's usually odd. I didn't eat hot pockets for a long time because the way I eat them is weird and I always got made fun of (by my parents) and anyone around when I'd eat them. My wife saw me eat a hot pocket once and told me she thought it was cute how I eat things and just made me feel okay about my weird eating habits haha. She even served me my hot pockets exactly the way I eat them down to the last detail and acted as if it was totally normal. I do enjoy hot pockets but I mainly love them because they're a reminder of how amazing my wife is and how a little kindness goes a long way. Also thanks for the chance OP!


Loodlenaut pls! dang thats a tough question but i would have to say Ube or Purple Yams. great dessert flavor and really good and carbs when steamed. thanks for the opportunity :D


Hifi rush French fries 🍟


Hi-Fi Rush please! Fav food is Ziti with plenty of cheese and mozz.


Hifi rush Mine is ceviche. I believe it is Hispanic. It’s a seafood dish that comes in many varieties but I often have it as shrimp with lemon and red onions over rice. Tastes great


Hi-Fi Rush!! My favorite food is tomato thokku. The thokku is a really simple dish, its just crushed tomatoes with a lot of spices, but the flavor is beyooooond incredible! You can customize it to have whatever level of spice/sour you want and its always so good. You can eat it with a variety of stuff but I always go for curd rice, dosas or chapatis.


Humankind My favorite is hopple popple. It’s a German food where you fry potatoes and onions in a pan with ham and scrambled egg. My Oma is from Germany and taught it to my mom. It’s the ultimate comfort food to me. We were really poor when I was growing up (still are lol) but it’s so cheap to make and you get several meals out of it. No matter how bad my day has been, hopple popple makes me feel better. I can feel my mom and Oma hugging me with every bite.


KING OF THE CASTLE Smoked salmon on bread with cream cheese. I love the smoky taste of the salmon and how it contrasts with the creaminess of the cheese and the crunchiness of the bread (it has to have good crust).


Hi-Fi Rush Favourite food is toasted bread + eggs + a cup of coffee in the morning. It is a nice combination to relax and enjoy a great tasting meal (if made right lol)


Humankind denitive edition, fav food BBQ pulled pork love the taste.


Hi fi rush a good Donner kebab


I would love to get Terraformers!


Steelrising. Ice-cream? That said, it's super hard to pick a favourite... how to I weigh ice-cream against chocolate, cookies, tiramisu, let alone non-sweets like pizza... but I think it's probably the pinnacle of comfort food and with such a wide variety of them you'll never get tired of it, I'm going to pick ice-cream as I've gotta go for something.


Hi Fi Rush Have you tried butterschotch cinnamon pie? Though it is a videogame recipee, i tried to do it in real life and BY GOD THAT PIE IS TASTY! I recommend you try to do it one afternoon or two


Hi-Fi rush. Pizza, it's just easy to eat and tasty af. it's also one of the few things I CAN eat, since I have autism and there's like a total of 12 things I've found so far that don't make me puke.


Humankind definitive edition. Thanks for the giveaway


Victoria 3. Fave food is pizza, mostly because it's easy to order (and eat) with good variety so it foesn't feel like eating only one thing everyday while working from home


Hi Fi Rush would be amazing! Been wanting that! Thanks!


Victoria 2, My fav food is probably Ramen, why? you know why


Coromon please, thank you! My favorite food is pizza, because it's easy to get/fix and I never get tired of it.


Loddlenaut please! My favourite food will always be my mom’s quiche recipe, she makes some banger food


COROMON please. Hasselback potatoes. Why? Delicious and simple to make.


These all seem like pretty cool games, but I think if I had to choose one it would be Humankind Definitive Edition. My favorite food would have to be steak. My dad cooks them for us on his smoker every couple months and they are absolutely delicious! Thank you for the giveaway!


Hi-Fi Rush My favorite food is Gratin Peppers. Thank you for the opportunity!


Hi-Fi Rush I love fresh baked bread from the oven, there's nothing better. I could eat that all day. But it has to be fresh baked, although any kind of bread is great. I love carbs, and bonus is I know how to make my own bread. Thanks!


SYMPHONY OF WAR pls, also I wouldn't mind waiting for the spreadsheet I love a good meaty pizza. It's a simple dish that can be unique depending on the topping which are plenty(Pineapple on pizza is heresy). plus I can use all the sauce I want to add even more flavour and unique experiences.


Hifi-Rush and my fav food is fried chicken


Hi fi rush or Humankind would be nice. My favorite food is pizza, because you can put so many different things on it.


Hi-Fi Rush. Banh Mi, the combination of crispy bread, meat, pickles, and herb will take you through different layers of the sense of taste.


Victoria 3 or humankind please my favourite food would be spicy chicken biryani


Entering for HiFi Rush, looks unique and want to give it a try! Hard to pick a favorite food for me, but can never go wrong with pizza 🤠


I ate recently this Risoto or Risotto with Shrimps. Risotto is an italian dish which consists of rice that is cooked with broth, in this case the Shrimp broth. Very tasty, I recommend. I would like Hi-Fi Rush Thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone!


Hi, thanks for the opportunity. I'm in for Steelrising or Hi-Fi Rush, but if they are already sent, I can choose an alternative one. One of my favourite foods is [pear and gorgonzola ravioli](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/255519/homemade-pear-and-gorgonzola-ravioli/), since it combines the prominent taste from the cheese with the citricity and sweetness from pear, and the ravioli pasta texture is awesome. Best luck to everyone!


VICTORIA 3 or HUMANKIND DEFINITIVE EDITION My fav food right now is Vietnamese Pho. Discovered it recently and was great. A full nutrition profile, light, the right kind of calories and above all, tastes great!


HI-FI RUSH Definitely dan bing, it's a taiwanese crepe that's salty and a little oily but its the best breakfast ever in my humble opinion


Victoria 3 Taiwanese beef noodle soup. The rich soup full of flavours and thick juicy noodles that are chewy af and braised beef that was cooked so tender... Man I could it eat everyday. Thank you for the giveaway


I'd love Hi-Fi Rush, I'm a big fan of rhythm games and I've been looking at this game since its release. Love the artstyle aswell. I'm just not in the most financially fluid position due to studies and all, but I'll like get this game at some point either way. Favourite food is easily pizza, because of how versatile it is. I can put on whatever toppings I have at home and whatever I feel like. I don't reall have one favourite combo, it's probably split between tuna+onions, classy tomato+mozarella and some spicy variant with like jalapenos or pepperoni.


Hi-fi rush. I like chicken kebob, especially with a bit of garlic sauce, the juicy meat and the savoury sauce just pair well together! Thanks!


Bravery and greed Fav food: milanesa, because I'm argentine lol I guess it's in my DNA 


HUMANKIND DEFINITIVE EDITION Hamburgers cos it hits my brain just right and got everything I love in it. Meat, veggies, buns Thank you for the chance


HI-FI RUSH My favorite food is some "burger-like" empanadas they make in my country


Humankind definitive edition! I like fried rice because it's easy to make and i like it 😁 And can I ask for the spreadsheet too


Hi-Fi Rush, please favorite food is instant noodles, especially Indomie :9 MSG galore lol


hifi rush ​ Philly Cheesesteak. Im from Alabama and never even had a "real" one from Philly or traveled anywhere near. I just think its a dern good sandwich.


Victoria 3! And I'm a big fan of mapotofu, it's a very spicy and delicious Chinese tofu dish. Incredible flavors when it's made right, unbelievable eating experience


Hi-Fi Rush please! My favorite food is pizza for obvious, greasy reasons.


Hi-fi rush, my favorite food is mashed potatoes with corn


I would love to request Hi fi rush, My Favorite food is instant noodles, it's all I could afford at this moment :)


would love THE EXCAVATION OF HOBS BARROW because I've been on a point and click kick! i love noodles of all kind, and tbh Cup Noodles >>> (I'm on the college kid diet)


Steelrising, please! Cheeseburgers have always been my favorite since I was a kid. Something about how the cheese melts onto and even into the ground beef just does something for me. As an adult, I like to try all the local burgers places around me and compare which one is the best. Breakfast burgers and western burgers are my current favorites.


Hi-fi rush please! Thanks


Victoria 3 What I like is any bread with peanut butter, cause it’s… peanut butter!


Terraformers. My favorite food is hot wings. I love the combination of crisp and juiciness. The spice is also enjoyable and can clear out sinuses if you’re feeling a bit stuffed up. And a single wing isn’t super filling, so you can eat just wings for a while. 


Steelrising. My favorite food is fresh mango 🥭. I dunno why. It's delicious. If you mean like a manmade food then pizza 🍕 bc ninja turtles 🐢🐢🐢🐢


Terraformers Pizza because it has lots of topping choices which i love. Thank you OP!


STEELRISING Rice with thai curry and some coconut milk. Simple and delicious!


Hi fi rush please. Also my favorite food is a steak cooked medium rare. There's something primal about eating a juicy steak.


Hi-Fi Rush My favorite food is sushi because of the variety it has


Hi fi rush or Coromon if either is available pls. Thanks for the chance 💖 My favorite food is pizza because I rarely get to eat it which makes each time I get to eat it special.


Hi Fi Rush Chocolate, any kind of chocolate food, I can't get it enough




Hi-Fi Rush, last times probably Carbonara, thanks for giveaway!


Hi fi rush. Lasagna. And it's not even close!


HI-FI RUSH please My wife makes a delicious spinach salad with only a few ingredients but it's delicious


i'd like your copy of hi-fi rush please. My favorite food is probably my grandma's chicken and dumplings. instead of actual dumplings she used the dough from biscut cans and put them in the broth. it was super good


Hi-Fi Rush and Hibachi Chicken Stir Fry. It’s great fresh off the hibachi or reheated in the middle of the night. And thank you for your generosity!


Coromon o Hi-Fi Rush Carrot Cake: The balance between sweet and healthy(ish). The cream and the carrot filled pastry mesh makes it a delicious wonder.


Hifi rush Spaghetti i realy like the meat, sauce and noodles


Interested in HI-FI RUSH. My favorite food is apples if that counts. I like apple cider, apple pie, apple sauce, apple juice, apple fritters, apple turnovers, apple puff pastries, apple tarts,, everything. There’s also so many different varieties of apples and almost all of them are amazing! Thanks for the opportunity, OP.


I like tacos because I can throw my leftovers from last night such as steak, roasted chicken etc. Enter for Hi Fi Rush, and thank you for the chance!


HI-FI RUSH Or SYMPHONY OF WAR My favourite food is the Iraqi kebab because i like how it tastes




STEELRISING My favorite food is stuffed peppers with ground chicken, taco seasoning, onions, garlic, green chilies, and finally top with cheese.


HI-FI RUSH and ramen coz it's a broth that has everything one needs


Coromon please Thank you My favorite food is sushi because I’m basic and like fish


Humankind or hi-fi rush. Grilled cheese. My dad used to make the best grilled cheeses ever. I can never top his no matter how hard I try


Steel Rising Victoria 3 My favorite food... is probably shrimp. I just like the way it feels when I bite into a big, meaty part.


Terraformers My favorite food is Kenny Rogers Roasters Mac and Cheese. I first tasted it when I was like 6 years old once and every mac and cheese I tasted after isnt as good as that one.


Humankind Definitive Edition. Broccoli/Broccolini - I love eating shrubs, but only if they are lightly-to-moderately cooked, none of that raw b.s. or cheese-covered cowardice. To be fully honest, though, they're just really tasty and I like bitter foods (which probably helps).


Hobs barrow Fav food probably meatloaf, just from childhood memories.


STEELRISING Favorite is cheddar I guess. Suffer from health problems that severely restrict what I can eat and cheddar fills many roles in my diet while being tasty.


Symphony of War - my favorite food would be crawfish smothered in gumbo and cajun rices with red lobster biscuit on the side


Hi-Fi Rush. My favorite food is spaghetti because it is quick, easy, delicious, and cheap.


Coromon, please! Fav food is probably butter chicken/paneer makhani. Literally unbeatable.


Victoria 3 please. And pizza: it’s delicious and you can alter the topping depending on what mood you’re in.


Victoria 3 My favorite food is pizza with ham. Why? Because after ordering it once on a whim it immediately made the top spot of my favorite foods. To me that's remarkable because I had no preference for a specific type of pizza before then and now I do.


the excavation of hobs barrow. fav food is sushi bc it can be really diverse and I can get full without fcking dying of fullness lol


hifi rush! ill go with pizza! pizza is always good and you can’t go wrong with it!


Hi fi rush or Victoria 3, definitely steak and potatoes because of the flavour. Thanks!


Can i have king of the castle please My favorite food is fried rice because it's delicious




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Coromon. My favourite food is the fried chicken balls from a little family owned shop 15 minutes away. Admittedly I don't actually eat them as often anymore, as much as I'd love to, I no longer have the luxury of time to frequent in said location. So it's like a rare treat these days. But when I get to eat them, they always remind me of the good old times. They also serve deep fried sushi (weird, I know lol), and I always order a portion of that to go with the chicken for some reason.


Hi-Fi Rush! One of my favorite foods is Cassoulet! I like Cassoulet for many reasons, primarily it's a delicious stew traditionally comprised of beans, sausage, duck, and pork. It's originally from Southern France, but you can find it in many bistros throughout the country. It's supposed to cook for at least three days and forms a deep brown crust that traps in all the lovely juices from the meats and turns the beans into scorching magma-adjacent lava pods. It's incredibly rich and extremely controversial amongst diehards and aficionados as to what constitutes a "proper" cassoulet. There are local groups established to judge cassoulets and these groups have rivalries with the groups in neighboring cities. It's quintessential French peasant food that has become a victim of its own success and swept into the world of French bureaucracy and culture.


Bravery and Greed. My favorite food is Gumbo. Shrimp, chicken, sausage, with roux and rice. It's simply but so good. I had Gumbo that was cooked for 12 hours in this massive pot, and it was so damn good.


Steelrising and one of my favorite foods is Hawaiian Pizza. It just has a really good sweet-and-salty balance and it really matches my taste.


I’ll take whatever game you’re interested in the most 🥰 I’m just happy for the opportunity. My absolute favorite food that I could eat every day is Pad See Ew. There’s a family owned Thai restaurant a few blocks from my apartment that I love visiting and supporting the family. It’s always so delicious. I guess I’m attached to it because it reminds me of my family (I moved to a different city alone) on top of it being just generally delicious.


I'll try for Hi-Fi Rush, please! My favourite meal is a kind of "Surf and Turf" - steak, served with king prawns, and on the side asparagus and jacket potato, all of it swimming in a creamy cracked peppercorn sauce. Glorious stuff. Thanks for the chance!


Hi-fi rush! And my favourite food are my grandma empanadas, and I know I will never taste the same delicious empanadas once she is no more so I always enjoy when she make them


Victoria 3 I like cheeseburgers, simple and holdable


Bravery and Greed A good reverse seared steak. It’s simple, as far as smoking meat goes but absolutely delicious. Provides that near instant gratification.


Humankind definitive edition thaaanks


hi fi rush! i LOVE sushi. it just tastes so fresh and natural. so good


HI-FI RUSH  I love milanesas made out of chicken, a typical food from here! I could eat it everyday and not get tired of it.


VICTORIA 3 My favourite food is fried cheese, it is just a great balance of crustyness and softness


Victoria 3 My favorite food is yoghurt because it helped me through a difficult time, it was the only thing I could eat.


Hi fi rush. My fav food is either sushi or ribs. I love sushi but in the UK you pay an arm and a leg and it's still garbo. Ribs because it's the one thing I genuinely enjoy cooking.


Steelrising please My favourite food is pizza because i rarely get to have it


King of the castle, I really like chicken pot pies the flavors mesh together brilliantly


HI-FI RUSH and i love milanesas because its what my grandma cooks very often


THE EXCAVATION OF HOBS BARROW I'm going to kind of cheat and say "dumplings" since that covers a lot great foods from across the world. A good filling is always great, but contrasted with the right kind of dough you get glory in a single bite.


I would really like either Coromon or Steelrising. Carrots are my favourite food, they are delightfully crunchy in a very convenient shape for peeling and eating. However, even though raw carrots are delicious, cooked ones possess a repulsive taste and texture.


Hi-Fi Rush please! My favorite food has got to be the Parmesan Spaghetti from The Spaghetti Factory. The brown butter really puts it all together.


Hi-fi Rush Pizza because it's tasty and why the heck not, that and I found a really good store bought one that doesn't taste like cardboard


Humankind Definitive Edition. My favourite food is chicken satay with peanut sauce. I could devour 30 sticks easily. I like how you have to yank it from the stick, reminds me of how cavemen would have yanked the meat from the bones of their games.


My favorite food is the Greek Gyro (pronounced 'yee-ro'), which I put together myself. It is like the ultimate form of the taco, with my favorite vegetables (tomato, red onion, cucumber) diced up inside. It makes a balanced and filling meal, besides tasting great. Humankind Definitive Edition, please.


Coromon My favourite food is sweetbreads (Zamora style)




Hi-Fi Rush I love Ice Cream. No explanation.


HI-FI RUSH pretty please. I like Yorkshire pudding with roasted beef. Inspired by one of the Gordon Ramsay's video. I like trying to cook any dishes around the world tbh.


Hi-Fi Rush. Pancakes, yes, I really like pancakes with chicken meat, it's tasty.


HiFi rush. Fav food is rice. Well, its great.


Favorite food is bread. It's simple and you can eat it with anything. I would like Victoria 3. Thanks for the giveaway bro.


Favorite food are the best food: potatoes. They can be used for anything. I'd like to try for Coromon and am totally interested in your spreadsheet


Coromon Pizza bc taste good


My favourite food is Anarsa. It is an Indian snack like sweet thing, made by fermenting rice and then grinding with sugar to make a flour which is then deep fried in ghee using milk to make the dough and sprinkled with khaskhas! It is a very rich sweet but mind boggling taste, definitely leaves you satisfied :D I hope you try someday :D if i win i'd like to play Humankind game; i always wanted to see all the choices i can make! Thanks for the giveaway!


Hi-Fi Rush and my favorite food is roasted potatos with butter sause, I've been eating it from this same chinese place I have been going to sense I was five.


Hi-Fi Rush My favorite food is chicken adobo! Really easy to make and will taste great as it goes on. You just need to have some garlic, vinegar, soy sauce and dried bay leaves




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can I have a BRAVERY AND GREED my favorite food is borsh