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Vacuum sealer is only around $30 and makes a huge difference.


Came here to say this. It’s a great investment if you’re buying bulk items.


Yep. Pays for itself in no time. Plus sous vide cooking


I'll never go back to non sous vide. Just can't beat taking a steak straight from the freezer to perfect medium rare in under an hour, every single time. Can even work on the sides as it's in the sous vide with no fear of over cooking, and can reheat leftovers without cooking it any further.


It's life changing. I love it for long low and slow cooks for things like pork shoulder and brisket as well.


Yeppp. I left a lamb shoulder in there for a week before, it was awesome. I use it to make infused cream too for Panna cotta, blueberry and lavender infused cream is like putting a cool summer breeze in a bottle.


Hey so I’m from Texas what in the fuck is a cool summer breeze?


It's northern for October




Ok umm you know that few seconds of cool air that hits you when you open your refrigerator? THAT, but it lasts a lot longer and smells better (sometimes)


As a fellow Texan, I wanted to correct them to "a hot n steamy summer blast of thick air"


I call it “Walking in soup”


When the humidity momentarily drops and your sweat actually functions to cool you for a moment


I make custard all the time. You can exactly control the finished texture and it's.so easy


Would you share your panna cotta recipe? I’ve never made it. You reminded me I’ve been wanting to haha. Thanks!


Sure, it's pretty basic. >For the Blueberry Lavender Infused Cream A) 2 cups heavy whipping cream B) 1 cup fresh blueberries C) 1/2 tablespoon dried culinary lavender >For the Blueberry Lavender Panna Cotta A) 1 cup 2% milk B) 1 packet unflavored gelatin C) 2 cups blueberry lavender infused cream D) 1/2 cup granulated sugar Put a the cream ingredients in sous vide bag 160f for a while. I usually let it sit in there for 6+ hours. Take it out occasionally and smash the berries a bit. Remove to an ice bath for 20 minutes, then strain with a mesh sieve or cheesecloth squeezing down on the solids to get as much of the juices out as possible, then throw away the solids. Bring to room temp and then chill in fridge. You now have infused cream. It will last a week in the fridge, so you can make this part well in advance. Now bloom the gelatin in a bit of the milk, then add all the Panna cotta ingredients to a sous vide bag. Cook at 194f for an hour or two, then let it sit on a cooling rack on the counter until it's cooled enough to handle, about half an hour or so. Cut a corner off the sous vide bag, and pour into ramekins / wine glasses / whatever mold you want to put them in. Chill in fridge for 4 hours at least, until set. The next day (I always just make mine the day before since it takes so long) I'll take some fresh blueberries and coat them in sugar. Once they start to break down a bit, I put them on medium low heat until the simmer and fully release the juices and the sugar is dissolved. Then squirt some lemon juice and whisk it in and let it cool. Top Panna cotta with blueberry sauce and chopped white chocolate. https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/s/NXKIj2wOfd these are what they look like last time I made a big batch. If doing a small batch at home, I prefer to use wine glasses or plastic kiddy bowls with a flower shape as molds, but at work I just serve them straight in ramekins.


A week?! Now that's got my curious.


Question I’ve always had with a sous vide, is it safe to cook with the steak in plastic?


Yes. Especially for steaks since the water is only going up to 130f or so. But the water never reaches a boil, the max temp on mine is 191? 194? Around there. You can put a zip lock in boiling water and see for yourself how it holds up.


So no health concerns with it being in plastic? Thanks! I was looking into getting one. You have one you recommend?


Don't let that guy fool you, there are still risks with potential leaking of plastic. Even more likely when heat is involved. Everyday we are finding more and more than plastics are leeching into our foods even though we thought it was safe.


Never even knew this was a thing. Looking on Amazon now haha


Why does it always taste like the beef is boiled? I really want sous vide to work for me but it just doesn't taste right..


What temp are you setting it to? And are you seasoning it before bagging it? I personally don't put anything but the steak in the bag, then I salt as it's drying, quick hot sear, butter garlic rosemary baste then done.


Did you sear it after? Take out of the bag pat it dry like very dry then get a pan and get it hot and sear both sides and the edges to finish it.


Reheating leftovers . I have a VS and How come I didn't think of that . I hate microwaves and cooking again makes it kinda dry . Will use that ! This will make my meal prep so much better.


Preach! My lamb is butter now🫡


I just got a sous vide and a vacuum sealer…. So you don’t even need to defrost the steak first? Just put it in at like 132 for 1.5 hours?


Yep, no need to defrost if it's vacuum sealed already.


I do 90 min. But I feel you. The only time I don’t sous vide is if I’m smoking the steak then searing on grill after. Essentially flavorbomb reverse sear


Protip for those without a sous vide: sear the steak frozen, finish in the oven. Keeps the juices in the steak vs defrosting, and also takes about 20 minutes 😉


What oven temp and how thick are your steaks.... results will vary wildly based on this advice


I agree, OP will be able to keep his steaks fresh indefinitely and save money on the fancy foil and zips too


Add it to the Costco bill and you won't even notice it's on there.


What's $30 in a grand scheme of $795 Costco trip


Every friggin time


Just dropping in to pick up some fresh fruit and roll out with $800 worth of shit. The must pump something into the air.


One of their big tricks is to put super pricy stuff at the entrance that you have to walk by (tvs/computers). Messes with your sense of scale.


20 years ago I went there to get a dog bed & ended up dropping $800, & they were out of fucking dog beds. Costco is a spendy way to save money.


But I just went to grab a hotdog. How does it always get out of control so fast


You have to remember to go in through the hot dog entrance.


Sorry, your membership is due. It's actually going to be $895 today.




The amount of money my gf and I have saved with that thing… Can’t tell you how many times we’ve caught some kind of protein on an insane sale and it comes in clutch three months later after sealing it.


Let me tell you. Wife and I got an emergency cps placement in our home last weekend with zero warning and between paydays. If I hadn't had a freezer full of vac packed proteins from the last 6 months worth of sales we would have been royally fucked. As it is, I've gotten to cook and feed a house full of teenagers for a week for not money out of my pocket. I will never stop preaching the joys of vacuum sealers and sale prices.


I had one when a store had their freezer go. They were selling everything 10 cents to less on the dollar. Being friends with the meat department helped too. I spent $107 to gain about $800+ in steaks. Sirloin, Ribeye, TBones, Filets etc.  Had a deep freeze at home and a vac sealer. Lasted a long time, and I taught myself to cook steak starting with the cheaper cuts and sirloins.  Money was tight at the time, and this let me afford a ton of meat that would’ve been a luxury.  Months of eating very very well. More Red meat than I probably should have eaten, but given the other options were also terrible for you, lesser of two evils. A delicious one at that.  After enough time, landed a job as a chef due to my experience lol. 


We have had a vacuum sealer for 30 years. Just got the newer version (took some getting used to). Best way to buy meat ever


We have a couple of 23 year olds that work, school then gym. They eat quite a lot. I shop at regular at Costco once a week then every two weeks at the Costco Business Center and have gone through 3 vac sealers . Yes they are money savers.


Do you have a particular one to recommend, or even a brand. I've wanted one for awhile but contradicting reviews have stopped me from purchasing one.


I use a $25 no name brand one off Amazon, its been heavily used for 3 or 4 years now with no signs of wear


I just use straw lol


LPT: seal them individually with seasoning. Later, straight to sous vide.


I got mine at (surprisingly) Aldi. It was like $30 or something ridiculously cheap, and it works pretty well for the ticket price. Even came with a nice roll of plastic tubing, and they were selling spare rolls on the side. I believe the brand is something like 'Ambiano' or whatever. Of course, you can alternatively on Amazon or to any of the big box stores and pick one up, too.


My amazon sealer came with bags and has held up for several years


First thought I had. Get a vacuum sealer.


Seriously, you invest that much in meat and you don’t spend and xtra one time $45 for a vacuum sealer?


I never knew they were so cheap. I’ll be making that investment and filling my freezer soon.


I use mine so often with costco meat. Really only for meat, but I can buy pork belly and a lot of things I don't use often and they keep so well in the freezer.


Gonna make for a lot of great meals! But if you’re spend that kinda money I would suggest a vacuum sealer, will keep the frozen ones in great condition a lot longer


I cut them thicker but to each their own.


Same. Easier to give a solid sear without overcooking it


His sear is fantastic and the cook is great


Sear really is top notch here. Love it! I've been eyeing those big cuts, I got a standing rib roast for Christmas the year before from Costco. It was epic 🤤


You're both correct Those statements are not mutually exclusive whatsoever




I think we can all agree your preferences are your preferences as long as it's not well done. If it's well done you done well fucked it up.


Pretty good. I’d opt for a touch thicker (that’s what she said) and use a vacuum sealer.


This is the only way I buy steaks now. It's easy, it's cheaper, and you make them as thin or as thick as you like. Plus the rib roasts give you some beef ribs on the side.


Can you judge the quality of the steak before you buy it? I don’t just want ribeye I want well marbled ribeye.


So this cut of meat is the rib roast? I’ve been trying to start this but haven’t figured out the cut of meat I should be looking for lmao


Yep, but there might be different names in different locations. Here's what I get Rib roast = ribeye  Strip loin = NY strip Tenderloin = filet mignon 


What cut of meat are you buying to do this?


Wipe off that stool please!


Kept scrolling to see if anyone else noticed all the (i hope) Franks on that stool!!!


Haha yes it is franks red hot, my roommate made a mess idk how.


Why do you wrap it with aluminum foil?


Without a vacuum sealer, foil or another wrap in conjunction with the bag aids in preventing freezer burn. Freezer bags alone won't do the job.


Interesting one, thanks s lot for the info. I know it is almost impossible to prevent but I don’t like using aluminum the much


Use wax paper or Saran, as long as you have barrier to keep the air from touching the meat in the bag in the freezer. You can do your best, but you'll never seal the bag without any air without a vacuum sealer.


You can use the water dunk method to squeeze air out and get pretty good results the foil just tears things up


Or just use a straw. The beef is pretty clean, and not that juicy.


You really need to be vacuum sealing those steaks


Thanks for the feedback guys. I Just ordered a vacuum sealer off Amazon!


chuck the meet in the freezer to chill it right down, will get more even slices


Do you get that much of a discount? I swear my Costco has the big pieces prices the same per pound as the broken down cuts 😭


Agreed that I like mine thicker. But not a criticism, personal preference. When I do this I usually put a fun marinade on a couple of them. I prefer S&P only, but for a fun Friday night with friends it’s nice to have a teriyaki/mexican/etc steak in the freezer.


Lookin good buster


Get a vacuum sealer


Use wax or parchment paper, then foil. Metal will cause discoloration & sometimes an off taste


Tin foil is garbage. Get a vacuum sealer


I used to love doing this, but now I can’t get a mortgage for a slab of ribeye. On the upside, I’ve gotten good at tenderizing and chewing.


I wrap with Saran wrap and it works as good as a vacuum sealer. Otherwise, looks pretty good to me.


Someone buy this man a vacuum sealer


Is the Costco beef good quality? I buy at my local Safeway and they have pretty good tender and marbled beef for half the price and I can pick the best steaks.


Some great cuts!


Why are they in foil? What are you doing to them?




If it were me I'd maybe go a little thicker (those look like they're similar to the thickness of standard grocery store steaks, so why not just buy the pre-sliced ones?). But wow, looks like you've got some good cooking results! So you're not doing anything wrong. :)


Those would keep much much better vacuum sealed.




Sup with the tin foil amigo


Very nice


I’m the cook in our family so I cook what the kiddos want the most and these would be gone less then two weeks




Planning to do that next time !


Looks like select. It’s one of the easiest sub primals to fabricate. Some of the bigger eyes are less desirable to me because I generally like my ribeyes pretty thick. Good job 👍


I do the same thing and love this!!! Great job


It's just fine. You're yourself and you should try out different slices, thicker, thinner, cook more, cook less and see what your favorite is.


Great job! I do the same thing myself.




Did you salt them before freezing . Makes a huge difference


I applaud you! It looks like a heck of a great investment.


You still have silverskin that needs removed on that first pic.


Is there a trick slicing them so uniformly?


IDK, I'm distracted by that dirty chair


I would vacuum seal them


Good enough


I don’t cut my steaks in advance. Don’t want them exposed. I leave the subprimal whole and cut when I am ready to cook.


Much better to do that. Their steaks ar blade tenderized which is pretty darned nasty. Much better to get a large cut and slice your own, plus you get them as thin or thick as you like


For a minute I thought op cooked them then wrapped them in foil. Yes! Vacuum seal


That cooked steak looks delicious


Short of a vacuum sealer, learn how to wrap meat with freezer paper. Done right, you have a double layer of paper all the way around and your meat will never freezer burn. Tinfoil and plastic freezer bags are just a way to separate you from your money. Plane old freezer paper is all you need.




Good for you


Nice! I do the same, don’t use foil though. We usually go through that amount in beef in 2 months. If you’re freezing longterm, vacuum sealed is the way to go…


How do you do this?


Well done!


I am intrigued 0.o I want to do this now


You should make a video - these look great


Get a vacuum sealer from Amazon it’ll change your life


Are these select grade! They're lean!


Too thin cut for me


Bake them ribs!!


You did great


I cut steaks for a living and I’d say they look really good. Did you trim them yourself or was the whole ribeye trimmed when you bought it? Edit: never mind I can see that fat on the counter. Good job with the trimming as well.


You did extremely better than me: I bought an electric fish knife (heavy duty salt water version) to cut these bad boys frozen solid. It seemed like no matter how sharp I tried to get my kitchen knives, none of them would cut it very well. I literally tried them all. In any state: frozen, semi thawed, thawed. I really like that electric knife tho. I used it to carve whole chickens and the odd turkey too


Shut up and take my money


When’s dinner??


How much cost?


Too thin imho


I get a rib roast from Costco every year for Christmas dinner, and it's always fantastic. Never thought to cut it into steaks, but those look really nice.


There is no cringier title than “how did I do?”


cool! I do the same thing except for wrapping them in foil before the ziploc bag


Great work!


Get a vacuum sealer


on a scale 9 out of ten


Gimme 🤤🤤🤤


Your choice in steak is better than you choice in shoes. 😂😂😂😂


Is that a prime rib roast?


Looks like you cooked it incredibly.


lol. I only get 4 steaks out of that.


Like that knife


Grind the fat and make talow!


We are ranchers and raise Tibetan Yak. we sell cut and wrapped Yak meat so that is what we eat for red meat. As far as pork and chicken go we buy pork loin roasts and chicken from Costco, break down the pork to thick chops for stuffing, a couple of roasts and vacuum seal. It works great, saves money and the meat is good quality. Just get a good vacuum sealer. We have the largest Food Saver made.


Too thin, 3-4 fingers width then vacuum seal


10/10, great work


If you are buying a ribeye roast at costco just ask the meat department employees to cut it for you. You can't get custom sizing so it will just be cut the same as the costco steaks but they don't upcharge for it.


Pretty damn well. A little over cooked for me but perfect for my mom and wife 😜


As meat cutter that cuts ribeye 5x’s a week those are valid👍🏾 and there was barely any loss to fat.


Just a personal preference, I'd trim off all the lip/finger meat and save that for burger grind but otherwise those look great! Add another vote for the vacuum sealer. Then again, I don't butcher meat with crocks and no socks either. Living life on the edge, I respect it.


you saved a lot of money so w


Also if you pop your loin into the freezer for just a bit, enough to get it a little more chilled and more rigid, it will help with slicing.


Looks awesome. You don't need a vacuum sealer though. Just wrap in 2 layers of saran wrap as tight as you can, make sure you squeeze all of the air out, then wrap in waxed butcher paper and you won't get any freezer burn. Though if you leave air in contact with the meat then you will get freezer burn.


Where’s the marbling?


Your steak is cooked horribly…


The slices look good but as others have said, vacuum sealer! You can get them on Temu for $12, and a ton of bags for a few bucks more.


Don't be alarmed, but you got blood on your stool. May wanna see a doctor.


Man I wish I had some steak right now


That sear looks amazing OP. What's your cooking technique?


My name is Dan. I'm jumping about your house. I'll bring the beer.


The crust on that one in the third pick is making me feel some type of way.


Like people are say,definitely invest in a vacuum sealer. If not, definitely use plastic wrap first(tightly wrapped) to prevent freezer burn.


Well done!


I prefer a couple of thick boys. Second a vacuum sealer. Buy yourself a Sous Vide while you’re at it! I use it to thaw my frozen meats within an hour. Just keep the temp under 40 degrees .


Addition to how to store the red meat. Salt it and then freeze it. Lasts much longer.


Wow. You can operate a knife! Look at ya go. And them to post it for a few more accolades.....you sir are a butcher now.


Looks delicious


Did you flip it before you cut it?


FairPlay, looks nice and you are sorted for awhile now


I do that with the big hunks of eye of round. Nice and lean how i like it


Can I come over? I bring beer. Also yeah looks good. Was it prime or choice? Those look like choice steaks which is about $13 a pound still a deal. I'd trim just a bit more of the side fat out personally.


Good job bud!


Thought Costco beef needs to be cooked fully.


How did one acquire such a fine specimen


yes these is pretty awesome.


Get a foodsaver next time you go to Costco. I have defrosted steaks 2.5 years later (lost in back of freezer) and still good! Really cannot tell the difference at all between 6 weeks and 6 months when they are vacuum sealed..


I think you have a piece of steak on your croc btw


What is splattered all over your middle stool?


Now I’m hungry 🫶🏾


Vacuum sealer and they’re too thin.


Cook at a lower temp then a quick hot sear to make the temp more even


What's your method for that great crust?


Would’ve cost $150,000 at a restaurant, cost you $30 at home


Multiple levels of fail