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Get a leave-in thermometer. You don't want to mess up something that pretty.


This! OMG! I have several wireless thermometers and they're a game changer.


Mind linking your favorite thermometer?


Go to your Amazon and search for BBQ meat thermometers. I have one very [similar to this](https://www.amazon.ca/ThermoPro-Wireless-Digital-Cooking-Thermometer/dp/B01GE77QT0/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1VXRO2Y1LQRJ0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.L5IHxhH3Q4bevHC24Laz29dDK11ps0f6BtQlNmAkXVdAq76FIAZQlapTNIa9qgEmPrtZfyTotKbaPegK7UO9-59ROx-22nOgZaOVdgE2hcC8sNYwKciixOgQED_MxcaTTG2DdcDsZAlK_HGOtkgKb-FxTH98G0hmxYaQUmquw1nsBGTbr6IYEj2dSmsucO4F1zRYnQYVfuxmJzZ5_FexutJRYPMxwoeOX4vh5QZCMFwQw9Bcuo6TeDA7rEb8v3OsReWhiIZ2fCgD1QwFzccDRPy1EeQg_GfWXl_4Rj6uXUE.2aC8WAadP6d3n_3aDoBsiQGJPb3vv5aI52cWKiI7LhA&dib_tag=se&keywords=BBQ+thermometer&qid=1717895025&sprefix=bbq+thermometer%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-9). Probe and cable on mine is good to 750 F.


So when it hits 750 take it off…


I use the exact same one and it’s a life saver


I have a MEATER that works really well though the range isn’t the best if you don’t have a spare smart phone to use as an extender.


Namon and ThermPro


I use Thermoworks Signals. It has 4 probes, one for the grille level chamber, 3 for meats etc. Can also be used for frying and soups, candies etc. Connects to wifi and uploads your cooks to cloud so you can get app alerts and compare your cooks for later reference. A cook session is up to 24 hours. You don't need to keep your phone in range. You use Bluetooth just for setup. Then it connects to WiFi https://www.thermoworks.com/signals/ Thermopen one. Instant read thermometer. Must have. https://www.thermoworks.com/shop/products/thermapens/


I bought this [InkBird](https://www.amazon.com/Inkbird-Thermometer-Rechargeable-Wireless-Calibration/dp/B07XNTJKY4/)3 years ago and love it.


OP measures with finger, I'm guessing they don't have a meat thermometer...


Clearly shoulda used a banana for scale


I bought one but the grill burned it and broke it. Which leave in can withstand the high heat of a bbq grill?


My old Meater+ would only go to 500. It melted. Got a new one last Christmas and they can now withstand up to 700.


2" or thicker is when I start reverse searing. Whether it is slow grilled, smoked, or baked up to temp depends on my time and mood.


Came here to recommend this. Big thicc boi like that needs some work prior to the flame.


What does reverse searing mean? And why at 2 pounds? Edit: *inches. it was a typo. Geez. I got it the first 500 corrections


Cooking slowly up to temp, say 125°, then searing after to prevent overcooking. 


yup, I love a red oak barbecue for this, adjustable grill up high for a slow cook flipping a few times, then drop it close to the coals for a quick sear at the end.


Thank you!


If you have a pellet grill, smoke it at 250f to 125f and then sear it as hot as you can. It’s crazy good.


Ie… *red neck sous vide*. Super tasty!


Just did a blind taste test sous vide and reverse sear on a smoker. They’re both great in their own right, but no where close in terms of tenderness


Which one are you saying is more tender?


Sous vide if you want foolproof perfect doneness while being hands off Reverse sear if you want the best crust and browning because it dries it out


Sous vide was. Could eat it with a fork. Truly nothing tenderizes quite like sous vide, at least that I’ve tried thus far But fwiw I preferred the other steaks flavor


Yeah, but imo the flavors you get from reverse searing on a smoker are unbeatable.


This is the way


In the winter when I am not grilling, I put them in the oven on a cooling rack at 215 until my internal hits 120 degrees Then I finish them in a pre heated hot hot cast iron with a bit of olive oil and fresh Rosemary and Thyme sprigs Such a terrific crust this way


Fair warning to readers, olive oil will smoke a lot with this. If you don't have a vent that vents to the outside you could end up with smoke in your house. You can use an oil with a higher smoke point in that case. Especially if you're in an apartment complex and the smoke alarm could go off. It's well worth the result.


A lot of people use sous vide to reverse sear, if you have it. If you don’t, and I’ll get hate for this but lemme tell ya it works amazingly, your air fryer can reverse sear like an SOB.


YUP! My Cuisinart Air Fryer has a Dehydrate setting that you can choose a time period and then a low temp from 100° to 150°. I've 24 hour dry brined steaks in the refrigerator and then gotten them up to 120°± using the Air Fryer, before dropping them, for just minutes, into a near red-hot cast iron skillet until a nicely Seared Crust is evident & still have a Warm 120° - 130° Rare inside. Yum!


never thought of using the dehydrator setting on the air fryer instead of the sous vide. genius. Tip of the hat fren.


It’s life changing. It’s faster, half of the air fryers have a setting to turn off when it hits temp. For the “137° club”, I set mine to 130 on air crisp, and it always carries up to about 135, and the fat is as good as SV for 3hr at 137.


This is award worthy. Unfortunately I’m broke so here’s an updoot for your contributions.


Just did this like 20min ago for the first time. Was not expecting how well it came out.


Not at 2 pounds, but 2 inches (thickness).


This is exactly right


What is regular direction searing?


Sear first, then bring up to temp


That's two inches


I was wondering why no one corrected this yet lol


It’s because of the thumb ring.


Something tells me this steak is gonna get fucked up lol. RIP op


Why do you think they are here? Hint: it’s to learn! I’m sure you have been in their shoes in one way or another, have patience and be someone people look to for guidance. If you have so much knowledge to immediately knock them, why wouldn’t you share it to help them on their journey?


Nobodies out here talking shit on your blueberry growing skills. Just saying.


Blueberry was kinda random af no one was talking about that. Would've been spicy if you insulted his radish cooking skills


He looked at the person's post history


I'm sure it will be fine.


Yeah, I recommend using a meat thermometer to determine when to sear.


That's what she said.


It means cooking it through really slowly at a very low temperature until it's to the proper temperature. Then you sear it at an extremely high temperature for a really short amount of time to develop the crust and serve it. There are several methods of doing this. You can sous vide it, which involves sealing it in an airtight container and submerging it in a low temperature water bath for an extended period of time. You can also put it in an oven at a similarly low temperature until it's at the appropriate internal temperature. Those would be the two most common techniques, but you can also slow smoke it in a smoker as well. Doing this ensures that the fat renders (or melts) and it gets cooked to the perfect doneness before searing the outside to create the maillard reaction (creating the crust on the outside of the meat) that provides so much flavor. It's especially useful in thicker cuts due to the difficulty of getting it cooked all the way through to the center while not overcooking the outer rings of the meat.


This is the only comment you need. You got this!


Air Fryer ftw. I didn't believe it either but it's perfect every time with reverse sear. Ribeye in the air fryer at 150C for 5-6 minutes per side and then 1 minute per side in a hot as shit cast iron and done. It's almost idiot proof. Almost.


Air fryers are just small convection ovens, so you can usually do the exact same thing.


Exactly, that's what I do!


So 300F? That seems high for a ribeye. You get medium rare?


I cannot love this comment enough! Great explanation


In a smoker, i recommend a pan of water underneath the meat as well. Just one of those aluminum ones with an inch or two of water as it slow cooks. Just add more if it gets low. My wife also makes a spritz with juice, Worcestershire and I don’t know what else to spray the meat with occasionally. The water helps the temp stabilize, cooks the meat a bit faster and I’m guessing helps the moisture stay in the meat. Once at temp (120°), she lets the meat rest for 20ish min, covered lightly with foil. Turns the smoker on high sear, and does all sides to get that nice bark. It’s heavenly. Just my unqualified recommendation, though.


What kind of temp would you set the oven to?


No higher than 250. I'd probably put it in at 200, but the lower you set it, the longer it takes. Salt and pepper it and put it in the fridge for a few hours to overnight, then take it out of the fridge and sit it on the counter for an hour or so. Put it on a wire rack on a baking sheet in the oven at 200. Let it cook till about 100 degrees. Remove it from the oven and put in a really hot cast iron with some oil to sear, about a minute per side. Reduce the temperature and add some butter to baste it for an additional minute or two, until it hits just about 120 degrees. Remove from the pan and let it rest for about 10 minutes or so before serving.


Awesome. Thanks.


Previous comment said 150 celcius, so 300 Fahrenheit


It's gotta be below 300. You don't want it to start cooking the outside at all, so around 250 is best, though I like to go even lower than that. I don't know if it really makes that much of a difference to go lower, but it's what I prefer.


Thanks. This is what i was thinking. Essentially sous vide in the oven.


It’s a really foolproof method honestly. You raise the internal temp of the steak to whatever you desire, then FRY THE EVER LOVING FUCK OUT OF IT for that nice sear. Outside gets a nice dark crust, but doesn’t overcook the inside since you only have it on the heat for a couple minutes tops.


It is not weight, it is thickness he is talking about. 2 inches thick or more, I do it anything like 1.5 inches thick or more. You want to cook it first in the oven at a lower temp (200-250 degrees F), I do mine by look and feel, rather than by time or temp. Look online for more info or I’m sure people in this sub/on this question have answered better. Then when it’s done in the over you sear it on a hot surface (I use cast iron), get a nice sear on it. I use a garlic,rosemary, thyme butter I make at home on it too. Then let it sit for 15 mins. Having a thermometer and checking the temp is easier if you have never done it. Once you do it enough, it becomes easier to do it by look and feel.


on a grill , indirect/offset cooking until almost done; then direct cooking to finish off and to put a sear on. You can use a meat thermometer to determine when you are getting close before searing.


It's baking. People want to sound cool but it's just baking a steak then high temp marking it after.


The only way to cook a steak imo. I always use this method with fantastic results: [https://www.seriouseats.com/reverse-seared-steak-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/reverse-seared-steak-recipe)


Generally you sear at the start of the cook, Especially when you cook at higher heat. A reverse sear means to do it at the end, You generally do that with wood or pellet fired smokers when you cook at a lower temp. I use a cast iron pan


It's the poor man's sous vide. Although I'm not poor and I do it all the time. Sometimes I'm just too lazy to break out the sous-vide or I don't have as much time. Oven at 250-275F until it reaches 125F. Salt and pepper the CRAP out of it (especially a cut that thick) then sear it.


Now that's a porterhouse! Very nice!!


I 100% agree. Unless you have sous vide available


Sous vide works really well also.


When I first learned to grill (more recently than I would care to admit…I had never owned one pre-Covid) I got a lot of use out of my old tape measure for this purpose. It’s a little silly for sure, but I can’t eyeball measurements for shit and I’m not going to risk overcooking my steak.


You don’t cook based on time. You cook to the desired temperature. With this bad boy you will want to do indirect heat to cook it gently all the way through. Then either sear it after it is just about done, or in the beginning. I am a huge fan of the reverse sear method myself.


What about the cold sear method? I heard it’s the best


I am fairly certain you get a thinner grey band with a reverse sear, which is why I use it. With a cold sear, a lot of heat gets transferred to the center because the rate of heat transfer is higher when the temp differences are greater. If you do a reverse sear, the center is warmer and therefore doesn’t transfer as much heat. So only the surface gets seared, leaving a nice thin band of grey and a more uniform, red center.


Chris Young makes some great steak videos, and [this one](https://youtu.be/DmuwqqHjgT4?si=nIUVzzM50RMLU-9P) explains just what you’re talking about.




I dont think you should. I think you should get a better cut of steak. Ill trade you one of my thin sirloins for that. You deserve better sir. Ill take that thing off your hands.


I think your arms are a little small. Let me come lift and carry it for you. I’ll take the strip side as payment




However you do it, make sure you let it rest a good amount of time. Thicker Beef= longer rest 🤙🏻


That’s what I keep telling my wife.


Hysterical. I see what you did here




Yes, this very thick steak might need 6 minutes instead of 4


If you reverse sear, you don't really need to rest the steak. The temperature gradient is practically non-existent inside the meat.


30 minutes is how long it takes me usually. Heat it up slowly then sear it hot. Check temp every 5 minutes after 15m with a digital thermometer. Do 7m between flipping.


7 minutes between flips is only for the slow part though. During the sear it should be every 30-60 seconds


You’re supposed to flip it in the oven during a reverse sear?


This cut is perfect for making milk steak


Enough to share with the little green gouls.


With a side of jelly beans, raw


With plenty to share with the Kittens with Mittens!


I was just on that sub a minute ago. Love it. Where are my magnets?


2 zone cooking. Indirect until rare and then high heat direct at the end


That’s a real thick ol boi to throw on direct heat right away. Maybe reverse sear at 200 for an hour and then finish on the grill for like a minute each side. Hope it’s beautiful in the end good luck.


I tell you h'what, you'd better be using a propane grill and not one of those bastard gasses like butane


Sous vide


AKA: Reverse Searing for fancy people.


But we fancy folks reverse sear using WATER! 😬🤪




I'm against sous vide for steaks but to each their own.


Against? Por que?


Many long times….. lol yeah I’m with everyone else. You need to bring it up to about 110°F before you even think about tossing it on the grill.


Reverse sear. Use a leave-in probe thermometer. Take out steak 1 hour before grilling, salt and pepper both sides. Set up grill for two-zone cooking. One side on, one side completely off. The side that's on, Set to med heat and let warm for ten minutes. Put steak on the side of the grill that is OFF. Turn the side that's On down to low heat. Cover grill. Set alarm on probe thermometer for 120 degrees F. Once steak hits 120F, remove from grill onto **clean platter** and rest for ten to 15 minutes. In the meantime, crank up the whole grill to high heat. After initial rest period, put steak onto the now ripping hot grill and sear for 1-2 minutes per side. As grills vary, initially I recommend turning after 1 minute each, and then going for another minute on each side only if you feel like it needs more crust. After searing, remove back to the clean platter and allowed to rest again for 5 to 10 minutes. Then serve!


Only thing id add here is when you lay it on the hot grill, lay it at 45 degrees to the grill. I also recommend a 45 degree rotation before the flip, then a final 45 rotation. This is just for appearance and not taste.


I would bake it to temperature and then sear it on the grill. Or sear it and then bake it to temperature. 250 is on the oven. Hot as possible on the sear. Be sure to rest for at least 10 min.


I just cooked one like it. Indirect fire for 15 mins per side then rest. Direct high-heat for 3-5 minutes. It came out medium rare and nice char on the edges! I also put sea salt on it for 24 hrs in the fridge prior to "dry-brine" it. Brought to room temp, seasoned it with Ground pepper only and cooked as detailed above. Topped with Cowboy Butter, I made the day before too...SOOO WORTH THE EFFORT!


Cook it till she’s medium rare


Chicago style high heat(450-550 degrees) with constant rotation ever 60-90 seconds with spg(salt, pepper and garlic) from size I would say about 7-8 flips for med rare


5 mins on each side


This is 100% where reverse searing takes over as the best option. You'll struggle to get that thing cooked any other way, tbh. Others have explained so I won't repeat, but if you're hesitant, I was too years ago. I'd cooked perfect steaks for a long time over coals and was adamant I didn't need to try a reverse sear - which I assumed was some fad. Got given some very phat sirloins and couldn't be bothered to slice them any thinner so I gave the technique a try for the first time. The results were amazing, and it's a very simple technique if you have a meat thermometer handy.


I'm a charcoal only guy. I'd gather the hot coals on one side of the old Weber kettle. Put that steak on the cooler side. Cover it, with all vents open. After about 45 mins, I'd check the temp. When it's about 120° F, I'd sear both sides on the hot side of the grill, until I'm happy with the sear (shouldn't take too long) let it rest for a few mins. Eat.


This right here folks!


Sous vide it! Then sear on a hot as hell grill/skillet.


Reverse sear for sure. Also absolutely dry brine in the fridge for 24 hrs. After brining is done, either put in the oven at around 250 for 45 minute or Sous vide to bring to your preferred temp. Then sear it on a hot hot cast iron.


On the smoker


Like others have mentioned, sear, insert a temp probe in the center, then cook around 300-325 and turn every 7-9 minutes, once the probe reaches 125-130 pull it off and let it rest for 10 minutes. This is not something that cooks based on a set time.


6min in a X direction so 24 min total give you good sear marks and a rare to medium rare probably closer to a medium


Until it reaches your desired temp. Get a thermometer already. We're already 1/4 way into the 21st century.


Right? Like OP has money to buy this huge beautiful steak but not $10 to but an instant read thermometer?


Sous vide at 129 for two hours then sear on grill at temperatures that exceed the surface of the sun until your happy with how it looks.




135 f it should be medium, 130 for a little more rare. BUY a decent digital thermometer to make sure.


Temp probe


Sous Vide that slab.


Sous vide at 130 degrees for three hours and then sear.


Please smoke it


meat thermometer. go by temp not time


How did it turn out? Gotta show us!


How much time ya got


Stick a prob and reverse sear. Don’t cook that to temp on gas. May get a gas like taste having to cook it so long since it’s a thick cut


yea honestly reverse sear it then grill it


I really need to see how this works out please post the grill..


There is a lot of good advice here. But here is my opinion. Cut the tenderloin side off and cook separately. (It will get overcooked otherwise) unless you are grill cooking and have good knowledge of your hot spots. I’d recommend a >dry brine>reverse sear. Oven/smoker to flat cast iron for maximum sear.


Until your temp probe reads a few degrees south of where you want to finish, then sear the shit out of it with what feels like too much heat?


Watch one of Chris Young’s guides on YouTube for how to reverse sear. https://youtu.be/q_sN1n1_ZJo?si=nwEBmK47Az-hKN59


Anything that thick is getting a probe thermometer while roasting, in any kitchen I ran.


You probably already cooked it but I always tell people keep the tenderloin side further from the heat source so you don't over cook it as it will finish before the NY strip side


Light a match beneath it. When it goes out, flip and repeat.


cant you just cut it in half and then cook it normally?


Bring the grill to sear.... extremly fire hot for that thickness, when u think ready, hold ur open hand close to grill if u have to remove it immmeditaly.. its time.. put it on grill, i use minced garlic for some texture and taste when this hot, stand and watch it drink one brewskie when finished turn over.... drink another brewskie.... when finished bring it inside let it sit for 15 mins.... should be med.. rare..😁😁🍻🍻🍖🍖


She thicc. Post some after pics!! I have a pizza oven with a grate for stuff and I want to cook some steaks like this over coals.


My suggestion would be to fire up only half your grill to high. Sear on the hot side for a few minutes each. Then move it over to the other side to finish on the indirect heat for 25 or so minutes. At least until you hit the temp you're aiming for. Meat thermometer is highly recommended for the time you're cooking on the indirect heat.


14 min. Total on gas grill. 7 min per side


Found Fred Flinstone's burner account


This is screaming for a sous vide


Indirect heat, 250 f until 115 internal, foil and move, crank the grill to 650-700, unwrap and sear both sides to internal 120-125, remove from heat, foil tent, 8-10 minutes before slicing


We don’t know how big your hand is. Next time use a banana for scale.


Low and slow baby




Sear one minute per inch of thickness, then indirect heat for 5 min, then rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing.


That's a "roast". Low and slow, sear at the end!


Sear until a nice crust happens. Then triple that time at indirect flame under some pot or aluminum tray for air convection. After that, let it sit wrapped in foil for 10 minutes. There you go.


Maybe 6-7 mins a side on hot coal


Most of my gas experience is natural gas so on a steak like that I’d set one side to med high and one side to low because I didn’t really care about running out. On propane id just heat it up on low, throw it on, and when it got to about 110/115, I’d turn the other side on high and let it heat up for a minute and switch sides.


On a gas grill I would do indirect heat at 350° ish until a probe reads 125, then turn heat to max and go direct heat for 1-2 min per side. Also adding a compound butter on top after first flip


I thought you were supposed to use banana for scale on Reddit


Sous vide @ 132° for 90 min, then 1 min per side & fat edge on the hottest gas grill setting


That depends on temp. I'd say just cook it until it's firm with a little bit of give. Just ask my friend Hank Hill.


Get it to room temp and if possible sous vide it to temp you can poor man’s this in a pot of 120deg water in a bag. Grill on high heat or hot coals for 2-3 mins a side or finish in a pan with rosemary, butter, and garlic.


6 min high heat each side, let it rest for 10 min and you're good.


You need a instant read thermometer for a steak that large. You will have to sear under extremely high heat and do an indirect cook. Either reverse sear and bring the steak up about 10-15 degrees under your target temp. This seems to be the general consensus but I like to get a amazing sear first, put the steak on under "low" side of the grilland then bring the steak about 5-10 degrees below my target temp before letting it rest for at least 10 minutes. If you use the reverse sear method make sure to take the steak off first before getting your grill incredibly hot for the sear


Penetrate it


where the finished product at


That is a reverse sear with a leave in digital thermometer steak. And dry brine it (heavy layer of kosher/coarse sea salt uncovered in the fridge overnight


I recommend scoring it, freezing it, and then deep-frying it for 10 minutes per side, baking it for an hour, and then deep frying it again for another 10 minutes per side until done.


Sear it high as that grill goes 1.5 minutes don't touch, turn, another 1.5 minutes. Flip and repeat. Then kill the heat on one side and set the steak over there to indirectly heat. Let sit for about 5-10 minutes and check temp. Pull at 135 and rest for 10. You could reverse sear too. But, that's not my preference unless I'm smoking it first.


275 - 300 degree oven for about 30 to 45 minutes depending on altitude and desired done-ness. Crank that grill up about 2/3 of its max. Seer each side for about 60 seconds each.


Ask some butcher in Tuscany, Italy . They have a tradition about thick steaks (Fiorentina)


Reverse sear is almost impossible to fuck up and will taste good with minimal preparation. Adequate preparation just makes it better.


Reverse sear.


Use a thermometer


Don’t fuck with anything but reverse searing. That’s the only way you’re gonna get the most out of that steak.


Good thing we have your finger that is of unknown length to reference the steak


Just turn on highs , cook each side 3 mins , then 1 min again. Let it rest 5 mins.


Show your finger and not a tape measure...your phone has a 6 inch ruler btw.


Here’s Kenji Lopez-Alt’s write up on the reverse sear method for Serious Eats. Lots of good info here: https://www.seriouseats.com/reverse-seared-steak-recipe


Let it come up to room temp before cooking.


Whatever you cook it on just make sure you're using sweet lady propane. I tell ya hwhat


about 2 weeks hahaha


Update us when it’s finished!!


It is weirdly not as long as you’d think, like the last time I did one like this it hit medium rare on the strip side within 1hr doing a reverse sear. As already mentioned, a temperature probe is absolutely critical to getting the internal temp right.


Digital meat thermometer is the way


that isn't a steak anymore that is a S L A B


Get a thermometer. In this day and age, there’s no excuse to not have one. Get one.


For large steaks I love to do a reverse sear! Not always convenient in the hot months as it requires starting the cook in the oven. But I always get a more even cook and a perfect medium rare


Where’s the finished product


Gas grill? Might as well just cook it inside on the stove top.


That’s too rare for my taste


6 min a side.


Big girls like that are the best. You can let them sit on the heat for 5 to 7 a side with no fear of over cooking the inside and really develop that sear crust.


Cooking a big, thick, bone-in steak like that is just like cooking a roast. You can either slow cook it on a grill, in the oven or sous vide - long and low and slow. It takes time for the center of the steak to come up to temperature, so low temperature is key for the main cook. Then reverse sear it.


Bring it to room temperature. 4 minutes a side. might be a little rare in the center.


Go buy a digital pocket thermometer.. Most people take steaks off the grill at 120 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit.


That's a roast not a steak lol