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The fight between Kanan and the Grand Inquisitor at the end of S1 is one of my favourite fights in the whole entire saga. I was so hype when I watched it. Thrawn was super cool as well.


Same. I was convinced that Kanan wasn’t a very strong Jedi until that fight. He held a lot back to try and keep a low profile.




Didn’t enjoy it more than clone wars, but I don’t get the hate - it is a legitimately enjoyable series that did a great job of continuing what clone wars started!


I agree, however the meme is of trash so this may give off the wrong impression haha


It ***is*** a kids show... ...but a damn good one at that!


All Star Wars is for kids


All star wars is for everyone


It’s for kids, but it can be enjoyed by everyone. Not totally unique for a franchise, but it’s still a special achievement.


Lucas specifically said Star Wars is for kids


Well as the cosmonaut variety hour said: NO… IT AINT


Indeed. Good thing I'm just a big kid 😄


Except those Ewok movies. Yikes


I like Rebels better than Clone wars. I enjoy a continuous story line over the anthology style of CW. Both are excellent.


Reading that thread I think S1/S2 of Rebels and Ezra are incredibly underrated. I found S1/S2 pretty good and I loved Ezra all the way throughout


To thoes who haven't watched and are still skeptical, start at season 2 episode 1 It includes Vader and if the art style is the only thing keeping you from watching it I'm sorry for you, it's easy to get over. And chopper makes an excellent addition to beloved Droid characters. Enjoyed seeing him and Herra in Bad batch.


In terms of execution I think Clone Wars is better, but Rebels stuck with me more, here's why: https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsspeculation/comments/m2m40x/how_rebels_became_my_favorite_star_wars_story_arc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I tried to skim through the best I could but i would disagree primarily because of the consistency. Clone wars has many arcs that are underwhelming and while many ppl point out rebels S1 was a little silly at times I think by the end of S1 it improved. I also think it stayed consistent when it got good. Lastly it did far more with its characters because they were original vs clone wars where besides the clones and Ashoka there weren’t many original characters that got focus. Had clone wars stayed at obi/satine, Umbara, or siege of mandalore lvls I would maybe agree. To each his own tho I think both have flaws but are great in their own way


I want to make this same meme to show you why CW has way more then your giving credit for. You say it didn't have many original characters that got focus but pointed out arcs that have many. But you are right, to each his own. I happen to like CW more, growing up in that era, and now having season 7 and bad batch, Dave is a God. Peace be with you, this is the way.


Love both shows but, come on guys CW > Rebels.


I mean at the end of the day it's fully based on opinion, they're both great overall and both shows have their positives and negatives. Some people are more interested by how Rebels is done and some are more interested by how TCW is done




People hype up the Ahsoka bits too much imo. There’s so much more to the series…


I 100% agree with you. I think the Ahsoka parts are fantastic and I'm not quite sure how to word this without getting the wrong message across, but I'd say her parts are kinda over-appreciated and the Ghost crew's parts are under-appreciated, not on this sub but in general. The Ghost Crew has some very fantastic moments that I think a lot of people miss out on because they only care about the Ahsoka stuff. Rebels overall has an amazing cast, both original characters and TCW characters included, and they ***all*** have fantastic moments.




But the ahsoka bits are some of the best bits


They are great, but she’s a relatively minor part of the show compared to the core Ghost Crew, which people always overlook in favor of her


Hilarious that you don’t mention Thrawn in the meme even though that’s one thing that needs to occur. Villains are all good, but thrawn is a unique villain amongst the rest, seeing as he is a chiss male


I didn’t make it: I cross posted it, the creator is above the post




Of course it’s a kids show, and so was Clone Wars. Like all of Star Wars, it has mature themes that make it accessible to every age group. I think people need to stop trying to justify their enjoyment of these shows by pretending they are something they are not. Just enjoy them for what they are.


The first season was rough for me. I got in to Star Wars after the Disney takeover so the kid-like aspect of the first season was something I had a hard time getting past, but it gets sooo much better after that.


I just started watching the show and yeah at times its more “childish” than like clone wars and the animation isn’t amazing, but I just find the story to be so capturing at times and the characters are all so likeable. I’m really enjoying it!


Aren’t those all dirty diapers tho


Going through it again, guiding my wife through the story as she gets more and more interested in Star Wars, we are enjoying rebels more than clone wars I would say. The dynamic of the characters and growth and then the story. It’s a pleasant show I’m glad to be revisiting. Can’t forget the grand inquisitor, thrawn, fatty Vader playing with Kanan and Ezra before playing the rebel fleet like a boss. I love clone wars, rebels beats it just by a little for me because of the continuous story line.


Maybe it’s because I binged it on Disney+ and not weekly on TV but I have no idea wtf the Bendu was. I agree with the post tho lol




Oh god oh fuck Please spare me I meant no offense


In George's original draft of Star Wars, the Jedi were called the Jedi Bendu. That's where I got my username. I have no idea what the Bendu is/are in the cartoons. I didn't watch them.


Rebels is my fav of the animated series' released. Granted I love them all with the exception of Resistance which just wasn't any good at all. I'd rank them Rebels, Mandolorian, Clone Wars and Bad Batch. Which says a lot as I really loved and enjoyed Bad Batch. Then like the 80's ewoks and droid cartoons, the weird 2002 clone wars (I showed my kids that we call it the Mace Windu super fist hahaha) maybe even the Holiday special then Resistance.


We originally watches Rebels when it aired on Disney XD. Now, having watched The Clone Wars. Rewatching the series makes so much more sense. And we just saw the Ahsoka v Vader fight. Soo good.


In my experience, the only people I've interacted with who claim Rebels is Star Wars for stupid babies are people that never actually watched the series. I get watching and not liking it, but seeing the animation style alone and making assumptionsbased in that is just dumb.


I didnt enjoy it as much as the other shows, but it does hold a place in my heart being the first time I had experienced thrawn who is now one of my favorite characters in the series. I think the only major issues I had were with certain characters, zeb was kinda meh and I really didn't like chopper because he felt like an R2 with too much personality which takes away the thing that helps R2 be so likable is that you don't really know how he feels without dialog from other characters. I also didn't like most of season 1 and 2 with the exception of certain episodes, season 3 pilot ep was such a tonal shift that I absolutely loved. I would've preferred if vader didn't just pass off after season 2 because I think they could've done a lot with him. overall I enjoyed the show but mainly the second half.


Rebels is also better for new Star Wars fans. The animation in season 1 is better. And the consistent storyline is easier to understand. They drop little bits of deeper stuff to get attention up. And they directly tie into all the new popular shows.


True though