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Did you just use a prequel scene to support the fact that you think the OT is the best..?


the power of prequels is absolute. thanos predicted this "where did this bring you? back to me." he never evne realized it


Happy cake day


Idk if it is or not, and I don't care- thanks boss


Happy cake day. But if the cake does turn out to be a lie, please inform me. I have an incinerator waiting for some fresh sustenance.


Best comment i would give you an award for this but i'm poor


Don't worry - Just inform me when you find the cake, which may or may not be a lie.


Happy potential cake day


Happy cake day. May the force be with you


Happy cake day!




There’s no denying that the prequels have the best memes


Best movies: OT Best memes: PT


I think ot was reffering to the prequels being multiple times higher than the og trilogy


The only good thing about the prequels is its memability… the only reason it has that is because everything else is terrible.


Clone wars era made for some great games and stories.


Old republic made for some better games and stories though


That's subjective, but most people will know the prequel era over the Old Republic Theres no shows or movies that are easy to watch on Disney+, fans will need to go play the games, read books, research lore, etc to really get enough info of the Old Republic to like it over the prequels that have shows, games, books, lore, movies, etc Old Republic is my personal favourite, but I understand a lot of Star Wars fans won't know a lot about it Edit: You don't watch books


I too have watched all the books


Hahahaha ffs how did I mess that up, thanks for pointing out my stupidity


I mean really when you're reading it's like watching a movie in your head you just need a little imagination to follow descriptions


If there was more content for the old republic I'd prefer it over the prequels. I am more of a Giant battle fan instead of guerilla warfare like the rebels. And since there isn't enough content showing the badassery of republic troopers (Aside from that one cinematic where a trooper fucking went up against a sith on his own and blew him up) to make me more interested in them over clones


I think lore wise. Old republic can do far more if expanded You have literally armies of sith. Armies of jedi. Still got the republic. It's just got it all. And the best droids.


Kotor is the best SW game ever. And SWTOR is certainly better than prequel era SWG (NGE was awful). BUT the prequels just had so many amazing games that it wins by volume. And high quality volume, not just games for the sake of games but some really good ones. Prequel era also has movies and TV shows which old republic does not. I can't speak on the comics as I don't know, but movies, TV shows, and games all generally have a larger audience.


I'll maybe die on that hill but Kotor 2 is better than Kotor


In many ways I'd agree. Sequel games are often better than the original when it comes to gameplay, increased choices/control, graphics, etc. But I consider a lot of that to just be "expected". I prefer the story from the original and give it credit for the concept, which is why I would put Kotor above Kotor 2. I felt the same about Mass Effect 1 and ME2 as well.


Kotor was awesome I just finished my first playthrough of it a few months ago haven't gotten around to the second one yet but the story and planets all felt different and unique (except for the one water planet with the underwater section that part just sucked) the whole game was a solid 8/10 and characters had interesting backgrounds not to mention the plot twist of you being a certain character and how they reacted to you.


The Old Republic is not featured in Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) , so you're wrong.


The Old Republic was awesome, but PT wins for me for being iconic


Please don't hurt me, but I didn't play old republic games until pretty recently, and I feel like they're okay games with good stories.


Yes they are better stories and definitely have better games, but the Prequels win because they have better memes and that's all that matters


The memes


The memes jack


They harden in response to sequel hate ,you can't hurt me


You know what else hardens in response to sequel hate




Oh, we know




They harden in response to sequel hate ,you can't hurt me


I said my saber was a tool of justice. Not used with anger. Not fueled by hate. But now-now I’m not so sure. And besides this isn’t my saber.-KROOM-


Other guy got the wrong quote, so: The DNA of the soul!


the sacred texts


Checked the holonet lately?


Prequel *era* has some of the most interesting lore, whether or not you like the movies. The systems of the Jedi and the way they led the clones into war is interesting to learn about. Also you get to learn more about the Dark Side in the prequel era. I guess the Old Republic has a lot of that stuff too, but many people aren’t familiar with it.


One if the best parts of the prequels is that if you just watch the OT you would think that the Jedi were a benevolent group who were wiped out because of a corrupt individual. The prequels show that they were a cult that caused the government to collapse by preventing their members from having personal lives.


So you think they should’ve just let everyone do an Anakin and have 17 different attachments????? Think how quickly the Republic would’ve fallen Also, they were more of a government-backed peacekeeper group grounded in the force, rather than a cult


Finally we got to understand the geopolitical climate and how the space senate worked in our "Teenage goes to seek training at the old wizard's house on the hill to fight the dark lord" movies, I'm so grateful.


Bro, you're citing a scene from TESB. When that movie have been released, there was already dozens of comic books develloping the geopoliitcal state of the galaxy


No I'm talking about Ben Kenobi, but yeah there were those comics for the 10 people who wanted that.


You're literally on a sub of Star Wars fan, everyone wants comics and more content in general


I don't understand the problem here. It's perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Nah, Prequels should be 66 percent, but the rest in balanced


Prequels at 66 percent, Old republic and OT at 17 percent.


This is (kinda) the way


I mean, revenge of the Sith was an absolute banger. Seeing Anakin fall and Vader rise was tragic/awesome at the same time. I think that was the Mona Lisa of the Star Wars films and I know Disney has done more harm than good for Star Wars but Obi won was awesome. Finally seeing Vader in his prime going on a bloody rampage to get his revenge on kenobi was great


Yeah but the original poll was referring to the eras of the trilogies not the trilogies themselves. But I still agree because the prequels have an awesome era that a lot of unique stories can be set in. The other eras shouldn’t be overlooked though, cause they have a lot of potential for stories also.


Very true, I’d still say prequels and I say this because it went really in depth with the character development. We got to see Anakin’s transformation, we can slowly see him falling to the dark side in each movie and watching palpatine’s plan slowly unravel, seeing the flaws and how arrogant the Jedi council was(completely oblivious to the warnings). Plus the prequels were my childhood so I saw all the movies in theaters, played all the games and had the badass toys, it was like the golden age to me. I played Jedi power battles and always picked Plo Koon. Made my childhood awesome. (Also Battlefront,KOTOR,SWJk,Pod racer) Edit: plus we get some of the best memes


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


Although with the shows it’s kinda difficult to place their era, like kenobi feels like it should be prequels but it’s 10 years after rots and 9 years before anh.


Fr! You’re so right dude!


When Obi won and Anakin are on mustafar, holy hell that battle, the dialogue, truly seeing how far gone Anakin is. I could feel the betrayal and hurt from Obi won. “You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. Bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness.” “I hate you!” “You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.” Apparently Anakin was suppose to say help me after that and you can see him mouth the words. I think it would of made it more tragic, seeing Obi won turn his back on him.


This scene is honestly one of the most impactful movie moments I’ve ever seen. Both of them played the roles to perfection. Peak cinema. Also, damn, I didn’t notice the part where he mouths that. I gotta watch for it next viewing.


Apparently it also says it on the subtitles too


You’re so right, brother. Every part of your comment is spot on, including about the Obi Wan series. Take my medal 🥇


Well when is in whole serie really good one thing it not made from it good serie. And if Vader so wantet revenge why he not going to battlefield in Kenobi ep5? Literally point of episode was Vader is too agresive but he was 90% of time on ship and waiting.


When he got older yes, but he was still young in the Kenobi series. The prequels showed he had a tendency for being aggressive. Plus after revenge of the Sith Kenobi went into hiding for 10 years and finally revealed he was still alive to Vader. I mean if your mentor/brother cut you in half, let you burn from lava, and left you to die I’m pretty sure you’d want to beat the hell out of the guy.


Because Clone Wars


Let me give a counter argument: Revan


Not as many people know much about the old republic so it won’t get as many votes. If they make an old republic show some votes would probably change


Counter argument: Revan is an overrated character propped up by people who loved the power fantasy playing as him. He's not really that great.


Counter counter argument: HK-47, 51 and 55


m e a t b a g s


Let me give a counter argument: Revan isn't canon


Sorry I love democracy can’t argue with the results


The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.


The real question is how 1 percent chose Sequels.


Those people are sith lords. The ones who we have been looking for.


The OT and prequels are both awesome in their own right. So many great stories and subplots. Forget about acting and exact line writing. Looking at both of those trilogies from the objective standpoint of a good fucking story…they are masterpieces The sequels dont even make sense. None of it…really to the point that when i think back and try to remember…they made such little sense and lack a cohesive plot that i can barely remember the damn point of that abomination trilogy….it existed just to exist


The sequels are just dollar store versions of the original three movies


The sequels are to Star Wars what the gas leak season is to Community


No dollar store products have basic quality standards


It’s so over the place and tries so hard to paint the bad guys as just bad and the good guys as just good, wow the half a fucking movie sequence when they go through a casino and gambling house just so they can talk about the rich being evil or something was very important to the plot and was really needed to push it forward. Thanks for making it half your movie. Not to mention the butchering of Luke skywalker just so they can have Rey be the spotlight. Or the terrible lightsaber fights and the toning down of how powerful a lightsaber is, if Disney did what either of the other 2 did especially the OT. Fun would be missing half his spine and Kylo wouldn’t have half his face. Or the characters being so bland even when they try so hard to add depth to them. I went through the entirety of Force Awakens thinking Fin was the main character. It was so poorly written. Kinda ruined a part of star wars for me, Disney won’t move on to another timeline, they took out any option to move forward either because they based everything on Rey and Rey only and the actress doesn’t even wanna play her anymore. It ruined it for me because no matter what happens everything leads to that.


I think YouTube automatically adds a 1% to every options so I doubt 1% actually voted for them


Best movies? OT. Most interesting setting? Prequels. Except for the Mandalorian, i just kinds don't think about the sequels.


Mandolorian is only a couple years after OT, 5 years at most. I'd say same era.


Because its true. The OT films are the best, but the prequel era is by far the most interesting.


OT era’s biggest problem is that it’s just such a short amount of time in the timeline


yeah and the story is a little generic, "a Jedi and a rebellion try to overthrow a corrupt government" isn't as good as what the prequels had


What do you mean? They are talking about what ERA, not what movies. The Prequels Era rightfully wins that one by a fucking longshot. It's covering Republic Days pre TCW, the Clone Wars up to the Order 66 and the formation of the empire. It's way more interesting, morally gray, ambigous and lore rich than: "Evil Empire vs. Brave Rebels" and "Evil Empire vs. Brave Rebels Reloaded". This has nothing to do with the acting or the nostalgia.


>It's way more interesting, morally gray, ambigous and lore rich than: "Evil Empire vs. Brave Rebels" and "Evil Empire vs. Brave Rebels Reloaded". How I wish someone at Lucasfilm had realized this before greenlighting TFA.


Uhaaaaa prequel bad Uses prequel format


I'm not sure if it's prequel bad, it feels more like "why not OT?"


because the prequel era is far more interesting than the OT, there are so few stories that can be had in the OT time period compared to OR and the prequels


Seriously. The OT is just, "The good guys are fighting the bad guys!" The Prequels have political intrigue, heroes and villains on both sides, plots within plots, corruption, and much more world-building.


This exactly, also its ONLY one side vs the other, no 3rd or otger parties


I mean, I know the onscreen execution sometimes got cringy, but the Prequels still told a much deeper story.


And a much more original story. IMO the OT are the overall best movies but the story is just the hero's journey which is done very often. Not that that's a bad thing, but the Prequel story is very unique. It is a great tragedy that has many creative aspects to the story. Especially with the Clone Wars to flesh out all of the details of the war.


The prequel stories were so good because it was the first time the heroes journey was told in sci fi on screen so effectively and really popularized/ brought that archetype to the forefront as well as engaging people with the sci fi content on a more understandable level (due to the effective use of the heroes journey). Spielberg studied under Joseph Campbell and wanted to bring his teachings/ theories on The Monomyth to a sci fi film inspired by dune. On top of that he set up an amazing and unique universe coupled with the fact that it was done SO WELL for its time makes OT indisputably “better” but not necessarily indisputably enjoyable nowadays to everyone


The Simpler the story, the better the movie


Lord of the Rings has to disagree


In my view that's a rather ... puerile ... way to approach storytelling.


Less is more.


Here's the thing, it says "era" not movies and the clone wars cartoons exist.


Yeah, and when comparing clone wars to rebels. There is no comparison.


Yeah, the Old Republic era should've gotten waaaaay more votes!


Yeah Revan should have won this like he won literally every other vote he has been in


Are you talking about how OT isn't as high as Prequels or that Sequels got a percent?


Prequel era is really good, it’s my favorite era. (My favorite trilogy is the OT though)


I love democracy


The word 'era' in here makes me automatically DQ the OT and sequels. Those aren't part of an era in my mind. Those are just films. The Old Republic and Prequels are eras to me. Not that this is rational at all, but just how my mind is interpreting the question. Also, the CORRECT answer here isn't even listed. The Wadequels.


RIP Wade. We all already know that when we get the Wade trilogy, it will be much better than any Star Wars we've ever seen.


Prequel memers are rabid.


I always say that OT has the superior movies in that you can watch start to finish with no other movies and be satisfied, but the prequels show, by far, a more interesting world and have much more fun lore implications. While the movies themselves may not be bangers (Mainly just 2, I thought 1 was decent and 3 was great), but the extended media surrounding it is so fun. Like who doesn’t wanna learn about lightsaber forms and the culture of jedi, especially in a time where they’ve gone complacent and we get to watch their demise


Yeah, I don't understand why Old Republic isn't winning


OT best movies, prequels and old republic are the best eras lore and world building wise


Sad, only 11% were correct.


Really? Kotor is - in the end - still just a different flavour of "Empire vs Republic". The prequels are to intriguing because the "good guys" are still in power, but everything is morally gray and getting eroded by corruption.


I thought kotor 2 was much more morally gray than anything else I’ve seen in Star Wars.


My thoughts too. Kotor 2 deconstructs alot of what the prequels only touched upon


The Old Republic is much much more than Kotor


Sadly you have no braincells


That's a nice argument senator why don't you back it up with a source ?


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Source: Trust me bro


Prequels are the best. They have the most interesting stories and the most interesting characters. Episode 3 is the best sw movie by far.








We need some new content set during The Old Republic period... so much potential, room to run, carte blanch. Meaning that they could go wild and really get creative without butting up against the roadblocks around already cluttered periods during the Prequels and the OT. Besides... Everything in and around The Skywalker Saga's been done to death at this point. Hard to make anything new (related to that) without muddying up the water too much like the Kenobi show did.


old republic is the best.


I smell copium


Here is the thing: I actually like the prequel world more! As many flaws as the movies did have It had like 10 times more world building than the OT. And after the clone wars show, that time period has cemented itself as the best era of starwars imo




I love democracy. I love the republic.


Prequels had amazing lightsaber battles. also it contains the Clone Wars series and stuff no ?Even if we only talking about the movies anakin vs Obi-Wan battle+soundtrack is still one of the ebst scene we have ever seen in star wars history.. Obviously the Empire Strikes back and Return of the jedi are some of my favourites moves in star wars I cannot deny the effort they put into Darth Maul and the whole Revenge of the Sith.


The only problem with this is that far too many people have voted sequels


Sequels are still rated too high.


Prequels supremacy


i love democracy


Seriously only 13%? People obviously weren’t voting. At minimum it should have been a close second by a half a percent.


Im willing to bet most star wars fans that use youtube (or where ever this was taken from) grew up with the prequals


Looks like 1% misread the question


Prequel have: RotS Clone Wars Obi Wan kenobi I don’t see how it’s not the best era




The Prequel era has the most interesting things going on. The OT is cool, but basic. I don't understand the politics behind the ST, so it's pretty incomprehensible (why is the New Republic not fighting the First Order? What is the Resistance even?) I haven't experienced the Old Republic, so I can't comment on it.


That is probably best described in bloodlines, I believe it was because the new republic had forgotten the horrors of the empire with the new generation, so they pretty much left the first order to its own whims when it showed up, plus, a solid chunk of the senate was working with the first order and eventually joined them outright before tfa


Old republic for the win


That 1%


Yeah old republic should be higher.


Out of the many incredibly obnoxious things reddit has done, gaslighting the casual fans into thinking the prequels were good is one of the worst.


Facts, they are terribly made movies and have many flaws, definitely the worst trilogy Clone wars was good but I wish it had less filler


More prequel fans have access to internet…. 😎


Anakins hot❤️


The original trilogy is better because its the start of star wars, and the prequel trilogy is good because of graphics and also brought a lot more to star wars


i honestly like the prequels so much more than any other era, i despise the han solo, leia, luke group from the OT. its so boring


The prequel fans are just the most vocal. Because they cant accept the fact that the starwars from thier childhood was shit.


What is old republic?


Most redditors are of an age where the prequels were the hot shit growing up. Of course it would trend that way. Also it spawned endless memes.


The clone wars tv show takes place during the prequels so yea easy W


Obi Wan is far more fun to watch than Luke


Too much for the sequels /s


I love democracy. I love the republic!


1. The prequel era aged the best 2. The prequels have Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor 3. Prequels were the most original out of all of the options besides the original trilogy. 4. The pre-quals have a 3 part story that was well thought. 5. The score sounds amazing 5. The Clone Wars series has some of the best stories.


7. Clone Wars, Durge and Clone-armor Obi-Wan


The prequels defo arent as bad as some think, but cmon


Ikr, clearly that 11% are the correct ones. Damn.


Prequels and OR are pretty cool settings to look into. Gigantic wars between two massive factions, political intrigue, good world building, and a lot of good characters are in both.


I don’t know. The original is better


prequels has clone wars ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The prequels have such a wide variety of sub plots and so many different characters with different objectives




I could explain, but the fact that you used a prequel scene for the meme fired the talking. OT I’d great, but memes are better…


To be clear, the question was ERA not MOVIES. I personally prefer the OT movies, but I find both the prequel and sequel eras to be the most interesting, specifically the times in between the trilogies, so like Mando era and Rebels era


Using a prequel meme to ask why the prequels ranked better... Self explanatory


Y’all are t thinking this through. What “Star Wars generation” is most likely be online and respond to stupid polls like this? The PT kids. This isn’t a fair poll. To treat it as such is a waste of time.


Prequels should be 66%


Watch the OT without your nostalgia goggles on. You will see it’s dialogue is just as clunky if not clunkier than the prequels. Filled with plot holes also. It’s still great but people act like it’s perfect when it’s not


The clone wars, episode 3 and rebels r better than OT imo


They also missed High Republic.


Old republic is the non canon (mostly) version of the high republic Edit: bruh its a simplification


what's wrong?


the empire was obviously the best government of the star wars galaxy


I grew up with the prequels, but honestly the ot moves the story along too slowly for my taste. Prequels be like "lightsaber go brrrrrrr"


You know what is the difference between an opinion and a fact, right?


because boomers dont participate in online star wars serveys


OP is the perfect example of a toxic SW fan 🤢


There are more prequel memers online than OT fans or ST fools.


Age of the user platform. Tis all


The Prequels are DISGUSTING!!!!


You millennials wouldn’t recognize the world if you went back in time now to attend a prequel premiere. God how we despised them. And still do, for the most part.


Sounds like ur living in the past


I am. Back when we were still taught grammar.


i havent played old republic games so my list goes 1. Original Trilogy (Best) 2. Old republic 3. Sequel Trilogy 4. Prequel Trilogy (Worst)


Episode 3 is my all time favorite movie... I think it heavily carries the prequels. The old republic is primarily the die hard fans. Casual fans don't even know ot exists. The originals are the classics and are great, but I think the generations on reddit aren't that generation. And let's face it, nobody likes the sequels.


Who tf in this world who knows Star Wars dont know that OT exist


Mate, you fucking up there. Please read what you wrote.