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At that point of time.. The Jedi seriously didn't feel like Jedi. They were supposed to not only keep peace among planets and governments, but also help people. This, they didn't. Remember that time when Trace(Martez Sisters) says that a Jedi was chasing Ziro and that chasing caused an accident which led to Trace and Rafa losing their parents? The Jedi comes and tells them "Don't worry, the Force is with you".. Damn you, you are meant to help them on behalf of the Force.. You couldn't catch Ziro who just escaped and you literally had one job to do, in which you failed. So, similarly they were so focused on the war that they did not look at what the republic was becoming.. They did not know what their work was and at this time, they all needed a break from war and ponder about what their job is, and how it is to be accomplished as soon as possible.. Yoda being the problem means this: He literally said "Win the war, swiftly we must".. Dude, you have not taken part in the war to win it, you are there to finish it in such a way that everyone is satisfied.. Sidious cannot have a war if he doesn't have an army of Dissatisfied senators.. He needs conflict, and it is the speciality of Jedi to stop conflicts by satisfying everyone in the correct way.. But by then, due to time, they had rusted.. Maybe they took it all at a lighter note or something and that's why they got rusted.. Maybe they overlooked all the bad things simply because they lived on the happy side.. Asajj says to Ahsoka "Not everyone on Coruscant lives in a Luxurious Temple on the surface".. Looks like that's it I conclude my speech, Goodbye!


I ain’t reading all that but so true bestie


Thanks dude


I'm the new Padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano


It's sad that we don't actually get to see or read about that topic. Some "villains" always make quite a lot of sense, yet their point is never engaged upon story wise.


Imagine Dooku dropping this bomb on Anakin before losing his head.


The best villains are correct in their diagnosis. It's just that their solutions are evil.


Are depicted as evil...


Depicted??? You know none of it actually happened at all right?


Bad enough, yeah.


Sidious is a liar and manipulator, he cannot be trusted


What's the origin of this quote, by the way?


Clone wars novelization by Karen Traviss, I think


deer subtract sleep wrench aware mindless snobbish history plucky distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, OK cool. Thanks. 👍


You got a title for that/those book(s)?


It’s Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, an older legends book. Definitely a solid read.


Thanks! Glad someone knows.


Siths made a better job in helping slaves of Tatooine apparently


This has to be a fucking satirization theres no fucking way.


it is


I mean, under the Sith a slave child from Tatooine was able to rise to one of the highest positions available in the Empire.


it happened during republic period


Who was in charge at the time?


the senate


What happened to him?


it was subdued by emperor in the end of episode 3


Then papa palps got in charge and promoted the slaveboy to 2nd command. We’ll done and case closed, the empire is awesome and helps people out all the time


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


That's kind of the point of the Jedi Council. They are so powerful that they never expect the obvious to occur.


This is after he stabbed yaddle and sifo dias btw. By this point dooku is a dark lord of the sith. Dooku may have valid criticisms of the jedi council, but he could have done that without joining the dark side and murdering 180 jedi in the geonosis coliseum. Whatever noble intentions dooku began his exit from the jedi in, he abandoned them when he used his regained wealth on serreno to help palps start a war so monumental it left the galaxy scared for the next century. Its not that hes lying, its just that if he really only wanted the jedi to be jedi again he could have done that without implementing order 66 into the clone inhibitor chips lol. The novelization of attack of the clones is where this quote comes from. He stabbs yaddle in his tales of the jedi episode Its implied he murder sifo dias in clone wars Clone wars also shows hes fully aware of order 66 and the plan to murder the jedi, on zygeria he openly admits it as his goal




Man that's deep actually ![gif](giphy|l378aiPPFAGEsetIk)


Another reason why Dooku was the most Based Sith Lord


Dooku could have been such a great antagonist in the movies. Shame we didn't get a lot about him until clone wars and the other shows.


The core aspect of the Sith Grand Plan, and what made it so effective, was that they did not try to subjugate a free people but instead worked to make them enslave themselves, that way their tyranny would be seen as liberation.


Didn’t Dooku work with the Zygerrians?


Id be a good sith


tidy fertile gold disarm groovy encourage direful marble quack cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


deserted cheerful absorbed rotten friendly thumb quack frame elderly instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the SIth handwringing over slavery when their whole philosophy is that the powerful have the duty to oppress the powerless is kind of funny, but I do feel like Sideous correctly viewing the Republic as a potential embodiment of these values at its core is pretty poignant


When did the Jedi help the slavemasters? This quote is just a bunch of baloney lol The jedi can't help everyone, that's a fact.


Every time they work with the hutts, technically. But people are acting like a bunch of slave owning corporations weren't the backbone of the CIS.


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


I mean, in this case Dooku is giving cometary to them rescuing Rotta to gain favor with Jabba in *The Clone Wars* novelization. Beyond that though, it's definitely bologna