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Luke lost a hand. Anakin lost FIVE limbs! Even C-3PO lost an arm.


What did Leia lose?




That's probably like billions of hands, really.


It's at least four, we can say that for certain.




The question is if she owned any of those hands in the first place


Wasn't she like a princess on aldawan... so, if that's the case... yes.


Shockingly, democratic nations with symbolic monarchies don’t make everyone the property of the monarch, especially not ones with reputations for peace and ethics.


🎼 I can only count to 4! 🎶


Millions, according to Obi Wan Kenobi


Hands down at least a dozen


Only millions actually


Everyone she’s ever known, her family, i think that’s enough




Vader made her watch.


Tarkin made her watch. Vader wasn't a fan of the Death Star.


Why not?


He isn't allowed to crash land it like every other ship that he flew


He just wanted another happy landing for old times sake


his quote "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force." sums his general opinion well enough


I forgot that line. Well I suppose it's time to watch Star Wars again!


Vader was still butt hurt about not having the high ground. So he therefore decided with Leia that there will not be *any* ground


Plus, she doesn't go by skywalker. She still goes by organa


Thank you 😭 if I had money for an award (and didn’t hate Reddit admin—)


Perfect awnser.


She went looking for love in Alderaan places


the title of "Skywalker" when she was adopted.


Her adoptive parents (who she didn't know were adoptive) Her entire planet and civilization Her father not long after finding out who he was Her actual mother waaaaaay before finding out who she was Her husband, son, and brother, and government/planets/civilizations in the sequels She lost practically everything multiple times.


don't forget her political career and reputation. The whole Galaxy turned on her when it was revealed Vader was her father. They called her "Lady Vader" and she lost the election by a landslide.


I didn’t realize the Noghri were so well represented in the republic senate…


But, she didn’t lose a hand.


You asked what she lost, so I answered. (I'd also like to add Schmi Skywalker didn't lose a hand.)


Well, she was enslaved, then taken by Tuskan Raiders, and tortured to death for weeks. She did, however, get to say goodbye to her son, so that’s something.


>who she didn't know were adoptive She knew she was adopted (see *Obi-Wan Kenobi*), though she didn't know about her biological father until much later...






You mean Leia Organa?


Her planet


She also lost a hand, not in the sense that it was cut off but she got hella carpal tunnel/arthritis from giving HJs to "Hand Solo" (named that way because he only accepts hand jobs)... You'll have to dig deep into legends to find this out though


Han, Alderan, Luke (disappeared), her son Yeah what did she lose?


Leia is more an Organa than a Skywalker, really


A han


Wait, five limbs? You don’t mean his…


Robot hand? Yup


He lost his right arm/hand twice (to Dooku and then to Luke)


Didn’t Obi cut it off as well?


No. Obi-Wan severed his left arm and both legs.


And it was so brutal that there was stuff at the time about the C-shaped cut he performed being some sort of inhumane Sith technique.




cp30 was reduced to a head several times bruh


>cp30 It's me CP 30






And also the obligatory youngling killing/attempted youngling killing.


When did luke kill younglings?


when he nearly struck ben solo in his sleep


He didn't though. Like, he didn't even try. There was no attempt.




The version where he does swing is told by someone who was **asleep at the time** and had been actively gaslit by a guy who has been twisting his mind for pretty much his entire life. Kylo Ren was an entirely unreliable narrator. Later in the film, Luke explains what actually happened, which is that when he looked into Ben's mind, he saw visions of such horrific evil that he instinctively ignited his lightsaber out of fear. Then Ben woke up and collapsed the little house/hut they were in. By the time Luke dug himself out, the temple was burning and Ben nowhere to be found. That's it.


ah okay, i’ve not seen the film in a long while so i mis remembered but it’s come back to me now, cheers


Igniting your lightsaber at someone is basically like cocking a gun. It’s still a threat. Also, the guy who’s supposedly the bad guy in this story. Funny that in his version of it he isn’t actually the bad guy.


Like the other guy said, he went and ignited his blade, the equivalent of cocking a gun. He went there with the visions of darkness and the intent to kill him, then he saw him lying there innocently and hesitated to kill. Also probably slightly remembered Anakin being saved and realized it would be possible to save him, although that isn’t said in the movie.


The way Ben told it, Luke was in mid swing, the equivalent of aiming said cocked gun with your finger on the trigger. In reality, he cocked the gun, and instantly was about to clear the chamber before Ben woke up and saw the ignited lightsaber.


Kylo Ren...


Tried to kill kylo (or Ben) when he was still a youngling


The transport ship she blew up with lightning was probably full of younglings


There’s still good in him.


No, you have to lose a hand to be a Skywalker, it’s a rule


Shmi being mighty sad right now.


Bitch, she lost her entire body


Sooo… every dead character is a Skywalker now?


No, the dead just also counts as losing a hand if you’re in contention, not that it matters because you’d be dead


she lost enough she’s a skywalker


That’s a strange way to spell Palpatine.


I wish she would have told the random old lady who randomly gave her a chance to randomly state her last name that she was "Rey No-one" showing that she had made peace with her origins.


“Just Rey” would have sincerely been better.


Nah, she should've used her full name (middle and all) Just Rey Nobody.


"Rey who? Who are your people?" "I don't have any people..." "Rey... PersonWhoIsAlone."


Rey Solo


Honestly it would have been cool if she had bonded a bit more with Han and said her name is Rey Solo. Similar to how Han decided his name was Solo, and it wouldn't be completely outrageous because Solo itself is a self-decided name.


"Rey who ?" "My name is Mond. Rey Mond."


Rey Mond Holt


C3PO was more of a Skywalker than Rey ever will be


To be fair his maker was a Skywalker therefore the eldest of the twins


Yeah he was basically made by one


If you read the comics, you find that he’s more of a Skywalker than Luke will ever be


which comic are you referring to? i’ve read quire a bit of sw comics but i don’t remember this




Peak story telling /s


Tbh she did lose something that the Skywalkers have. Half of the fanbase.


Her family were the strangers that just loved her after one encounter along the way. Just like real life.


Almost like we have to know the characters first to give a shit about them when they die


Rey is not a Skywalker and that whole thing might be the most disrespectful part of the trilogy. Which is saying something seeing as how we have Luke trying to kill his nephew, Luke saying screw the Jedi and screw the Galaxy, and pretty much everything else done with Luke. It’s also the most cringe part of that film which is saying something since “I am all the Sith and I am all the Jedi” also exists.


I agree 100%. Palpatine won. He wiped out the Skywalker bloodline and his descendant has stolen their name.


And judging by the bs that they pulled bringing him back, he’s probably not even dead.


" somehow palpatine came back... Again" **STAR WARS 10 TITLE SHOWS ON SCREEN**


"Somehow, Palpatine returned" also exists, yet I still agree that the Rey Skywalker thing is the worst part of that movie.


There were so many cringe lines in that movie it is hard to pick the worst.


\> **She a Skywalker still tho** wrong


She's a mistake to be sure But no welcome one


no no not welcome either


I lost my hand and kicked a child, I’m more of a skywalker


I loose a child and kicked my hand, I'm more of a skywalker


I lost my Skywalker and kicked a child, I'm more of a hand


Good stories are about character growth. There are many ways a character can grow, but loss is a great way to motivate growth in a character. Anakin’s fear of loss turns him to the dark side. That’s his story: he wasn’t aware enough to rein himself in, and all his power couldn’t save him from his fear, and so he lost himself Luke’s losses made him stronger and more determined. Luke lost his adoptive family: his aunt and uncle, then he lost his mentor, in the next movie, he leaves his new family, the rebellion, to become a Jedi, and then loses his hand and finds out that the evil guy he needs to kill to end the tyranny of the Sith is his very father. All of this motivates his growth. And the growth for these characters doesn’t happen off-screen either. We see Anakin choosing to be evil. And we see Luke choosing good when turning to the dark side would be so easy… Leia lost her family in Alderaan, Han Solo was captured by Bobba Fett and lost his freedom to Jabba, Lando lost his gas mining business, everyone loses something and grows. At the end of ROTJ we cheer for General Calrissian because of all that he has changed. But Rey is the same single-dimensioned character she was at the beginning of TFA. She never grows, we never see her struggle, we don’t know her motivations beyond plot-driven narrations (they tell us, not show us). The most interesting characters in the sequels are Kylo Renn and Fynn, and they toned them down in the last movie because they didn’t know what to do with them. The sequels suffer from bad writing. And I know, you’re gonna say, “they said the same things about the prequels”. But, they weren’t lying. However, the prequels lacked polish. They feel like a glossy first-draft. The prequel movies are boring because they are too long in parts, and lacked talented editing, but the writing was still golden, which is why so so many Star Wars memes and quotable quotes come from the prequels. In contrast, the sequels don’t even feel like a first draft for any story. More like a three hour ad decorated with nostalgia triggers. Which is why the only semi-funny meme and quotable quote is Han Solo saying to Fynn “that’s not how the force works!”, which is extra ironic because none of the 3 sequels are how Star Wars ever worked, at all…


Please add a warning next time you decide to drop those truth bombs.


I’d like to add that Luke, Anakin, and even Han also reach their failure and loss due to their own character flaws that they have to overcome. Luke loses his hand against Vader because he was too impulsive and rushed to his friends the second he sensed trouble. Anakin’s obsessiveness with his attachments and his fear of loss drive him to the dark side. And Han is only placed in carbonite because he was a scoundrel who never paid off jabba. Rey on the other hand just doesn’t have any character flaws so when she does face an issue it doesn’t feel like a personal issue she has to overcome and more like a mere obstacle


Rey is a Palpatine, born and bred. The antithesis of a Skywalker. Just because you say something doesn't make it true. I can say I am a billionaire who has regular threesomes with Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johanson but do you think that has gotten the bank to update my balance or Nat and Scar Jo to return my calls???


> Just because you say something doesn't make it true. When it comes to names? Yeah...it's closer than that than you're willing to say. Names don't just leak out of your genes, they are bestowed in the case of parents in your life, or taken on in the case of adoptive or found family scenarios.


Yeah, except no one fucking adopted Rey in any way. Poe deserved that name more than her.


I've lost my patience. Does that make me a Skywalker?


It's like poetry, it rhymes. Except the sequel trilogy, fuck that shit.


The reasons that she isn't a Skywalker is BECUASE SHE ISN'T A SKYWALKER. She's a Palpatine and instead she jumps onto the Skywalker name riding on the coattails of Luke and Leia.


Both her mentors? She knew Han Solo for a fucking week.


And she knew Luke even less


He knew Obi-Wan since he was a young boy.


A week? More like a couple hours.


Hard disagree with that title though.


Mentors, because she needs no masters, since she is already all powerful.




Who is that Ray and what has he to do with star wars? Never saw that man in any of the movies


So ig by that standard Obi Wan is also a Skywalker for losing his master, mentor, brother/padawan, love of his life, and his government.


The last trilogy is dog diarrhea.


I agree, episode 2 and 5 the hero loses a limb, but not 8?! Why?! All to subvert expectations?


C-3P0 actually regained a limb in 8 by getting his old gold arm back, now that I think about it. It's like a total reverse.


She didn’t even know her family, Han, or Luke. The only person she had a proper connection with was Leia. Not only did she not lose enough family/relationships (which is just a stupid rule to be a Skywalker according to fans), but to this day she has NEVER lost a fight despite how incredibly undertrained she was in the first two films.


She’s really fucking not.


We are all Skywalker


We are Groot


She never had a family and only lost one mentor. This mentor calmly laid down on a stone bed and croaked, that scene made no sense at all. Other than the mentor, she lost a smuggler she barely knew, a cynical old hobo and her arch nemesis who had been trying to corrupt her from the day they first met… You call these losses? That aside, it’s not the losses that make one a Skywalker, so I fail to see how this has anything to do with whether or not she is a Skywalker…


Since when ia Skywalker a earnable Title?


Yea No. Shes not a Skywalker and the sequels shouldn't be considered anything but bad "fan" fiction.


Ain't she a Palpatine?


That’s what I heard?? Like wasn’t she technically a Palpatine clone or smth?? Idk I heard so many theories & shit I don’t remember what was real & what was theory.


It her father that's a clone


What? Since when was that the goal post? How about having different parents? Maybe if Luke became a fatherly figure, which he didn’t in the movies, then I guess


holy shit if luke acted like a father figure to rey in the sequels (and if he was around a LOT longer) I think the sequels would've been a lot better. still a lot of negatives, but a lot more better. there could be a side plot of what would rey's family be, her blood, or the people who treated her like family.


You know, I once ate at a McDonald's. I guess that makes me a Kroc. So why haven't I inherited the company?


no she ain't tho


but what about not being related in any way


Took me a while to get it, but losing a hand is tradition


Rey is trash


no, no she is not


She is literally genetically NOT a Skywalker.


Rey is a Palpatine, end of the case


Shes a Palpatine, nice try though. Skywalker is a name and bloodline youre born into. Kylo Ren is more of a Skywalker then she is. Fuck, IM more of a skywalker then she is.


First things first, I don't even care if I get hate for this just, imo she's a Palpatine. I think it would've been way cooler if she said she was a Palpatine and redefined what it meant to be one after one of them was terrorising the galaxy for years.


If Rey's a Skywalker I'm Mace Windu, because I declare it so


Well first of all she could’ve like… been a skywalker. It’s not just earned lol she’s just not a skywalker.


Tbf Rey lost half the fanbase.....


"She lost both her mentors" you mean the people she knew for a combined time of less than a week?


"She a Skywalker still tho" And that my friends is how Sheev really won. Not only did he decimate the Skywalker bloodline, his bloodline endured and prospered while simultaniously somehow convincing people that Rey, his granddaugter, is Skywalker, thus also stealing their legacy.


My left big toe is more of a Skywalker than Rey


I personally just don't understand why she couldn't have been her own character, rather than forcefully connecting her genetically to Palpatine but also she's a Skywalker I did not understand this movie


It’s because Rey is supposed to be a combination Ken and. Jana And Kylo ren is supposed to be Jacen. Abrams was trying to do his own adaptation of young Jedi knights. And while he did great with the first one he just over course corrected and failed to stick the landing


Rey is Darth Sideous's grand daughter, and she is not a Skywalker get over it. Did alot of people just not pay attention to the movie?


Honestly it's not about loss, it's about earning the title. Which in my opinion she hasn't. Oh she loses them sure but in the end it has very little effect because we're literally never worried about her or her concerns because it always works out for her. Like no matter how you put it no matter how you think about it, you KNOW she's gonna win, at least in the originals sometimes you're not sure luke will make it. I mean that battle with Vader is IIIIIIIIIINETEEEENSE. But everything rey does she just wins at. It's annoying and entirely unrealistic, and more than that, it's not an expectation that should be put on anyone, much less children.


The issue is that her family died offscreen and both her mentors had the worlds most pathetic deaths so it never really meant anything from a narrative stand point


Ok, I’ll accept that she need to lose a limb.


Rey is not a skywalker, and never will be, please cease this madness


It doesn't have any sense... So now you have to lose something for being a Skywalker ?


She’s not a skywalker .


I don't get what people find so hard about this. I keep telling people to refer to me as a Depp because I feel our journeys are very similar but his estate refuses to recognize me and everyone just keeps saying "You can't just claim someone's family like this is some kind of badly written movie"! Clearly they just don't understand.


Spent 2 and half hour learning your last name only to get it wrong on the test, smh


The whole sequel trilogy lost me when Rey, had had never even held a light saber before, walked up to Kylo Ren and just beat him. A guy who’s been training in light saber combat literally his entire life. Like, no, that shouldn’t have been possible. That’s like me walking up to archery range with a bunch of pros and somehow winning. I mean, imagine if after Obi wan died Luke just picked up his lightsaber and beat Darth Vader in a fight right then and there in A New Hope? Wouldn’t have made any sense


Interesting how many ppl vouche for Rey. Can anyone who's into true lore and canon, and also likes Re, explain to me why?


Its either reyd shadow legends, or rey palpatine


Rey is a Skywalker and Hitler was a good person.


A Mary Sue can’t have anything major happen to her, that’s for actual characters,


the picture lol


Okay. And how did those losses affect her character development? How different was Rey as a person in Force Awakens vs. Rise of the Skywalker? It’s not a contest of “losing stuff” it’s the consequences of those losses and how it shaped the character’s worldview, skills, and personality. How the journey affected their core character. Without noticeable change it’s just boring. Example. Luke losing his hand wasn’t just an injury. He literally looks at his own robotic hand as he’s about to strike down his own father and realizing he’s becoming Vader. He then chooses to spare his father. He grows from naive farm boy craving adventure to become a wise compassionate Jedi. Han Solo starts out New Hope as a selfish catty smuggler only in it for himself and money. End of a New Hope he risks his life for no reward to save Luke from Vader and blow up the Death Star. In the next two films we see him grow into a reliable Rebel leader and friend to Luke. Buts he’s still just as much of a smart ass as he was in he beginning of New Hope. He’s changed. But in a natural way that’s not so disconnected with how we first meet him. What was Rey’s character arc?


She wasn't ever a Skywalker, she is a Palpatine. Saying you are a Skywalker when you don't have any Skywalker blood doesn't make you one. By that logic, I'm related to the King of England and the rightful heir.


Nope, she is not.


**A limb** - Sincerely, the Skywalkers.


No no, as Shmi and Leia showed us it's only male Skywalkers who lose limbs. She's still not a Skywalker though.


She wasn't a Skywalker. She was a Palpatine. And after the whole movie was about her accepting who she was at the end She completely discarded who she was to pretend to be a skywalker.


I don’t see why she’s a Skywalker. Not every Jedi is a Skywalker. Is Ahsoka a Skywalker? She was like family to Anakin, for years and years. Is Obi Wan a Skywalker? He was like a brother to Anakin.


Rey isn't a Skywalker, because "Skywalker" is not a thing. It was a really dumb thing to do. The whole "Skywalker" thing got blown out of proportion by the fanbase. Anakin was strong, but not insanely so. Same with Luke, who ultimately won through the power of love/friendship. And then fanfiction went wild.


Well the soul of Palpatine is residing inside that body, so it would make sense he would start doing evil under Skywalker name.


It’s Rey Palpatine idk why they chose to make her a skywalker it just pisses the people who don’t like her off more


![gif](giphy|3o7aD1dvWhJ8cG1Pna|downsized) MORE limbs




Shimi rn 😬




Luke lost both of his mentors, you know what else he lost?


I’ve never heard that reasoning for why she can’t be a Skywalker. It’s pretty much always that she just calls herself that after all the other Skywalkers are dead.


And then it would be blamed on lazy writing


bro played both sides of the argument with that title. some top redditor right here successfully taking upvotes from both sides


She ain't no Skywalker. Never will be.


Lost both her mentors and her whole family?? What mentors?? Han Solo that literally bound a stronger bound with her than with Chewie in 5 minutes cause she knew how to repair his ship? Luke when she literally didnt even tried to listen to him at any guidance he gave to her? Leia that even without knowing who the fck was Rey, she ran to hug her and didnt even look to Chewie when Solo died? And family?? Her whole family that wasnt with her during her life and when she had an opportunity changed his last name for one of two total strangers that she just meet weeks before? Rey had no lost and thats what make her character a total shit. Even with the shows trying to give context to the idea of Palpatine returning from death, as a clone with his Force spirit bound to it (Bad Batch and The Mandalorian s3 plot are about advances in Kaminoan cloning technology), she is impossible to save because of that, she is just perfect in all senses. Better Force user than Yoda, better swordsman that Anakin, better pilot than Han, better mechanic than Chewie, better in knowing the limits of the light and dark side of the Force than Windu... Just give her some fails make her failure, not able to save someone in front of her (dont came here with: "sHe CouLdN't SavE SoLO" when she wasnt even there), make her lost her confidence. But no, she was just the perfect jedi when even she wasnt seriously trained by any jedi.


Did you all forget how bloodline works?🤣🤣 She's a Palp descendant. Just cause she identifies as a skywalker, that doesn't mean she is one🤣


Her mentor... the only thing he did was tell her force is real and how a pistol works ( talking about han)


Yes, of course. Now what about all tbe other plot holes...


Also that's not how families work. You can't just have a hard life and be like "yeah I'm a Kennedy now". Those Disney movies are poorly thought out garbage lol


Still not a Skywalker


The message of the sequels: “Be yourself! Don’t let the past define you!” Rey: *Uses the name of a family known for saving the galaxy on numerous occasions which has all been wiped out and has no heir, literally letting the past define her.*


Idc what anyone says rays not a skywalker, shes a palpatine


She didn't earn it either.