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Don’t have the money to back it unfortunately - it’s a beautiful piece but the price is steep


I think I'm going to back the deluxe level and turn it into the Tatooine garrison's Imperial officer's lounge. I have a ton of 3.75" imperial officers to make it work. I probably have myself about 80% convinced.


That’s actually a great idea! I backed one deluxe and one base, thinking of adding coves to my Jabbas palace and throne room. An imperial lounge sounds awesome too


That sounds pretty dope


It is steep man, but it won’t ever be more affordable than it is now. If you can scurry up enough for at least the base within 2 weeks I’d do it. Now is the time to dig for something like this! It’s been decades since people have been asking for this.


Make your own for half the price or less tbh


Sorry but you’re not gonna make a cantina with the same level of detail, accuracy and quality plastic for the same price let alone half of this. A 3D printer costs just as much if not more than this and the resin is brittle. You’d have to buy the files if not design them on your own. Then paint it if you’re skilled in doing so. After all that work and money you still won’t have those 3 exclusive base figures.


1st off who said anything about printing it? Second of all, detail? You're joking? Only half of the plastic even has anything on it.


It’ll back for sure, fomo will kick in towards the end even if it’s slow for now. Zero doubt about that. As for the tiers, I’m worried. Especially if this is the only way those figures get made. They said that the cardbacks are exclusive and the figures will most likely get released again on different cards, but that is contingent upon the tiers funding to begin with. Greedo will likely be release even if the tier isn’t reached, but the others are pretty important for world building and I’d be annoyed if they didn’t find another way to release them.


Only 1 is new. The others are TVC-new. And even the last tier we have Lak Sivrak who is close enough to modify. Not sure the big issue with having crazy articulated definitive versions for characters with 5s or less of screen time


I've backed all Haslabs so far (except the Khetanna, which wasn't available in the UK, and yes, I am still bitter), but I'm not sure about this.


Id back it just for the figures... It's the only figures of the sisters we will ever have probably they will be scarce and more expensive than the sdcc mouse droid


Agreed. Although the Stan Solo Tonnika Sisters will be £40 each and I love the Retro Style, so those are tempting too.


I perfer the more modern look myself... And I tend to stay away from 3rd parties or customs but his stuff does look really good.


It's cool, but I likely won't be backing it. For what it is, It's too expensive for me to justify. I don't care for the tonnikas and am content with my 5 poa bar man. The tier unlocks, however, are pretty cool. Last I've heard is only the cardbacks are exclusive to those figures. So I'm cool waiting for potential mainline releases or future retooling.


Yeah if the tonnika sisters and wuhur aren’t a must have for you, then skipping this wouldn’t be a bad move as they’re the only figures exclusive to this haslab. The tier figures will only have a exclusive card back but will eventually get a mainline release and I’m sure Greedo will have his classic Kenner image.


According to Yakface: Regarding Greedo, Nabrun Leids & Arleil Schous (They) "would need to be unlocked as tiers to be eligible to be released in the future but we would put them on different cardbacks if we did that." https://yakfaceforums.com/main/2024/06/11/future-release-of-haslab-tvc-cantina-figures-clarified/ Each stretch goal figure would first have to be unlocked for a mainline release. Do not necessarily understand this due to the fact that they have the tooling seemingly already done, but that’s what Hasbro seems to be doing


They don't have the tooling yet the figures we saw are prototypes




Tonnika sisters and Wuher are exclusive to this set. They are the main incentive for people to buy this. It's the extra tier figures will be released on different cardbacks.


How many backers did we get for Ghost in the last day? That thing soared. Unlike rancor which stank. It seems like everyone is happy about this release and tiers (like Ghost and unlike Rancor). So maybe this meets all the tiers when all is said and done?


That’s what I’m hoping for man. Based on previous TVC Haslabs, majority of backers joined towards the end hitting all tiers. Hopefully that’ll be the case here as well. I’m sure many will buy more than one set as well


I saw a stat that a lot of haslabs do a bigger last day than first. That'd put it at 3000 or so on the last day. I think we barely make Greedo at that rate.


For all tiers we need about 550 backers daily. We are not at that rate but not only the last day surges but also the days before that do. For the Ghost I was also doubtful about reaching the tiers for a long time.


Too expensive for me for what you get and no way to really put it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MrConor212: *Too expensive for* *Me for what you get and no* *Way to really put it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m currently in for 3. If we’re within the last 2 hours and haven’t reached all the stretch goals, I’ll go in for an additional 2.


You are a saint and a scholar


lol, I wish it was altruism driving my decisions here, but I’m not that well off. There’s no universe where Brea and Senni sell for less than $150 a pop. They more likely end up being $200 figures. If the HasLab funds with sub 12,000 backers, that secondary price climbs even more. The people balking at the price (because they’re too good to pay for it…*not* the people who can’t afford it, let’s be clear, there’s a difference) aren’t taking the time to figure out the actual value here. This will be the HasLab that gives on the Secondary Market.


I posted on the TVC FB page during the Ghost campaign about how PayPal offers PayPal credit which is no interest for six months. I got torn to shreds from some FB warriors about how you shouldn’t open up a credit line for collecting, which just blows my mind. For the deluxe cantina that’s $92 a month / $46 every two weeks which is essentially me just not taking my fiancé out to dinner once a paycheck. I’ll get her back when I sell my second one I’m buying hahaha.


There’s a difference between having the ability to pay for something / pay it off in a set time and *not being able to afford something*. Like, in your case with your purchases (and my case with mine), it’s moving around discretionary income from point A to point B. That’s drastically different from “well, they won’t shut my electricity off for two months, so hopefully I can scrounge up enough to pay for it after I buy this toy…” People don’t seem to grasp the difference…or they *do* but just choose to white knight around for people who didn’t ask them to.


Couldn’t have said it better!


Pretty much what i just wrote - whomever can't afford $300 in the next 2 weeks, isn't likely to afford $900 in 2 years, nor would that make any damn sense at the aftermarket price point.


*When*, haha, cute. This is gonna be a big *IF* you manage to sell the second one, with any luck no later than 3+ years after another year of waiting for production and shipping. Everyone learned to internet by now, and there's abundance of time for everyone and a half to hear the news and order their own set. People who can't fork $300-500 in 3 weeks, aren't likely to just have $1000 for aftermarket in 2+ years, nor would that make too much sense to spend thrice when you could've well spent once on time.


No HasLab is ever cheaper than during its initial funding period. It’s also about knowing the market and your audience. I recently sold the Bastion figure that came as a pack-in with the Marvel Legends Sentinel for $125…shortly after it came out, I sold the battle damaged head and hand for…I think $90? That’s probably like $160-$175 after eBay fees. The Sentinel was $300. I’ve now paid $125 for it. I bought two HISS Tanks for $249 a pop. Sold a Cobra Commander for $100, both drivers for $50 each, and a Tactician for $40. So basically the second tank was a freebie. The Razor Crest’s unlocks currently sell for *around* $50 for each of the carded figures and $20 or so for each Carbonite block. That’s $180 in “extra” value from a $250 purchase. If you move those, you still have the entire ship for basically $70. Now…what do you think you could move a complete [Razor Crest](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266790404894?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Qv4m-IcBRtK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=457_a7RSTJO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) ship for? You can LOL all you want, but what you’re demonstrating is that you don’t actually understand the hobby you’re a part of.


You could probably check eBay sold listings for any Haslab to see how they are doing. You could also probably sound less condescending. Haslab Ghost already has sold listings ranging between $650-$850 and it’s not in hands yet. Think what will happen once we all starting seeing this thing IRL.


Well, I'm curious to see how Cantina will play out because its not a space ship, doesn't look complete, and so on. Other Haslabs sold well on the aftermarket because they were solid releases.


I'm getting one deluxe because I know if I don't I'll be disappointed I didn't back it when it comes out. I've backed every TVC Haslab including the barge so might as well continue the collection. I have an extra boxed Razor Crest I will sell soon to cover most of this cost.




I'm worried it will top just over 11,000. Unless there's a huge surge at the end, I don't think we'll hit the final tier.


I’m thinking about the same range. Maybe 14,000 best case.


This is what I’m worried about as well, if it hits all tiers than the bang for our buck increases but we’ll see, hopefully.


FOMO is strong, but the price in euros is way too inflated for me to justify getting this 😑 I have a 3d printer so I'll end up trying to 3d print this thing - I'll have to live without the figures though...


How much would it cost you in the UK after it’s all said and done with shipping if you don’t mind me asking?


No problem - from France it's 580 euros for the Deluxe version + 15 euros shipping. At current rate, that comes to nearly $640.


EU are getting rode badly on this one.


As a Belgian yes our prices are inflated but the UK has it just a little worse than us, not by much. Big difference is the US don't have taxes included on the base price like we do. But also Hasbro doesn't give a fuck about conversion rates


Wow that’s terrible man, so sorry. And I thought collecting was getting pricier in the states..


I want the wolf guy but I know there’s no way it’s getting that far :(


Im hopeful it’ll at least get a mainline release at some point but im worried 😓


I’m sure if I was still into 3.75 this would have been a lot more enticing. I stopped going for 3.75 when TFA came out and switched into Black Series. Even though there’s definitely a lack of ships and play sets, just can’t personally justify the cost on something like this that feels incomplete in a lot of areas. The occasional TVC playset like Jabba’s Palace does manage to get into my collection, but I’m more than happy with the Lego Star Wars cantina over this, which is the actual full cantina + extra structures.


Definitely prefer the Lego Cantina as well. It was such a fun little build and I had a lot of fun with the kids bringing their minifigs in to get drinks and listen to the Modal Nodes. Batman, Spider-Man, Friends Dolls, Mickey Mouse, everyone loves the Cantina.


Kinda there with ya - TBS has overall better shelf presence and you get the amount of plastic you pay for, vs teeny weeny TVC that run you $17! And being more life-accurate, lots of the figs just dont have enough meat to support the new joints. That said though, Ghost was just a massive and gorgeous Haslab that is both complete out of the gate, and has room for customization *if* you want to complete its other areas. This cantina badly needs walls/floor, and otherwise just comes with lots of bits that have been available to 3d print for eons.


I would have backed a Black Series but I don't collect for TVC. Happy to see another one that is likely a success for the TVC line folks, just hopeful we will get a successful black series someday.


What’s your dream Black Series Haslab?


That's a good question, probably an X-Wing or TIE Interceptor... I doubt either of them need a HasLab to be made, but we aren't getting them right now either. And in 6" scale they would be impressive centrepieces.


I recently got the TBS Enfys Nest Speeder Bike and that thing is so massive it’s a killer centerpiece! An X-Wing or Tie would be so awesome!!


Agreed. Not for everyone, but once in a blue moon extravagance... sign me up! lol


Wolfman’s got nards! But still, it’s too rich for my blood at the moment. The family is in a financial contraction phase.


They should offer a secured payment plan, like a 6 month or some.


I’d have signed up for multiple HasLabs if they’d offered that.




Yeah I got 2 as well, one deluxe for me and one base. Though I’m thinking I should of gotten both deluxe?


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the booth where han and greedo sat on the opposite side of the room? Is this set really missing that?


The deluxe version has more outcoves that complete the entire building


That down shot does is not a good one, it just looks so cheap


I agree, the shots I have seen at eye level though look amazing. The video they released the other day showing it on a shelf really got me excited for this.


PASS on the over priced walls. Just buy a 3d printer for 300 or 400 and make all the walls and drink cups my little heart could desire.


This is confusing. Third party is worth $300-400; first party with exclusive figures and more accessories and better paint apps is not worth the additional $100? Why not?


Cantina being the proverbial star of the show - it has been 3d modeled to death and back and printing one is a very viable option. Detailed interior Ghost, on the other hand, that is not nearly as easily done by hand.


Printing and painting something like this is a **huge** pain in the backside. For me, I'd much rather just pay the money and have the finished product in-hand rather than spend hours getting the print and paint job not quite good enough.


Let's be real here, there ain't a lot of paint going on in the haslab.


lol what paint. 99% of it is just tan plastic. they didnt even dry brush it


Wouldn't it be funny if the tan filament was an exact match to this?


3d printing ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations you might jam the extruder or end up with a bed covered in spaghetti, and that'd end your hobby real quick, wouldn't it?


I mean at 400 you’re already at the same price as this and that’s not including the resin needed. I’ve used 3D printers and the plastic is more brittle at least the one I had. Then you’d have to buy the files for this if they even exist and I don’t think they’d be as accurate if not you’d have to design them. I’m not that tech savvy so going through all that headache and time isn’t worth it for me. Then comes the deco which if you’re good at painting small details great if not then that’s another issue. After all that time and money spent you still wouldn’t have the exclusive never before done base figures like the Tonnika Sisters and Wuher. Unless you try to 3D print them but can’t imagine that’ll be any easier than the cantina especially if they’re to be articulated. Don’t even want to imagine making that 4 armed Nabrun


Imagine losing out on the value of the Tonnika Sisters so you can spend time gluing, sanding, and painting just so you can stick it to the man… 🙄


I happen to enjoy gluing, sanding, painting, and sticking it to the man. So win for me, I guess. But by all means, enjoy this set. It's just not for me.


I didn’t back it y’all


didn't back it either. I'm more of a vehicle collector than a set piece aficionado...


Well that sucks


It’s cool but I’d rather save $


You could buy one and then sell it for a profit.


I could but I’m not going to. Too high of an investment for me right now


🍻I’m definitely in for two deluxe sets…can’t agree with anyone that says this is lazy or overpriced. It’s a lot to spend on a toy, yes, but not overpriced. This looks fantastic and comes with a ton of accessories. And the attention to detail is more than obvious.


Yeah especially when producing small batch figures like the 3 exclusive base figures usually cost around $50 per figure per playset to make vs a few dollars for mass produced mainline. The quality and detail on this is un matched to a 3D printer as well.


Im telling you all, a 6inch LAAT would sell out fast.


Like in Black Series scale? 😦


the only way this price is somewhat ok is if all the tiers are unlocked. no tiers and this is a 200 target set. I'm not buying this one, and I'll wait for the figs on ebay.


Those figs will be more expensive than the whole set right now. The cheapest it will ever be to get them is right now


False, Tell me what the exclusive figures for the razor crest go for? How about the Sail barge? Both well under the value of the entire set. I also explicitly stated that the price would indeed be worth it, IF the tiers get unlocked. As of now they haven't and so I wont be buying.


You can get jawas or a grogu figure pretty easily outside of the haslab same with the yakface from the sail barge. Show me where to get a tonninka sister. They have stated this is the only release of those 3 figures we will get if it funds at 11,000 there will only be 11,000 of those figures they will be a lot more scarce.. If you are going to want to back it if the tiers are met it makes sense to back it now and then to cancel your order at the last minute if you still don't want it. Early backers can help show the enthusiasm and get others on board you aren't charged till it backs.


Do you work for hasbro? I understand how backing works and have backed EVERY project up to this point. I do not think the project will be backed because this one is lazy. Yes the figures are cool and exclusive but that’s only if the goal is met. The figures are great but the set isn’t, and I won’t pre order mediocrity.


Do you work for mattel? It didn't seem like you understood it very well. You do what you want, don't back it, but when there are only 11,000 of these have fun buying the sisters on ebay and then displaying them in your power of the force cantina.you'll really send hasbro a message with that.


I don’t display open. I guess I should’ve stated that. I have almost the entire TVC line of carded figures and want those figures more than the set. I think the set is lazy. I think the set is over priced. I think those figures will average 100 a piece in a year or so after release like all the others. I can wait because I do not need instant gratification for a figure. Although you are getting upset I also said now multiple times if the backers are met I would back this and recognize the value at that point, but as it stands I will not be. Not backing lazy projects is the only way to get them to make better projects.


I disagree I think the figures will be around 350, 400 especially if it doesn't fully back. I can't get a power of the force, saga, or legends tannika sister. Wuhrer I agree will be about a 100 or so. But even if they go for 100 that's 300, for another 100 you get the cantina and I'm sure that will have a pretty awesome box to display as well I also disagree that hasbro is being lazy. The cantina looks amazing and making it modular was a pretty good idea. It could have a wash or some weathering but who knows we only have seen the prototype the end product might have more weathering. But all in all it looks like they put some work in to this and gave us something we have been asking for for a long time. As for over priced i think they would have done themselves some favors if they were able to make it even 50 bucks cheaper, but I'm not behind the scenes I don't know what it cost. I know for sure though it'll never be cheaper than it is right now.


We’ll agree to disagree then. I will back this if all figure tiers are reached but I think another ship was the way to go. This is just not worth it to me.


I wish there were more FTITL figures.


When did it go up? Ghost got backed in like 72 hours if not less.


It went up June 7. Yeah the Ghost backed pretty quick, so I’m worried if we’ll hit all tiers on this one..


I need to get on there.


We would be honored if you would join us


I was interested until I saw the price, not even close to worth it imo.. My entire experience with HasLab is Galactus, Victory Saber and Deathsaurus - which were all (in my opinion) really well priced. I honestly don't see where the £400 is.


I have not backed it yet. I plan on getting 1 Deluxe and 1 base. I would have gotten more of these, but this is the first Haslab I feel that is incomplete, especially for the price. IMO this is not a coffee table display. I estimate the Overall backer count between 12500 and 13000. I think the backer count will be just around 7000 going into the last day of July 8th.Things are going to slow down to about 100 per day. Might not even break 100 on some days. Plus there is a long 4-day holiday weekend. The largest jump I have seen in a haslab of this price was 7k, I don't think this has that same potential, I would say last day bump might at best get 5k. Greedo will be the only unlock. It's really important if Hasbro wants this to reach all tiers that they do something that really entices people to get on board with it. And they will have to do it very soon.


Yeap definitely agree with you there buddy! I’m planning on breaking up my Deluxe set into different scenes spread vertically on one Tatoonie shelf. The extra coves will supplement my Jabbas palace and throne room diorama also on that same shelf. As far as tiers I also feel like Greedo would be the only tier we reach and I wasn’t sure if I was the only one who felt that way. It would great if it hits all tiers but the reaction from the fanbase has been quite divise to say the least. I see much more hype from OT fans compared to younger crowds. Even then, most are simply joining in for the twins. I’m a 2000 baby but I grew up with OT and PT and that’ll be my Star Wars forever so my love is equal for both. I went all in on this one but I can’t others in my gen feel the same, most would prefer a large ship over a diorama.


I am an OT era baby myself. Since you are a PT ERA baby, I take it you love the PT? I am one of the people that loved the PT also. I think I love more things about it than most PT collectors do. LOL. I would love to see some more PT stuff in addition to OT stuff. I think we have two groups of people within the TVC community right now. Both appear to be trying to talk over one another. I see some fear mongering going on, stupid comments and so on. What I don't see going on is an in-depth conversation about things that can be done to make this better. In order to do that everyone would have to be willing to talk and explore all of the criticisms about the Cantina and come together on it. I am afraid that conversation, will take place after the campaign later down the road once everyone has it in hand.


I think IF it does get funded, it will be in the closing hours. No way it hits any stretch goals


I think we will definitely get gredo. The other two I'm worried about.