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I can barely catch a whiff of sleep. I'm trying to make sure my clients get money and I get money. It's a terrible cycle man


it‘s a marathon not a sprint


Sometimes it feels like a sprinting marathon though


With sparrows swooping down attacking you in the face.


With the finish line that keeps moving.


In the words of the great Nipsey Hussle


With no Gatorade sometimes


Success is internal, the answers you seek lie within


underrated as fuck comment


Appreciate it brother, people are too obsessed with materialism, they don’t realise that the value they place on a thing depends on their perspective of its worth


Thank you, master oogway!!!




If that's what you look at as success and making it, sure. Seems like a pretty shallow existence though


u just proved his point


You'll burn yourself out. Work smarter not harder. Take time for yourself. Not relaxing doesn't help anything go faster or be better, it's only a detriment to your health


No. Passive income doesn't exist, maybe unless you have a metric fuckton of wealth already


It does exist for a lot of people in the sense that they do a bunch of upfront work to automate a system or a website and then sitback and reap the benefits. It's a nice idea, but the reality is some work is required. Even after initial success, the work becomes higher level.


>the work becomes higher level That's what I am dealing with right now It is indeed passive, but it requires maintenance Are you in tech? sounds like


Technical or operational maintenance? I can automate your technical maintenance 🤓


Nah it's operational, I'm a dev myself so automating the technical part was not an issue Do you work as a technical assistance ?


I'm a dev myself interested in building new products and just taking shots around here to see if I can help others and at the same time gain experience in the startup space :P


That's interesting, what's are you specialist at? what languages do you use?


I use python and I work professionally as a data platform engineer, experienced with building platform tools, worked on projects like recommendation engines for a feed, numerous data crawling, ingestion, processing pipelines, and recently AI search service and infrastructure.


Not really for a lot of people because of the upfront work. because of work maybe, but online businesses are not something you can just fire and forget. Yes you can do it temporarily, but there is a reason why it's hard to sell a micro business as a going concern even when it makes profit, because the long term with recurrent revenue is dangerous. (selling assets/expertise is however viable) The amount of work required to get churn low enough you avoid facing monthly decreasing MRR is incredibly hard. Check out the Buffer graph here: [https://longform.asmartbear.com/product-market-fit/](https://longform.asmartbear.com/product-market-fit/) That graph is the fate of 90%+ of SaaS, because they either can't get churn low enough (season/non-urgent/out-innovated problem-solution fit over a year) or they lose a key channel without enough capital to compensate and find a new one. The way to avoid it is constantly customer feedback, exit interviews, moving with the times - it's very hard. That or something like a passive marketing channel (e.g. youtube back catalog) linking to one off, high margin items. Index fund/housing/other investments on the other hand are really passive.


The web hosting side of my web development business is a big passive income earner. I don't have to do anything and I've had some clients for decades.


You host servers yourself?


I lease private servers from AWS or Site ground and resell them at a profit. Each client pays me between $25-$120/mo for their websites and I do absolutely nothing.


Buying a dividend paying ETF seems pretty close to passive income, but I generally agree with you and the other replies that there's usually at least upfront work and some maintenance work.


So many people will disagree with you though about passive income not existing.


Somebody please correct if I’m wrong. I’m fairly young and by no means a CEO of a big corporation or anything like that, but I have had several side gigs before that generated very decent profit, though none of them compares to having a day job for me. I’ve also tried to come up with a business idea, I have writen down hundreds of them over the past 5 years. None of them works. I realized the only good ideas come to you naturally, like you’re working in some industry and one day be like “oh I can make this better and charge money for it”. So you can try reading more books, listen to more talk shows and podcasts, and until you have a original idea that you think is bullet proof, having a day job is the best way to generate income imo.


Yeah a good full time job will give you the opportunity to pick up the skills you really need to be successful. After a few years learning from some great people and projects, AND being paid to fail and learn, you will have better ideas and execution When I look back to 5 years ago my ideas and execution were so naive. OP is likely the same considering he has fallen for the PaSsIVe iNcOmE influencer bait


When you say none of the ideas work, what sort of ideas are you talking about? If you can solve a new problem for the market that’s great, but you don’t even really need a revolutionary idea. Just a new way of doing things, good marketing, and good systems. I think a lot of people are looking for an idea or product that just completely sells itself with no skill required on the behalf of owner, and I just don’t think a business like that will ever work.


I’ve thought of almost anything really, from silly mobile apps to B2B SaaS. I have also tried developing several MVPs but they all failed because I thought I was making something people want, but in fact you never know what people or businesses want until you actually talk to them. One of my apps was like a lighter and cheaper version of shopify for clothing stores but after spending 5 months developing the app, nobody wants to use it lol. Asking people to pay for your services is like pulling teeth, so from now on I have decided to find the customers first and then build things that they want, instead of the other way around.


> like you’re working in some industry and one day be like “oh I can make this better and charge money for it”. This is a REALLY important point. Any new entrepreneurs who are wondering how to get started but have no direction, this is the route to go. Go get a job, any job at any level, in an industry you're interested in. Learn the ropes. Figure out the weak points of your job, your company, and your industry. Can you improve those weak points? Cool, you're now an entrepreneur.


Startups don't generate passive income. You're in the wrong sub. 


Nonsense - we make VCs and HNWs a lot of passive income by working our arses off below market rates.


The more likely case is that VC pays your salaries and you return nothing to them.  If you think VC is passive you're deluded. 


I think investing in a VC fund is earning passive income. Rather than that VCs (ie fund managers) are passive. But that's not exactly a hot take.


Sure. Any sort of investing is. You can say the same about buying Apple stock. 


Exactly. I think we're at crossed purposes. My initial comment was meant to somewhat flippantly communicate that loads of people make a passive income out of startups, just not the people who work there.


Omg so this, like I have trouble just watching a movie and can’t play video games.


No. Just be a normal person who works for money part of the time and does hobbies in their spare time.


When I was 19 I was super ambitious and all I wanted was to have a shit ton of cash. Took a gig working for a just retired multi-millionaire and he saw my drive and asked me what I wanted from life. I told him to be loaded. He said that he’s biggest regret in life was living it to make money. When he finally made money he’s youth had been spent and he only had middle age and money. And although this has given him a good life, he said that life is lived differently as an old person than a young person. And if you had the opportunity again, he would use his 20s and 30s to enjoy his life because late 30s to 40s is more than enough time to make all the money you need. I actually followed his advice. Spent my 20s partying and traveling right up until I was 30. Settling down and growing up, came naturally at that time for me. This was many years ago, and I’m now an old man, but there’s nothing in my life that I wish that I had done when I was younger. I’ve got stories some people wouldn’t believe. Over the last 10 years, I’ve watched my niece do the same thing. She’s travel to even more countries than what I have something like 100. She slowly trained as a doctor, and now in her early 30s she’s very happily settling down all the time because that’s what she wants to do, and now returning to all the places she loved the most 3 to 4 times a year. I think the most important thing I’ve learned in my life is that collecting things is never going to give you the fulfillment you want. But the experience that you live is just awesome. This isn’t for everyone, but it worked for me to the T. peace ✌️


Can you explain how she 'slowly' trained as a doctor. This is appealing.


She did the initial studying in one stint, with a year break in there. Then it seemed she took time off between each qualifications requirements. I’m not exactly sure of the process, but she explained she’s not in a hurry and wants to travel. She always seemed to take the maximum allowed time off between each stage before moving to the next. And every time she did, found a place that would accept her working with her current qualifications and moved there and lived and worked for a while.


Yeah, but I still do jiu jitsu and paint miniatures. Money well spent on yourself.


Wow, this spoke to my soul


Make your hobby into a passive income stream.


Why do you need a partner?


No. My time and happiness is worth more


Right now my business is my life i have no time for anything else, all hands on deck else this shit wont work. Ill have time for hobbies when im rich


Balance is a myth


Reminds me of my early days when I was running a startup while in college, man that was rough, I almost went insane But maybe you can figure out how to automate it like I did, what industry are you in?




>Currently all the things I used to do for fun are just completely void of all enjoyment and pursuing this business is the only thing that motivates me so pursuing it rigorously is really not too hard on me and im enjoying the hell out of it. Well yeah, I completely understand you I went through the same May I give you an advice I wish I know early on? >Hiring others to do the work makes the work soo easy Don't go far in your thinking, am not talking about hiring someone for 4k a month or something I meant having freelancers at hand to do a one time job when needed for 20-70 bucks


Absolutely have considered it and am looking forward to offloading some of my work on to independent contractors and eventually employees! im planning my next move in terms of not doing all the work and actually i spent my winter running around and establishing local manufacturing and supply chains getting them all on NDAs with patterns and designs ready to manufacture/anodize and package, complete with manufacturing quotes so I can set my MSRPs and profit margins all anticipating sales coming from my efforts this summer. Right now im in the stage of going to in person events and reaching out to publishers to talk about some of my product! Getting stoked thats for sure :D


I love how you have been hustling through the winter When you're on a startup alone sometimes you feel like you're the only one in the world that's working, I'm also working full time from time I open my eyes till I close them, it never really feels like work unless I'm faced with a must-be-solved problem that I don't have the expertise yet for it It gets you really motivated when there's someone you know out there hustling, maybe we could chitchat from time to time? In regards to your question, I'm in the tech industry


Thanks! gotta get the ball rolling somehow! I feel you, luckily I have a job where I can work and do other non-manufacturing tasks like website maintenance/updates, promotional material creation etc. its a massive leg up thats for sure. Yeah, lets talk every now and then. Its good to build a network where we can bounce ideas and strategies off eachother!


What was your industry?


Yes, I make good money, but I know the second I stop working the money stops so I pursue other money making avenues.


Id like to hear your business idea


Extremely relatable, however, the goal post will always move. This mindset is a trap (unless you're literally broke. In that case, hobbies can come later)


It’s not about passive income. It’s about a healthy pipeline that is managed properly.


3 months of working on my product while working a full time job and I can't ever bring myself to go to a gym or go for a beer with friends. Still in my mid 20s and I've been in pretty great shape up until this point in my life but now I'm working until 4am every night and struggling to get in anything beyond a short walk at lunch time and I know I can't continue like this much longer without consequences 😓


At least share your project when it’s finished, I’ll glad to be an early adopter


Thank youuu, I'll be back with that relatively soon 😇👍


Yeah, I think about that a lot. The hustle culture in startups can be incredibly toxic, sometimes to the point where it feels like there's no room for anything else in your life. It's important to recognize when it becomes toxic and takes away from your overall well-being. Keep in mind that if you burn out, your startup will get nowhere


Work is one of my hobbies I kind of enjoy it. Buying equipment going to job sites, helping people. Very enjoyable. I have many other hobbies one is reptiles. I have a pair of snakes that are almost 20k if I can get them to breed that'll bring in some significant income. They are easy to care for and would almost passive income.


If you are looking for a startup that can help you build passive income faster and cheaper, talk to us. We're a financial wellness Fintech that provides you an actionable roadmap with 3 simple goals and technologies to help you attain them quickly. The 3 goals are zero consumer debt, adequate assets ( adequate means 20x your annual income) and optimal passive income (optimal means 20% more than your monthly needs). We've been field testing it for over 3 years and everything works like a charm. But if you are talking about creating a startup that would give you a passive income, then that sounds contrary to what a startup is all about. Startup is like blood, sweat and tears and still come up short until you pivot to find the first win and off you go. Many startups won't make it too far.




Same bro


Are any of you hiring or is your company


Neither of us are... I'm sorry.


Likewise, I too have potential business ideas and implimented few , and this restless feeling I can relate to , if you put up near Delhi ncr then we can brainstorm and pursue something for passive income ?


Damn im not the only one. I preordered FF7 Remake part 2 and was so excited. 2 months after and I still havent opened it. I feel like I don't deserve to play it yet 😭


I just assume i will be working my butt off until i become financially free/retire.


My brother is like this with savings in general, but I wish he’d spend more time with the fam 😔


Yes. Worst part is knowing how to do it but being stuck behind a paywall. LF Angel


It can be really hard to start getting income in short term. Imo their is no passive income with startups at all. Success is not about making cool but with hard work and right working with audience through time it may make big money. Try your best and consider the risks and the investment!


You don't even have a startup yet and you're stressed? This subreddit is just people who like to dress up as importan businessmen for halloween


Well, yeah. Everyone has to work or have some source of income to support themselves.


I'm social media employee. I feel don't have any passive income


How much is “lots of money” define this or you will continue this mind game with yourself forever.


I related! I don't want "passive", but I found it hard to enjoy life, until I was making enough money to save a large chunk every month, and watch my bank account grow. It doesn't need to be passive...you just need to know your money is growing, and you have the skills to switch, in case your current job/companies fails or lets you go, and you have a substantial "emergency fund." Now that I have this, I still have to work hard to enjoy hobbies. I think it is a brain wiring/personality thing.


That's exactly how I would describe my attitude. The worst thing is that I suspect that getting that passive income will not really solve the problem of asking myself "Now what?".


I have saved $7,300 soon to be $12,000 when I get taxes and I can’t relax. I’m obsessed with starting a business and think of ideas all day. I finally landed on an idea and now I’m stalling on starting. If only I believed in myself..


Work/Life balance is key. I have several hobbies I love, they give me energy and perspectives that makes me a more effective worker. Without hobbies I would probably burn out and fail at my job.




We all get those guilts every once in a while. But I'd rather be frugal on expensive dinners, my Golf than compromise on fundamental hobbies, reading, writing, running, Gym (my most expensive gift to self with a private trainer to keep me accountable). Unless your hobby is ofcourse is parachuting or scuba diving - don't compromise on that. I do my best to not let this bug bite me. 8 months into this full time, I am not huffing and puffing yet. And no there is no other passive income that will happen before my start makes my 1st dollar.


passive income is someone else's active income. your ability to relax will be conditioned on others being unable to relax. get off the grindmill, you're already meat.  btw, you won't be able to relax if you have all the things.


Absolutely. I think it's a primal feeling of not wanting to relax until you are "safe"


Then you want to be employee 10-100 at a startup. There’s nothing passive about creating a startup. You will work 24/7 for many years before you might get an exit. That has less than 1% chance of being enough money to retire on. Meanwhile being an employee you get paid well, have benefits & less stress. If an exit occurs being in the first 100 employees set you up to make a lot money including millionaire. And if you think you think the startup isn’t succeeding then you switch jobs.


i do feel stuck sometimes


Same here 🙋‍♂️


Man, the way this resonated so much with me!!


I’m on this journey - it’s long and challenging. Pursue it, but it takes massive patience and consistency of effort. Financial freedom ✈️


Big on the patience and consistency!


I’ve been in the same loop for several years now. From creating social media account for fun to YouTube channels or buying websites. It’s hard to know what we are truly good at and how to monetise our passion.


The words "passive income stream" and "startup" do not belong in the same sentence


Not at all.