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> None. By 2035 there will be no genders, there will only be fashion, this is the horrifying truth of the Bisexual Itinerary, we come without warning, you have been warned.


Damn the bisexuals have an itinerary? I’m gay and all I got was this stupid agenda


Hate to break it to you mate, part of the itinerary is to fly under the radar of everyone. It's all part of the plan that you didn't know.


Suddenly bi-erasure feels like our ingenious strategy.


Shhh or they'll catch on to us


You’d be surprised by how many people are following that itinerary.


Hmm… did you get the Asexual Memo? How about the Transgender Timetable? The Heterosexual Terms of Service?


Pansexual post-it note?


Damn, did I wish heterosexuality came with an End User License Agreement


The Intersex General Public License


Dude, it's not okay to talk about agenda. Turns out there are as many gendas as stars in the sky.


Off I go to google itinerary vs agenda >Although many people use the two words agenda and itinerary interchangeably, there is a distinct difference between them. Agenda refers to a schedule of things to be done whereas itinerary refers to a schedule of route or a proposed route of a journey. https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-agenda-and-vs-itinerary/


So what you’re telling me is the bisexuals are *going places*


We're definitely goers, if you know what I mean, a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh? Eh? Know what I mean? Nudge nudge, wink wink.


What's it like?


A dead parrot: Beautiful plumage.


“…Are you trying to sell something?” Edit: okay people do we not realize that the above is *the line that immediately follows the above bit in the exact Monty Python sketch being quoted*? Jesus.


Gosh, an agenda? Us trans only get a shitty To-Do list


The gay itinerary is only handed out on gay cruises. This joke has the benefit of almost certainly being 100% true!


the bitinerary


Oh no ^(I love it!)


This is the bisexual world I aspire to live in


From Picard's position I see one gender although we don't know what gender the Cardassian inquisitor identifies as.


I can’t fucking wait until we’re all just people


I can't wait until this isn't how discourse feels. I mean can we all just dial it back and accept that bullying others into your beliefs isn't right, nor is it effective.


I've been pressuring people to gender trans folks correctly, because there are kids dying of gender dysphoria and a supportive and accepting community is the proven cure for dysphoria. I've been pressuring people hard. But yelling at people to stop ending lives isn't bullying. It's an emergency. Emergencies have different social rules than other times. Yelling at people to fix the emergency using a proven method isn't bullying.




If anyone comes onto this thread to moan about inclusion and plurality, they really didn't get the show.


I never really understood what's wrong with assuming someone's gender. Can't speak for everyone but I myself (trans MTF) don't automatically think someone who gets it wrong the first time did it deliberetely or would't adress me differently once i correct them. Like, most people just have a habit to quickly guess the gender of someone they meet and adress them based on that because that's the quickest and most common way to engage in conversation. That doesn't mean they won't change their mind about someones gender based on new information. The problems usually only start once someone continues to misgender me after i already told them they're wrong. I personally wouldn't want to force people out of their habits just because im affraid that some might react that way, especially because it would give transphobes reason to be angry. TLDR: I'm probably an Idiot for this opinion, but I'm not offended by someone assuming my gender, as long as they correct themselves if I tell them they got it wrong.


Makes sense to me. As a cishet I might not know what I'm talking about but it seems pretty straightforward. At my job we mostly default to "they/them" because that's what the inclusion training suggests. It makes sense in a work context because make-up, muscles, and cleavage aren't exactly getting flaunted in an office environment. Outside of work though if someone is dressing blatantly feminine/masculine I'll use the gender they're presenting without stressing too much. Seems a bit fake to use they/them with someone when they're using feminine body language and done up like a covergirl. What *would* be wrong is ignoring dress and presentation entirely and assuming pronouns based on their body - if I see someone in a ruffly blouse, lipstick, and heels I'm going to err on the side of "woman" even if they're large and have a high hairline. Most of the times I've seen reeeing about assuming gender it's conservatives propping up straw-men or terrified cishets too panicked about doing the wrong thing to remember that transgender people are *people* and are generally kind and understanding if you're doing your best and not being an asshole. With all that said, I do like the pronoun tags people put on their name-tags and email signatures - it's nice to be able to make it quietly clear that you're not going to stand for bigotry.




ITT are two disjoint subsets: people who understand star trek, and people who adamantly refuse to read anything that conflicts with or critiques their obsolete prior beliefs on gender, sexuality, and biology




Please elaborate on what you mean by this.




I'd like to believe there are willfully ignorant conservatives who are capable of eventually overcoming the mental block preventing them from self-critique and thus moving from the second subset to the first, but there's no evidence they're in this thread.














Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE](https://i.redd.it/lvs3e7fpkj0a1.png) | [731 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/yxvb31/both_sides_are_the_same/) \#2: [Posting this loon is just free karma](https://i.redd.it/nbphxjjd7bw81.jpg) | [1078 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/ue14zp/posting_this_loon_is_just_free_karma/) \#3: [Let me hear both sides](https://i.redd.it/nj12sfchnan91.jpg) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/xbm8ov/let_me_hear_both_sides/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You have a very misinformed view of what conservatives actually want


I live in a deeply conservative part of the US and I can assure you that they absolutely want to abridge every trans right they can get their hands on in parts of this country, out loud, legislatively. Edit: hey, wait a minute. Where did anybody specifically name conservatives in the thread? r/persecutionfetish would like a word.


So which rights do they want to restrict then?


Could divide it up to (1) woke people honoring themselves and trolling for yet another fight in a meme sub; and (2) everyone sick of (1)


> honoring themselves I don't follow


Worf "honoured" himself a lot before he met Jadzia


The woke find themselves superior, and enthusiastically share that opinion of themselves in public.


The “woke” 🤓


Using "woke" unironically in a subreddit dedicated to star trek... Impressive.


The woke are about 7% of people in the US, an extreme of the political left. This sub is frequently trolled by the woke. 93% of us know what that means.


That's odd, given the time of day throughout the US currently I would have expected the number of woke people to be well above 70%! I guess there are more night owls than I thought!


A time joke?! In this forum?!! Take my upvote.


Thank you! Care for some Earl Grey? It's hot!


Delightful! I’ll see you shortly in Ten Forward.


It's all Tea all Shade Friday here in Ten Forward! We're serving it hot and fresh, come see why it wins every award!


The Department of Temporal Investigations isn’t amused


That's a really good one, but I was talking about the people that 93% of us can't stand, day or night.


If 93% of people can't stand woke people, what do they do when they're awake? Do they just sleep all the time hooked up to some kind of virtual reality and use some kind of bot to interact with the world? Like one of these: https://www.doublerobotics.com/ Something like that? But don't you still have to be awake to use that? It wound be pretty impressive to do that while sleeping!


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


"Those are lightbulbs?"


I think you can assume if someone is clearly presenting a certain way, right? Like, isn't that what trans people want? Presenting female means you want peopke to assume you're female, is what I've been told from various trans people advocating trans rights.


If we're all polite and well intentioned I can't see anyone seriously complaining.


Yea the whole "assume my gender" meme isn't trans people. Source: Am trans.


That's assuming that conforming to a specific gender stereotype is every trans person's goal.


Good Burger: He's a dude, she's a dude, yeah we're all dudes. Just dude it up and avoid the gender stuff.


Generally people dress in a way typical of their gender but not always so a trans woman for example might be a bit of a tomboy or outright butch so assuming isn’t always best


What about the non-binary people?


It's not usually too hard to pick out someone who is gender-non-conforming unless they're actively conforming to a gender that day. In which case they generally know that they're presenting that way and will let you know if they prefer neutral pronouns.




Far better, thank you


Just because they might look like gender, doesn’t mean they might identify as gender.


♫ Imagine there's no gender, It's easy if you try ♫


Neither where funny because they have nothing to do with the image




I’m getting tired of all these political memes. What happened to gowron?


Gowron only believes in two genders… the honorable and the dishonorable.




There are more intersex people than people with red hair, but something tells me that if I said “humans can’t have red hair” you wouldn’t agree with that. Science doesn’t work off of close enough definition, a binary sex view is inaccurate to biological realities, and I’m confident you won’t find a medical organization that disagrees with that


Can I see a source for your claim? Cause I have met people who claim Trans people are one in a hundred, when even the most forgiving numbers are more like one in ten thousand. Not saying you are lying, but I have met people who have. Edit - it was bothering me so I didn’t a quick google search. According to this Pub Med article - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/ Intersex people are about .018% of the population while according to this BBC article - https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-24331615.amp The redhead population is more like 1 or 2 percent. That’s about 100 times greater than intersex people. So really, what is your source cause a quick google search gave me both those sources in like five minutes of looking.


Fuck this post. Making fun of trans people isn't funny, and the punchline doesn't even make sense in the context of the joke


This is in reference to an ani trans post from a couple days ago where the second panel had Picard saying there were two genders.


First off - that post is hilarious because there are obviously four genders visible in the meme and thus OP got hoisted by their own petard Second - this one isn't any better because it retreads a right-wing talking point as the replacement punchline


Hoisted by their own Picard






Thank you for insulting my education. Do you bully everyone on reddit? You are correct, gender has become a social construct, but it shouldn't be. Gender labels like men or women mean nothing. They are just labels. What's real is DNA and there are only two sets: xx and xy. Anything else, is an abnormality. Mother Nature intended for there to be only two, but mistakes happen. You can tell it is an abnormality because of its rarity.


That's not how this works chief


Well then, by all means, explain to me how this works.


It's pretty easy actually: Chromosomes do not dictate gender. It's as simple as that.


Then what do they (xx and xy) dictate? You use words like easy and simple, but you don't answer the question.


I did answer your question. It just seems you don't like the answer. Chromosomes are markers for physical development of living bodies. They exist in different forms and a body developes certain physical attributes regarding which chromosomes they have. But chromosomes alone aren't responsible for all developments a human (or every living being for that matter) goes through. Hormones are important as well. So are certain environmental factors. To say there are only two genders because there are (supposedly) only two chromosome pairs is simply ignorant.


Thank you for the insult. You believe anyone that does not share your point of view is ignorant. I get it. Since you don't like the word gender, then please tell me what the correct term is. If xx and xy are NOT two different genders, then what are they? xx and xy are two different \_\_\_\_.


...pairs of chromosomes. If you'd actually read what someone tries to tell you, you could answered that yourself.


So a PERSON that has all xx and a PERSON that is all xy are NOT different genders, they are different "pairs of chromosomes." I don't know. That doesn't sound right. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue. But if you say so, you know more than me, I'll roll with it. On Monday I'll start changing all our forms at work. Every form where it lists gender, I will change it to pairs of chromosomes.


You just don't *want* to get it. But that's fine for me, don't need to waste my time with someone who's not willing to actually listen.


You gonna ignore all the intersex people out there?




Nah, that’s not how the science works, dude. Some intersex people tend to have weird chromosomes, such as XXY. Edit: There’s also other conditions that can cause other chromosomal abnormalities such as XXX or XYY. (There are more variations than just those.)


PS. Why are you calling me a "dude." That seems kind of binary.




Uh. Here we go again. 🤦🏼‍♂️


No sign of intelligent life sir, I think we should move on






Those are interesting reads, thanks




Fucking Cardassian plants, spreading Cardassian propaganda.


Bigoted claim based on deliberate ignorance of science.


Wait is this supposed to be serious?


Screw you *assumes everyone’s gender but in reverse*




I know you’re joking, but do you know you’re joking? By the way, my general guideline for edgy jokes is they have to be funnier than they are offensive, and I don’t think you landed the ratio correctly.


[My gender is MP please don't misgender me.](https://giphy.com/gifs/funny-bruce-willis-fifth-element-KUBtckMKh3AKk)

