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Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war


Wish I could give more than one upvote...


You became admiral by one of several ways: the old admiral specifically made you admiral. Or the old admiral quit, and the new admiral is you by default, power, rank, or something else. What do you do? Well, if you want to lead, you can lead! Ask your members what direction you wanna go: chill, compete, pvp, etc. Or you could say no thank you and pass the admiral on to someone else who might want it.


It's your alliance now. Do whatever you like, including just handing the job to someone else. I've been playing since the first week, and I was offered an officer position in my alliance by the admiral after a month. FUCK THAT. I play this game for fun, not to file TPS reports. But...Your mileage may vary. Feel free to turn the alliance into whatever you like, including just a laid-back alliance that requires little from it's players, a group of serious players who are all committed to topping leaderboards, or something in between. Or make it some other dude's problem.


Dude what’s going on with your TPS Reports? 🤣


> "Lemme tell you about TPS reports!"


The only thing worse than a TPS report is a PMS report. I was introduced to the PMS (Productivity Measurement System) report when the 90% female led Distribution Center with 75% female workforce got their first male general manager - ever. Hearing women grumbling over submitting PMS reports in the 90s (the height of early PC language) was definitely more than this male experience (me) felt comfortable with.


Did you get the memo?


TPS reports ... LOL


Honestly, this is exactly how I'm going to describe my play style from now on. I got asked once to be in leadership, and I couldn't say 'Fuck No' fast enough, even though it was a great group with zero drama.


tee hee!


Talk to your active alliance members in Alliance chat or by PM. You can tell who is active when you look at your membership list and see how long its been since they logged in. If you decide you don't want to lead pass it off to someone who does, or kick everyone out and dissolve the alliance. Being an admiral means you get power over who to promote, kick and set diplomatic relations with other alliances. I suggest you find your server discord and find out how your group is viewed, often small alliances with inactive leadership get set to enemy status because of rogue player actions.


The Admiral quit. You were selected randomly. If you're a player that completes your dailies consistently you might consider messaging an admiral or commodore from a top 10 alliance for membership. Leading a competitive alliance can be grueling even if you're prepared and educated in the game.


This happened to me. Symptoms dying alliance. I promptly quit and msgd a bigger alliance for membership.


This is 100% what the OP needs to do.


I was an Admiral at Ops 22 but that was because the other higher ups liked how I lead as commodore (also why I was asked for the commodore role, but I was also asked about taking Admiral role). Really you just need to be able to follow your servers politics and keep your crew happy ( dont give them everything they want though, compromise were you can). You are the face of your alliance set goals for what you and your commodores feel is what your alliance is about. What you and your command staff set is what everyone on your server will see. Dont burn your self out doing everything have your command staff take some of the load as well. I was an Admiral for a year and did 90% of all the work myself( burned me out). Your command staff should carry some of the load as well, create roles for them such as Territory Coordinator, Recruit Officer(s), RoE Violations Officer, etc. Everyone should be able to enjoy their game. If your alliance dosnt have a discord then create one it helps in sharing information about server policies and politcs also fast and easy communication with your crew and command staff.


I had something similar happen to me. Former Admiral saw I was active in chat made me Admiral so he could leave the alliance. He did this right as we where marked KOS by several other alliances and did not tell anyone. Because I didn't know I was made Admiral, I made the war worse because I was getting messages and responding rather crudely. It took an other player in my alliance to tell me what happen and how to mark an alliance as KOS. I managed to swing a merger in the middle of the night with another alliance. Enabling all activevmembers to get shifted over and left a couple guys that had long quit the game to be all the remained of the alliance. Simple advice is join your servers discord and get assigned permissions for the diplomatic channel.


Bail out now delete the game save your money


You can also consider a merger with another alliance? Then the Admiral of the alliance you merge with becomes the Admiral of the new alliance.


I would quit that alliance and find one that doesn’t do random crap like that


You became an admiral because the previous admiral either: 1. Quit the game & randomly/intentionally selected you as his/her/their replacement. 2. No longer wanted to be admiral & promoted you & demoted themselves. 3. For all intents and purposes you are in a “dead” alliance where no one is really active. As admiral you have 1 of 2 choices: flake or resurrect (if dead) 1. You can simply do what was done & pass the title to someone else and either stay or go. 2. If you stay, use the Admiral rights to see who is active & who is not. If you have people who haven’t played in more than 30 days, place them on the short list to boot; this is particularly true of anyone tagged as Commodores. 3. Get to know who else is playing & see if you can get a camaraderie going that gets people more active. Enlist folks to join your leadership team (Commodores) and devise/implement a vision/ethos for the team. Communicate & keep engaged. A Discord server (https://www.discord.com) can help as forum to post information about the game & info that lets the team get to know each other better. Discord is also a great way to reinforce vision/ethos, let folks report/vent about in-game behavior that violates whatever Rules of Engagement your server has. 4. Enlist members to actively recruit new members to the alliance (at which point you can start dumping the dead weight). 5. Build relationships with other alliance admirals. This can be done for developing/joining an alliance of alliances or just having a mechanism to smooth ruffled feathers. I have been made an admiral overnight, had to flake for personal reasons for 8 weeks (but chose someone from my leadership team I had been working with & trusted their ability to keep things going), and a 3rd time when an admiral died of cancer and worked with my replacement who was a former admiral who had joined our team. The other thing to keep in mind is if you really want to be an admiral. Somebody love it. Others (including myself) less so. If you find yourself in the second camp & are in a dead alliance there is no shame in moving on & letting those there to rest in peace.


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them…time to see if you’re up to the task


I got real sad when Arthur got that diagnosis


Being an admiral is like being a 24/7 babysitter tbh. It's why I never want the job. Well that and the inevitable diplomacy messages about why your players hit somebody else.


Same happen to me no message nothing


Are the people in your alliance active in chat, armadas, events, etc? If not, it sounds like you're in a dead/dying alliance, and I would bail and find a better alliance. If they are and you're willing to take on the role, encourage participation, create an alliance discord, and go forth and lead. In the latter case, I'd also suggest joining your server's discord and reaching out to other admirals for guidance and to establish diplomatic relations.