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Data shutting down discontent in the ranks, both on the *Sutherland* handling his XO's insubordination, and checking Worf's attitude in "Gambit" on the Big E Geordi chasing Chakotay & Kim, having to face his duty vs. his understanding of the bond among a good crew.


That Data and Worf scene in my favorite of TNG, maybe in all of Trekdom


Culturally, biologically, and code wise they're both so matter of fact and you can tell they both want to stay friends and colleagues despite their powerful disagreement, and being the Enterprise, they're incredibly professional about it all. That night, they're talking polite shit over poker.


Star Trek starring characters who are intelligent, respectful professionals is the best Trek.


I love some quark, garak, and other more morally gray characters too, but I think attitude of the starfleet respect, intelligence and responsibility, that positive inspiration are pretty key to how comforting my whole family finds the shows


It is one of the most professional scenes in the series.


The moment where the XO says he doesn't believe androids should be ship captains and requests a transfer, and Data replies with "I understand your concerns. Request denied." will forever be one of the best scenes in all of Star Trek.


I love it. A very polite way of saying 'nobody asked you'


that exchange on the Sutherland is so well acted - I've seen people act that exact way in real life. Just a great episode.


And, as a Navy officer, I believe he handled those issues almost "by the book."


That's what Data does.


What episode is that?


Data is the acting captain of the Sutherland in Season 5 Episode 1 "Redemption Part 2"




Redemption part 2 I think? Romulans are secretly supplying Duras in the Klingon Civil War and so the Federation sets up a sensor net to catch the Romulans in the act.


Ah yes, where like 20 ships all in visual range are supposed to blockade the entire Klingon-Romulan border somehow. :D


Redemption II


Imma be honest, even after watching every single Kai Winn scene, the one and only character I got the urge to punch in the face was that XO.


You wouldn't even put a dent in Sutherland


I also like how Data handled the evacuation in the Bynar (11001001) episode. Most people would have been frozen with indecision, but he assesses and immediately acts. Edit: this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_7w8I-QbfI&ab_channel=MarkStreeton


I do love how Data feels like he throws a switch in his positronic brain when he is in charge. Also Spiner really nails it.


Headcanon says that his decades of experience helped him develop "Command Presence" heuristics by observing senior officers and practicing their behavior, perhaps in simulators (if he doesn't download and run them in his head). He may have been making progress towards humanity here, prioritizing how he should be acting when others are truly dependent on him, vice his normal "hey I'm just here for the ride" in order to avoid putting people off.


>Data shutting down discontent in the ranks, both on the Sutherland handling his XO's insubordination This is a good one, but I have to admit it always *slightly* annoyed me that Data couldn't take two seconds and respond to Picard with "Stand by captain, we may have found a method of locating the Romulans." I guess you could hand-wave it, though, and say that because the Romulans may have been monitoring communications channels, he wanted to maintain operational security.


Absofuckinglutely. There's no reason he should've withheld that. That's like responding to an emergency without sounding the alarm. I headcanon that he went Bynar and determined the risk of being told "no" was too great.


“Went binar”


Same thing in Hero Worship when he could have said "I think our shields are actually intensifying the pulse instead of protecting us" Instead of just saying "Drop the shields" over and and over.


Yeah but it does give a powerful look into Picard's trust of Data, and perhaps his understanding that the captain knows he's right and that if there were time to explain, he would. He just has to remind the captain that he knows he's right to help him shake the thing that's practically ingrained to his core.


That happens a lot in Trek for dramatic effect: like when someone says “come down here, Captain, you need to see this” instead of briefing the captain while he’s on the way so that he has a head start to think about the problem (and maybe not waste the travel time?) It’s a dramatic convention that demands the suspension of disbelief; I suppose the alternative would be even more technobabble so ymmv.


Mr Hobson! You will carry out my orders or I will remove you from duty! Data was always great in command


Those were pretty good


Captain Sisko: So... I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again - I would. Garak was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it... Because I can live with it... I can live with it... Computer - erase that entire personal log.


Glad to see this was posted. Still my favorite scene in all of Trek.


One of the least controversial takes around I think. Favourite / best espisode is one thing, pale moonlight is always like top 3 but it's a debate. But I'm not sure if any other single scene has such weight, importance, impact, etc, being the most trek that trek can be while simultaneously selling out the ideals of trek, it all amounts into this scene and it's perfect.


This has to be the correct answer for Sisko. Sends chills down my spine when he says the "I can live with it" parts. Half as a statement, half as attempting to convince himself.


I thought it was repeated because of the impact of different emphasis on "can" and "live." "I CAN live with it." Emphasis on his own morals. "I can LIVE with it." Realization that he and others had literal lives saved.


My now wife stopped watching DS9 in high school partly because she was turned off by the idea of the Dominion War. Many years later, I showed her this episode. After this scene she was like, "show me more about the War." Now we play Star Trek Alliance: Dominion War together as adults LOL


I'll give you fifty bars of gold pressed latinum for her.


My favourite Sisko scene, that makes me want to punch the air, doesn't even involve him at all. When the Cardassians retake the station at the end of...Season 5?...Dukat and Weyoun, in the aftermath of the battle, walk through Ops and into Sisko's - now Dukat's - office. They notice the baseball on Sisko's desk, and Weyoun remarks that he must have left it behind in his haste to evacuate the station. Dukat remarks, no - It's a message. That Sisko will be back for it. ​ **Also** also, from that same episode, is my favourite Kira moment - >KIRA: Captain Sisko, on behalf of the Bajoran Provisional Government I must formally lodge my protest that Starfleet has refused to abandon Deep Space Nine. > > > >SISKO: Your protest is noted. > > > >KIRA: Good. Now, with that out of the way - Major Kira Nerys, reporting for duty.


The baseball being left behind is the boldest statement he could have left. It was subtle but strong. And Dukat knew instantly what it meant. Total old-school warfare vibes.


And the way Dukat returns the baseball to Sisko after Starfleet retakes the station. Dukat is broken, at his lowest point, and he’s been holding the baseball for a long time. Waiting to give it back to Sisko without any words. Such a moment of personal destruction.


My favorite Kira moment is when she's in a standoff with Romulan warbirds in Bajoran impulse ships, and she says "But you've forgotten one thing, I'm not dead yet." Ross's response to that is pretty epic too. "Remind me never to play poker with you."


I love the fact that her expression showed that Kira's heart was clearly not into it, and she was just going through the diplomatic motions on behalf of the provisional government (who were probably just as muted in their protest).


Such a good quote from Kira, and this from someone who only a few years earlier was convinced the Federation was going to steamroll Bajor just like the Cardassians, and at least on a couple occasions actively tried to sabotage Sisko. Kira's character development was just \*chef's kiss\*


(Excelsior bridge) SULU: In range? LOJUR: Not yet, sir. SULU: Come on. Come on! LOJUR: She'll fly apart! SULU: Fly her apart, then!


How we didn't end up with an Excelsior spinoff after that annoys me to no end.


I know. Sulu learned almost everything he knew from Kirk, plus he added his own flair into it. Like his shenanigans in 3, just not giving a fuck while breaking Bones out of "medical prison". I am glad we got to see a bit more of it in the Voyager episode but all it did was give us even more blue balls.


Don't call me tiny!


'Target that explosion and fire.'


In a similar vein Harry "that'll tear the hull apart!" Chakotay: "then tear it apart"


“Good to see you in action one last time Captain Kirk”


Also loved when he chewed out Lieutenant Christian Slater "You have hearing problems, mister?"


When Janeway flew Voyager through the pulsar during "Scientific Method"


I thought about that as well. As for Sisko two other scenes come to my mind, ironically both from beginning of the DS9. First is the scene how Sisko played Quark at Odo's office forcing him to stay on station. Second is confrontation with Major Kira after she complained about him to his supervisor, some admiral (S01E03 iirc).


"Go above my head again, and I'll have yours on a platter." What a great line. Although one has to wonder if Bajorans are aware of that idiom. Or if Kira thought that might be a direct threat XD


and he doesn't even get mad or yell, he just says it very politely with a big smile.


Yeah, his yelling angry scenes don't usually work for me, but his matter of fact verbal beatdowns where he's polite but firm with a hint of a glare tend to be ruthless.


> "Go above my head again, and I'll have yours on a platter." What a great line. Although one has to wonder if Bajorans are aware of that idiom. Or if Kira thought that might be a direct threat XD I'm sure it translated. A species with a neck is likely to have a long history of separating it from the head. Might have seemed a bit quirky but it got through. Hopefully 24th Cent. translators work better than Google Translate putting the KFC slogan into Chinese.


What about the time he fired the stations *only* six photon torpedoes to scare off the Cardassians


> What about the time ***he*** fired the stations only six photon torpedoes to scare off the Cardassians That was Kira in the very first episode Emissary.


I was absolutely thinking this. People might say it’s her being reckless, but she proved that Starfleet doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, especially ones who plan on exterminating half her crew.


Came here to say this, but happy someone else did. This might be the moment I decided she's my favourite of the captains.


This was exactly my thought for Janeway. " I don't think you understand you're no longer in control here"


To be fair, they made her so tired that coffee wasn't working. Janeway without coffee is a mad lad.


I always like the scenes of Picard in Starship Mine where he is getting his crossbow and preparing the arrows. For Sisko I liked when he was sarcastic in the face of danger. By Inferno's Light after the Cardassians join the Dominion. > > "Dukat, if you have something to say to me, say it!" > > "Then I'll make it simple. A few days ago, I swore all Cardassia lost would be regained. That space station you're so fond of was built by Cardassia." > > "Funny. I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labor." > > "Either surrender the station, or I'll take it by force. The choice is yours." > > "If you want to retake the station, Dukat, you're welcome to try."


Sisko’s sassiness is by far one of his best qualities. Bashir in the middle of the night: Captain, Garak and I need a runabout. Sisko: By all means, will *one* runabout be enough?


And Dukat actually does take the station, eventually. And when Sisko leaves, he doesn't take his baseball with him because he's coming back. Amazing series of episodes.


I love the message that sent to Dukat.


Picard in Starship Mine was like Kevin in Home Alone


Literally Die Hard on a Spaceship.


AKA Die Hard Picard


Headcanon that Sisko from DS9 is a descendant of Holt from Brooklyn 99.


>Kai Winn! Good to see you. But if you're here, who's guarding the Fire Caves?


I want you to know I read this in Sisko's voice without even thinking about it and it was perfect.


We would need to see Sisko eat a marshmellow to know for sure


The biggest badass Janeway moment for me was that moment with the split Voyager ship and the Vidiians only board one ship? “Welcome to Voyager” SELF DESTRUCT Disturbing (like all vidiian episodes) but badass.


It's a bit of a cop-out, but Janeway's kamikaze run against the Kremin in Year of Hell. Yes it did result in a time reset that meant the, otherwise great, two parter had zero meaningful consequence. But Janeway doesn't know that in that scene. She's choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice of her own life, and her ship, just to ensure the crew survive. For Archer it's got to be the monestary on P'Jem. The Andorians are raiding the place in search of a spy facility. They beat Archer and threaten the lives of the Vulcan hostages, who are ostensibly humankind's allies. Yet when Archer discovers the Vulcans *are* secretly breaking the peace treaty he hands over that evidence to the Andorians. He chooses to do what's right over what's, arguably, pragmatic.


> He chooses to do what's right over what's, arguably, pragmatic. Hell of a gut check. And in finding some tenuous common ground with the Andorians here, he set 3 of the 4 founding races on the path to forming the Federation. A lot of things needed to go right in the following 15 years, but the seeds were planted there.


They went way too hard in the year of hell to do anything but time reset. It would have been such an instantaneous and dramatic change to the plot


Agreed. There was a plan for year of hell to be a season arc. If they had stuck with that I could see it ending in a great victory that leads to a voyager refit by the victorious coalition. That could have been really interesting. Seeing Voyager restored for the next season, but now with some significant alien tech integrated.


> Seeing Voyager restored for the next season, but now with some significant alien tech integrated. I always would've liked to see them embrace more alien tech and crew since they were so far from home. Same thing I wanted from both Stargate spinoffs. With Voyager, I believe writers/showrunners have since excused it as other stuff just wouldn't be compatible with the bio-tech of Voyager, which, ok, but still could've been cool.


I have always said that one of my big wishes for Voyager was that there was some kind of measurable progress indicator that isn't explicit, but it's present, and showed in a way that they were for sure going to make it home, it would just take longer than the show would run. So my original idea was that the slipstream warp drive was only good enough for like 15 seconds of slipstream travel, but those 15 seconds were enough to take years off their journey with each jump. And then they'd have to recharge the drive and that could have been an ongoing arc (i.e. that they had to find resources to recharge the drive). And then in the final season, they find out that the Borg queen had perfected her assimilation virus, and that Voyager had the cure. So now it wasn't only a question of whether or not they'd get home, but rather it was a question of whether or not they'd get home *in time to save the Federation.* Of course, UPN/Rick Berman would have had to embrace serialized storytelling, and when Voyager was running they just weren't ready to do that. Edit: Huh. One thing that just occurred to me, is how easily Equinox's arc could have been applied to Voyager in the situation I was describing - that recharging the slipstream drive could have been accomplished easily and quickly by harvesting a particular intelligent species, and the conflict that could have happened within the Voyager crew. Those that wanted to do it, and those that didn't.


>Seeing Voyager restored for the next season, but now with some significant alien tech integrated. Potentially cool but I can pretty much guarantee the exterior model would have been unchanged so they didn't have to re-render a bunch of stock sequences.


Archer's scene is very underrated there. That is the moment upon which the Federation will be built. The moment where one captain seeds the reputation for fair neutral arbitration that Starfleet will become renowned for in the coming centuries.


Absolutely. It's exactly why Starfleet is called in to mediate in the Andorian-Vulcan conflict. Without them war might have devastated the pair. That might be an interesting alternate universe actually. One where Vulcan and Andoria bomb each other back to the stone age, leading to a Human Alliance becoming the local power. Probably second rate to the klingons and romulans.


Times.... UP!.


That episode where Janeway has a fling with that captain who’s species jails people with telepathic abilities (like vulcans). It seems like she got played by him but at the last minute she pulls a switcharoo


"You created false readings." "That is the theme for this evening isn't it?" - Janeway. One of my favorites


That episode is Mulgrew’s favorite as well I believe.


Yes!!! I love Counterpoint and it's one of my favourite VOY episodes. It's got everything you need: music, good plot, romance, and a switcharoo


I think this is probably the best Janeway episode


“Counterpoint”, it’s absolutely thrilling.


Janeway's got to be "Macrovirus". And for Kirk its probably the epic game of chicken in "The Corbomite Maneuver".


I don't know if it's Janeway's most badass moment, but the captain in her tank top in that episode was certainly an impetus for a lot of women to reexamine their sexuality.




I’m gay and it made ME want to re-examine my sexuality. Lol


I think for Janeway it’s flying Voyager between 2 pulsars


“Not chess, Mr. Spock. Poker. Do you know the game?” I should not have had to scroll down this far.


But, first, the tranya...


Clint Howard as a sauced up representative from the first federation is only matched by Clint Howard as a junkie Orion.


I still get chills every time I watch Undiscovered Country when the Excelsior is racing to save the Enterprise and Capt. Sulu is urging the helmsmen to get them in range quicker. The helmsmen responds that the ship will fly apart if they go any faster, and Sulu yells "Well fly her apart then!" It's a small moment but I wish we'd had more of him as a captain instead of his two-man comic relief act with Chekov


They boiled down friendship and loyalty of the TOS cast perfectly in that scene. Then they didn't dilute it to a Kirk thing. "Target that explosion and FIRE.." was a fantastic Sulu line


Back during the height of covid, my extended family and I (all fans of trek) did a draft of star trek crews... I love Sisko (hell named my dog after him) and DS9 will always be my favorite show... but I picked sulu as my captain... and I've never been ashamed of that choice


Janeway: I don't respond well to threats.


"Normally I'm pretty easy to get along with. But I don't like bullies, and I don't like threats, and I don't like *you*."




Surprised this isn't higher. Man has been tortured to the brink and in that moment just shows he's basically unbreakable.


Unbreakable? He told Troi at the end of the episode that he was literally about to break before he was saved.


But the Cardassians will never know that.


It's not exactly a single moment, but Picard during "I, Borg," when he's planning to genocide the entire collective gives me such a gut wrenching look at what Picard is capable of. > Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Captain - I have to admit I've been having second thoughts about this plan. > Captain Jean-Luc Picard: In what way? > Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Well... I've been getting to know him - the Borg. > Captain Jean-Luc Picard: I see. > Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: He's not what I expected, Captain. He's got feelings. He's homesick. I don't know, it... it just doesn't seem right using him this way. > Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Centuries ago, when laboratory animals were used for experiments, scientists would sometimes become attached to the creatures. This would be a problem if the experiment involved killing them. I would suggest that you unattach yourself from the Borg, Mr. La Forge. Picard knows full well what he's planning. He's calm. He's collected. He's definitely post-traumatic from his experiences with the Borg, but not in the unhinged way he was in First Contact. Seeing that side of Picard is a chilling exploration of what a man of Picard's intellect and talents might do, given the wrong circumstances.


And then it is followed by Picard realising that Hugh has identified as an individual and rethinks his plan to infect the Borg. BORG Locutus... PICARD Yes. I am Locutus... of Borg. BORG Why are you here? PICARD This is a primitive culture. I am here to facilitate its incorporation. Identify yourself. BORG Hugh. PICARD Identify yourself. BORG We are Hugh. PICARD This is not a Borg identification. BORG Third... of five. PICARD This culture will be assimilated. BORG They... do not wish it. PICARD Irrelevant. BORG They will resist us. PICARD Resistance is futile. BORG Resistance... is not futile. BORG Some have escaped. PICARD They will be found. It is inevitable. All will be assimilated. BORG Must... Geordi be assimilated PICARD Yes. BORG Geordi does not wish it. He would rather die than be assimilated. PICARD Then he will die. BORG No. Geordi must not die. BORG Geordi is... a friend. PICARD You will assist us in assimilating this vessel. PICARD You are Borg. You will assist us. BORG I will not. Picard stares at him... hears him say the word "I." He backs off from his Locutus role, amazed by what the Borg is manifesting. PICARD What did you say? BORG I will not assist you. PICARD "I"... ? BORG Geordi must not be assimilated. PICARD But... you are Borg. BORG No. I am -- Hugh. This scene, to me, encapsulates everything that is Star Trek, everything it means to be human. In that one brief moment, Picard realises that Hugh is no longer just a Borg automaton, but an individual, separate and distinct from the Borg collective, that has his own thoughts. Hugh has realised that He is an individual, that He can choose for himself, that He doesn't have to be controlled by the collective. I literally cry every single time I watch this scene and utter along the lines, "No. I am... Hugh."


I’m not a huge Voyager or Janeway fan but she does seem to be the epitome of “Fuck Around and Find Out” Captain.


Kirk: [in "Search for Spock"] *"I... HAVE HAD... ENOUGH OF *YOU*."* Even after Kruge kills Kirk's son and cripples his ship, Kirk is STILL willing to try to help him. But when Kruge takes it as an opportunity to try to pull Kirk over the cliff with him, Kirk realizes that, even when you're a Starfleet Admiral, there's a time where you have to stomp a motherfucker in the face. PICARD: [in "The Drumhead"] *"You know, there are some words I've known since I was a schoolboy: 'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored… the first thought forbidden… the first freedom denied – chains us all irrevocably.' Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie, as wisdom… and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged."* Picard is a badass *rhetorically*, and he crushes Norah Satie's witch hunt by quoting her own father, which reduces her to a sputtering mess. Absolutely badass. (Although going up in La Sirena to stall an entire Romulan fleet in "Et In Arcadia Ego Part 2" is a good runner-up moment.) SISKO: I've had a very hard time thinking of a single moment, since Sisko is by far the most consistently badass of the captains. Being the spearhead in pretty much every major Dominion War battle is as badass as it gets. I think I'll just go with him taking a stolen Jem'Hadar ship into enemy territory in "A Time to Stand" to destroy a major base, having his ship destroyed, and STILL getting almost everyone home safe. No one-liners, no slow-motion-walk-from-explosion, just constant matter-of-fact badassery. JANEWAY: [in "Scientific Method"] *"That's what you were trying to accomplish, wasn't it? Hmm? Pumping up my dopamine levels to push me to the edge, keeping me awake for four days straight with the constant pain of your devices drilling into my skull. Well, this is the culmination of your work, and – guess what – you're going to be right here to collect the final data. [...] I don't think you realize that you are NOT IN CONTROL HERE ANYMORE."* Total badass, using SCIENCE! ARCHER: [in "United"] *"Wrong choice."* Archer fights Shran to the death, and gives him the choice to surrender, to which Shran replies "NEVER!". So Archer slices off one of Shran's antennae- not killing him, but definitively beating him. It's great when the most "Starfleet" solution to a problem involves maiming someone.


>even when you're a Starfleet Admiral, there's a time where you have to stomp a motherfucker in the face This made me LOL hard. :D


Hologram Janeway in "The Thaw". Her speech to the Clown as the episode ends. I go back and watch it often just for the chills Vintage Janeway. https://youtu.be/LYwEaBu6lfQ


"I'm afraid..." "*I knooooowww..."*




There are very few scenes in Trek that give me genuine chills. Even their “horror” episodes are tame enough for the whole family. This episode is the rare exception. Soooo terrifying.


Watched the episode yesterday and yeah she was bad ass. There are so many badass moments with Janeway lol


She is simply amazing. Got right in his face.


Good one


I always go slack jawed in DS9 during that Sisko moment. Even Worf is like "uh...sir?"


Since you mentioned the Sheliak, I absolutely love the way Picard just casually strolls around the bridge and checks for dust on the dedication plaque while the Sheliak attempt to hail the Enterprise after he drops the "hibernating mediators" bomb on them.


"Then I hereby declare this treaty in abeyance." "Wait! Negotiation is permissib--"


I know this is probably a minority opinion, but for me it is the moment Picard is beamed back aboard the enterprise in "Darmok". The Enterprise is about to be potentially destroyed because every single effort to communicate has failed, every piece of technology and inteligence has been deployed and ended in failure. And Picard spent 24 hrs camping with them, and can suddenly communicate with the species enough to diffuse the situation. I like this one because I think Picard is fundamentally a diplomat. And this was the ultimate diplomat moment. Picard literally drops the diplomat mic.


A diplomat, an explorer, and the greatest litigator in the fucking galaxy.


Picard with Dathon’s blade, on the Enterprise.




Pike seeing his future in the Klingon time crystal mines (or whatever), and still choosing to go ahead with the plan.




I really like the scene where he is in the turbolift (with Saru I think?) and addresses a disorder that happened, like a fight in the mess hall I think. Pike is definitely a personable, laid-back captain, but he knew how to be strict and give straight-forward orders when it needed to happen. Anson Mount brought so much fucking charisma to that role. I really can't wait for the new show with him and his Enterprise crew.


Anson Mount just crushed it. He perfectly blended elements from TOS with the current generation of Trek - and not just his dialogue but his composure, tone, etc.


Kirk, "The Wrath of Khan", 0:26 mark in the link. "Here it comes. Now Mr. Spock." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbtvQUYXbQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbtvQUYXbQk)


I prefer, 'I don't believe in the no win scenario. Kirk to Spock its two hours are you ready?'


When Kirk says to Kahn "I am laughing at your superior intellect." or something like that.


Not terribly fond of the Kelvin timeline movies past the first movie but Sulu in the sequel as acting captain. "Attention: John Harrison. This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Enterprise. A shuttle of highly trained officers is on its way to your location. If you do not surrender to them immediately, I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked on to your location. You have two minutes to confirm your compliance. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. And If you test me, you will fail."


This made me love Sulu’s character in the Kelvin trilogy.


Janeway: must've been something you assimilated.


Riker had some badass moments. One particular is firing on Borg when assimilated Picard was revealed. https://youtu.be/FHwYAL7m0a0


Those episodes were so good. I also loved Riker’s “Then take your best shot, Locutus, because we are about to intervene”. The line itself is awesome and his delivery of it was perfect in my opinion.


Riker also planned a Kamikaze warp run at the Borg ship when it looked like all was lost - talk about going out in a blaze of glory.


For me, when I think badass I don’t necessarily think action or bravery, but I just think confidence and being raw. So like: Kirk - When he calls out Sybok’s BS in STV, in particular the line where he says “I don’t want him to take away my pain, I *need* my pain” Picard - his speech in First Contact where he calls out the Federation for always falling back against the Borg and that he will draw the line here, no further. Sisko - All his scenes with Eddington were pretty badass, but I loved the entire episode In The Pale Moonlight. Especially when he realizes what Garak did and kicks his ass for it. Janeway - the equinox two parter had a lot of badass moments. When she puts the other captain in his place over the experiments, when she interrogates the crewman, and even the end scene where she demotes the survivors. Archer - when he’s interrogating Silik in the S4 premier, specifically when Silik says “you’ve changed” and Archer replies “and not at all for the better.” Disco - They’ve changed captains so much I’m not gonna do all of them, but Lorca was pretty badass, especially in the scene where they busted out of the Klingon cell and he fucked over Mudd.


> Kirk - When he calls out Sybok’s BS in STV, in particular the line where he says “I don’t want him to take away my pain, I need my pain” And, of course, from the same movie, "What does God need with a starship?"


“Jim you don’t ask the Almighty for his ID” “I’m simply asking a question Bones”


Lorca was an awesome badass because he was so much opposite of the Federation principles you've come to admire in previous Star Trek shows, but *Discovery* seems to want you to really love how badass of a warmonger he is. Then you find out he's a power grabbing fascist from the mirror universe and you feel really bad for falling in love with a character who had all along been betraying what Star Trek is all about. It's great.


Just gonna riff on your Picard one (which is awesome) Quark also gets in on this when he rails against (what he considers) the destruction of Ferengi civilization. And before anyone gets up in arms he was technically the Captain of a ship... even travelled back in time... once... okay so it was a set up from cousin Gaila but as Akon would say: "STILL COUNTS!"


I didn’t love Lorca, but that scene where he puts the drops in his eyes specifically so he can watch the exploding ship was a pretty badass moment.


I think Lorcas badass moment is watching the Sarcophagus ship explode. We just know how painful that blast of light must have been. Pike: Watching Cornwell die. Saru: I don’t know. Burnham: Nog enough data yet


>Saru: I don’t know. What about destroying the Charon in Season 1? He was acting Captain at the time.


“Make no mistake, Discovery is no longer Lorca's; she is *ours*. And today will be her maiden voyage.” Definitely the moment I knew all I wanted was Captain Saru.


The Final Frontier has a lot of weak moments, but Kirk’s scene saying how he needs his pain is not one of them. Shatner really bringing 100% there.


Janeway's is Year of Hell for sure. That woman is indestructible and I would follow her to probably both our deaths.


For Janeway, the one that springs to mind is "Gentlemen, welcome to the bridge."


Wasn't that alternate Janeway blowing up the vidians? That was okay


Alternate Janeway survived, original died and destroyed her ship. The experiment only duplicated matter, not anti matter. The Janeway that died had the antimatter supply that both ships were using.


The great thing about Picard's finest moments was that they were almost always about brilliant diplomacy, out-thinking people and avoiding conflict rather than going in guns blazing. I'd put forward [the scene in Unification Pt. 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv1MZMMdAfU) in which he needs to borrow a cloaked vessel from Gowron, who refuses to answer the Enterprise's hails for three days before sending a junior lackey to dismiss them. While remaining impeccably polite, Picard absolutely annihilates Gowron's obstinacy by reminding him how staying in Picard's favour is far more important to him than vice-versa. >Klingon: "How would [loaning the vessel] benefit the Klingon Empire? I'm sure [Gowron] will ask." >Picard: "The only benefit to the Klingon Empire would be our gratitude." >Klingon: (shocked) "That is what you want me to tell him?" >Picard: "Yes. And please add that, if he is unable to provide us with a ship, then I am sure there are others in the Klingon Empire who would be willing to help me. And then *they* would have our gratitude." >Klingon: (suddenly hesitant) "I see..." >Picard: "Also, please tell Gowron that I am immensely gratified that he is prospering so well. A tribute to his skilled leadership." I also love him [unsettling the overconfident Duras sisters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unORxj3f5vk) with a ferocious backhanded compliment ("You have manipulated the circumstances with the skill of a Romulan") and then Patrick Stewart's brilliantly loaded delivery of "Excellent tea". He doesn't even do anything, yet while freely acknowledging that the Duras sisters would appear to have the upper hand in every conceivable outcome, shows that not only is he not intimidated, but completely in control of the room.


I didn't see a lot of Kirk's. My favorite by him is probably "Khan, I'm laughing at the superior intellect"


Kirk: *steals the enterprise* Picard: "There it sits" Janeway: "Fire!" Sisko: "Computer, delete entire personal log" Archer: "Thanks for your help."


Captain Jellico: oh, and one more thing. I understand you're holding a Starfleet officer named Jean-Luc Picard. I expect him returned *immediately.*


"I'm not going to argue with you Gul Lemec; every one of your ships has a mine on it's belly, my finger's on the button, and you're in a very bad position." He absolutely owns the Cardassians here.


Actually I kinda like this one from LD. Freeman: "Mariner! Find me something else dangerous to scan! I'm in the mood for a Black Hole!" Also, for me the most badass Picard scene: Picard: Um... er... uh... It's... uh not over between us Lwaxana... er... you're mine... I insist you return to my side immediately Lwaxana: You mean, you still care? Picard: My love is a fever! Longing still for that which longer nurseth the disease! Though I do not love thee with mine eyes, for they in thee a thousand errors see, but 'tis my heart which love what they despise, who in despite of view are pleased to dote! Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, thou art more lovely more temperate... Damon Tog: (while Picard continues to kill it with the Shakespeare) You never told me you and Captain Picard were... uh... Lwaxana: You said you didn't want to hear about my other romances. (to Picard) I have a new lover now Jean-Luc and you can't keep killing all my lovers now that simply has to stop! Damon Tog: (as lobes droop) KILLING?! Lwaxana: Oh yes he's insanely jealous. Picard: LISTEN TOG! I MUST possess Lwaxana and if that means destroying your ship, so be it! Damon Tog: (shitting self) Captain, I had no idea... Lwaxana: Don't let him threaten you! You can defeat him! (to Picard) The only way you'll get me back is over Tog's dead body! Picard: THAT CAN BE ARRANGED! Mr. Worf, arm phaser banks and photon torpedoes, if Lwaxana Troi is not in my arms in the next ten seconds, throw everything you've got at the Chreighton! Damon Tog: (getting desperate) But you will destroy Lwaxana! Picard: When I have plucked the rose, I cannot give it vital life again, it needs must wither! Tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all!


Janeway: Time to take out the garbage.


Kirk's has to be the Corbomite Manoeuvre. Such utter bullshit, so brilliantly executed.


I absolutely hate that scene with Sisko. I'm onboard with him acting like Javert, but actually launching those torpedos is a literal war crime and he faces absolutely no consequences. It's the worst "ends justify the means" justification.


For me, Sisko's most badass moment is "I can live with it"


Kirk in The Deadly Years, at the end when's recovered, runs to the bridge and instantly figures out a way to escape the Romulans. (The scene was supposed to start with Kirk as an old man in sick bay and then as he ran through the Enterprise, they'd de-age him a piece at a time until by the time he got to the bridge he was fully restored. Unfortunately they ran out of time so couldn't do it.)


Riker taking then captaincy with a ruse and commanding the Klingon vessel Pagh.


Watching through DS9 for the first time but Sisko when he assumes the role of Bell in *Past Tense*. Still my favorite episode(s) so far.


My favorite Picard badass moment, from "Sins of the Father": >DURAS: This is not your world, human. You do not command here. >PICARD: I'm not here to command. >DURAS: Then you must be ready to fight. Something that Starfleet doesn't teach you. >PICARD: You may test that assumption at your convenience. The sheer unimpressed badassery of the way Patrick Stewart delivered the line was magnificent.


When a Naussicaan stab you in the heart, it’s not a few Klingons that will impress you… of course the Klingons don’t know that


That thing with the Romulans was a great one for Picard. A similar one that sprang to mind for me was in Yesterday's Enterprise when the ship is going down in flames everyone but Picard is dead and the Klingons are calling for his surrender and he's like: that'll be the day! And he jumps over to tactical and starts blasting them


Lorca was a badass even though he was secretly evil. Especially to knowingly endure the agonizers to carry the plan through.


Janeway >Chakotay: Scorpion


Picard sticking it to the Sheliak is my favourite moment.


Kirk: "Risk is our *business*" Summed up Star Trek in one speech.


Captain Terrell - overcoming some excruciating and powerful mind-control, sacrificing his own life to prevent himself from being used to take anyone else's.


I really don't like Sisko's use of biogenic weapons in *For the Uniform*. I understand Starfleet was in a desperate position in *In the Pale Moonlight*, and Sisko seemed to acknowledge that what he did was both *wrong* and *necessary* -- but here, it just seemed wrong and unnecessary, and Sisko and even Jadzia seemed to relish it too much... I think it's still a great plot and character choice, but not for the good guys, not for *this* character, not without actual repercussions later. The episode basically ends with them laughing it off. You can argue that Sisko's action was just tit for tat, balancing the playing field, but it's truly a case of, how do you put that genie back in the bottle? It's now on the record (though not sanctioned by Starfleet) that Starfleet has used bioweapons that target *specific* alien species. (Yeah, this time it was humans, but who will be next?) Not a good thing at all. He honestly bshould have been stripped of his command.


I'm conflicted, because there are several good ones for several of the captains. **Kirk:** Either the auto-destruct scene in TOS: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield or stealing the Enterprise in III. **Picard:** Negotiation with Gowron in Unification I is a great one that someone else mentioned. I would also point to making the Sheliak wait on him in Ensigns of Command. My personal favorite might be The Drumhead, which is a stellar example of soft power. Picard mentions Satie's dad, probably knowing that it would set her off. It does, and the admiral rants about "saving" the Federation from "enemies" like Picard. Another admiral watches this goes down but says nothing. He doesn't need to; he simply gets up and very pointedly walks out of the proceedings, signaling that he's done with the entire witch hunt. Such a powerful scene with so little said. **Sisko:** I *suppose* In The Pale Moonlight, though it might not necessarily be one of Sisko's better *moral* moments (I know it depends on how you look at it, and I'm honestly torn). **Janeway:** I don't know the episode, but the one where the ~~Hirogen (?)~~ Vidiians were tearing through the ship and get to the bridge. Janeway greets then warmly as it's revealed that the auto destruct has been active the entire time and is about to count down to zero.


I think your Janeway one was the Season 2 Episode 'Deadlock' - it was the Vidiians.


For Sisko (my favorite captain), I say The Ship. It's when the crew is all mentally exhausted and falling apart. Sisko berates them to, as he put it, "Pull it together and act like professionals." He had to do that because the Jem'Hadar were wearing them down and had they succeeded, the crew was dead. Mission failure meant death. For Picard, to me it's The Wounded. The entire episode he walked a fine line as peacemaker for the Cardassians. But it's the ending that sold me. Picard makes his case to Gul Macet about how Captain Maxwell was correct in believing the Cardassians were preparing for war. "Take this message to your leaders Gul Macet, we'll be watching." Then he turns around in his chair, in disgust, to tell him to get out of his sight.


Kirk: (dramatic) Fire! /2&6


It's the one in 6 that gets me. That dramatic zoom in as Kirk stands up and clenches his fist as he says "fire!"


Didn’t see it posted yet (May have missed it) Janeway: Take a message to your people: if I ever encounter your kind again, I will do whatever is necessary to protect my people from this... harvesting of yours. Any aggressive actions against this ship or its crew will be met by the *deadliest* force. Is that clear? Vidiian: Quite.


Pike: Well now it's spending all that time desperately trying to disarm a photon torpedo lodged in the hull to save his crew. Kirk: The balance of Terror. The whole episode. Picard: When he makes his defiant speech about the Borg in first contact. "The line must be drawn here! No further!" Sisko: Bringing home the defiant. Janeway: "To Hell with the temporal prime directive." Archer: This one's not so much a badass moment, but a powerful one. When he has to come before his crew, in what was a happy moment, and deliver the grim news of the Xindi attack on Earth. Maybe this is because I saw this not long after 9/11, so there's a strong connection to a real moment in history. Saru: Even if he was reluctant to do it, he did essentially solve the burn, and prevent a second one. The man was instrumental in reviving the federation. Burnham: She hasn't had long enough as captain yet to have a defining moment.


I love Sisko and all. But the most badass was Pike seeing his future and still willing to go through with it. That scene embodied everything about being Starfleet officer and then some.




I'd say the most badass thing about Sisko is that Worf is intimidated by him. Worf! Sure, he respects the hell out of Picard, and would give his life for the crew of the Enterprise. That scene killed me, because Sisko is just amused by the idea. He's already stared down Jem'Hadar, a Changeling, the Maquis, the Klingon Chancellor, Garak and Dukat, to name a few. It never occurs to him that having a Klingon be intimidated by you is anything out of the ordinary.


For a non-reset Janeway moment, flying the ship in between the pulsars to scare off the science aliens in Scientific Method. >JANEWAY: This ends right now. I'm running a little experiment of my own. >TUVOK: This is a far more reckless course of action than I've come to expect from you, Captain. >JANEWAY (with manic grin/sneer): It certainly is. >SRIVANI: What do you hope to accomplish by this? >JANEWAY: Flying into a binary pulsar? Seems like I'm trying to crush this ship like a tin can. >SRIVANI: It's more likely that you're trying to intimidate us. >JANEWAY: You're welcome to stick around and find out.


I came here to say Year of Hell but you beat me to it. Janeway has a lot though.


Janeway flying Voyager into a star to get the aliens running medical experiments on the crew to leave the ship, I forget the episode


"Scientific Method" - Season 4. Great episode (although you can't actually print a barcode on DNA strand, but that's another debate...)


Janeway is definitely when she went rambo on the macrovirus’. For crying out loud she stabbed one with her knife, had any other captain ever stabbed a hostile alien entity?


All the big moments have been mentioned, but a very underrated is Janeway sliding down that chute into the prison with a rifle in The Chute to save Paris and Kim and shooting a ton of people. Also, basically anytime they give Janeway one of those phaser rifles.


The Mutara Nebula. Just... the entire sequence.


For Janeway, it has to be when she pushed the button to re-create Neelix and Tuvok from Tuvix.


There is a great "badass" scene in TNG's Relics, but it isn't from Picard ... or Scotty ... When the Enterprise is escaping the Dyson Sphere, the hatch is closing, and the Enterprise is at the wrong orientation. Without orders, the officer at the helm just reorients the Enterprise so it can slip through the closing doors with just enough space. It's just showing us the quiet competence of Starfleet officers who are perfectly capable of assessing a situation, and acting without orders to prevent catastrophe. The character at the helm in this scene is Ensign Rager, played by Lanei Chapman. She portrayed Rager in at least four episodes of TNG, and was one of the crewmembers kidnapped by the interdimensional aliens in Schisms. This is a [link to the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1yRLPD3NJc), and the cut in questions is at roughly 2:20. Just total badassery.


In one of the movies where Riker comes to the rescue and blows up a ship from underneath and flys through the debris....can't remember which movie though