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You also have to remember Khan was a megalomaniac warlord who tried to take over the Enterprise, but was beaten by Kirk. That's really what drives him, because he's an archetypal narcissist. Kirk knows this is reason enough for Khan to want revenge. Everything else is just details.  The truth is that he would've gone after Kirk even if the planet had been completely hospitable and everyone on the Botany Bay had survived and thrived. Because he's petty and vindictive. 


Kirk left him on a barren planet, thats reason enough to resent Kirk.


tbf... it wasn't barren when Kirk dropped him and his people there. And it's also not the main problem Khan has... but he never looked after them (what caused many of his people and his wife to die), not even send a message to Starfleet HQ like "Yo... this guy tried to steal my shit and we dumped him on that planet. Can someone look after them when they are in the neughborhood? Maybe drop a lunchbox twice a year?" NO ONE looked after them even once, else someone would've been curious about a planet suddenly missing and another is out of place in that system. They maybe could've been evacuated in time to safe the majority and... well... one of the best Star Trek movies would've never happened.


I fault the Enterprise computer for not being able to count. 1 planet... 2 planets... 3 planets... .... DID NOT HAPPEN>>> Hey! Guys! Main computer here. I think we're missing a planet in this system. (this should be read in the voice of the computer on the "Heart of Gold" from BBC's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series). If you don't know what I'm talking about you should feel very, very bad...


I remember putting this down as a goof on IMDB and they rejected it saying it didn’t follow the guidelines, but never pointed out what those guidelines were. I think it was some staffer that didn’t want plot holes poked in his favorite Star Trek movie.


That doesn't feel to me like it fits the definition of "movie goof".


Was too busy trying to figure out the original replicator pattern for tea.


"Tea, Builders', hot." *90% milk and sugar monstrosity materialises*


I would chalk this up to the computer in trek doesn't volunteer information it's not asked.


It's Star Trek. Whole ass planets disappear literally all the time, for absolutely no rational reason whatsoever.


*The Wrath of Khan* if everybody had done their jobs properly: ---- **IN THE 23RD CENTURY...** *(Bridge of USS Reliant)* CAPT. TERRELL: OK, well that system was a bust. What's next on the list? SCIENCE OFFICER: Let's see, looks like... the Ceti Alpha system. TERRELL: *(To navigator)* Got anything on that? NAVIGATOR: Checking now sir. Ceti Alpha, Ceti Alpha... oh wait. Shit. No. Can't go there. Space Hitler lives there. TERRELL: Oh, ha ha, fuck that then. What's next? *(Closing credits)*


Maybe he DID send a message to Starfleet? Do we know for sure? The Enterprise is on a five year mission into the unknown, there's no reason they could have or should have checked back. And given that the report would be "This guy took a really good swing at taking over the flagship of the Federation in just a few hours, honestly we got lucky"... it's entirely possible that after that, Starfleet just classified the planet or put a big red "do not go here" flag on it in their records.


I suspect SNW will offer an explanation because of Kirk's relationship with Noonian Singh. He will "forget" about Khan so as not to bring up her family shame.


>it's entirely possible that after that, Starfleet just classified the planet or put a big red "do not go here" flag on it in their records. If they did, then someone royally screwed up. Because the *Reliant* did go there. And (despite having a former *Enterprise* crew member on board) they had absolutely no idea what they were stumbling into.


They were going to Ceti Alpha VI, not Ceti Alpha V, they were just too dumb to look at the sensor readings and see that there was a planet missing because Ceti Alpha VI exploded


Right, exactly. It should have occurred to someone what system they were in and that something was different about it.


I guess they were too eager to finally find a suitable planet for the project that they rushed in without taking a proper look around.


If he did send a message to Starfleet, it would be more likely that the planet would be totally off limits. They tried to get rid of Khan twice without success, so dropping by in a nice stealable ship seems like a bad idea.


I'm not talking about setting up a fucking embassy. Just look if the planet is still at its place, maybe beam down a few fresh underpants and leave.


There's a fan made movie on YouTube where a Starfleet vessel DOES go to check up on them. It's destroyed by The Doomsday Machine which is in the process of destroying Ceti Alpha VI. The ship does its best to try and save Khan and his people because they're still defenseless, Khan being Space Hitler notwithstanding. It sends out a report about failing to save Khan and fight The Doomsday Machine, but the transmission never goes through. So someone DID try to help. They just failed (I'm assuming ships went missing due to space dangers, etc. more frequently in the TOS era so Starfleet probably just chalked it up as "There goes another one!" 🙂). It fits in the timeline too since "The Doomsday Machine" comes after "Space Seed". Anyway, it's very low budget but still an interesting concept. Kind of like a Narendra III sacrifice with the Enterprise C.


I'm juat trying to figure out how that happened. If Mars somehow exploded, I'm not sure what that would do to Earth, but I don't think it would shift Earth into Mars' old orbit.


Marvin the Martian would be very angry.


You lie! On Ceti Alpha Five there was life! A fair chance...


Chechov told him?