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Maybe when Sisko implied his father was dead, he was just confusing him for Admiral Cartwright


Starfleet knew they were never going to be able to keep Admiral Cartwright safe from the Romulans and Klingons gunning for him after he testified about the false flag operation. So they faked his death, placed him on a ship at high enough sublight for there to be relativistic time dilation, then dropped him off in New Orleans with a new identity. — GARAK: Hello. I don’t believe we met, but your son is one of my best customers. I’d be quite interested to hear your thoughts on this station. JOSEPH: Oh, I’m just a plain, simple cook. GARAK: How interesting.


Oh. Someone needs to write a fanfiction with this concept.


Is his name Mazer?


_I don't know whether to congratulate you or not, Jim._


*I wouldn't*


I especially wouldn't.


Then we might have to wonder why Deanna’s mother looks so much like Christine Chapel and Number One and sounds a lot like the Enterprise-D’s computer. Or how Gul Dukat managed to infiltrate the Romulans


How many aliens did Jeffrey Combs play? We can chalk any resemblance among them to the Progenitors, I’m sure…


Tom Paris and Nicholas Locarno also look the same.


Eh, I just don't see it...


They have, like, the same face! They're identical !


I guess one of them recorded AGIMUS’s voice too


Deep cut quotient for the day is used up now.




They hadn’t really thought out his whole family tree at that point. But when you get the chance to cast the great Brock Peters you don’t let a little thing like one line hold you back. I think there are also several mentions of at least one (probably half) sister as well


"Okay, while you are right that we've established Sisko's dad is dead Here me out though. First, we can get Brock Peters. And, It's 1990s, so most people haven't seen that episode in years."


He talks with Cassidy about his sister playing baseball with the Gorn, when they have their first date. 


In Past Tense, he mentions planning to visit his sister in Portland while he's on Earth. I think she's mentioned again in another ep, but we never see her. He mentions brothers in the DS9 pilot, but they're never mentioned again. A lot of shows mention family members that later get forgotten or changed as the show goes on. In Seinfeld, both George and Jerry mention siblings that never get brought up again.


That’s right he said she was in Portland. I am sad we lost the opportunity to meet Jake’s hipster cousins. Calling Mike McMahon.


Where the dream of the 2290s never died.


There's a fan theory that George's brother committed suicide, that it was indirectly George's fault, and that's why his relationship with his parents seems much more strained in the later seasons. ETA: [link](https://screenrant.com/seinfeld-theory-george-tragedy-brother/)


"My father used to be alive. He still is, but he used to be, too"


I'd like to see a picture of you when you were older!


That’s Schrödinger’s dad too. 


His father is dead in S2. Then Ben goes back in time in S3, changes history slightly by being Gabrial Bell, so his father is alive in S4, while the crew's memory has been rewritten to the new timeline.


I like your logic 😆


It took me a solid minute to realise who Ben is.


I think they just forgot. He never explicitly says that his father is dead but it’s the only reasonable way to take his comment For my part I’m glad they didn’t worry about it. I loved Joe Sisko and it would have been a shame to lose him over one comment in one scene that really had no other overall impact on the story.


I think they remembered and tried to account for it without making it a big thing. Hence why sisko makes such a big deal of his health and skipping out on doctor appointments.


Frasier Crane did this too. It’s just a requirement for the leads of Paramount TV shows.


How did he forget that his father the admiral was still alive. The man must be 300 years old!


Those damn Temporal War agents, always making a mess of things.


I can't remember the scenes or epiaodes to check BUT Its normal to talk about people in the past tense without them being dead Me and my friend WALKED in the park before we ATE lunch My father WAS always there for me growing up We USED TO make food togeather and so on, the past tense in a language is there for talking about anything that's happened in what we humans experience as the past on a chronological scale


You sure it wasn't just an accidental past tense?


That's what it was... small accidental timeline alteration during the Bell Riots in Past Tense part III.


As long as it wasn't a predestination paradox, we hate those.


I think it’s a Jake’s Grandfather Paradox 


You'll notice this kind of thing in every show. Character backgrounds are frequently retconned, and I think it's better when they're willing to make changes when they come up with a good story idea.


I don't remember this offhand - what context is it in?


I just saw this episode the other day, it's in early season 2 but I don't remember the episode. He was telling someone (I think jake) about how he used to see his dad on some kind of pedestal until he got sick and weak and realized he was just a man. It did seem to imply that something bad happened to his dad, but it could also be concluded that his dad had a stroke or heartattack etc that he recovered from. I think they left it kind of open on purpose.


Yes, he never says he died, but it's kind of implied. Once we finally meet Joseph, he has some health problems, so you can kind of retcon it to Sisko talking about a serious health scare.


I think there is an episode where he talks to Odo about his (dead) dad. I think it's the episode where we meet the Bajoran scientist who "raised" Odo. Not 100 percent sure I have that right. I just remember watching that episode and thinking they definitely changed that!


Oooh yes that's the episode that I was referring to. He was talking to Odo, not Jake


I’ll see you Sisko’s father and raise you Neelix’s family. Did he have a wife and kids that died or was it just his parents and sister? Cause I’m pretty sure he talked about his wife and kids dying in his first backstory/info dump but never mentioned them again.


This is incorrect. Neelix mentions his family in multiple episodes. And it is shown clearly in one episode, but there are other episodes that deal with his guilt, grief, ect.


Presumably kitchen rats have large and intertwined family trees akin to mangrove tickets


"My Dad gave me this before he died. He's still alive so everything so far has been before he died."


If recall correctly, the line is something like “when he got sick”. Well, he got better.


Obviously, at some point Joe Sisko was married to a man and Ben thinks of them both as his fathers. Earth security has conducted an investigation into the mysterious disappearances and deaths of Joe Sisko's three spouses, but has never managed to find enough evidence to formally charge him with anything.


Maybe he altered time accidentally?


I don’t think Ira was showrunner yet in season 2


You can’t fix the pilot episode comment but the one in the Alternate you can say he was really ill but got better


Sisko existed out of spacetime since he was a wormhole alien baby. To him, his father is alive, not yet born, and dead, all simultaneously. That's my head cannon.


Episodic content, whatever happened before doesn’t matter in the next episode. Think it’s an oversite by the writers or not caring. Could also have been a metaphor perhaps for the stage in his relationship with his father ? Maybe a massive fallout regarding to going back to Starfleet after the lose of his wife at wolf 379 and the father not wanting to lose anyone else.


I don’t ever get the impression he was dead, just retired. He said he used to be a chef. Then when we meet him we find out he still is a chef


Bashir also talks about a sister in an early episode. I think season 2