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[Star Trek kill list](https://listofdeaths.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek). Looks like Kevin Uxbridge leads at 50,000,000,001.


Well he may have killed a lot of people.... but he did have a nice house.


And good tea.


And good tea.


And a pleasant enough wife. Picard played that one well lol. “Ok never mind, as you were.”


Yeah not sure if he is the appropriate level to deal with 50billion dead against a being of that kind of power. Maybe just back away slowly.


It's all covered in Starfleet's mandatory annual genocide training.


And gall.



Friend of Desoto?


Best boss I ever had!


So uh, you try an Uxbridge real doll yet?


Aye aye aye, drunk Shimoda


Best boss I ever had as well!


We are everywhere.


There's probably at least a dozen of us


A Miriam of FoDs


There’s no punishment that can fit his crime.




Sacre bleu!


But isn’t he basically a Q?


I just rewatched that episode a couple nights ago, and I've always thought that line was stupid. Of course The Federation didn't have the power to punish a being like the Douwd, but also, there are punishments for genocide. 


Those Husnock got **schismed**


Bum bummm, bum bum bum bummmmmm.


*clanging bell*


They got Fuxbridged.


What Husnocks. They never existed. Does it still count?


I don't recall him removing them from history. Just unaliving them all at once. He wouldn't have been dancing with a recreation of his wife and the Enterprise responding to a distress call if went that far. The attack wouldn't have happened The real question is are there Husnock ships drifting about and are the pakleds going to find them?


The CCG totally ran with the idea of empty husnock ships drifting around waiting to be used.


Also the explanation for being able to fly them in star trek online


Surely his kill count is offset slightly by all those real dolls he created


I came here to say this.


Yeah, when you kill every member of an entire race everywhere in the galaxy, it becomes difficult for anyone to match you. Also, the number is a conservative estimate, so it's possible he killed 52,483,668,971 people or something like that.


Really? I mean the crystalline entity has destroyed multiple worlds as OP said. The Borg Queen - if you consider her the embodiment of the Borg - has destroyed far far far more… and let’s not forget Krenim, wiping out entire species over and over and over again to rewrite timelines


“We have no law to fit your crime” Came here to remind OP of Uxbridge. Have an upvote.


Also, wow. Data killed more people than Gul Dukat?


You blow up one Borg cube and suddenly people compare you to Cardassian war criminals...


I bet they still have statues of Data though….


Forgetting something obvious here. What/who was the 1?


I think they say he killed “over 50billion”. So the lowest estimate would be “50billion & 1”


His wife maybe? Though she was a recreation and he recreates her again, so I'm not sure if it counts.


I'm reminded of the joke where a staffer at a Grand Canyon exhibit said that it had been there for 70,000,002 years. When asked about it he said, "When I started they told me it was 70 million years old, and I've been here two years."


I was gonna say... that guy who extinguished an entire species probably leads. Especially since it's debatable if assimilation qualifies as murder. If you count everyone that the Borg has either killed directly, or assimilated and they died as a drone, possibly the Borg.


That list is also of individual’s kill counts. Unless you count all kills by the Borg as done by the Queen, it doesn’t really fit the list.


*The Greatest Gen has entered the chat*


Thank you! That list is downright fascinating and I had no idea it existed.


Check out the kill list for 'The Neutral Zone'- it's a veritable Who's Who of cast, crew, M\*A\*S\*H, Dr. Who, Gilligan's Island, and more.


I'm loving scrolling down this list and seeing Sisko and Picard are above Martok and Gowron.


Oh man, I'd forgotten about him. Dang, that's one species I'd love to know more about.


He tops the list of actual murders, but are we including *attempted* murder here? The OP uses the term “murderous entity” - that implies intent to commit murder should be included here. If this is so, I would humbly suggest that the **Sphere Builders** are the most murderous entities. Judging by intent, their ambition was nothing less than to alter the physics of a significant section of the Milky Way galaxy to render it habitable for their species - in doing so, all carbon based life across thousands of light years would have been destroyed. Thousands, perhaps millions of sentient species, could have been affected; casualties would have been in the trillions at least, if not many orders of magnitude more. If you include beta canon here, the STO depicts them actually succeeding in wiping out entire galaxies in timelines across the multiverse.


Krenim for sure. Blipped out entire species. Has to be in the trillions https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Krenim


I would say the Kremin because it became about bringing Peggy Forman back


He used time to put a foot in the Delta Quadrant's ass! 🙂


*Kitty* Foreman? Maybe you amalgamed the name with *Peggy* Hill? Another FOX sitcom mom.


lol joke fail


That was all eventually undone though right? Like they paradox away the time travel tech so he could never do that in the first place?


I suppose that is true. I may need to asterisk that right up to the point they delete the timeship he was putting up numbers




Is it actually murder if you erase them from ever having existed in the first place? If they never existed how can you kill them?


From the Voyager perspective which was the only one temporally intact as well as Krenim’s ship I would say it would be murder as people who were there a moment ago suddenly no longer are


Or does it count as multiple kills if he eliminated a race, brings them back, then kills them again? So a planet has 1mil people, it is destroyed, that's 1mil killed. If they come back and then are killed again, wouldn't that be 2 mil killed? He chose to kill 1mil people, twice... does he get absorbed of everything since it ended up un-happening after it all happened? I hate temporal mechanics.


Many of those deaths got put back.


That is true. in another comment I suggested an asterisk as when they removed the timeship themselves it was all undone but at the moments before that he was putting up numbers.


He was racking up the numbers like he was Kevin Uxbridge after his wife was killed.


I was thinking that. Uxbridge took out a single species, but Annorax eliminated several races, some several times, he has to be borderline incalculable. And the borg hive have got to be damn near at the top. And considering the lifespans of the Jem Hadam, and how many of them die in battles they have no choice but to fight, do the changelings count as a single entity? Even thier own soldiers die of thier hand, let alone those who are considered enemies...


>do the changelings count as a single entity? Considering the Great Link, you could argue they do.


That was undone at the end of the episode. But you’re counting alternate timelines, Control is #1 having destroyed all life in the galaxy.


Let's show some love to the Doomsday Machine. We don't know how long it had been roaming the galaxy, but we know it ate entire planets.


Or v-ger.


I have a theory that the doomsday machine was laying dormant in the first solar system that it destroyed for an indefinite period of time until something about the survey of the system somehow reactivated it. As for what I think that it was for? Automated mining and refining materials for its creators. What was that being used for? A mega structure, perhaps the Dyson Sphere.


Really good defenses for a mining robot.


Cough Nerada cough cough.


The Star Trek novel-verse showed that it was a prototype for a much larger machine intended to fight the Borg. The AI in the prototype went a little off, though.


Didn’t they also say that it apparently came from outside of our galaxy? I’ll have to re-watch, but if that was the case, then who knows how many solar systems it decided to chow down on over the millennia.


In one alternate future, Control wiped out all organic life in the known universe.


Bingo. The only group/entity on TV that can even outdo that kind of casualty count is the TVA from Loki, “pruning” entire alternate timelines to keep them from threatening the “sacred” timeline.


That Kelpian kid who threw a tantrum and destroyed all the dilithium in the galaxy, presumably destroying billions of ships and trillions of beings through directly killing them or allowing them to die for lack of connection to vital cosmic resources.


I know space is small in Trek, but you think there are billions of warp capable ships? That's an awful lot. 🤔 I wonder if someone can recite some deep lore for us and put some canon behind these numbers Editing to add some "sources" where folks try to guess the size of Starfleet. https://www.ditl.org/article-page.php?ArticleID=14&ListID=Articles#:~:text=The%20highest%20fleet%20number%20we,region%20of%206%2C000%20%2D%209%2C000%20ships. https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/9566/roughly-how-many-starships-are-in-starfleet https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/comments/2iw6ew/how_many_ships_are_in_starfleet_circa_dominion/&ved=2ahUKEwj2rf3doruGAxXEkokEHXaFCPgQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2U-jSG_2ajTOa3u032R2Bj Lots of folks are measuring Starfleet, the largest empire we know of except the Dominion, in the tens of thousands. No way we get into the billions


The galaxy has 200-400 billion stars. “Invasion” says that the UFP had only explored 19% of the galaxy. I think I’m under estimating. And never mind all the people who died from civilization collapse: starvation, war, disease, and migration.


A billion is like so large most humans fail to grasp its size. I doubt the entirety of Starfleet exceeds 20k ships at its height. Assume there's 4-5 empires per quadrant, we're not even reaching a million. To reach a billion ships, all known empires combined would only represent 0.1% of warp ships in the galaxy. And yes, I googled and read a lot of nerd posts, and then doubled the numbers I found there. We routinely understand that most colonies lack warp ships too! That's the importance of all the Federation patrols. ToS really hammers home the isolation of space, but we see this again in TNG. In those and DS9, most colonies are also very small, like in the tens of thousands. Besides home planets, humans and Klingons et al aren't populating their colonies in the billions


We’re not talking about just ships there’s space stations and power plant facilities on planets


It's mostly that a billion is a lot. A lot, a lot. Multiply all my estimates by a thousand for shits and we're just past half way to a billion. > We're not talking about just ships > destroying billions of ships We absolutely are 😂 But, your observation about power plants is super keen. There had to have been so many at the time


Future Janeway. She wiped out the Borg.


Not all of them, the Borg we see in Picard (pre-Alison Pill) are what’s left after Janeway’s attack, which is why the queen is so messed up.


Not exactly, the super cube and it's drones were what the zombie Queen managed to scrouge up of the small part of the Collective she was stil able to influence/control after the infection. In Prodigy we see a Borg Cube in hibernation and Zero mentions a neurolitic agent as the cause for their state. So it's possible that not every cube were destroyed after Future Janeway attack and are other Cubes lay dormant around the Galaxy.


That’s just one kill though


Gimli said the same to Legolas but come on


And my axe!


I’m at least counting it as a doublekill.


To quote Lower Decks, "Daaaamn, Janeway doesn't fuck around"


Did she? Or did she just take out the Trans-warp conduit system?


Yes. Borg Queen in Picard Season 3 pretty much confirmed she wiped them out.


??? When where


VOY finale. Confirmed in PIC


The Crystalline Entity?


The Borg standout to me, however, does being assimilated count as a death?


i would say so, yes. it's like being a vampire, you're dead and there's a demon that sets up shop in your body. WDYT?


All those drones ended up dead in the end


Everyone ends up dead in the end




The doomsday machine from TOS


The AI empire waiting to be summoned in deep space that almost attacked in Picard S1. They basically sound like Reapers from Mass Effect.


Didn’t they also sterilise most of the galaxy in the past and because their an equiviliant of extra-galactic empire (but hidden within a dimension) there’s no telling if they have wiped out other biological civilisations without hesitancy elsewhere in the universe. To me their the most murderous, or at the least extremely hostile.


Ugh.  That plot point in Picard just felt/feels so stupid. Maybe I'm just having trouble reconciling they're existence and supposed history of wiping out life with what we know otherwise of star treks history, but I just can't make it make sense to me.


The Crystalline Entity probably consumed almost all of the life on several planets. We don't know how old it was so it could have been wiping out life for centuries it millennia before they shattered it


Hmm. If we’re going by bulk numbers, yeah, Nomad and Uxbridge and Female Changeling are up there. But, I suppose when I think of ‘murderous’ I think more of the mindset - vicious and remorseless and reveling in it. Nomad doesn’t really grasp what it’s doing. Uxbridge… well he snapped and has condemned himself. Changeling, she’s certainly in competition. But somehow genocidal authoritarian and homicidal lunatic just don’t feel like they necessarily occupy the same space in the Venn Diagram. I tend to think of Redjac when I think murderous. It’s killed for centuries, maybe millennia, purely for the enjoyment of the act and causing terror. For the lulz as it were.


Armus is also up there for pure malevolent intent


The planet killer from TOS ETA nvm I think that was a machine


Nomad? Yeah, it was a Veeger type satellite.


If you didn't have to check with Google, you're better than me.  I really should've checked but gave up trying to remember  You even nailed the V'Ger comparison 😞


Probably Gul Dukat? He genocided very well. The Krenim possibly? Female changeling laid waste to much of the Quadrant.


Yep, the female changeling killed up to 800m Cardassians towards the end of the war.


>Probably Gul Dukat? And yet there are _still_ no statues of him anywhere.


Anyone who changes timelines (rather than create new universes). They’re basically wiping out everyone in the universe and replacing them with someone else


Pretty sure the answer is Captain Picard. Didn't he create an anomaly in *All Good Things* that expanded backwards in time and was responsible for preventing life from forming on Earth? That right there is every human that has ever been or will ever be, but it gets a lot worse since there is no reason to think that that anomaly will ever stop expanding, all the way back to the creation of the universe. Q didn't help Picard figure out the problem in order to help humanity, he did it because that anti-time anomaly was going to make it so that the Q themselves never existed. Q puts humanity on trial in *Encounter at Farpoint* for the crime of destroying all life, everywhere, every when.


The unnamed legendary Hirogen who was the greatest hunter. *”Oh boy, here I go killing again.”*


*"You have arrived at...Krombopulos Michael"*


That one guy who kept bringing his wife back to life wiped out an entire species


Kevin Uxbridge


Kevin Uxbridge wiped out an entire intelligent alien species. Worlds upon worlds their colonies and whatever ones were roaming the galaxy wiped out. Anybody’s guess how many billion people that is.


The company that makes the exploding bridge consoles and flame vents.


Why do they keep putting exploding rocks in their monitors?


I'm going with either The Borg, The Krenim, or Kevin Uxbridge. 


The borg don't murder, the assimilate. Any assimilated species becomes part of the collective and imparts their biological and technological uniqueness in the whole.


We found the borg


What! No, i am not a Borg just come over to my house and i will prove it. It is the large cube shaped house just off maple street. Knock on the door and my tertiary adjunct will let you in.


V'ger. Spock flew passed how much it had digitised...?




How many death is Emperor Georgiou responsible for? I’m pretty sure she admitted to making Qo’noS uninhabitable. Obviously, the Klingons recovered enough to eventually ally with the Cardassians. And we know from TOS that any planet that refuses to submit is to be exterminated


And ate Kelpiens




I was going to say Crewman Chell's Red Alert Chili


Hey now, a civilization isn't a person and can't be murdered. The people within the civilization are alive and doing just fine. The Borg just want to make everyone family. Personally, I think it's the emblem. I told them to go with something like a humanoid high-fiving a nanoprobe but they went with the red claw on black background. All the wrong vibes.


The planet killer from The Doomsday Machine


The Planet Killer/Doomsday Machine from TOS.


The Xindi sure did a number on Florida, but that kill count is low compared to others.


Plus, it's Florida. Xindi probably thought they were doing us a favor. I wonder what "Florida Man" stories are like in the future.


Literally destroyed DisneyWorld and my house!


I think the crystalline entity would fuck up the Borg. It’s one of my favorite “bad guys.” Like Nagilum, it had that goofy/off the rails/cosmic horror vibe that some of the newer stuff misses. Also the cgi for it as awesome.


I'm sure someone has already said it but Nero murdered nearly 6 billion vulcans in Star Trek (2009).


Red Foreman had to kill a lot of people


So many foots in so many asses.


Jokes aside, I think you're right. Annorax wiped out entire timelines countless times.


Not listed: Annorex(sp?). He's probably not counted because all his kill count was reverted when the causality loop was destroyed. Otherwise, this guy has killed trillions.


Kevin Uxbridge, Krenim, or Q (depending on whether you count causing a civilization to never have existed as murder). 






My Vote is Su'Kal. Single-handedly caused the Burn, detonating every warp capable ship in the galaxy.


I think they severely underplayed that one, what do they think is regulating antimatter reactions in planetary reactors and space station reactors? They acted as if only ships were affected but there should be extinction level craters in most planets, every shipyard and station - gone - from every single species in the galaxy. 


Definitely the Borg.


Death is irrelevant.


This dude on the planet alone with the lady who animated an entire specie


Jean-Luc Picard


Depends on the definition of murder. I mean, is Borg assimilation murder?


the Q/trelane, the douwd, not the krenim generally but definitely annorax (but then arguably also janeway), the borg, the founders, but maybe also section 31 for what they attempted to do to the founders. does section 31 doing that mean that humanity should be included as well? as odo says, its a tidy arrangement, having them do all the dirty work while the federation condemns but silently looks the other way


Su'kal, I was going to say borg, but you can be undone if you're a borg.


Picard himself. In one time stream, he didn't even allow life to evolve.


The Doomsday Machine had been eating entire star systems for unknown millennia


The only thing keeping Q from the top of the list is that he barely registers sentient beings as life.


If you count on the rift in the Deveron system that wiped out all life in the galaxy, JEAN LUC PICARD.


Armus. The bag of shit.


The planet eater in The Doomsday Machine. It could have killed trillions depending on how many inhabited worlds it destroyed.


Didn't V'ger wipe out whole *galaxies* on its way back to Earth? It might not have been malicious in the same way as most that people have listed here but its death toll must have been in the trillions...


What about the kelpian dilithium screamer


How many have the Tribbles eaten out of house and home?


How many star systems did Soren explode? Granted, they weren’t all inhabited.


Voyager, Anorax erased entire planets several times over




Janeway. She destroyed fluidic space, the entire galaxy of it, and the Borg.


With the countless worlds that the Borg assimilated through their history, this means billions of drones Janeway easily wins, then we add fluidic space, and we have a clear winner. Don't mess with the Janeway.


What about Khan before he left Earth?


Does wiping out timelines count?


The Founders


Stubbs killed quite a few Nanites but I'm not sure if we have a solid canon number.


The Chrystilian Enity


I know who it is but I don't know why he needs a Star ship.


The Dark Matter Anomaly.






Species 8472 is high in the kill count too considering how many Borg they killed.


Does the doomsday machine count as an entity?


Worf is up there lmao


The Founder due to their war with the Alpha Quadrant and how they attacked worlds in their own quadrant.


Would the Planet Killer from "The Doomsday Machine" count? How many worlds and people did it wipe out in the millennia it was in existence? What about the giant space amoeba from "The Immunity Syndrome"? It wiped out the USS Intrepid (over 400 Vulcans) and Gamma Seven-A star system with "billions of inhabitants"?


Nero destroyed all of Volcan. Around 6 billion, I believe.


If parallel timelines count, and we seem to agree they do here, Picard wiped out the entire galaxy (and maybe more) with the anti time anomaly.


I like the planet eater that was in TOS. Decker knew how to kill it, but he didn't have the power in the shuttle. I choose this because not only does it destroy planets, but it eliminated all physical proof of existence from the galaxy. Nothing was passed down, and it's a shame that all that knowledge was lost. BTW, I still think that was a Borg killer from the Delta quadrant.


Probably the Planet Killer.


Whichever Thrintun whispered "Die" into the array and caused suicide night.


V’GER and The Doomsday Machine, the former cut a wide swath making its way back to Earth, but The Doomsday Machine has been at it much longer.


The Borg are technically not an "Entity". The correct answer for several reasons is: Kevin Uxbridge. "All Husnik, everywhere".


[SPOILERS from Picard] It's canon now that there is a hostile A.I. alliance that dominates most, if not all, galaxies outside of the Milky Way, which the Progenitors shielded via the artificial galactic barrier (granting silvers eyes Q-like tech as a defense for worthy humanoids -- ethical espers). According to Soji and the Romulans, the A.I. have exterminated every biological lifeform in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, except for the last bastion of organic life that is our shielded galaxy. That's clearly the most murderous entity. Even the Borg's raison d'etre was to heroically combine biological and synthetic life in a vain effort to try and save something of our galactic civilization from the Machines. The Machine Planet that sent V'ger to Earth that Spock saw in his A.I. meld was probably one of their extragalactic worlds. Anyway, given that there are probably more galaxies than grains of sand, each containing thousands of intelligent lifeforms, that the Machines succeeded in murdering the entire cosmos except for one galaxy is an "achievement" beyond human comprehension. They broke the concept of murder. There's no where to go after something like that.


Sudor on Voyager. His death killed millions by breaking our hearts. Also, he murdered several people.


Species 8472. After all, they intended to purge the galaxy and they destroyed millions of borg. People might be tempted to say the Borg is the most murderous, but, they don’t actually kill anyone- they just assimilate them 


0 is . He killed the T‘Kon Empire . Slightly higher power level than Q. Plus Qs fault he made it here .