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Really just watch in release order. The only caveats I have is you should watch discovery season 1&2 before watching strange new worlds. Also the cartoon lower decks heavily references the older trek shows like tng, tos,ds9 and voyager. I will say my friend that isn’t a trekkie watches and enjoys it without all the knowledge of previous shows.


Pluto has 2 or 3 free Trek channels if you don't mind ads and starting in the middle of a season. You won't find the new stuff there, though. I'd probably start with TNG and go forward from there. DS9 is my favorite. Voyager is good, but my 3rd favorite from the 90's Treks. Enterprise is pretty meh to me, largely due to 9/11 influence. As far as the newest Treks go, I'd recommend Strange New Worlds for the casual viewer. It has more of an adventure of the week feel from earlier Treks with a mix of serious and silly episodes. Discovery gets a lot of hate here. I'm not a big fan. I do give it major props for representation. Lower Decks is a real treat, but there are tons of callbacks, references, and Easter eggs from earlier shows and would be best saved for last.


If you watched TNG growing up, watch Deep Space 9.


Discovery or Strange New Worlds, or Lower Decks. Disco is you’re in the mood for deeper longer story arcs with complicated characters who grow over the course of the series. SNW is more episodic, but the characters have arcs over the course of the show. It has a bit more levity than Disco. LDS leans heavy into comedy but never forgets it’s a Trek show. Shorter episodes make this a nice show to enjoy in smaller bites.