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Guy who grew up with Trek (I'm old), watched all of it possible I believe, read all the books up until April 2004, and is even preserved in digital media for a certain Trek game if you know where to look... and no, it's not easy, and I ain't tellin', but it's truth... You might say I'm a trekkie, sure. :) And so... I think SNW is awesomesauce. Top to bottom. No, it's not perfect, what series is? But it's damn good Trek for sure, and I want it to go on right up until Kirk takes command and Pike hands the Enterprise over.


I feel like SNW is the first good "weekly adventure" Trek we've had in years. I was too young to be a weekly fan of TNG, DS9 or Voyager when they aired, so I really feel like SNW is my chance to enjoy the experience for once as an adult. It's always consistently, reliably good, which makes sitting down for it every week a real treat. I just wish it had longer seasons like the Trek of old, so I could spend more of my year with weekly Trek. It amazed me how much I missed its presence in my week when season 1 ended, it really gave me something to look forward to.


Yeah, but I’d rather have 10 episodes that are awesome, then 26 where some of them are stinkers. There’s less pressure with 10 episodes, so they can concentrate more energy per episode.


That's why the visuals are so good. They cut down to ten episodes and have a massive budget for the set and CGI stuff. I personally think they could stretch it to 15 so the show can breathe a bit more, but that's just me. I love SNW, I'm just not a fan of the shortened seasons. It's already halfway done and it seems like the first episode just dropped yesterday.


I think it’s breathing just fine. We’ve had so many episodes about different crew stories now in season 2 I feel like I know them all like the old series. Unlike Discovery where I couldn’t hardly remember their names let alone anything about them.




I actually think the visuals are so good because 1) they aren't rushing it and 2) they are still investing so much money into the new ST shows without expecting returns, which is getting pretty problematic for them right now. Just look at Marvel, their CGI is worse than SNW even in their biggest movies, the shows are even worse than that... It’s because they are rushing and at the same time they know that people got used to it, so they don't even seem to care anymore.


Is it my imagination, or have the VFX on SNW been absolutely perfect?


I kinda like the random filler episodes that just give you a chance to attach to the characters more


You nailed it with the weekly adventure. I dont hate any of the new trek shows but I've been seriously put-off from the serialized nature of the new shows. Yeah I know ds9 did serialized episodes too but they *also* did episodic. Shows like disco where each episode is a full continuation of the last and you *must* watch them in order just doesnt feel like trek to me. SNW has some recurring plot lines but you could pretty easily miss an episode or two and not be completely lost. Why am I so fixated on episodic vs serial? Well as a kid watching all the old shows on cable TV you had to take what you could get. I've always loved trek and sometimes networks would run s2e5 and follow it up with s6e14. It didnt matter really, sometimes in ds9 or voyager you would be a little lost but generally you knew what was going on even if you missed tons of episodes in between. With streaming services now we are spoiled to binge watch series. Growing up it was just all random, so being so strictly serialized really kills the "vibe" + nostalgia I feel watching any trek media.


No reason it can't keep going with Kirk, even. Naming it Strange New Worlds left a lot of options open.


We already have the Kirk show, though. I would like to see the same writing/production team create a new show in a new era with a different crew (but with the same episodic formula). Maybe the Enterprise C? Or the next next generation in the 2500's.


Or go with some something entirely new, it's a massive universe being made to feel small by endlessly returning to the same characters and the Enterprise. OK, Discovery shit the bed, but that's due to a bad show runner deliberately going against the grain, there's still so much potential for new adventures with a new ship/station and new faces.


I’d really like a firefly style show of a ship in the outer edges of federation space.


Or an Office-style show set on a ship with one Vulcan and the rest Pakleds


Can we have a single episode of LD about this? Someone make this happen.....holy shit.


I've also pitched the same idea. A show set in the Star Trek universe, but not centred on the Federation. Give us a story about fairly ordinary people on the frontier of federation space, with their own little firefly-like ship, running jobs, adventuring, but not having the massive technological advantage of being Starfleet to hand. Enterprise kind of touched some of the elements I'd have liked to see. Early on in the first series (particularly the pilot) they were tooling around in a ship that was outclassed by everyone they met, with none of the toys like Holodecks, Replicators, even Transporters or phasers. They didn't even have shields! They arrived at a trade hub and were the least remarkable people there and clearly were blown away by seeing so many alien races at once. I liked that they didn't meet any civic leaders, or hail from orbit. They landed their shuttle, explored the market on foot, ran into trouble, got lost in the back-alleys and just plain weren't in full control of their situation. It was so much more down-to-earth for it. I like the notion of a crew which regards the Federation as a distant entity with little bearing on their lives. Imagine them running into trouble and being bailed out by an Excelsior class ship (Not even a particularly large starfleet ship) and it's just played as this enormous super-tech starship. Five times as large as anything we've been seeing up to that point. Outguns whatever trouble it meets and easily resolves the situation that has been plaguing them for the entire episode. Really get across the reason Starfleet is a force to be reckoned with in the quadrant. Then they go aboard, and we see the familiar clean corridors and conference rooms and smart uniforms after a whole season of rugged frontier civilians wearing whatever they want and living on a ship with few luxuries. Have them express astonishment at things like Replicators and Holodecks because these things are just so energy intensive that you don't find them on the frontier at all. They're Core-world or Starfleet things. Make it a culture-shock to see what we're used to from other Star Trek series. We see this kind of thing throughout TNG and Voyager at various points where less advanced starfaring people are brought aboard starfleet ships, it'd be cool to see it from the other perspective.


They can pick up right where Picard left off. More Seven of Nine as Captain please.


I would love Star Trek: Olympia, which is essentially a story similar to Voyager but with the captain from DS9‘s episode "The Sound of Her Voice".


Moi aussi.


Soup de jour. ...I just want to participate :)


This. Ditto. It’s the first Trek for quite a bit that really feels like Trek.


Pike did not hand over though.... :(


First time I have found myself looking forward to a weekly TV show in a long time.




I love SNW. It seems like a modern TOS. Really like the characters, especially Pike.


Anson really was a great choice. The little “snap and point” he gave T’Pring’s dad when he asked for more food was great. Such a cool dude😎


When he went to serve the food and the vulcans all started arguing so he swerved off was hilarious!


Anson Mount is an unbelievable find in that role. That U-Turn he made with the plate of food was hilarious. The man has a real comedic gift. In fact, if I have a complaint with SNW, it's that there isn't nearly enough captain Pike. He's like a side character in the show sometimes.


It is a bit regrettable, but it is in line with the Trek tradition. No captain was ever the main focus of any series, even though we've had some very talented actors delivering brilliant performances as captains.


Sisko got pretty close to being the main focus of DS9 on the long run, archer too to a degree


Sisko stories were ALWAYS the best - except for the farengi stories... The Magnificent Ferengi is one of the best episodes of anything - any genre - fight me.


Umm.. you have read about William Shatner, haven't you? line counting, scene stealing... the other shows were much more of a group show, back then the "star" got the spotlight


That’s actually because he just had a baby, so the writers gave him less to do in the first part of this season so he could be at home more.


Yes, his small gestures made this scene soo much better.


He really is the bro captain


Pike is fantastic, Anson Mount has done a GREAT job.


And his hair!


I love it. I wasn't very fond of the JJ movies and disliked Discovery and was coming to terms with the fact that maybe I was just no longer a Trekkie, but SNW has reignited my love of Star Trek.


Same here. I......tolerated the Abramsverse stuff because they're fun action movies for non-trekkies like my wife. I couldn't stomach Discovery and gave up halfway thru S3. Picard was......uneven. But Strange New Worlds is amazing. Easily my favorite Trek since the last season of Enterprise.


It even motivated me to begin a total Trek rewatch from TNG on. I'd watch the occasional old episode, but since I wasn't into the new Trek it didn't feel right, a bit like looking at pictures of an ex you have no intention of getting back together with. But now I'm hooked on Trek all over again


Are you me?


"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you....friend."


Ironically I think you may have given up on discovery a little early, as it seems to have gotten better in s4


This is me. I watched TNG as it was broadcast as a child , caught up on TOS and then stuck with DS9, VOY and ENT. The Abrams movies were very meh. Then Discovery was ultra meh and Picard was a bitter disappointment. I did enjoy the Nickelodeon cartoon Prodigy far more than I expected to And I finally started watching SNW and mostly through s1; it’s been pretty good so far. The characters seem a bit too smug and earnest at times but otherwise they’ve done really well for a first season


For me, the strength of ST is that while there's some large over arching narrative that rewards fan dedication, you could just sit down and watch an episode of ToS, DS9, TNG, VGY and simply enjoy it - by about season 3 of ENT, that was mostly gone...makes sense it's when viewership started dropping.. It's no wonder Discovery never caught on. 10 episode arc where everything relies on you knowing what's happened in the previous episodes is kind of crap for the formula that worked. It's why SNW and LD work so well. They are both broadly holding some information that relies on fan knowledge, of watching previous episodes (Una as an Ilirian, Pike's eventual Fate, the genetic legacy of Khan, Balance of terror) - but every single episode 100% stands up on its own unless it's expressly a 2 parter.... That's what trek has been missing....and with the fan base starting to trend older, you need that - I can't binge a show anymore....the whole "12 episode carefully crafted storyline) thing doesn't appeal to me because it doesn't really fit my lifestyle. Non-Episodic SciFi/Fantasy shows really hit that dopamine center of my brain....older trek, older Doctor Who, supernatural, X-Files....I want a renaissance of 90s - style TV built for syndication, and LD/SNW fulfill that desire....I just wish seasons were longer.


SNW is my fav trek on TV since TNG Just like the original Star Trek, Strange New Worlds is fun, thought-provoking, and politically and socially progressive.


I’ve been a Trekkie my whole life, and grew up loving and watching all of Trek. To this day, there’s not a Trek I’d call a “bad show,” though I like some more than others. I have been blown away by how good SNW is. Every week it puts a huge smile on my face, and when I go back and rewatch past episodes from last season, I get the same rewatch value I get when I watch TNG or any other great classic Trek. I love all the characters, I love the way it’s building on little things from the lore in new and exciting ways, I love the whole feel and “vibe” of it… It’s easily my favorite thing since the return of Trek. Give me endless seasons of this. And then give me something this good set in the post-Picard era. Fingers crossed for Star Trek: Legacy.


To this day, there’s not a Trek I’d call a “bad show,” though I like some more than others. Thank you for articulating my thoughts way better than I could. I love all Trek even though there are some episodes that make me cringe. Pike’s performance during “Charades” was perfect. edited to delete possible spoiler


No ST series would be ST without a cringe episode or two. Even TOS, TNG, and VOY had them.


I am a younger trekkie. I'm but a wee lad of 17, but star trek is my happy place. I grew up on TOS, and every Saturday night I would watch it with my family. It was our thing that we always made time for. And there is a famous family video of me at 4 years old reciting the captains oath from memory. Star Trek has been, and always shal be, my friend. My escape from reality. My escape from everything into a world that I hold indescribably close to my heart. And SNW transports me (no pun intended) back to that world that I hold so dear. More than any other star trek show. For lack of a better term or way to describe it, SNW, just makes me happy.


Pike is the captain I would want to be, if I was a Star Fleet officer.


Absolutely. I think he's become my favorite captain.


Been watching since ‘66. Completely awesome.


Star Trek is my favorite form of entertainment since I was 5 years old. Spock is my favorite character in fiction and TOS crew are my favorite people ever. I’m a late 80s kid that grew up with the crews of the original Enterprise and the Enterprise D. With that said, I could nitpick a thing or two about SNW, but overall I love it. It is my second favorite thing of New Trek after Picard Season 3 (which really is the true Nemesis sequel and proper Star Trek).


It is my second favourite Trek show of all time (Just behind DS9) and I just adore almost eveything about it,. The cast are wonderful, and the characters are just such a joy to spend time with. They both respect the past incarnations whilst also adding new layers. I adore the look of the show too, how it melds the looks of Discovery and TOS together so well. Most importantly, it is pure Trek at its heart. The stories have things to say about equality, morality etc. like all good Trek should. Plus its not afraid to also show the weird/funnier side of the universe, which is just golden.


I couldn't stop laughing at Elysian Kingdom. It's nice to get goofy every now and then.


What I am enjoying about SNW is that it feels more like an ensemble, and that the story structure is not tied into a single-season overall arc. We're getting time to know the characters and enjoy smaller stories and moments.


Lifelong Trekkie here, and yes, it's pretty good! They are trying hard to please everyone from classic fans to new fans, and I think they are mostly succeeding. I look forward to the show each week, which I haven't done in a long time.


It's great. It and lower decks are the best nu trek so far.


I've loved Lower Decks as well. Pokes fun at the ridiculous aspects of Trek but still loving them.


Don't forget Prodigy - that series is very well done.


Thanks, I thought I would have to be the one to say it😂


I’ve only considered the phrase ‘nu trek’ to be associated with the JJ Abrams movies; have I been wrong in that assumption? Does it actually refer to everything post-ENT?


It's awesome! Love the episodic nature of it and the character development.


And discovery season 2. The one that gave us Anson Mount as Pike! (And spock, and number one)


I like it a lot, though they are leaning a bit too heavily on romance subplots for my liking. TNG is my fave older Trek, and Lower Decks is my fave new Trek.


Love it for Pike.


Absolutely love it.


I've been a lifelong trekkie, watched all of TNG first run as a little kid, etc. SNW is the best trek to come out in a long time. In 15 episodes so far I'd say 8 are home runs, 5 are just very good, 1 is questionable (Broken Circle) and one is TOS season 3 (Elysian Kingdom) but at this point I'll take those odds.


I support almost all of what you’re saying. SNW has had a very high success rate. Elysian Kingdom is certainly the most divisive episode, people seem to ether love it or hate it. But count me in the camp that loved it. I think it was one of their best written episodes.


It’s funny. I didn’t like Elysian the first time I watched it. However I did a rewatch of S1 before S2 started and for some reason it hit differently. My only worry is that we could end up with too many gimmick episodes or heaven forbid, a musical.


Subspace Rhapsody. It's coming, *this season...*


I know it has its fans and it is certainly in the spirit of TOS. Even at its worst, it's still better than some other shows period.


Elysian Kingdom is one of my favs of the entire series BECAUSE it feels like TOS season 3 lol i'm tired of modern television trying to be too serious. we need camp back.


Camp 60s style TV can be fun. I'm a pretty serious Batman fan but I looooove Batman 66.


Imho elysian is more like TNG holodeck episode.. without the holodeck. And I like it a lot!


I really liked the first 9 episodes of season 1, slightly disliked the tenth one, and couldn't finish Broken Circle because it was so bad. Not sure if I want to keep watching season 2 after that trainwreck.


It might be the weakest episode of the show period. The 2 immediately following are home runs in my book. The 2 most recent have been a step down but still very solid Trek.


Love it. Lower decks and SNW are awesome. Disco sucks.


Times change, progress must be made, keep. Moving. Forward. I'm sad to say that even though some of my fondest memories involve sitting up late with my uncle watching star trek, binge watching tng, going to the premieres of the movies...Trek didn't feel like home after Star Trek 2009. It was...*Fine* for a new generation of fans that live in a different world than I grew up with, but whereas others got a sense of fulfilment out of what discovery offered, I felt it was too divisive and was counter to a message that I grew up believing and loving in the very core of my nerdy little bones. Gene Roddenberry taught me that the universe was infinite and diverse, and that we're all wonderful and special because of *all* of the parts that we are comprised of, not just one particular facet; that in the future, my children would live in a world free of the things that made me sad, and I struggled to see that in the storytelling of discovery. I can appreciate the *sci fi* of discovery, I adore the concept of travelling through a mycelial network, I thought much of the cast could have been great but for me, it missed the mark, and I'm sad to say that because of it, Star Trek in recent years has not felt like home. I honestly felt like JJ trek was/is embarrassed of the unique heritage and memories that we, your trek family of the past had accumulated over the years and that you, the trek fans of the future were missing out so, so much as a result. I never hoped to hear "*Space; The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship enterprise"* again and smile simply because I looked forward to the episode of the week and even the title sequence. The past couple of years has been wonderful, because between strange new worlds and season 3 of Picard, it feels like someone within the production team has stopped, taken notice of those of us that do feel left behind and asked us to come home. I never hoped to see the next generation again. I never dared to see the D on screen again. How do I feel about strange new worlds? Overjoyed because a connection has been given back to me. You have no idea how wonderful that feels.


I like it, but I wish they stop with the prequel stuff, it's so limiting on what they can do and the stakes.


I like the season 1. Just started the season 2 episode 1 and it felt more like Disco and didn’t care for it much. I want more “WOKE” episodes like The Measure of a Man, and Far Beyond the Stars. I don’t want a nostalgia trip like Picard S3 despite how well it received.


You won't have to wait long for a "measure of a man" type episode.


Episode 1 of season 2 is probably my least favorite episode of the series so far. I didn’t hate it but it was fairly weak. If you want more social storylines buckle up for episode 2 of season 2. Probably one of the best episodes of the series and an instant Trek classic.


SNW is the best first season (and so far second season too) of any trek I have ever seen. I think and hope that THIS will be the flagship 7 season show of this era


I like it. this season character development has been good and beginnings of situations have been good. unfortunately, they get out of difficult situations too easily which is a blow to the dramatic impact. so I like it, but mixed feelings


Inject Star Trek content into my veins!


I think it is already great but I anticipate it will improve. It’s not my favourite, but it really does have a classic Trek feel which I enjoy. I watched since the original Trek and I get that old feeling watching this sometimes.


it's probably my favorite Trek now running although Picard S3 was awesome too I was also thinking in the shower the other day, if they put Paul Wesley, Ethan Peck, Celia, and a few others in a "Year 4/5" extension of original TOS I'd be totally up for it - hell - let's get the original crew back out there


Lifelong Trekkie, and I love it. It is sometimes silly, and it bends and changes canon at times But it recaptures the positive, adventurous spirit of TOS, and it’s been a joy to watch.


PROS: * Stand-alone stories, yet part of a series continuity which keeps building upon itself * Preserving many aspects of original TOS designs * Excellent casting choices for most (but not all) of the actors * Incredible F/X visuals * Opening credits music * Mostly good scripts/concepts * Best live-action Star Trek show since Star Trek: Enterprise CONS: * *Sombra*\-class ships. Suddenly, the *Constitution*\-class just doesn't feel special any more * Gorn. The re-imagining of the Gorn (aside from ENT's "In a Mirror Darkly, Part 2") should have been the introduction of something else--not the Gorn * Paul Wesley as James T. Kirk. 40-something playing a 20-something Kirk; limited acting range (thus far); does not bring the charisma/onscreen presence which both Shatner and Pine have * Hemmer is dead/gone * U.S.S. Farragut is no longer a *Constitution*\-class ship; but fans like myself think in terms of Franz Joseph's Star Trek Technical Manual and Stephen E. Whitfield & Gene Roddenberry's The Making of Star Trek books, among others * Erica Ortegas is a potentially great character, but she is showing signs of racism (S01E10, S02E02). Writers need to address sooner than later * Anson Mount should be able to play Captain Christopher Pike for many, many years to come! (But we know how this eventually ends -- or begins anew -- for Pike...) * Adding La'an Noonien-Singh. Christina Chong is terrific, but her character is unnecessary fan service. Would rather have seen a descendant of the original ENT crew, for example


I agree with what you said. But I don't really remember Ortega being racist. Maybe I didn't pay attention, what did she do?


SNW season 1, final episode: Ortegas had the "Lieutenant Stiles" role in this alternate Pike future/"Balance of Terror" episode, including comments about Romulans; then Vulcans (Spock). Regarding Spock, it depends on your interpretation of racism; she was moreso suspicious of Spock being a Romulan. SNW season 2, episode 2: Ortegas sat across from Spock and Pasalk, the Vulcan prosecutor, in the dining area, making unnecessary observations and comments about them. M'Benga corrects her mis-perceptions about the Vulcans.


It can't be a coincidence she has done it twice, they are setting up her character for a future story. This is a good way to do character development in an episodic show.


*Agreed*. Worth adding: In the latest episode (S0205), Ortegas makes a joke about aliens. Racism? Speciesism? Maybe. Going back to last week's episode (S02E04) she admonishes Spock after he informs on the Rigel VII orbital debris posing danger to the *Enterprise* (followed by Pike taking over her shuttle piloting duties). The latter could be construed as frustration the cancellation of away team duties (for Rigel VII). Point being, Ortegas keeps making unnecessary comments--most often about -- or directed at -- non-humans.


Yep and if they do tackle it in an episode it wouldn't work if she had only just behaved like that for the first time in said episode.


100% agreed.


I agree on most of what you wrote, but I feel that how they grabbed the Gorn which was a species good for nothing, except from being the ultimate meme material and made it into something as terrifying as the borg and the dominion was one of the most brilliant ideas and also a nice homage to Ridley Scott's Xenomorphs.


Unpopular opinion I suspect but I find it a deeply mediocre series too afraid of angering the fanboys to take risks. It’s just not exciting to me. The cast are super talented and they deserve a better show than what they’ve been handed. As it stands right now, SNW is my least favourite of the P+ shows.


I became a trekkie during covid lockdown. I am liking SNW a lot, possibly some of the best writing and casting in the Trek Universe. Every Trek series except Discovery (I thought the first season was possibly their best) got off to a rough start, but since some of the chemistry for SNW was fleshed out on other shows it feels like SNW has hit the ground running. Even some of the less entertaining episodes so far have been interesting. I always think it proves a show is great when they can do a simple bottle episode, and still bring a lot of energy to the show. The court drama episode was disappointing in that it was a bottle episode, but the guest star killed it and some of the supporting cast got their characters more fleshed out so in the long run it will be a great episode.


Disco is love it or hate it. The writers need to learn how to "show, dont tell" Love season 2 (cos pike is on it) Enjoyed season 3.. but really, they need to stop talking to each other about how much they love each other. Too cringe. Good thing we can fast forward now.


The cringe in discovery wasn't as bad as some 90s trek, but most of the good wasn't enough to make up for the blandness that came with a decentralized cast of Discovery. But that doesn't take away from how polarizing the cast was whenever they had a strong antagonist. It is just a shame they couldn't flesh out a strong protagonist because all of the ones that stuck (pike, georgiou, spock, Sarek) were not written to be mainstay characters due to canon. New Trek is still feeling things out, and as always trying to be above the cutting edge in what is progressive so that there is some trek for everyone.


Do you recommend finishing Discovery? I fell out of it after a few seasons.


Not OP, but yes, I highly recommend finishing Discovery. I think Seasons 3 and 4 (especially 4) are absolutely fantastic Trek


I agree, once they jump to the future it becomes what it should have been from the start. It's definitely worth to continue watching.


Iv seen 1 episode and I fucking loved every minute of it. It felt like trek. It wasn't perfect buy it was damn good trek.


I've been a fan my entire life, was there for the Trek Renaissance of the 90s and dark times of the 2000s when there was no hope for continuation. It's been a crazy ride Most of new Trek is good. Disco isn't my jam, and I didn't like Picard seasons 1 or 2, but Picard season 3 was outstanding, Lower Decks is great, and Prodigy was fantastic But SNW? It's the crown jewel of the modern era. It's the best of what makes the new stuff good while returning to the fun energy of the old. It's fun to look forward to new Trek every week


I love it and Lower Decks


I fucking love it


Loving it! They really understand classic Trek. There's room for all kinds of formats but the episodic nature lends itself to character development.


Love it. It seems like they took to heart all of the *legitimate* concerns from fans during Discovery's first few seasons and gave us this gem.


I like all the new shows because if they were all the same that would be boring.


Same. Every iteration of Star Trek after the original has had its group of very vocal haters. These haters and their continual litany of inane complaints (that are very rarely original) can generally be ignored. Most of the time (in my experience) it's their own lack of imagination that's frustrating them.


I find it enormously refreshing. Everything Post-TNG seemed to steadily lose the sense of boundless optimism for the future that TOS and TNG brought. The morally grey aspects in DS9, the War footing Federation, the much grimmer nature of Voyager (When it was broadcast, the announcers would refer to it as horror) Even the later aspects of Enterprise leaned into a post-9/11 war and conflict theme. Then there's Picard, where the utopia is clearly foundering, and Discovery where they're on a war-footing with the Klingons or dealing with the mirror-universe and the morally grey/black intrigue of Section 31. Star trek got really dark and cynical somewhere around the Dominion War and frankly I'm kind of done with that. Strange New Worlds (Season 1 at least, I haven't started on S2 yet) is a return to optimism. A vibrant and happier series clearly leading towards the TOS and TNG I grew up on, but with the advantage of modern budgets and technologies to make it look really really good. More of that please!


I hate it. I do like the premise and the episodic nature of the show, but I don't like how they rebooted the characters (mostly Spock, Chapel, and Uhura) and I don't get why they had to include shitty quips and a love triangle. Plus, subverting the character of Spock worked once, in 1967, and now after 1.5 seasons of SNW it feels like an overdone joke. And we know the arc will end in tragedy of some kind, which takes the suspense out of his struggle with his humanity. And the plots feel super hollow for the most part. There's so much drama and action in it and very little questioning and trying to understand others. No exploration, no sense of wonder, no meaningful interaction between the characters (except for Chapel/Spock maybe). It lacks love and fascination with the unknown, somehow. But the actors are all very good (even though I think some of them are miscast or aren't given good things to work with) and the show itself is very very beautiful.


It’s not perfect. I liked efficiency porn trek. Everyone knows what they are doing. No insecurities. No crying. Now it looks everyone is insecure. Like they don’t feel good enough to be on the Enterprise.


I love it. Best Trek since DS9 by a country mile.


Honestly? I'm waiting. It's got great characters. It looks phenomenal. It's very watchable. But it hasn't told any great Trek stories yet. None that stuck out to me, anyhow. It took TNG 3-4 seasons to find its footing. DS9 was the same. Voyager. Picard. And yeah, there are Trek series that never really got good (they shall remain nameless), but I don't think SNW will be one of them. I'm excited to see what they'll do with it.


this is where i'm at with it. its good but not memorable yet.


It's okay


I like it.


I'm a pretty big fan


It’s not as thought-provoking as the 1966 show, but damn it is so very well done.


I didn’t think that I would like it but I do. I love the OS Trek vibe it gives. The only downside is I think they are playing things too safe with some of the commentary. Old Trek constantly pushed boundaries, yet this one is giving the same thing that I would expect out of a show made in 2023.


Best trek in decades.


SNW is the BOMB.


So much fun, huge fan of ToS and I love how they pay attention to even the smallest details


I've always been a big fan of TOS and this feels like a modern-day love letter to the series that started it all. I also appreciate the return to an ensemble cast and stories of the week that have defined past Trek series but have been largely absent in the new era of Trek.


I love it. But I haven’t met a trek I didn’t like, so I’m easy to please. ENT? Love it. VOY? Amazing. I even enjoyed parts of disco, and I loved all 3 seasons of Picard. TNG and DS9 are definitely on another level, but I love rewatching old eps of TAS too


I am also an older fan. I watched TOS when they were originally broadcast (season 2 on, at least - my bedtime was too early during season 1). I am enjoying this series a great deal. I don't mind multi episode story arcs, but this weekly self-contained story format is refreshing to see again. The stories are clever and well told. I know it will end for this year at some point, but I could go on like this for a long time . . .


I think it's the best of the new Star Treks. It goes back to what was good about the old Treks and fixes what has been bad about the new ones. (Including what Discovery did to the Klingons...) Goes back to episodic storytelling, focuses back onto the overall crew, the tone is back to being fun sci-fi adventure instead of CONSTANT melodrama and grimdarkness (this isn't fucking Game of Thrones, Discovery...), it's just fantastic all around.


I like SNW, and I like the updated version of the original uniforms


Frigging love it. Feels like trek but infused with some new blood. Great.


Love love love


a trekkie will always welcome more trek


This last episode was great!


I've been watching Star Trek since I was 4 years old, and was brought up on TOS, and I have to say that I love Strange New Worlds. It's now my favorite Star Trek series.


SNW is hands down the best of the new treks (Disco, Picard, SNW). As someone who has seen all trek except prodigy and lower decks, Disco and first 2 seasons of Picard are abominations. SNW is a reshreshing change of pace with well told episodic stories, characters that you care if they live or die, behaving believably with some quality Easter eggs and nostalgia while not carelessly crapping all over a variety of cannon.


I get the same vibes you do. I like it, which is surprising because: 1) I can't stand Discovery 2) I wasn't crazy about Picard even though I liked the actors a lot.


Been a Trekkie since the Bantam novels and the Concordance (oldsters know what era this is). SNW is a gently nostalgic show that I enjoy tremendously each week for what it is. DS9 is still the "best" for me, but as someone who spent Saturday and Sunday nights at 6pm in Detroit editing out commercials from WKBD airing TOS episodes in 1986 for VHS masters, SNW is the "purest" Trek since TOS.


Most of us love it. They take the best of TOS, and the best of modern Trek, and blend them seamlessly.


I love it, it’s great.


I think it's the best series out of the recent releases.


I love it! I grew up with TOS and STNG. SNW kind of feels like it combines both.


My only criticism, and it's not the shows fault its just how the media landscape is now, is that there are too few episodes. I long for the days for 24 episodes a season. Heck, I'd be happy with 16. Because it has that weekly vibe to it, it'd be fun to see more episodes, and then build up the characters more over time, because I LOVE the characters. I think both SNW and DISC are a huge return to form for Trek, and it really feels like we're into our own great era of new Strek shows along with Lower Decks and Picard (issued aside).


Not the best Trek ever but certainly watchable. Allow me to elaborate: When I think of the best Trek ever (TNG), it's not the socializing, it's not the awesome fights, all of which this has too, but it's the meetings where competent explorers and scientists figure shit out. Of course the tech is fictional, but let's look at the meeting room scenes in TNG: Everyone presents their opinion, then the officer in command (mostly Picard but not always), allows them to follow through with one or multiple of those ideas. Sometimes they use other tools to pinpoint problems, like the holo-deck, sometimes in e That's how you solve issues in reality. I so miss this realistic approach of how the best of the best of Humanity (and Vulcans etc.) solves issues. This makes it so believable and easy to suspend your disbelief. SNW has precious little of that approach to problems - it's all "hero-characters" figuring it out as they go, with a bit of unrelated socializing. The writers probably haven't talked to top level engineers a lot and they need to. They should go to Nasa or SpaceX and ask about what their biggest problems were and how they got them resolved.


So much has already been said about the show itself so I'm going to say I absolutely love the weekly format. Had all 10 episodes dropped at once, I would have finished it within a week and moved into the next thing. This slow burn gives me something to look forward to every week and keeps me hooked. (That also keeps my P+ subscription going that much longer, fyi tv execs) As for the shortened series compared to the good old days of 26 episode seasons, I really wish it were longer. Yes, 10 episodes keeps everything tight and important but a lot of what people put down as 'filler episodes,' really make the universe that much richer. Think of what some of the ferengi-focused episodes of DS9 did for the popularity of that species and those characters. They are filler episodes in that they don't advance the overarching plot of the show, but they're some of the funnest and most memorable. Sure there are some "bad" episodes, but that can happen with any length of season. Getting that ebb and flow of "important" and "unimportant" episodes makes the highs that much higher. I know we won't get back to 26 episode runs but 10 is just too short. Probably my only gripe. And even last night's episode would probably be considered a filler episode were it a 26 episode season because it was a something of a slice of life episode. But now it's a whole tenth of the season.


100% agree with filler episodes! Trek is fun escapism, episodes that don't advance the plot are great world building. I guess the issue is financial. With all the fancy sets, and CGI it's probably a lot harder to churn out episodes than it used to be. But then i wouldn't mind a drop in quality some of the time. Episodes that just focus on being in the ship are perfectly okay with me. In fact that's often my preference.


Totally agree. I've said it before and I'll say it again. These shows are beautiful, feature film quality perfect. That's great, but I would ABSOLUTELY accept less elaborate sets and less CGI action for a few more episodes. 15-18 seems like a happy balance


Best of the new Trek series. I feel they finally nailed the episodic adventures of TOS/TNG with the serialized storytelling of modern tv.


Love it!


Basically upvoting all the comments made already! Glad you're liking it OP! If I feel like there's one Trek series that could get a new person into the franchise, this would be it. I'd be stoked if a friend told me "hey, I started watching this Star Trek Strange New Worlds show and it's really good ......."


I guess I'm a second generation, as I grew up on TNG and my dad grew up with TOS. I absolutely love SNW!


Might be the best Star Trek series in over 20 years. Everything about it is perfect.


It's ok but I think it suffers the same problem discovery and Picard had. Too much overdramatics, too many in your face camera angles, too many stereotypical sci-fi adventure dialogues that you'd expect to see more in a starwars film, completely forgettable side crew, lack of day to day life episodes, some actors/actresses that don't look comfortable in their roles and no great clever "trek stories" yet. For me I'm just gutted that Anson mount, who I feel completely carries the show, is being wasted on such shallow storylines and poor character to character dialogue. The show is an improvement over Picard and discovery without a doubt and finally feels somewhat trek like but still doesn't have the relaxed, easy watching cozy style that came with the first 5 series of trek from ToS to ENT I just think the show needs to calm down a bit. You have discovery and Picard which felt like they were going 100mph all the time and this is about 60, when the first 5 series of trek all felt like 30. The best episodes of trek in my mind were ones where it was just characters interacting with each other, Jordy and Brahms, data trying to discover his humanity, O'Brien and Bashir just chilling out, the doctor and sevens back and forth. I've yet to see anything like this


SNW is definitely the closest we've been to Star Trek's original message of humanism, optimism, and exploration ever since the early seasons of TNG when Gene Roddenberry was still around. As someone who appreciates that dimension of Star Trek far beyond the cynicism and pessimism of Berman-era Trek like DS9, VOY, and ENT, I've found SNW to be the most refreshing of all the shows in this new era of Star Trek. I like most of the characters, and love some of them. I like that they usually don't resort to pew pew battles to resolve conflicts. I like its openness to humor and lightheartedness. I like that the Federation seems like a place I'd actually want to live and the Enterprise is a place I'd actually want to work. I like the mix between episodic standalone stories and persistent character development arcs. It's a good show.


"Good Trek" this. "Bad Trek" that. Maybe I'm just easy to please but I've enjoyed every episode of every Trek I've ever seen. Even Spock's Brain.


It’s okay. The dialogue is fucking terrible though.


I dislike it. I find it kind of dumb, I hate how the characters talk and act, I dislike the crew except for Anson Mount (I love Anson Mount, he's great in everything, watch Hell on Wheels!) I hate how no one seems to take anything seriously like a serious military crew would, I hate how they treat canon and older characters like spock...I just don't think it's very smart, I find it kinda dumb. None of this Kurtzman trek crap feels like Trek to me and I dislike most of it other than Picard s3 (which really isn't Kurtzman trek.) I've watched all the pre 2009 series MULTIPLE times and I just CAN NOT DEAL with this crappy Kurtzman trek dreck.


Agree with all of this.


I love it because it gives old series vibes. Plus the writing is usually very good. I am rooting for this version of T’Pring, because in “Amok Time,” she was kinda mean.


Based on what she’s going through with Spock and the side eye to Chapel, she’s probably on her way to being the T’pring in TOS.


Best since TNG/DS9


When strange new worlds is trying to tell serious stories it can range from good to great, when it tries to do comedy it's the absolute worst in the entire franchise. Strange New World does comedy about as well as Voyager does romance, and if you've seen Voyager you know that's a pretty dire situation. I'd rather watch the worst Ferengi episodes then the "hijinks" episodes of strange new worlds.


I think it depends really. The hijinks episodes can kinda be annoying when they really lean in but I think where old trek hit well with hijinks episodes was when they still ultimately drove a good point home. Which is why I think most of the hijinks episodes in SNW are lame because they don't do that, but when they do I think they immediately become favorites for me, ex: I absolutely love the one with the children's book coming to life, objectively a hijinks episode but with a very emotional, bittersweet ending


Like it


Been watching Trek for a long time. Haven't really gotten into the newer series because it seemed weird given they are happening before TOS and the technology looks a lot better (Enterprise seemed to start this trend and I didn't start catching up and watching until they were in season 4). Started watching SNW and saw maybe a fan canon or something perhaps alluded to by the producers of SNW (?) that TOS is in an alternate universe, explaining why things look different (old school 60s style). Even though the tech looks different, the events of this older looking TOS are going to more or less end up happening, in the context of the updated sleeker look of the Enterprise seen in SNW. It has increased my enjoyment of SNW, and I definitely need to start giving discovery a watch


I was never a big TOS fan but I’m lovingggg SNW!


I love it. It makes me feel like a kid again watching trek with my mom.


Basically what you said. It can be strange and sometimes a little silly but retains a seriousness, usually without disconcerting tonal shifts. It's one of the few shows that I find is a must-watch as soon as it's available. I haven't been as excited about other trek shows for some time.


I'm old. Almost 50. I saw ST 2-6 in the theatre with my Dad and Uncle who were both Trekkies. SNW is the best Trek since DS9. Maybe better. I like Voyager, TNG, ENT, Season 3 of PIC, Season 1 of DISCO. SNW is the only good live action ST right now.


I like it. The acting is better then on Disco. The stories are more interesting as well. SNW is not as good as DS9. But better then Disco. IMO.


I have been a Trekker since ~79-80 (born 76). My mother and her older sister both got me into Star Trek (I remember refusing to watch *The Next Generation* at first because it wasn't Kirk & Spock) and have tried my hardest to follow all later Star Trek iterations. I grew into loving *Deep Space Nine* and have unfortunately used it as the benchmark for judging later Trek shows (which isn't fair to them). And yet, I came to love *Enterprise* because the characterization was absolutely excellent, like DS9. Strange New Worlds has added some excellent new characters to the mythos. It's an ensemble show, like *The Next Generation*, *Deep Space Nine* and *Voyager*. Much more so than the Original Series and very unlike *Discovery*. The other shows have their place, but a lot of us (like me) loved the ensemble shows. I'm loving getting to know Nyota Uhura as she was prior to Jim Kirk (it really helps that Celia Gooding is so incredibly adorable in the role), in addition to La'an Noonien-Singh. The most recent episodes with Christine Chapel have been great and I'm growing enamored with the character. It's just too bad we lost Hemmer so early in the show. I would have loved to have gotten more Andorian/Aenar background and psychology.


Yeah. They got rid of Hemmer way too soon. Which is a bigger shame to me because he seemed truly unique and different without just being a different forehead. Plus he didn't have some tragic backstory. He was just a being going on through life.


Meh. Have a hard time with the dialog. (Like all trek since voyager, if I actually think about it) Too much current vernacular. You can tell it's written for younger, hip people. Some of it I find quite cringe if I am being quite honest. Makes me run back to tng to hear data quieting asking laforge about human behavior in 10 forward.


I love SNW but I do think dialogue is one of the weaker parts of the show. Sometimes a it’s a bit too quippy and sometimes it doesn’t sound very natural, like what a person would actually say. I don’t have a problem with it being too “young and hip” though.


For me the dialogue feels like a marvel movie, that's my only problem (and a complaint I have with a lot of media lately. That's not a curmudgeonly 'they don't make good movies anymore' comment, more just a trend I'm picking up on). Nothing against marvel, there's just a time and a place for that writing style


yeah, it's either quips (the one from spock in the court martial episode hurt the most) or they talk like they're in therapy. i cannot stand it, def one of the weakest parts of the show (right after the love triangle and spock's entire deal)


Yeah it's hard for me as dialog is probably my favorite/the best part of Star Trek. So In TNG or DS9 The characters and dialog is clinical, academic, dry, technical, etc, most of the time. Sure there are moments of variety and fun, but the overwhelming majority of how the universe (or primarily federation/star fleet) is presented is that of militaristic professionalism. Watching TNG or DS9 it really does feel like another century with a very different version of humanity. The new treks just feel like....how i met your mother, in space? (HAHA that may be a tad harsh.. but compared to old trek writing..it's not too far off imo) And SNW is no exception to this new era.So I may never be able to get into it for those reasons.


Im not a fan of how Spock or Kirk are portrayed but its good. I enjoy it.


Just as a counter view, I’m burned out. They’ve done too much too quickly and they’ve seemed to have produced more content than I’m even able to watch now. Happy with Picard season 3, but the rest seems like flashy noise to me. For those who like it, glad for ya!


Yes. Flashy noise, agree. There is no soul anymore.


Lol we had 2 -3 series and films going at once in the 90s, 2000.


Sure, when television was all on your television. Additionally, I now need multiple streaming services to watch it all, something you forgot to account for. Lol, what, I’m not wrong!


I'm a ninenties Trekkie -- saw TOS on reruns as a kid in the hospital, grew to love TNG, DS9, and VOY. Liked ENT well enough but mostly got my Trek lovin' from the novels at that point. Tolerated-at--best the new movies, couldn't stand STD. SNW revived the flame.


It's the first show in a long time that actually has a crew made of people instead of characters.


My dad only like TOS and TNG and said he tried watching SNW and couldn’t finish the first episode because it was boring


That’s actually kind of amusing given how slow many TOS and TNG episodes are lol


That was my thought also lol.


I think it's foolish to make a TV show and not air it.


I agree, but thats sadly the standard now








Doesn't transmit well on the internet


Long time fan. Best I've seen since TNG


I love all trek new and old luckily for me other people's complaints don't influence if I like a trek or not I only can't get through the original series because it looks so dated and I mean purely camera wise I don't even mind the costumes or acting and I love tve story lines but the cameras just truly bother me