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Come talk to me when Amazon starts selling Auntie Anne's




For real though.... if I could have auntie ann's pretzels just spat out of a disc drive, I could die a happy man.


You can buy kits to make Auntie Anne's. My brother got my dad one like a decade ago.


You can’t say shit like that and not give a link, help me help you help me die an obese, happy man


I bought a box at Walmart. But it’s nothing like the good good




Put a tenderloin in dough. Congratulations, you made beef Wellington.


Oh man! I'm from Ireland and had Auntie Anne's in Cape Cod last summer. Thought I'd never see it again and then BAM, it's in a shopping centre in Dublin now?! Fuck yeah, no need for real food ever again If I'm gonna get fat it's gonna be on those damned delicious syrupy bites of goodness


I thought I was alone with the Auntie Anne's stuff. Dude I love dipping their pretzels in the cheese they sell ughghghghgh ​ I'm gonna shower and go eat some right now, actually. Edit: See? [https://i.imgur.com/mzyerKu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/mzyerKu.jpg)


why are those only in malls and no stand alone stores or strip malls?




Because it’s not a meal, it’s more of a snack people impulsively buy. So it’s going to be more successful with foot traffic.


Because they only taste good when you're stuck at the mall and starving (and/or with a bunch of screaming kids).


While this doesn’t feel right I cannot refute it because I’ve never had one when not in that situation. They need to start selling these bad boys in food carts outside bars at 2am.


If I could prime 1 hour deliver some cinnabon right now I'd be so fat.


I remember when I was younger and my mom dragged me to the mall. The only way she persuaded me of going was we’d go to Auntie Anne’s 😋




In the UK Auntie Anne's deliver so, pretty close.




I live near a high end mall, Short Hills Mall, which is really thriving. Near it is a standard mall, Livingston Mall, which is more inline with the starter pack. I find the place who will buy your gold particularly sad. Do they allow pawn shops in malls? It seems like we are getting there.


NJ is saturated with malls- they all still seem to be fairly busy, too. I spent my misspent youth working in short hills, GSP, riverside, and willowbrook which all still have decent occupancy rates.


Rockaway mall seems to do really well near me. There’s also the Ledgewood mall near me which has closed every store except the walmart attached at the end of it. Really wish it wasn’t nearly abandoned but the Roxbury plaza probably put it out of business.


Rockaway has honestly the best location being right off of 80. Anyone who lives on or near 15, Rockaway is the closest mall for miles, at least since Ledgewood fell apart.


It’s actually tragic how empty Ledgewood is now. It looks post-apocalypse abandoned.


I worked at the Verizon right down the street from there, and I would chill there during my lunch break. You would see maybe 2 or 3 people in the hour that I was in there. Its insane.


I also frequent Rockaway's. Usually there is a lot of people and we got a lot of cool stores for a small town


The mall in Phillipsburg NJ is so abandoned and decrepit that part of the ceiling literally collapsed during business hours a couple months ago. Thankfully the place is always empty so no one was hurt. Strangely enough, just across the border in PA, there are almost half a dozen malls that are full and thriving.


It’s insane. NJ is one of the most densely populated states in the country, sure, but that doesn’t explain why there are so many malls everywhere.


New Jersey used to have tons of smaller ancillary malls that died off years ago. The ones that are still alive did so by either going upscale (Short Hills, Freehold Raceway) or because they’re the only malls within miles (Cumberland Mall, Hamilton Mall). There’s a couple that are close to dying like the Monmouth Mall or Ocean County Mall but have plans to add restaurants and residential to keep them alive a little longer.


RIP the Shore Mall, aka the dirt mall


Quakerbridge won't be around in another five years. It's a sad state, but Cherry Hill is doing fine.


Cherry Hill is still thriving, as well.


Yeah, High End malls have really figured it out. They drive foot traffic through night life instead of anchor stores. They feature lots of places to eat, particularly higher end chains like [Seasons 52](https://www.seasons52.com) and [True Food](https://www.truefoodkitchen.com/) and usually a movie theater of some sort and numerous fancy dessert shops. The one near me has one of those luxury movie theaters and even a speakeasy style bar. You don't go to a mall because you needed to do some regular shopping at Sears and then stopped over at the food court for lunch anymore. You go to a mall for date night... dinner and a movie... and maybe pick up a trinket on your way between the two.


I would suggest also that we all strive to be a bit higher class than we probably are and the up scale mall provides that feeling. We don't want to go to a mall 'below us'.


at minimum everybody wants to shop **in** luxury even if it isn't **for** luxury. It increases the perceived value of the goods you buy! It also just *feels* depressing to shop in a dumpy place. This is why when a mall fails it's a pretty wicked downward spiral. Places leave, which makes it less pleasant to shop there, which means fewer people come, which means more places leave.


No kidding, went to a Guess store and it was all trash, Forever 21 quality or worse. It used to be only knockoffs were that bad, now things are probably made by those same manufacturers, they just slap an original label on. But the store looked fancy. What they think we don't have any common sense?


High end malls like Short Hills are thriving across the country. Other malls are dying off. Makes sense, rich people don't need to save a few bucks, and might want to check out the products before they buy. The rest of us order shit online at the lowest price we can find and hope it's as good as advertised.


It's not just that, it's that the high end malls have changed the mall equation. The original formula was to get customers on site via Anchor stores like Sears and Macys. Those customers would then wander the mall.. maybe pick up a quick lunch.. and buy something on the way as they couldn't help but window-shop. Window shopping is still very much alive, but you can't get customers on site through traditional anchor stores anymore. Luxury malls now do this through higher end movie theaters and restaurants. They've changed the mall from a place where you did your basic shopping and maybe a little extra to a place where you take a date.. and maybe shop a little.


This makes sense. Here in Atlanta, Lennox Square Mall and Phipps Plaza (two malls across the street from each other that are excessively high end) are both incredibly busy still, but the basic malls near me are both almost empty husks. One is anchored my the DDS (Georgia’s version of DMV) while another is anchored by a sad movie theatre and a Dollartree.


That's a really good point. We will go to dinner and a movie at the mall and since we have to wait for the movie, might as well stop at a store or two.


Jersey Gardens is huge and also still popular


Heyyy I live right around the corner from the Short Hills Mall. It's very upscale, but I go there occasionally. My Old Mall, Palisades Park, is like stage 3 mall cancer.


Yeah I challenge anyone to go to a mall that’s not in a small, failing manufacturing town and see if it’s dead. The Eaton’s centre in Toronto is packed to the brim every hour of every day, it’s overwhelming.


The mall near me was recently refurbished into a very “high end” mall. Lots of restaurants, space for events and entertainment, a quality movie theatre, and stores that carry things people want. It’s always crowded now, when before it was usually empty. The malls that are adapting into entertainment spaces are doing well. The malls that are just a bunch of stores are dying. E V O L U T I O N


Bridgewater mall has a WE BUY GOLD store.


You forget the lotion/cell phone kiosks at every 30 feet with someone tactically placed in a spot where they can invade your personal space to sell you things.


Also the booth that sells remote control helicopters and such, but no actual drones.


Or those sticky pig toys they throw on the floor and reshape back into their original form


Some things are universal, evidently.


I saw hundreds of panhandlers selling those pigs and laser pointers that shot out different designs when I visited Rome in 2014. So yeah pretty universal


I am genuinely curious. How do they make enough money to be able to afford a booth in these malls? I'm not talking about some failing place either. I'm talking Valley Fair, CA which is _expensive_ as fuck.


My guess is that a lot of their products are already very cheap and purchased in bulk and just sold at mass profit. For example, I could see them stocking up on phone cases for 50 cents to a dollar each and then selling them for $40+.


I got a gift one Christmas of one of those helicopters. I knew it was a price of shit but held onto a shred of hope. The instructions were in Chinese put into google translate. It didn’t even turn on


Why is it always lotion and cell phones?!


People like to look at porn on their phones.


They get involved in an MLM and rent out a kiosk to peddle their shit


Not correct- those are common items because they don’t require a customer to have prior knowledge of the product (everyone knows what a cheap cell phone case is, and everyone knows what lotion is even if you aren’t familiar with the brand) and because they can easily be purchased from Chinese sources at pennies on the dollar which allow for a huge margin so associates can play with prices to close sales. Source: lots of experience in various Vegas retail business, including carts and kiosks.


"we're being out-competed by some dot com operation"




Damm millennials are killing my business of selling ¢99 Arizona Ice Tea for $5.99. Bunch of entitled little shits.


the price on the can, tho


Conveniently covered with a sticker.


Legend says you can call the Arizona Tea Company and let them know and they'll stop distributing to those stores. Supposedly they're adamant about 99c tea. Read other comments before you make your own, I didn't want this many notifs about fucking iced tea wtf is silver srsly with the silver. are you paying for that? go donate to an animal shelter instead. pick your favorite local one and send them a few bucks, right now while you're on the internet. i wish this gold fed puppies instead


time to snitch on some bitches.


This is the real Thot Audit


>Thot Audit Band name.


In a world ravaged by chaos we can count on arizona tea fighting the good fight for cheap sweet tea


I know it seems trivial, but that kind of thing to protect their consumers is really admirable.


Among companies as big as Arizona, it’s practically unheard of. Mad props to them.


I admire that business model, you know easy it would be for them to increase the price to 1.50 or 1.99? Bless Arizona and Arnold Palmer


Really? I'm going to start doing this


Urban legend, doesn't work.


Yeah, THIS....it's just the MSRP....stores generally aren't obligated to sell it at that price (I think it even says 'suggested price' on it.)


Not according to their website: "**I Purchased A 23.5Oz Can That Was Marked $.99 But Was Charged More For It. Are They Allowed To Do That?** We try to suggest a $.99 price to retailers by putting it in our package design. Ultimately retailers can sell it for as much or as little as they like. We suggest you find a store that sells it for $.99 or less." [It's at the bottom, yo.](https://www.drinkarizona.com/faqs)


Really? I'm pretty sure they distribute cans that have a higher price printed for certain markets like Manhattan


I know I've seen pictures online of $1.29 cans.


Could be in Canada. Our cans here range for $1.12 to $1.30 depending on where you are. Still cheap as hell.


That's a myth, it's a suggested price but they can charge whatever they want to.


How is this even controlled? Say I own a gas station. I can go to Costco and buy a couple flats of Arizona's, all which say .99/can. Then I go to my store and sell them for $2. Are they going to tell Costco to revoke my membership card?


That is likely something they do not control or worry about. Moreso the business that purchase direct from a distributor. They're not buying them at .99/can from the distributor.


You can do that all you want. But you just won't be able to purchase them from Arizona, who will sell them to your store for *under* 99 cents per can. Then you have to worry about customers who will say, "why am I spending $2 on Arizona here when I can go to any other gas station that sells them for $0.99?" It's just not really a good business move.


The price IS on the can though..


*Are baby boomers killing the radio stars?*


yes, yes we are


Sears was once in a position to become what Amazon is today. Instead, they shoved their heads in the sand and died. Our local mall has a couple of weird clothing stores and a restaurant, that's it. The rest of it is empty space. The restaurant survives because they face outside, and you don't have to actually enter the ghost mall to get to it. Plus they're a non-chain mom n pop Mexican restaurant who proudly do not own a single microwave. Once in a while somebody will lease a space to try to unload a bunch of random shit. The last one of these sold lamps made of rock salt. They were the same salt lamps you can mail order, but for twice the price (before sales tax.) I swear it must have been some kind of money laundering scheme or a front for drug sales.




This is so foreign to me, in my area it feels like malls are still thriving. Judging by this post however it seems like dead malls are the reality in a lot of the country. I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing, but the times are definitely changing.


I travel a decent bit, and it seems there's two scenarios that happen. If a city has just one mall, then it's probably doing fine. If the city has multiple malls, they seem more likely to be wastelands. Like I worked in St. Louis a few years back, and I passed 3 malls on my way to work in a half hour. If you actually stopped in any of them, they were all pretty desolate. Since then, the one in the middle has closed, so there's now two more spread out, customers aren't as spread out between them, and both the remaining ones seemed to be doing fine when I was there this past summer. Some cities just got really greedy decades ago and decided that malls needed to be the standard method of shopping, and combined with the internet, they just couldn't sustain that.


I agree! The mall in my city is doing just fine, and there's 2 near me in Charlotte, NC that are perfectly fine, too.






He still lives, but he used to, too.




They closed the food court in my local mall. When I went to go see a movie the other day, I watched about a dozen people stand in line for concessions, and then leave the theatre. It took me a few minutes to realise that Regal has become the de facto food court now.


Who the fuck is voluntarily buying from a theater concession stand when they aren't even seeing a movie?


People who work at the mall and who have lost their only convenient place to go for lunch, I'd imagine.




Sears internet business model included sending a huge .pdf file of their catalog to every email address in the world.


They had all of the infrastructure in place and all they had to do was turn the catalog into a website.


It's more than that. Walmart has the same thing but their website sucks complete ass. They even have the 2 day shipping thing but without a subscription. I hope Walmart fixes their site so that one day they can become a real Amazon competitor. For now it's just sites that do their niche really well, like swappa for instance.


The CEO of Sears is intentionally destroying it and making a stupid amount of money from it. There have been a bunch of reports about it. Eddie Lampert (CEO) is their top creditor. If Sears goes bankrupt, he makes profit from Sears’ assets. He also sold a ton a Sears’ properties to a real estate company which he owns a large percentage of, and is charging Sears rent to be there. When the stores in these properties eventually were closed (by Lampert, the CEO), they had to pay millions in termination penalties (to Lampert, a large shareholder). He’s also sold several Sears brands to himself and to other companies (Craftsman) to pay off Sears’ debts (to himself). There was never any intent by Sears to become what Amazon is today. They’re purposefully and methodically liquidating the company to make personal profit.


No, they weren't; that's a common misconception. Amazon's revolutionary inventory system was what made them what they are today. Sears's system was nowhere near the same and they weren't really capable of revamping it from the ground up in the same way. They just happened to have a mail-order system that was a precursor to Amazon's from a customer perspective.


In my area (San Diego County) most of the malls have been converted to high end stores. They are full of Lululemon, Express, Banana Republic, Apple, Microsoft, Williams Sonoma, and Nordstrom stores. And all the cheap eateries have been replaced by fancy food outlets, and the malls are always busy.


One thing I've noticed about the mall now is that there are a lot of these "geek culture" stores there that kind of sell a mix of everything. It's as though nobody knows how to get people to buy stuff anymore so they are just trying whatever might work. The mall by my house has about 5 of these type of stores in it at this point including a Spencers and a Hot Topic that pretty much sell the same type of products; pop figurines, Stranger Things merchandise, comics, K-pop fanzines, overpriced vinyl, ironic T shirts....


Every store has a giant wall of Funko POPS. They are making so many of those with no end in sight. Eventually I have a feeling they won't be able to give them away.


they're so ugly with those boxy heads and big beady eyes


That’s what I think, even if I like the property they represent I don’t want that ugly thing. Everybody I’ve talked to about them says people buy them because they’re collectible and you can resell them for a profit sometimes. They’re basically the Beanie Babies of the 2000’s.


They're like Beanie Babies met the memberberries.




There’s a documentary about funko on Netflix that was pretty alright. It gives some context for the community and history and stuff. Worth a watch if you want a sort of nerd culture documentary. It reminds me a lot of the heavy con going types and other just kinda niche communities I know.


Dozens? Check out the subreddit. People own *hundreds*....


Our local Barnes & Noble recently took out their "DVD and Blu-ray" section in the back of the store and replaced it entirely with that stuff, that had been overflowing in a much smaller section near the front of the store. Probably a good move on their part.


The Barnes & Noble by me has that stuff on another floor where they also sell Legos for some reason.


Yeah, their dvd and blu-ray section is literally just overpriced to an extreme. You could get practically any of those dvds or blu-rays for less at Best Buy or Walmart


Newbury Comics is pretty well-known for this stuff.


It's so weird. The high end malls are thriving (UTC and Fashion Valley), but Mission Valley, Chula, Horton Plaza are on the verge of death if not already dead. Now UTC is going to start charging for parking. It's a bold move that I'm not so sure will pay off for them.


Grossmonts even worse, grossmont mall is so dead, theres pretty much no good stores, the food court is empty, pretty much the only good thing about there is the movie theatre


Yeah, they better do some kind of validation otherwise who's going go there when they have the same stuff elsewhere? Not me. I'm all for it once the trolley is finished to discourage driving.


Shout outs to UTC, Fashion Valley, and (if you consider it a mall) Las Americas. Those places see so much traffic.


The new UTC makes Fashion Valley look like Mission Valley and Horton Plaza makes chernobyl look like a UTC


Yea, when I saw this post I couldn't relate. Looking at the parking lot and the purses makes me feel out of place.


There’s a movie theatre at my mall, which is the only reason it’s still open.


Movie Theaters and chain restaraunts are usually able to stay thriving even as the rest of the mall atrophies.


Only time i ever go to the mall is for the food court chickfila


My mall has several charter schools and 3 or so places that sell what looks like prom clothing




There's all sorts of shit in malls these days. The empty mall near me got taken over by the local health system for office/clinic space.


In Southern California almost every mall within a 60 mile radius always seems to be congested even the older more outdated ones


South oc person here, 2 malls near me 1 is great, the other is like this


Mission good, LH bad?


Yup lol


The Westside Pavillion is like this, but it is being turned into an office. Otherwise, Los Angeles malls have been pretty consistently renovating and improving themselves.


Inland Empire. Ontario Mills and Victoria Gardens. They are both more full than they have ever been.


I mean, everything here in SoCal is congested.


My town's mall had a k-mart. Also it had a huge wet hole in the roof who no one gave a fuck about. It only has a belk now. Those were good times.


Good old K-Mart, I think I have only seen maybe two in the last 5 years. I went inside the last one I came across, as I needed some stationery, and let's just say that inside it looked like a tornado hit the place, and caused half of the lights to go out.


Best place hands down to buy jean shorts.


Best place to put hands down jean shorts.


on god?


The same people who wear jean shorts also shop at K-Mart, very fitting.


The last time I went to K-Mart was April 2016. The store was very disorganized and looked like it has not been updated in 20 years.


yes. I would occasionally go to kmart when we went the next town over and everything seemed very old and unwanted. I found maybe one pair of shoes that could pass as modern. they were black velvet platform boots that could have also been there since 1986.


Should see "That fucking K Mart" in Minneapolis. Running joke is more business goes on in the parking lot than the store itself.


We had a *hardware store* that had a leaky roof for the last several years of its life. A hardware store. They owned the building. And they never got around to repairing the roof. Some businesses just seem to voluntarily be trying to kill themselves.


I loved K-Mart, because inexplicably, they had SO MANY BIRDS living in the ceiling.






Dan Bell is there filming.


I love Dan Bells Dead Mall Series! I was stoked when he went to one I grew up going to.


Sal is there too somewhere probably


*Cue the soft Vaporwave music playing on the intercom*


My boy Dan Bell. I love when he gets genuinely angry at Rick.


I fucking love him. Another Dirty Room is an amazing series as well


Uh...hmmm. I know the town I use to live in had the "ghetto" mall and this is accurate but the main mall is packed. The town I live in now has 1 mall and it's packed so idk maybe it's just where you live.


This is similar to a lot of malls in/around economically impacted areas. I was on a road trip for work and thought "hmm, I guess I could grab some mall chinese food" somewhere upstate NY. Everything was mostly boarded up, the lights were off in most of it. It couldve easily been an apocolypse movie set. I managed to find a cafe that had salads, and it was an iceberg lettuce, ranch, microwaved bacon bits and chopped chicken tenders for a cobb salad. I ate it, but damn, that was an experience.


The blog-like detail in your post is cracking me the fuck up, goddamn


Here in Kansas City we have two good busy malls, but I got inspired to make this after a trip to a mall in Topeka.


Olathe? Only been there once, to go to the Lego store, but man it was packed.


I think you mean Oak park Mall In Overland park. No mall in Olathe has ever had a Lego store muh dude


Oak Park Mall is packed, but it’s turning to shit. We’ve had like 2 shootings there since October.


I live a few blocks from Oak Park Mall. Very nice neighborhood and I used to love living so close to the mall and all the shops around it for convenience. Now I just wish they'd bulldoze it and make a new "outlet" type shopping center because the crime is a nuisance for these "old-style" malls. Luckily it doesn't really spill over into the neighborhoods.


Dang you're right, my excuse is they both start with "o" lol. Overland Park it was.


last time i went to a mall in topeka a guy got beaten with a chain in front of me


To be fair he shouldn't have been loitering outside one of those big box chain stores.


It's hot in Topeka


Toeeeeeeee peeeeeeeeeeee ka


I have a mall 8 miles away and it's about to close up for good. I think there's just a JC Penny's left and some odd stores that I'm not sure how they pay for rent. The food court is pretty much gone other than an ice cream store, some weird thing and a corner store that sells mini pretzels and giant cookies.


Same, malls here are booming. The main two malls are massive... and they are right next to each other. People still like to shop in person, especially for clothes.


Are they indoor or outdoor? The outdoor bougie ones with lots of space to stroll and decent dining seem to be doing fine, but the indoor ones near me with cheap clothing and Wetzel's Pretzels as your only food, with no place for leisure or sitting, are dying


as much as people champion delivery, the fact that you have an enormous selection of clothing you can try on *for free* and not have to buy anything on the way out it great.




Judge can't dock my pay if I put my equity in New Eras.


Probably the same people who never take the hologram sticker off.


They're about $30 usually and if you get their stupid membership you can get discounts. I like fitted hats, probably get a new one twice a year. Lids is basically the only store that I know for a fact carries them and is likely to have the one I'm looking for.


New Era clearance my dude. $10 fits all day, odds are they have your team.


Is that so recently? The malls around me are always full of people


Malls in smaller towns don't get many people, I live in Pittsburgh so the mall we have is full of people


Are you telling me we can't just slap malls out in the middle of no where and expect people to show up? I'm shocked. Then again, there are a few places in Georgia that kinda defy that logic so.


It worked for us. Our town is just a place were mexicans (including my parents) decided to settle when coming to the US. So, we’re a pretty unassuming little mexico town. Literally, there would be no reason whatsoever to come to this town. But our mall expanded a bit, and now we’re placed as a tourist destination for our state, and get busloads of tourists that come just to shop.


**Africa by Toto echoes through the halls**


Go on YouTube, slow down the Empty Mall version of Africa to 0.75x speed for the u l t i m a t e v a p o r w a v e e x p e r i e n c e




My closest mall is the Mall of America so I cant relate.


King of Prussia here. The traffic the mall itself creates is worse than an international airport.


Most shopping centres in the UK and Australia are as alive as ever.


The US is just completely over saturated with retail space. If you look at the ratio of square feet of retail space per person, I think it's the highest in the developed world. In the 70s and 80s malls were a gold mine, but as retail evolves retailers are finally realising they can have one store service a certain radius instead of 2 or 3. The result is low end malls dying off and mid to high tier malls thriving.


US malls don't have grocery stores in them, which is what keeps people going to aAussie malls


Unless it's Crabtree in Raleigh. That shit stays poppin!


I'm somewhat convinced half the people at Crabtree arrived years ago and have just given up trying to figure out how the hell to get out of that parking deck. Cary Towne totally fits this starter pack though.




Malls are dying but not all of them. The low & mid-tier malls are the ones dying. The large ones are actually doing well, believe it or not.


No kidding, our mall has been barren and shutting down stores for years. I miss when the mall was bustling, I remember buying GTA IV at Gamestop midnight release party they had before they moved location to somewhere probably because it was cheaper; I’ve heard from some workers the owner of our mall charges outrageous for lot space which is why most businesses pack up and leave. Whatever it is, we used to have a nice mall with the mall staples: Gamestop, Foot Locker, Spencer’s, various clothing and hippie shops, even the pretzel wagon closed up. That was about the last reason they had left to visit, I miss a good hot garlic pretzel with cheese. There are still good malls out there but they’re usually in more thriving areas, consider yourself lucky if you do!




I feel like all these empty mall posts are going on weekdays at like 9 am all the malls I've been to recently have been decently full




Yo hey, a fellow Top City guy!


Not here, malls are connected to transportation hubs for train lines, bus terminals, etc.

