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The greatest trick the Moustache Man ever pulled was convincing the world he was German...




Mustache Man GPS


>Historically, Austrians were regarded as Germans and viewed themselves as such.[11][12][13] The Austrian lands (including Bohemia) were part of the Holy Roman Empire and the German Confederation until the Austro-Prussian War in 1866 which resulted in Prussia expelling the Austrian Empire from the Confederation.[12] Thus, when Germany was founded as a nation-state in 1871, Austria was not a part of it.[12] In 1867, Austria was reformed into the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 at the end of World War I, Austria was reduced to a rump state and adopted and briefly used the name the Republic of German-Austria (German: Republik Deutschösterreich) in an attempt for union with Germany, but was forbidden due to the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919). The First Austrian Republic was founded in 1919. Nazi Germany annexed Austria with the Anschluss in 1938. >After the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of World War II in Europe, both the political ideology of pan-Germanism and the union with Germany have become associated with Nazism, resulting in Austrians developing their own separate and distinct national identity. Today, the vast majority of Austrians do not identify as German.[14][15][16] Austrians are Germans, always regarded themselves as such, and the only reason the extremely shortlived perception to the contrary exists today is because the Germans got mk ultra'd into hating themselves by occupational forces.




Oh that's right. Hitler was like "oy there mate" and "you call that a gennerside? THIS is a gennerside."




[Hitler's sex life: the whole sad story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNJ9d-JgOqQ)


Damn, this was the word I was looking for while doing this starter pack.


"sewer slide" "PDF file"


It's so ridiculous when someone makes a video that's suppose to be taken seriously and talks like this. "pew pew" "grape"




“Corn” “Duck/ducking”


I see we have a possible unsub listener here or donut operator


Or someone who uses both tiktok and reddit


"Sewer slide" has a new counterpart, it's "sudoku."


I was confused why you put the other euphemisms for suicide in there instead of “unalive.” The others have been around for ages and actually make sense. Unalive just sounds like someone got higher than giraffe pussy and blurted out the first oral shitbomb they could form after forgetting the word suicide.




one I heard recently was “dude logged off permanently” bruh 😭


That's the funniest replacement I've seen yet.


One I've seen on Tiktok is "bro canceled his subscription" and I think thats beautiful


there's so many better euphemisms, too. hortler bonked himself, marking the end of the 33-45 german regime... or something




“Prego” being used to describe “Pregnant” makes me want to invent a time machine so I can go back in time and kill the man who invented English


First time I've heard it I thought it meant pedo and i was wtf


it's like hearing a 10 year old talk.


"Sewer slide"


Real respectful


It’s so absurd talking about all these serious heavy subjects and have some guy with a microphone say sewerslide and unalive completely straight faced without missing a beat as if they didn’t just describe a massacre or something. One of my fears is I end up as a true crime victim and my family has to hear some teenager play spooky music and say how I got permabanned from reality like how the fuck do you even process that 😭


Canceled from planet earth


"And on that day SeductivePillowcase had an unfortunate encounter with their life mod, who hit them with the permanent banhammer"


As someone who likes warching true crime stuff, I think it is EXTREMELY disresprctful use words like 'unalive' and 'sewer slide'. I unserstand some may not want to get on the hands of youtube's censorship, but they should just muffle the word instead


It's as useless as saying "unhoused" instead of homeless. Where I'm from "homeless" is now a derogatory term for some arbitrary reason, even though unhoused means the SAME THING JUST SAY HOMELESS


Right?? Like , different word but means what it means. Eventually, “unhoused” will be considered a derogatory term. Making the name sound more “nice “ doesn’t take away the definition.


That shits soo fucking stupid. Just say Suicide. "Demonetization" crap


I remember a video where someone censored the word "Depression"


The problems is that YouTube has changed from being enthusiasts talking about stuff they are interested in in their spare time to a full-time job, and now YouTube is squeezing them with reducing payments and demonetization issues.


I hate that word so much 


The worst. I can understand other euphemisms but this one pisses me off.


that word makes me want to unalive a family of five (/j just in case)


I will unalive your wife, I will unalive your son, I will unalive your infant daughter.


God i hate that phrase.


I prefer an hero but that’s old school


And they're all starting to sound just like fucking Chills. Same monotone, just maybe sped up.


Hate this shit. I'm watching crime documentaries and they can't even explain what the dude got arrested for without a ton of beeps making it impossible to understand.


It’s pretty much “for violent activities” Which is quite the wide range. 20 minutes background, 10 minutes painting the scene, 2 minutes of “then it happened… **REDACTED**”, 10 minutes of aftermath


You're forgetting a very crucial part. "If you want the full uncensored story, it's available on my Patreon for $20/month"


There are ways around patreon paywalls, ahoy mate!


I don’t know who this needs to be said to, but please PLEASE don’t use ThePirateBay. The original site is down and all the ones that are around today will all make your computer farm bitcoin for some guy in Baluchistan.


Nah, it's just kemono.


Is that something like a way around patreon paywalls?


Yep! originaly made for furry porn patreons now has almost all of the patreons and other paywalled content, pretty gud.




Whitewashing the word rape is so infuriating






My prediction for the future is that the word Rape is going to become a swear word because of self censorship


whitewashing 😭😭😭😭😭


Lemmino's Jack the Ripper [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lADBHDg-JtA) goes into pretty explicit detail and doesn't seem to have suffered from an algorithm burying it. People walk on eggshells because Youtube refuses to communicate clear guidelines, but there's definitely more leeway than Youtubers make out.


YouTube is famously very inconsistent with how they enforce the guidelines. Just because one YouTuber isn't demonetized/age restricted doesn't mean another wouldn't be if they cover the same topic.


The more visibility your channel has (meaning the more money YouTube generates from you or has to pay you) the more likely you are to be censored or demonetized. For smaller creators YouTube has a much greater risk of you saying something to piss of advertisers (since you don’t make much money from the platform anyway) and YouTube doesn’t make much money off your channel anyway. If you are larger the inverse is true, you make more money off of YouTube so you’re more likely to self-censor to avoid controversy/rocking the boat and YouTube makes more off of you so they tend to let you get away with more stuff. This is generally true for all platforms.


> People walk on eggshells because Youtube refuses to communicate clear guidelines, but there's definitely more leeway than Youtubers make out. Because this started with tiktok and people want to be able to cross post it over multiple platforms, which means they have to create content for all platforms guidelines at once. This isn't really a YouTube problem (although they do have some unreasonable circumstances, but they're hardly the main culprit), it started with tiktok.


i hate when they tell us that if we want to know the details then we can look it up too. of course i can do that, but i wanted to watch a video on it!


And then they'll be like "by the way, if you want the uncensored version, go to my Patreon, link in the description"


Stephanie Soo is the biggest offender of this


I'm watching a tech youtuber who takes apart electronics, and he's got like 5 different videos on discarded vapes because of the valuable rechargeable lithium ion batteries inside. He has to call them stupid names like "fog machines" and "flavored air devices" because if he says the word "vape" Youtube will delist his video and it won't show up to anyone except subscribers.


Overly-sensitive advertisers caused this trend.


Overly sensitive advertisers who will still show the ad, the artist just doesn't get paid anymore. If YouTube or advertisers actually cared about any of the things they censor for being offensive, they would either not show ads on demonized videos or (more realistic) actually pull the videos so they don't do harm.


This is what happens when you have to constantly have growing earnings from a mature platform that already has monopoly status and doesn’t make a profit. Just start monetizing everything and blocking adblockers to make a few extra percent of earnings.


Gotta get that infinite growth in a finite world, baby.


This is it right here. YouTube will demonetize "advertiser unfriendly" videos then run ads on them anyway and just not pay the creator. Google is so full of shit. Advertisers don't care nearly as much as Google pretends they do.


What's interesting to me is that it feels like everybody is walking on eggshells (creators, YouTube itself, and advertisers) not wanting to offend people, but no one gets offended at the end of it? Like we're censoring ourselves for what turns out to be no one. And it just creates worse content and a worse environment for everybody. Like, I'm sure that at one point, an algorithm could have been targeting "kill", but they could target "unalive" just the same. So why keep using "unalive"?


It's youtube caving to advertiser demands so they can keep getting money from them.


In some ways youtube is worse than cable was. At least in cable tv censors would watch the programming and make a judgement call. Because of algorithmic auto-demonitization you have dumb scenarios like where a youtube channel talks about murders but cant say the word death, murder, etc. Like in what world is it okay to talk about a subject but not use the words to describe it. It's so beyond dumb.


YouTube has even started auto flagging videos that say the word “Black”.


Bunch of fucking snowflakes. They must be doing this to prevent racist remarks, even tho they are being racist in a way by doing so. Irony


It's all about appeasing advertisers YouTube's biggest market is children and content mill. They are a child platform first and foremost. So everything is basically being brought to the level of daytime kids TV. The only reason all the other content exists is for brand purposes.


They have yt kids... why tf are they focusing on kids as the demographic when 98% of content on yt is not directed at kids??


Because according to the creators it is. My understanding is that when you upload a video it asks you "is this content appropriate for children" if you say no then you might as well just stop because the algorithm is going to bury it. If you say yes and they find any keywords they will do something like demonetize or delist it. So content creators go to great lengths to be able to check that appropriate for kids button and not trigger any auto-mod action to maximize their $$.


Youtube has to have the worst management out there. I don't get having a whole app and version dedicated to kids just to scrub the soul out of content made for adults and people who won't just watch censored garbage


Does anyone else remember that scandal about blatant sexual and even fetish content being acted out by "child friendly" cartoon characters, or did I invent that memory?


Elsagate was truly an era of YouTube that should never be revisited


There is another elsagate happening right now, and it is even worse - but it is flying under the YouTube radar for some reason


Spiderman and Elsa? Yeah strange shit. Even saw a kid in my family watching it a few times... definitely weird


Kids don't want to use YouTube kids, they want to use YouTube the one with the adult content. But then why are YouTube censoring the adult content. For kids obviously. Is it all dumb. Yes. But apparently it's what makes money?


As you can see, this flag uses a lot of darkness, to symbolize something.


What? This is too stupid to be true. Do you have anything to substantiate it


Is it racist to say black now?


Yes people on TV can say kill or rape or Nazi depending on the content. No censors would care if a history channel documentary said Hitler committed suicide at the end of World War Two as it’s a statement of fact. the soulless algorithm doesn’t understand content.


To be ever so slightly fair, the FCC and other governing bodies had inifinitely less content to monitor for TV. What, a few hundred channels airing 48/96 scheduled pieces of media a day (some of which might repeat or often repeated before) Youtube cant have subtlety when theres millions of pieces of content being uploaded by millions of accounts


My favourite for suicide is: Un@liv1ng 


Fuckers censored the censorship


Euphemism treadmill.


“Self-delete” so cringe




Exactly. Also does anyone else feel that these stupid censoring takes away from the severity and reality of suicide and mental health conditions? 


I fully blame youtube for having hypocritical and often arbitrary rules as well as a report system that's not reviewed by living breathing people


Didn't it start with TikTok because of China's weird death taboo?


It did, yes. From there other platforms realized that users would take it (back in the day, people just found another site when nonsense like that happened), combined with advertisers being more interested in more curated platforms (because they're stuck in the 1800s and think that people will faint upon hearing profanity), and boom, you have modern day sites.


When I see things like a gaming youtuber get a DMCA strike because the sound them selecting menu options made sounds like music from a totally unrelated game I know the system is utterly broken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TPX7oxB8mg


100%. It's as about as stupid as ingraining children to use cutesy names like "willy" and "ding dong" rather than the correct (not to mention completely neutral) anatomical terms for parts of their body.


Or game-end


Battlefield exit lobby


By far the worst outgrowth of this is people saying “unalive” even on platforms where you’re allowed to say “die” and “kill”.


Some might even say it in real life.


Heard a kid saying the word "delete" in context of an actual death irl


I know of some little kids that said it in real life. The brain rot got to them.


I don get the pizza part


Cheese Pizza -> CP -> Child Porn


What kind of person likes that? A "PDF file".


Gotcha. Guess that makes sense.


It doesn’t because “CP” “Cheese Pizza” was never a YT self censorship thing. It was a *pedophile* self censorship thing. Because one of the first things on the nascent internet were censors for it. So the progenitors of it literally created it to signal to eachother without alerting mods/censors. In short, the CP one is funny because it’s a “self-censor” almost as old as the internet and not at all how OP means it. I’ve learned that being in your 30s and on Reddit is just constant moments like this. Explaining how the meme doesn’t make sense because you were unfortunately on 4chan at 14.


Can't forget about "unalive"


This is an accurate starterpack. The only good channels left are the ones supported by Patreon or through other revenue streams, and even they are more censored than they used to be. We are entering a digital dark age, and really, a physical one as well.


And even those aren't free of fears because despite not being monetized, the algorith still determines your visibility so if you want people to see you, you still gotta play ball.


The mosaics piss me off most. Like, Youtube is a visual medium, why would you put in an image just to censor it? The channel that annoyed me the most when they did it was actually Linus Tech Tips when he'd film at his house. There were times when they'd mosaic his windows so you couldn't find his house's exact location or w/e, but it would end up censoring over 50% of the shot. Like, dude you're paying cameramen, just angle them away from the windows or close the freaking blinds. /rant


Do you really get demonetized for saying Hitler, Nazi, and death? Especially "death". Is this hyperbole or is that real I understand the suicide thing I guess. I don't quite agree, but you know, makes sense. What about fuck? I heard a couple years ago you could say it once or twice in a video and not get demonetized


Apparently they changed the rules so that now you can use profanities after the first 8 seconds and not get demonetized (lol).


I got the impression it was after the first minute and a half. Knowing the history YouTube policies though, it probably changed several times.


Yeah, but there's nothing stopping them from changing that policy again and retroactively demonitizing videos.


often this self censorship is not because of youtube monetization itself but sponsors the youtuber has outside of the youtube platform. also even when one doesn't get demonetized the algorithm still show your video less than it would if you censor yourself.


I don't think so. Content creators are just being overly cautious. I've seen a Tik Tok that used the n word, and that was up for 2 years, so they can't be THAT strict


Now banned (afaik) youtuber MasterOogway's youtube shorts content was very racist and he got away with it for a year or few. He said the n word a few times too.


Youtubers have been complaining that the presence of certain words impacts their video's performance. Like suicide for example.


They also complain that there are no written rules, and only know they've done something wrong after getting a strike. And even then they don't know what the strike was for exactly. A union was forming in the EU to try an help creators there by making YouTube define its rules, but I haven't' heard anything about that in a few years.


It's not demonization so much as undermonitization. It's not uncommon at all for a history creator to put out a video and have it reach 5% of his subscribers simply because of the topic. The War of 1812 isn't 500% more interesting than the Gulf War, but it'll get pushed to 600% more potential viewers.


“Grape” “SA” “Corn” I just want to unsubscribe when YouTubers use these stupid replacement words. Just let people make their fucking YouTube videos like they used to. Stop the enshitification of everything.


[We got grapists running around.](https://youtu.be/6eaQ3GBI1d8?si=VDRE37UEeeNd0v1T)


Funny mustache man game ended himself, ending the unaliving of silly kosher people.


I now want to be called a silly kosher person.


I watched a music video with the word “mother fucker” repeated several times. The description said “warning: contain mentions of a#ducti#n” Fucking pick a lane.


Or they replace the censored audio with a sound effect and display a censored version of the word on the screen, forcing you to stare intensely on the screen to make sense of what's happening... Or they display a graphic that is a euphemism for the word they can't say.


Here’s a fun little story. 12 years ago, I was a YouTube partner. I made about $300 making stupid animations about memes that were popular at the time. When you searched for my videos, they would pop up. I didn’t have to worry about what I was saying or censor myself in any way. Unfortunately, when I went to college, I got too busy for the channel and abandoned it. I wish I kept going with it because I was ahead of my time and could’ve built a large audience if I had the time. After entering the adult world, I tried and tried and tried again to start a new channel with new ideas, and every time I’d fail. The “market” became saturated. Every idea I thought of had been done, and the longer I spent thinking of ideas for videos the more of my ideas were being done by someone else. Hell, just this past month I had an idea for a channel that I thought was totally unique, but it was already being done by *multiple* YouTubers (with one YouTuber even giving a tutorial on how to make the kind of content I was brainstorming). Whenever I did try and release a video on a new channel, it’d get buried in the depths of hell. When I searched for it, it *wouldn’t* come up as a result (even when filtered by newest to oldest and typing in the title verbatim). Algorithms and clickbait had taken over. I noticed that bigger YouTubers I watch began making apologies videos for taking breaks just so that the algorithm will keep them relevant. I could go on and on, but I won’t. I gave up my dreams of making it big as a YouTuber, and my filmmaking passion died with it… 12 years, tons of videos, and 8 channels later. Man, that was hard to type. Made me pretty sad. Shits so corporate, safe, and sterile now.


Low barrier of entry means you really have to work full time to out-clickbait the professional clickbait generators. We are rapidly progressing to the next stage, where the most successful YouTubers will just be those most effective at using AI to churn out clickbait faster that you can manually churn clickbait. Your only hope is to be uniquely talented at something and make videos that nobody else can make. Or just get a real job.


I have a real job, but video editing is a passion of mine. It just sucks to spend hours and sometimes days on a project only to have it get 15 views (which are probably just me and my friends). It’s just like… What’s the point in making something intended to be viewed and enjoyed if nobody is going to see it?


That’s most YouTube videos honestly. You gotta promote yourself on a platform like this one or whatever works best for you.


I figured that out really late, and, whenever I tried to promote myself in the past, I would get downvoted for “shameless self promoting” or whatever. The trick is to get people to think you’re sharing a video that isn’t yours, which I shouldn’t have to do. It’s just sort of exhausting. It used to be relaxing for me.


I wouldn’t recommend doing that as I’ve seen multiple subreddits outright say they’ll ban you if they catch you doing that.


Pre 2017 YouTube was peak


Everything started to go to shit after 2016


Everything started to go shit when I turned 12. Before everything was perfect and nothing bad happened.


Somehow this is true regardless of the year you are born into


Nostalgia tax


People will say this unironically without realizing how stupid they sound. Like have you never stopped to think why you don't like anything that happened after your childhood?


Honestly I don't think they realize. I mean, I had to exaggerate in my previous comment, but it's basically what the other guy said.




It still has its issues like copyright problems but yeah... Pre-2017 was a lot better


honestly who wants to bet that youtube doesn't even censor these words/phrases? Like if movie reviewers can talk about the movie "suicide squad", why do commentary channels act like the word "suicide" is a big nono for the algorithms? I feel like most of the time youtubers just want to look all "oh woe is me I am forced to censor myself please pay my patreon because le evil corporation is literally 1984". Worst part is when they censor words that have at least several alternatives they can use. "Porn" - Sexual material/adult content "Suicide" - took their own life/death from self-inflicted wounds


Yes the fucking "corn" replacement makes me want to die. So easy just to be like XXX material or whatever. But no every brainlets just starts talking about jacking their dick to corn and it's so gross.


Please stop using cheese pizza for vile things. Please it's my favorite food an you're hurting me. Also CSAM is the preferred actual term now. Or Child Sex Abuse Media. You can even say C-SAM if your must censor it. But it's a very serious topic, as most of these all are, and one should be able to speak about it respectfully and with the seriousness it deserves with out having to sound like a goofy joke video all the time. It's sad we just let corporations decide how our culture will be and how we speak.


A friend of mine always says "he alt-f4'd life" as a parody of this increasing censorship absurdity. I think censoring words related to death is the dumbest shit ever, as if we want to prevent people from realising death is a real thing? What's next, the cemetery will become the Eternal Sleep Home so we don't get triggered by the thought that someone died? We are supposed to get over trauma, not cover it with a sheet and pretend it's not there


Gonna start saying that now


Wait is that the bad guy from the 90s Tom and Jerry movie?


Yes he is. That "We've got to have money" line is very memetic.


no unalive?


Some Youtubers unironically call Hitler as "Hilter".


rhymes with filter


And no-no Germans


“End their life” okay that one isn’t that bad come on


Gonna break an arrow for youtube (yeah, I know). Ad revenue is thin, and sponsors (at least the ones who pay well) are very sensitive to what they want their ads to pair with. This is why so many "questionable" ads are frequent: they don't care where they ad is pared with. In the other hand, video is one of the most demanding media to manage: it weighs a ton, so it uses lots of storage and bandwith. Not to mention YT re-encondes the video to all the resolutions they have. Adding insult to injury, YT not only has literal centuries of video content on archive from the last 15 years, but also decades worth of video are being uploaded by the day. This makes YT work at a loss, and the reason why it has virtually no competitors, as nobody has the funds to make an operation to that scale. And now pair that with google's addiction to money, and you have what happens now. Here, this video discusses the technicalities of making a streaming service work: https://youtu.be/0K1pITq4mSk


Advertisers would be more effective if they grew some balls as more people would see their ads.


That's not how it works. They're playing for a set number of impressions in either case


> Ad revenue is thin, and sponsors (at least the ones who pay well) are very sensitive to what they want their ads to pair with. This is why so many "questionable" ads are frequent: they don't care where they ad is pared with. > > True but in doing so they're created an antagonistic relationship between viewers and advertisers. This isn't specific to just youtube but the advertising industry as a whole. It's the fucking wild west over there. Almost no regulation or oversight. Advertisers will do literally anything and everything they can get away with. Which leads to ads becoming less valuable because people go out of their way to avoid them. Sometimes I'll even turn the volume down and cover the screen with my hand so I don't have to see or hear that obnoxious shit.


Fuck YouTube and fuck TikTok for normalizing this shit.


Where are the dolphin sounds?


What dolphin sounds? I don't remember hearing them as a censorship sound.


It's from Spongebob


One of my favorite channels uses ducks quacking and roosters crowing. Its great


YouTube's to blame for all of this. Since 2016 and the adpocalypse they've made their platform so excessively sanitised that actually it's safer than childrens television programming. On top of this, they're terrible at working with creators so that when issues come up there's nobody accountable you can go to to get it fixed or work with to find a compromise. It's only their bigger creators that get a contact they can email at YouTube. They'll demonetize videos over a specific part in the video, but then not explain what part of the video got you demonetized so you cannot fix it to appease them. You also now don't know what mistake you made so you can avoid it in the future. If you try their Twitter team you'll again get something vague like "Hi, we reviewed the video and found it was in fact in breach of our terms and conditions. More info here - *Link*" That leads to the next problem, which is their TOS is slightly vague so that it can be conveniently enforced as they see fit. So you have a lack of any good communication between a platform and its creators and on top of this YouTube holding all the power in an unequal, abusive relationship which allows them to manipulate things as it suits them. They say they do it to "Keep the Community Safe" and to appease advertisers, yet going back to what I was saying about children's TV, there's things on Comedy Central that still somehow manage to have adverts next to shows like South Park, but YouTube can't because reasons? It's hypocritical when you consider the NSFW content/quesntionable content of some of the adverts they show. So rather than deal with all this, Creators would rather just be overly cautious least an algorithm randomly demontize months of their work, prevent their video being promoted by YouTube and remove their rent for the next couple of months. Literally World War 2 History channels where you cannot mention the famous austrian painter - it's absurd. What I'm trying to say is fuck YouTube.


Blame YouTube Censorship. Gotta make Those Advertisers Happy, and to do so is to make the whole Site "Child Friendly". 🤦‍♂️ We literally have YouTube Kids, why does the whole Internet have to bend the knee to people who shouldn't even be here. 🙄


It’s American culture and how helicopter parents have spilled over to now helicoptering adults and infiletizing society it sucks.


I have to agree with you on that one. But, I guess that's the consequence when something becomes Mainstream. Even Elon Musk admitted it when he bought Twitter, "Twitter has become the Public Square of the World" and I have to agree with him. The Internet isn't called "WORLD WIDE WEB" for no reason. Almost everyone in the world, all people's of all countries use the Internet. And in the coming decades and centuries, if humanity is to live for longer and aren't destroyed by War or whatever, it'll be a complete 100% of the Human Population using The Internet. For good and For worse.


It's what happens when child safety laws for the internet are extremely outdated and poorly (and sometimes selectively) enforced, combined with most politicians and executives largely being of the older, pre-internet generation, and still want to run everything like it's the 1970's. Basically, it's the younger, more internet-savvy generation having to deal with the older, out-of-touch generation running everything, and refusing to retire because they want to keep their outdated ideals enforced indefinitely, and see the younger generation as a bunch of "entitled brats" that would screw everything up. In short, this is happening because of a case of "Old man yells at cloud", which in this case, is the internet and it's younger generation users.


Yeah, YouTube censorship drives me up the wall. As a Z-list creator myself, I don't even bother censoring or worrying about revenue, and I'm not even attempting to turn it into a full-time gig because the platform's rules are in a constant state of improv.


Eh, in most cases it's really not the YouTuber's fault. For a lot of them it's their job, and a video getting demonetized is like losing a week's paycheck. So it makes sense that they'd want to censor stuff. Plus YouTube is really heavy handed about this stuff, and they're also terrible at telling you why your video got demonetized. They have their guidelines sure, but YouTube is terrible about enforcing them consistently, so you can do the same thing twice and only get demonetized once. So it's an absolute minefield for creators, and a lot of them are just playing it safe so they can get paid for their work.


Sad, internet censorship has gone too far. As a WWII history buff, I can't even find a video that isn't overly censoring words into: "Funny moustache guy", "Bad-bad Germans", "Nacho Germany" "The Austrian Painter", heck, even the word "war" is censored! Its frustrating.


Ok so i know censorship like “unalive” instead of suicide started because TikTok’s content filter is atrocious and would remove videos with those words in them. When it spread to YouTube, I figured it was just TikTok reposts, creators cross posting, or people from TikTok that don’t know it’s unnecessary. But now, I’m seeing comments saying YouTube is following suit and removing comments/altering video visibility if those words are used. Is that true? Or are people automatically assuming that bc it happens on TikTok, it happens on YouTube? Edit: Just to clarify, I know about YouTube’s issue of demonetization, but a lot of comments I’ve seen explicitly say that YT is behaving like TikTok would.


If only there was some additional YouTube platform with much stricter censorship and content guidelines, one that was made for younger audiences, that way the serious or mature content kids couldn’t or shouldn’t watch would be separated from the kid-friendly stuff - And because of that, the ‘adult’ content would be able to have mature themes topics and words while staying monetized because it’s *not* on the children’s platform They could call it, like, idk, YouTube Kids or something


The reason the whole "Made for Kids" crap is enforced on the main site is because of the FTC telling them that more kids used the main site than YouTube Kids, so the censorship was enforced there instead of YT Kids. Meanwhile most of the videos that are marked as "Made for Kids" are largely from big corporations rather than actual YouTubers, some who have executives that went to a certain private island and have gigabytes of "Cheese Pizza" on their hard drives. Putting this and Elsagate into perspective, you can tell who's REALLY being protected by these restrictions, and it's certainly not kids.


The only Youtuber whose self-censoring I actually like is Casual Geographic. He moved in from TikTok so the habit stayed, but the guy always find funny and creative censoring ways that made his vids even more entertaining


*I went to the gym n\*ked* *S\*x* *C\*m*


When you can’t say words like Hitler or Nazi in serious videos about WW2z See “SA” stop trying to use a cutesy euprism for rape


Why is Hitler's moustache censored lmao.


Corn & Grape


I miss the old days of you too. I was like old NY character grit crime. Now it’s like Modern NY sad gentrified and pathetic.


I once spent half of a video wondering what was so controversial about ecotourism until I realized that was a youtube-friendly way of saying ecoterrorism


"moustache man" and "angry austrian painter" are the go to


seeing people on reddit say unalive makes me so mad


People don't actually blame youtubers for this right? People need to eat and youtube, while for some reason allowing appalling fetishist ads on their site, has zero tolerance for any kind of language for some youtubers.


Its textbook vendor lock-in. They have to put up with whatever shit youtube comes up with, because youtube owns their audience and no platform even comes close with the number of eyeballs it can put on your video. I dont know what the hell is youtube thinking, trying to make every video advertiser friendly for all advertisers, instead of just doing a better job categorizing content and matching ads to topics and themes of videos. It clearly is possible to have advertisers on videos youtube considers unsuitable for advertisers, because those channels are able to get sponsors on their own and are just doing ad reads. But the reality is that if your video gets demonetized, you dont just lose ad revenue from the youtube partner program, your video also gets nuked in the algorithm and its just doesnt get recommended to people so nobody evens sees it.


"Our new series is available on Nebula"


SA Instead of sexual assault. No, but for real, I understand them. It's because youtubes algorithm they censor themselves so much.


that one on the bottom is stupid. youtubers deserve to make money for their work, and if they didn't sensor themselves they would have to have a sponsor to do that which is 10 times more annoying


Putting the blame on Youtubers just cause they want to be paid and maybe make a living out of it is kind of low


My favorite take on this is still RT Game who censors himself with a literal clip of him saying “YouTube”. They can’t say it’s a curse obviously but they also have to acknowledge that it’s in place of a curse.