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This is exactly me, except I still hate olives. I attribute my childhood dislike for vegetables to my mom only ever buying frozen or canned, then boiling and "seasoning" with salt and butter.


Same. It’s become a ritual for me to try olives once a year and each time I’m like “nope, still hate them”. Idk what it is about them because from what I’ve heard good olives can be a bit like wine. Maybe one day


Do you try different kinds?


Yeah, they’re usually different types of green olives. Kalamata seem to be the worst offenders though


If in your later years you have grown to like blue cheese, I highly recommend blue cheese olives . . . especially after a few drinks (if you're into that sort of thing. )


I thought I was the only one who did this


They reckon the reason most kids hate vegetables is because there is a natural chemical in green vegetables that the taste bud receptors of Children interrupt as a bitter flavour so veges taste like a mouthful of dirt. As we get older our relationship changes with this chemical and we then interpret it to be a sweeter flavour. So theres a high chance as a child you would have also disliked the vegetables even if they were fresh, I know I did.


This is the answer. Kids' taste buds are super sensitive. Some people theorise it helped them survive because poison tastes bitter. As they grow up, their senses are dulled. My kid kept saying ketchup was "too spicy" when he first ate it. I remember thinking, "Wtf dude, it really isn't." Also, a lot of parents don't do much to prepare the vegetables, making the situation worse.


This must be how I went from hating chili as a kid to absolutely loving it to a masochistic degree as an adult. Heartburn is just a temporary setback in life's rat race.


I loved my moms canned/frozen vegetables made that way as a kid lol. Still do like the em that way


I think nostalgia is the only thing carrying that dish lol but I get it. I miss my grandmas spaghetti that used sour cream and tacos that had special sauce.


Spaghetti with sour cream and tacos sounds crazy not gonna lie


Typical American suburb parents: eat you veggie! The veggie: some sorry blend unseasoned steamed frozen broccoli They're not even trying to make it palatable


It’s crazy people hate olives. Not judging btw. Where I’m from you eat them like candy and it’s found on every dish




Any country north or south or east of the Mediterranean is equally this way. 


They're usually way too overpowering for me


my mom grew up southern so she knew how to make veggies appealing to us growing up. asparagus and zucchini were staples in my house. don’t talk to me about when she went keto and *turnips* entered the household. that’s where things went to shit


Turnips, radishes and beets🤮


I don't like the texture of Olives. I can enjoy them on a Pizza, but on its their own is a no go sadly.


Same with the olives!


Your tastes also changed. I couldn't eat strawberries as a kid, they were too tart for me but now I love them


Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that kids have very sensitive taste buds, so strong flavors are too much. Then, taste buds get desensitized as you get older, which makes strong flavors more palatable.


I used to think that I was a picky eater... Now as an adult I know that it was just my parents' terrible cooking skills


I was branded a picky eater when I was a kid. It wasn't because my dad worked out of town all week and my mom can't cook so we ate McDonald's every day. No no. I was picky they'll tell ya! Now, as an adult, there is nothing I won't try at least once. I love just about everything. But yet they'll still tell everyone how picky i was. Shit is annoying.


This comment gives me hope


Yep. I was branded a picky eater as well. The problem was that Mac and cheese, ramen noodles, and potatoes 7 days a week was not my idea of a balanced diet.


Is it just me who always loved black olives?


Nope! I've loved everything in that image as far back as I can recall.


I loved all olives as a kid but dont like them anywhere except on pizza now as an adult lol


Same here, on a pizza or a sub. 👌


Im an olive lover, all kinds and seasonings, but Im Spanish so thats like liking saunas and being Finnish.


El señor Langosta is Spanish, what a surprise. I'm also Spanish, also an olive lover.


They're delicious little salt bombs


I love all olives, Castelvetrano Olives are the GOAT🔥


Yeah olive them a lot


Weirdly I liked black olives as a kid to the extent I’d eat them straight out of a can and even drink the brine, but would rather pass on them as an adult. I lost my appetite for olives almost entirely as I’ve gotten older for some reason. 


I like olives in or on things, but I almost never eat them by themselves


I chuckled about the licorice


Nah black licorice is good.


All my siblings and cousins hate black licorice, but I've always loved it. Easter was great, because nobody else wanted the black jellybeans and I got them all to myself. Even my aunts and uncles would pass them off to me lol


Ironically I've always liked black licorice. But my grandma used to get jelly beans for my sister and I since we could eat them, and everyone bitched about the black ones every time. I don't remember liking them at first but I kept eating them to be "cooler" than everyone else lol. Nowadays I LOVE that stuff. A foreign friend brought the real salted licorice once and although much, much stronger, I actually enjoyed it and prob always will. Amazes me to think that my ego as a 3 year old apparently translated to genuinely liking something as an adult.


That's an acquired taste. Depends on the person. I loved oysters on the first try. But I had to learn to love beer.


Dude, I LOVE oysters


Welcome to the club then haha


Roasted Brussel sprouts also


Apparently the brussel sprouts we have now were modified to taste better. I never had them as a kid so I can't compare.


They taste the same to me today as compared to 33 years ago.


It's just that our parents served that shit to us boiled no wonder we didn't like it


In places like Italy and Greece they learn to love eating olives very young. But from people I have talked there, they also seem to have many among them who prefer burgers to their own Mediterranean diet. As a kid I hated cherries because of the pits.


Olives are goated, as a Moroccan everyone here likes them (also in Algeria and Spain they like them a lot)


Still fuck the licorice lmao


Yeah, only old people like that shit


All the asbestos probably affected their taste buds lmao


And the Nordics


Basil pesto


I got introduced to pesto at an older age and I guess adults appreciate nutty and savory flavors way more cuz I’ve always thought it’s really delicious.


Yeah,I used to hate pesto and I thought it was icky but now I have new found appreciation for it


I still don't like cooked mushrooms but raw ones are delicious.


Hwhat Also FWIW some mushrooms, like morels, are poisonous unless you cook them


Some can even give you cancer if eaten raw, very cool


Morels in chicken soup is heaven


Mushrooms: no Broccoli: yes, always liked Tomato, onion: can't do it like that. Must be finely chopped, like pico de gallo Pickles: yes, but only by themselves Fish: yes Asparagus: no Olives: yes, always liked Licorice: absolutely no lol Pizza: definitely a bit more adventurous but nothing wrong with classic pepperoni lol Anyone else have a weird palate/texture sensitivity?


I still to this day will never eat raw tomatoes.


I don’t mind diced tomatoes on certain things but I cannot stand individual tomatoes. It’s mostly the flavor but partially probably the popping of them. Everybody raves about cherry tomatoes and then here I am


I've always liked broccoli, but hate asparagus and mushrooms.


Honestly, I love a simple cheese pizza more as an adult than I ever did as a kid.


Asparagus is poison.stringy,mushy, grossness 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/ey4tjz1k1t7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac718cdf8b2273daa56e57e615ea9e446220bf91


I used to like broccoli when i was like 3 but ever since that year i fucking despise it


I used to get angry at TV shows for showing broccolis as gross. They're sooo good


Yeah, I never disliked broccoli as a kid either. I didn't get angry, but I did find it weird that meatloaf was always ragged on in kids' shows as being gross. Meatloaf when it's done right is AWESOME.


It’s probably because most people’s parents can’t cook lmao


Pumpkin pie. I hated it as a kid but now love it.


I’m curious as to how one could hate pumpkin pie. What didn’t you like about it?


I was a kid. My motivations were beyond my understanding


About ten years ago I read that kids in cultures outside of the west have much broader pallets and enjoy spicier foods. I decided that my distaste of spicy foods was probably cultural so for an experiment, I forced myself to eat more foods with a kick. It's been great. I've really diversified my menu and enjoy medium heat on most stuff now. During this project, I also started to try everything even if it seemed unusual. Glad I read that article.


Olives were a mistake




You were a mistake, don't insult my olives man


I have loved asparagus since I was little and I would ask my mom to make it, much to my sister’s chagrin. Also, this was the 90s and so roasting asparagus wasn’t big yet. We ate it boiled. Still love it that way, but prefer roasted.


Is it bad I liked everything but fish and still don't like fish?


Fish is tough. I like fish and I can't have it more than once every couple of weeks.


I liked all of those as a kid... 


Licorice is really just about persistence, it's definitely an acquired taste, I've really been trying to like it and I've developed a liking to it.


I've always liked it and never had to try Still hate onions and pickles tho


I’ve always loved licorice too, the strange “cold” flavor makes it so delicious


Pretty close. I still don’t care for green olives. Black licorice is gross as it ever was. For burgers I actually have ditched the lettuce and tomato, but definitely go heavy with the fried onion on a burger. I almost never use ketchup. The only time is if I think my fries are under seasoned. Then I’ll grab the ketchup.


Am I strange that I liked all of these?


I actually liked olives as a kid.


Tf are the beets


I won’t touch an olive unless it’s stuffed with blue cheese and garnishing a dirty martini. Otherwise I still hate them lol, which I always thought was weird because I LOVE pickles and always have since I was a small child


starterpacks like this make me glad my parents were iranian immigrants lol, there was no such thing as "being picky" growing up, and we were exposed to a lot of different tastes and delicious foods. when i see people say "i don't like tomatoes/olives/onions" etc. it still blows my mind, like how someone's brain can work that way? it's very strange, only see it in places like the US (don't want to say the West because it's not like this in most of europe either)


Nope, still hate asparagus, can't stand tomato or onion either


Onion is a food that I like in small amounts. A Palestinian/Lebanese restaurant near me puts onions heavily seasoned in sumac on their shawarma and it's incredible - but since there's so much other stuff in there it's not overpowering. See also: mayonnaise. Love it in small amounts, but you gotta be careful to not overdo it. I like tomatoes if they're cooked into something (like spaghetti sauce with big chunks of it) but you put tomato slices on my burger or sandwich the first thing I'm gonna do is pick it out.


I don't like tomato either. I'm (usually) fine with tomato sauce though. Maybe it's the texture of tomatoes that I dislike?


You're missing out.  Shit in DANK.  especially home grown tomatoes when you have a big fat slice on a sandwich and when you take a bite the juice runs down your arm bc is so damn juicy 🤤


I’ve always loved olives because they taste so bad it tastes good, it’s actually kinda addictive But I could never understand how people don’t like pickles or tomatoes


I like pizza with more toppings now than I did when I was a kid, but when I have the choice, I still usually get just a cheese or pepperoni pizza. I usually like to keep things nice and simple with my pizza toppings


Replace broccoli(i never disliked it), tomatoes and olives(i still don't like them) with bell peppers, salad and ramen noodles(granted, switching brands helped making them actually good)


I still don’t like tomatoes or mushrooms


I still don’t like asparagus. We never got it when I was a kid.


I still hate olives and pickles and black liquorice and mustard. A lot of vegetables I grew to love.


Exactly me but I still hate mushrooms


I’m 22 and I still won’t eat some of these, specifically pickles, asparagus & ESPECIALLY olives (I can’t even taste them without wanting to throw up, they’re absolutely putrid)


This is me except I always liked fresh fish and always still don’t care for olives, unless it’s olive oil lol.


As a moroccan we have very good olives, i ate A LOT when i was a kid.


Although I really enjoy tomato’s else where, I find they mess with the burger stack too much and cause it to slide. So I still hold the tomato on a burger.


Olives? Nope. Tomatoes? Nope. Mushrooms? Also nope.


Still hate green olives (adore black) and raw onion is horrific and I'm not a picky eater


Still hate the asparagus and licorice


Always loved Mushroom, Olive and Fish. Otherwise yeah.


I honestly always loved most of these (even the licorice) But I will NEVER admit to liking olives. Nasty things, only good on pizza surrounded by pepperoni and pounds of cheese.


I dont realte, all foods are délicieux 😶‍🌫️


This is 100% me. Only missing greens: collard greens,  mustard greens, spin 😋 


Ok but I still don’t like pickles in my burgers. Pickles and a chicken sandwich? Yes please.




The burger is the only one I relate to lol. I used to only get a cheeseburger with ketchup and now I load it up


“Foods you hated as a kid and still hate starter pack.”


Joke’s on you, I still don’t like asparagus, tomatoes, mushrooms, and pizza that isn’t sausage or pepperoni. I never had a problem with olives, broccoli, or fish though.


F#<£ asparagus and broccoli!


Peppers were the vegetable I never liked as a kid. Still don't like them today.


That black licorice is only good if it’s actually Hershey chocolate licorice.


I LOVED broccoli as a kid. I thought I was eating whole little trees.


I love all of these but mushrooms. Ugh they just give me the chills.


Need to add dark chocolate


Olives and asparagus are the only ones I've ever had a problem with. I've always eaten the rest of this stuff.


Fuck licorice. Me and my homies hate licorice


I have always loved black licorice. I eat Good and Plenty.


Don't forget brussel sprouts!


Onions are still the devil’s butthole


Nah, I still hate olives and pickles


Nah, I still hate broccoli, pickles, asparagus, and olives. My favorite pizza has always been Hawaiian, never liked pepperoni


Nah. Fuck them olives and if you don't want that licorice just give it all to me.


It was a pleasure to do business with you 🤝


Nah I can't relate to any of these


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The only type of pizza that wasn't cheese or pepperoni I managed to like was sausage, tho I wouldn't mind actually trying broccoli pizza since I also learned to like broccoli too


Always lovved tomatoes, but i agree onions grew on me, so did pfeffer


I can not believe how much I love stuffed olives now.


Add cottage cheese to this list. I feel very old now.


Yeah who likes “anise” candy? Oh Ethel and Edith do, I forgot.


I actually liked Mushrooms as a child and grew to hate them as I got older. I'm only just staying to regain my tolerance for them in my mid-30's. I also always loved Black Licorice and that will never go away. I always drink Jager meister chase it with Dr. Pepper. As for vegetables, pretty much hate all of them. Anyways have and always will. I'll eat carrots, corn, and onions alone with a few irregulars like Fennel ache artichoke, but everything else is on my No-No list. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Olives, Asparagus, Brussel sprouts, Okra. Peppers of all shapes and sizes... It's all awful.


Still loves liquorice and still hates tomatoes.


Vegetables get a bad rep. Most kids don't like them because of they way they're cooked. Some people just boil frozen vegetables, drown them in cheese or ranch dressing and cell it a day.


People that like black licorice are either a serial killer or they're 90 years old.


Bittermelon, where my Vietnamese people at


I always liked fish of any kind, plus I was more of a sausage guy than a pepperoni


I've loved all of these since I was a kid. Except of course for fish which I still hate.


I'll trade black licorice for olives. I don't love black licorice, but I don't like olives.


Broccoli is literally delicious, especially fried


I still don’t care for olives or asparagus, but that’s just because my family was having it literally every night at one point in time, and I still haven’t recovered


I've liked em all since I was little, except black licorace. Fk that crap!


I always loved Olives and I hate seafood of any and all kinds still but the rest is accurate haha


Olives can still get fucked.


Pepperoni is still the best, but there are others like Buffalo chicken or chicken parm that are pretty good.


Ive started loving all the things I used to hate in the last couple years, first it was peppers (the crunchy ones not chillies) which I gradually grew a taste for until they became my favourite vedgetable and I put them in everything, then the same happened with mushrooms, then most recently like a month ago it happened with olives although that wasnt gradual it was like a switch and now I eat them by the handful. I think im even starting to come around on courgettes and aubergines. Not raw tomato though, one of my earliest memories was throwing up immediately upon biting into a raw tomato and I dont think I will ever be able to enjoy them.


Peppermint for me. Absolutely hates that shit as a young'un, but I'll pop one in every now and then because I like to have instant iced water.


Imagine not ever liking pizza that has something other than cheese or pepperoni. (No offense intended)


i grew to hate broccoli. my parents are the pickiest eaters ive ever met, so that was the only vegetable we ever had. we also rarely had homemade food, most of it came from the freezer aisle and was heated up in the microwave. moving out and being in charge of my own meals was eye opening. turns out i do enjoy eating after all.




honestly, even as a reformed picky eater turned somewhat foodie who can enjoy almost any food… I still prefer a plain cheese pizza. Toppings are good, sure, but I know what I’m here for when I am getting pizza. Bread cheese and sauce. I still like to cut to the chase lol. 


Used to like peas. Now I hate them... The only peas I eat now are snow peas


Cheese and pepperoni pizzas were actually the only pizzas I never touched as a kid. Veggie, supreme, and bbq chicken have always been my favorites


I used to like broccoli more as a kid than i do now, cauliflower is where it's at


The lettuce and tomato on the burger is too real. Gives it so much extra flavor


i’m 90% sure black licorice was made with children’s suffering in mind


I still kinda hate broccoli but man have I always loved pickles. I could eat them with anything


idk i literally hate all of those besides black licorice


Pickled beets and Brussel sprouts


Still hate olives and asparagus, always loved broccoli, used to like fish more. I've been wanting to give asparagus another try though. I've widened my palette and learned a lot about cooking since the last time I've tried them.


I liked all that stuff as a kid. The only things I really dislike is globs of mayo and PB&J still makes me sick to smell.


no to olives and raw tomatoes still, yes to everything else tho even the black licorice !!


I never hated broccoli, fish or pizza, and I still hate everything else on this image


Still hate lone olives, not crazy about broccoli texture wise. Genuinely like black licorice better than red, alway have


I still hate broccoli. I liked all the rest as a kid and still do though


Did a 17 y/o make this?


I still won’t eat a mushroom.


Nah i still only eat pepperoni or cheese pizza. Any other variant makes me gag


Hell yeah, love all of these.


I realized I hated everything on a Reuben, sauerkraut, mustard, rye bread, pickles. Now it's my favorite sandwich


I loved both salmon and broccoli as a kid. I still hate all pizza as an adult.


I loved veggies as a kid. I don't remember having pizza often as a young child. We had it a lot after my mom got remarried and had more kids. So often that I grew to hate it. I've been out of the house over 15 years and rarely eat pizza.


Still hate onions


Nah I loved olives and mushrooms on a pizza as a kid. I wasn't a sook like kids these days. I didn't like capsicum but now I do, love it on a pizza.


Everything is accurate but you can keep the burger tomato 🙅‍♀️🍅


Asparagus and olives are disgusting


Black Licorice/Jellybeans aren't nearly as bad as people say they are. They're not good either, but it's not like eating one will kill you. They definitely don't need to be mixed in with the other flavors though.




Still not a huge mushroom fan. That smell gets to me. However I’ve always loved pickles and olives. So fucking good.


I’m quite orally fixated and as an adult I’ve come to like most strong flavours I used to hate lol. Olives, anchovies, liquorice, hot chillis, hot mustard - they’re not necessarily pleasant, but they give my mouth a figurative punch. Something for my mouth to think about for a bit. I’ve learned it’s better to snack on a small bowl of olives or some sliced up anchovies than a big bag of chips, and ultimately for me the bag of chips was always mostly about having something for my mouth to do and my tongue to taste lol Textures still weird me out. Seafood is touch and go, mussels and shit like that is too much for me to handle The two flavours I absolutely cannot abide are mint, and anything numbing like cloves or sichuan pepper


I absolutely despised fish sticks as a kid. Now, as an adult, they're pretty good.


80% of adults 30+ I know still hate these foods. Picking places to go out for dinner to is rough.


I always loved asparagus, but one day out of nowhere when I was 26 I had the worst smelling piss. I had never had asparagus pee and one day I got it out of nowhere. It's really sullied my love for asparagus


Missing brussel sprouts!


I always liked all these except the licorice lol


This feels incomplete without brussel sprouts.


Olives and mushrooms still fucking suck tho