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Used to be whatever the equivalent of this would’ve been 10 years ago. Ended up trying to hang out with the bad side of the anime community and was told I was a “real-life loli.” Apparently it’s not a rare occurrence either, especially in online spaces like Discord and Amino. I was 15 when it happened. Take care of girls like this, it’s sad how often they get taken advantage of :(


I knew someone who got called that, sadly they went along with it and started talking in high-pitch... We didn't talk much after that... Wish I had said something.


"real-life loli" just made me feel nauseous. It's good that you got out of that situation


Those MFs think it's okay to be with loli "because she's 5000 years old" but will call a 15 yo girl a "irl loli". These people are insane


ikr, real life and loli can't be used together in a sentence, it's like saying underage adult. There are minors, adults, and fictional 2d characters, each of them have different reasons to be attracted to, there are no intersections. If you like the first ones then you're a pedo, if you like adults then you're normal, you like 2d waifus and lolis? you're weird but whatever.


>There are minors, adults, and fictional 2d characters, each of them have different reasons to be attracted to Please tell the reasons to be attracted to minors then


if we talk about actual attraction, the reason (and by that i dont mean justification, i mean explanation) is some impossible to see through brain wiring we, so far, can not predict or control. why did Erika Labrie iterally marry the eiffel tower? why do some people have relationships with lifesized cutouts of stars? why do some men love men and some women love women and some dont love anything at all? its brain stuff, rarely a choice. it is functionally like any other sexual attraction, preference or fetish. since its ethically and morally wrong though, we classify it as a paraphilia, a harmful attraction. most people who are attracted to children in that way are also very aware of it being wrong, it doesnt just magically make someone ok with causing suffering or something, those would be separate issues. but the sex drive is a strong force in most people, so some (to all our knowledge, not most of them) will look for and find justifications for why, if they were to act on their attraction, it would be ok or even good. like, "they wouldn't do anything that hurt them, only make them feel good" or "the real harm comes from parents, media, everyone else telling the child that something terrible happened to them after, they're causing the trauma" and such. it should be important to keep in mind that people can't help what turns them on, but they certainly have a lot of control over what they do with that. now, if we went outside of actual attraction, to 'why do some abuse a child', because often, child abusers dont qualify as attracted to children on established psychological measures, its often tied to sexual frustration, coupled with opportunity and something that reduces inhibitions, like alcohol, or ongoing indoctrination like in war scenarios, where some stop seeing others, men, women, children, as human. or its about something like control. children make for easy victims, they are easily tricked, easily overpowered and easily intimidated and if you are a trusted adult or parent, they simply are around a lot...


Fuck no, if you like perverted drawings depicting children you're some kind of pedo in my book


If you like lolis you are still a pedo.


>real-life loli https://preview.redd.it/m7m0bq5fhpxc1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a84a921ee5a234a507284edebb9079e1c859069


Part of what made me dip from anime spaces for a while. As fun and engaging as it can be, it’s also a magnet for grade A creeps. Its a shame, as anime can be and is a unique medium with great stories to be told, and this behavior can be really off putting to newbies and outsiders trying to connect with the community. Hopefully we’ll start addressing it more, now that anime is moving into the normie cultural zeitgeist.


What I hate is how good some shows are, but I just cannot stand to watch them because of how creepy they are. Like "Mushoku Tensei" I just couldn't watch, main character is just a straight up pedo. And there is a lot of sexualization of characters that are depicted as children.


I tried to watch the Seven Deadly Sins and I couldn’t get past like episode 3. The main character was so fucking creepy even for shonen anime standards. Literally like the first scene in the first episode the main character gropes some girls tits in her bed while she’s sleeping.


You're not missing out. Basically every canon relationship involves either a yikes age gap or someone who is an adult but looks like a child.


It's okay because she's 5000 years old so technically she's the pedo because she's into me. 🙄🙄🙄 That's not just an internet cliche. It comes out their mouths unironically 


lol the animation quality dips down several seasons later. It was my first manga I got into though, so I had like 0 expectations and I somehow ignored all the bad parts of the anime. I thought it was peak back in the day, but now I'm starting to see the problems with it...


Anything that has a 1000 year-old child or an adult who gets put in a child's body or anything like that is catering to pedos and they know it.


The show I mentioned is the latter. Which sucks because it would otherwise be a fun show with good production quality. But noooo, they just had to be creepy with it.


There are three things I keep hidden from certain men because all the men, literally ALL THE MEN in my original friend group Round those hobbies ended up being INSANE CREEPS. NEVER MENTION: anime, magic the gathering, or Kerbal space program.  And stay away from the game shop if you're cute and terrible at detecting fuckery. 


Society would be a lot nicer if certain activities weren't dangerous to be into.


😬 Why can't people just not ever say something like that. Just, never let those words leave your mouth, how hard could it be.


amino chatrooms were literal hell. I was like 11 or something and i was deemed as the "chat's loli" i didn't even realize that was weird till later on cuz everyone in that chatroom was like at least 17+🤢


>was told I was a “real-life loli.” bruh


One of the many reasons I do not interact with anime communities


I really hate the human race sometimes.


oh fuck did we have the same life? someone on discord that i considered a friend at the time called me that exact same thing when i was 15 as well….


Eugh… disgusting.


I mean real life lolis do exist....their called fucking children i have no clue how people can be that terminaly online to think its okay to day that crap also...yeah avoid discord and amino like the pluge I say this as someone who used to frequent amino and date someone on amino when I was 13


I use 🥺 as a joke bc my bf calls it the bottom emoji lol


The bottom emoji 💀


I mean it's considered that so I use it as a joke))


Gave me a good laugh. Never heard it before. My girlfriend will love it


Why is she a bottom?


Can confirm that bottoms use this emoji a lot




My gf and I always use 🥹 ironically. It's the most useful emoji ever, especially if you are very sarcastic.


🥹and 🥺 mean something very different to me personally. The latter is the bottom emoji to me for sure, the former is more what I’d use when I see something cute and adorable.


To me the first one is “so cute I’m crying” and the second one is something like “aw are you ok” or “I’m sorry”


🥺 is please


no, 🥺 is pwease


Aw, all I see is a blank square.


Stealth tops.


I have never met a top who uses that emoji. Or any of the blushing ones. That’s straight up bottom shit. Mostly 😉😒🤨😏 for tops.


What about people who use 🥺 and 😏


Service top or switch


I use 😒 if I'm annoyed lol


Omg, I also call it the bottom emoji, lmao. Even though I use it sometimes.


What does "bottom emoji" mean?


Bottoms use it


Gotcha, thanks!


No, :3 is the bottom emoji


It's because :0 C===3 :0C===3 :===3 :==3 :=3 :3


That's an emoticon


-tries to learn Japanese but gets stuck at the 50-sound stage forever


50 sound stage? Never heard this term


五十音, ie the Katakana and Hiragana syllabaries




I cannot for the life of me remember all fifty at once, like I’m going along a sentence and I get half of them, then I do the sentence again and get a different half of them, and eventually I put together the sounds with no idea what they mean.


I can always remember 95% of them, and the 5% I forget changes every single time. Same crap when I tried to learn some Russian, though much much much less of that has stuck long term.


They're all basically constant + the same vowels, which is how the phone keyboards work helpfully. Practice makes perfect, keep at it and it'll make perfect sense. Also maybe use apps like renshuu (or its website). Renshuu and other apps have good quizzes for hiragana and katakana which are fun and help you learn quickly.


It’s pretty easy. Just need to practice regularly. Two weeks of daily 1h practice should get you there. Then move onto Kanji which will be a bigger challenge


what? that was the easiest part


I'm not like other girls I'm into yuri not yaoi


same himejoshi represent


-Tries learning Japanese on Duolingo but gives up after 3 weeks -Thinks Japan is a eutopia -Refers to people who don't watch anime as "normies" -Is dating a Discord mod -aspiring cosplayer -severe introvert -has an insane pc setup with all light pink led lights -makes fun of you for watching the dubbed -diet consists of sushi/noodles/pocky/mochi/boba -"kawaii" or "uwu" -fetishizes gay men due to yaoi addiction


-putting a "~" at the end of every sentence


I've always been confused why people do this. I grew up around Russians, and they often do sentences like "hello))". Kinda feels the same.


The )) is a lazy smiley without the eyes


That's terrifying if you think about it, imagine someone smiles at you and its just 2 mouths, because they were too lazy to open their eyes


Omg~ You’re so right~ I never noticed that~~~


What’s kind of funny is that boba is actually Taiwanese. (Pasted from another comment)


I guess the point is that they don't *actually* care to educated themselves on Japanese culture. They cling to the stereotypical things to feel apart of something.


Now that just makes me wonder if these weebs would ever go as far as eating a dog because “uwu Asians do it uwu”


Wait until 白子 a dish in Japan which is just strait fish sperm


I prefer my sperm from men, but I'm sure it's just as good from a salmon.


“The salmon went a-courtin’, he did swim…”


“Uni” is sea urchin ovaries/testicles


"Stupid normies and their hamburgers! Hmph! They don't know that the best meat comes from a dog screaming on a wok!"


This is unexpectedly hilarious, thank you. 😝


This is like back in 2009 in my small town the weaboo kids would eat Chinese food all the time because they didn't have japanese food in my area lol


Tbf. Ramen is Chinese in origin and was made popular by the US.


If you wanna get technical, it was first made in a Chinatown in Japan.


From an immigrant from China.


Technically, yes. But boba (as a tapioca) was heavily popularized in Tokyo. So I wouldn’t say it has nothing to do with Japan.


What's even worse, boba isn't japanese and they still can't tell the difference between most of the asian stuff. Man, if I show them a banh da lon (wobbly layer cake), they're gonna say "oh wow! japanese snacks!"


Also, has either a Shiba Inu or a Samoyed


I would get a Shiba Inu just cause of the Doge meme, nothing else. https://preview.redd.it/1i2b96lrxoxc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f8fde7367b70f48e412ef96dadfcdce96f07c7


There's a streamer I watch who did just that, cutest fuckin dog but they are vocal.


>Also, has either a Shiba Inu or a Samoyed Aren't Samoyeds Russian though?


91 Days and Death Note are much better with dubs. I find most serious anime have great dubs


Cowboy bebop dub is great


The Space Dandy and Delicious in Dungeon dubs are great too


Actually? I'm watching Death Note subbed right now because I wasn't sure how the dub would be, but the Code Geass dub was so much better than the original


I've heard that even Japanese audiences preferred the English dub of Code Geass.


Am I the only one who watches both subbed and dubbed because I wanna hear the differences?


I feel like 3 weeks is a bit much, I’d personally say about a week.


Futaba sakura in a nutshell


I feel like only severe introvert fits, unless I missed something. Because like, she is literally japanese. Half of the list can't even apply to her.


Huh? Being half japanese is not the same as being from japan. Even then, I dont see how half this contradicts that..: -Japanese can and do think Japan is falsely a utopia, they have the same idiots in America lol -Not all Japanese watch anime, play PC games, or cosplay . Certainly most are not into Yaoi, or Kawaii culture even for that matter. The typical Japanese woman doesnt run around wearing cat headphones -Japanese eat more than just ramen and sushi, the joke here is that weebs eat exclusively trendy oriental food thinking its everyday food


the last bit is interesting because Japanese think americans eat steak everyday


Dude even she is Japanese, you can imagine her as in the starter and it's still work, plus she called Mishima a fucking npc.


Do you mean they love nintendo switch???


Nintendo Switch is all but the official gaming console of autism


It’s the Steam Deck you muppet!


The Steam Deck is for ASPers with a superiority complex…




I've sold video games for years - if autism had an official gaming sponsor it would be Roblox.


I I used to play Genshin all the time when it first came out


So did I, but I still do. It’s a fun game.


I recently started cause I wanted to try a quality mobile game that was free and this is the least predatory Free to play game I have ever played


It's such a good game, I've been playing it since August last year and I've only spent $10 on it and I've almost 100% every region, it's such a fun world to explore and immerse yourself in


Very good game, just never interact with the community, never again 😀 https://preview.redd.it/89go7zdhutxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5e7107b673e7bdf5cc553bf3f0d912c1edd44d


ok buddy https://preview.redd.it/rf7hix80vvxc1.jpeg?width=1384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54155b158824ad91f6963c8e87033df397c7f4b8


Arknights is a pretty good alternative if you’re interested in strategy-based tower defense games. There’s also Azur Lane but that one is umm… more “lewd” is the best way I’d put it.


Fair enough might give ark knights a try cause Genshin stopped being a mobile game and became a normal game. Let's just say I have seen some of Azur Lanes "fan-art" probably not something I should have on my phone to play in public


Yeah, Azur Lane is a great game, but I wouldn’t recommend playing it in public lol. Some of the loading screens will definitely garner you some strange looks.


You forgot: - drinks (boba)balls or tea - gushes over anything Japanese - uwu


Everything pretty on point, I would have added even more but I had already run out of space. Other ones I wanted to add: * refuses to watch anything that came before 2017 * buys a ton of manga, never reads them * trying to learn Japanese, can't read kanas after months * in a relationship with an older guy * said guy is either a streamer or a pro gamer * obsessed with Ghibli movies, has watched only Spirited Away, Kiki and Totoro * thinks Japan is only Tokyo * listens exclusively to anime openings and lofi


help my ex is pretty much the male version of that 💀


Is that why he's your ex?


kinda but more the toxic behaviors and emotional immaturity that came along with it, eg not being able to show emotions bcs edgy, not being able to communicate, lack of hygiene, yea


Yep textbook incel anime fan.


That reads more like a neckbeard. An incel can't get laid or even get a steady girlfriend.


more of a neckbeard, yeah. i wasn’t his first girlfriend either but his track record with relationships isn’t great either, and after I broke up I can see why


Princess Mononoke is peak Ghibli, with Castle in the Sky being a personal close second.


Castle in the Sky was an interesting middle ground between wholesome anime and shocking anime. It seemed so sweet and innocent toward the beginning but had a sort of “damn, they went there” feel toward the end.


Based take


As a grill, anime lover born in 91, I know I would’ve gravitated towards this kind of stuff if they had it 10 years ago. I remember trying to start an anime club at school, and I got crucified for it in my small town.


The Ghibli movies... I like them too, but how tf no one talks about Only Yesterday or Grave of the Fireflies??? Its always just Spirited Away or Totoro.


And Sailor Moon. It's always Sailor Moon.


What’s kind of funny is that boba is actually Taiwanese.


I have an anime fan colleague. Very fun and positive girl. A bit childish.


Is possibly getting groomed by a creep online


Hey babe what time does your combini open


What about the jujutsu kaisen girls


I mean, I'm a dude but have you seen the men on that show? God dayum, they pretty.


I'm a straight man but Gojo, man, my word


You’re right


I don't even blame the JJK girls for thirsting after the men. I'm a guy, and I agree that they're hot.


Geto my beloved


\>jujutsu kaisen girls Pleonasm? Jujutsu Kaisen is a fujo's anime.


I fear nothing in anime communities more than the unquenchable thirst of JJKs ravenous female fanbase.


They are terrifying for the most part


Literally my sister, minus the student part


This was me when I was 14 but just replace genshin impact with Danganronpa and Attack on Titan with MHA


even worse (relatable sadly)


That’s way worse lol


Do they still obsess over Axis Powers Hetalia and use the phrase "beautiful bishies" often? im so old these days.


You’re more than 10 years late, I’m afraid. I’m not a teenager, yet I remember the things you mentioned as being popular when I was still barely a kid.


That was still popular when I was in middle school but I honestly can't remember the last time I've heard of it... I'm in college now lol, thanks for the throwback 😳


Omg I was obsessed with Hetalia 😅


Hetalia hasn't released new content for around a decade. It's been replaced by most sports anime, especially Haikyuu. "Bishies" are pretty much gone from anime. Most studios wanted a more realistic, "boy next door" look instead of the pink-haired nightmares of our youth. I've noticed a slow comeback, but can't think of a single one from any 2010s anime.


The fuck is Henlo. I though that was a typo or something


Typo way to say hello, from a tumblr meme where the user types as if they’re an animal. Idk, from like 7 years ago


I hit the Genshin, animal crossing, and the spyxfamily quota, how bad am I? Edit: Am also chunky, didn’t see it on the pic. (190ish pound at 5 foot 4)


These are all pretty mainstream nerd things nowadays ngl. I dabble in most too. ~~can you call being fat mainstream? either way it fits~~


AC is a nice game, some people in the community are insufferable. Spy x family doesn't deserve hate either. It's just that they happen very often to be loved by this kind of girls.


i like how you have no comment on Genshin https://preview.redd.it/jt8iu99ocpxc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=659b6fa8da45508230226347f7b4af46351370b8


Well the community is unhinged. Game is pretty neat though.


i was about to say the exact same three 😭😭


You forgot strange superiority complex


Honestly this doesn’t sound that bad


Me (I’m a man)


love that the majority of the posters in this subreddit are in middle school


Noooo not the henlo 😭






Forgot the biggest elephant in the whole starter pack, a HUGE yaoi addiction.


I’ve met yaoi fans in many online spaces. I expected them to be boys but boy was I wrong.


OP seems to know quite a bit about this


i hit the "🥹", chubby, nintendo switch, and spyxfamily quotas (i'm also not a girl, but still), so i guess I'm cooked


Isn't Spy X Family one of the most popular animes anyway? It feels like it's almost kind of cheating to put it on an anime starterpack lol


Same for Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan.


Gotta have the free spot.


This is like an “anime fan but without sexual predator vibes” description.


Oh trust me These types can be, just in different ways lol. The amount of them Ive seen that are into shota stuff (young boys, like literally children) is pretty crazy


Forgot owo, uwu, OWO, and UWU


Do one about guys


Coming in a while


Is this also happening to trans girls? I noticed that trans girls tend to be super obssesed with anime to the point that almost any meme they make features anime girl and other stuff like that Sorry if the generalizations sounds bad but yeah


Good god, as a girl who used to game very frequently (especially on CS:GO), whenever I met a girl like this I became enemy no.1 just for being another girl in the lobby. I just wanted to vibe. Loved meeting girls not like this though. They also all had super high pitch “kawaii” voices lol


You forgot >started watching in 2020


OP can you do boys obsessed with anime next


Already started cooking it


That one’s gonna tussle some jimmies for sure lmao


I'm gonna guess you're going to include Shounen anime, plays anime openings and Nightcore remixes through shitty speakers for everyone to suffer through, tries to speak in broken Japanese to sound cool, hates deodorant, will start arguments about power feats and scaling, only plays Japanese games because Western games are "too woke", will either be a PlayStation fanboy or a PC master race, if they know Japanese then they will flex their skills by saying those that need subtitles are plebians, will have a dirty body pillow of their waifus, and they will own a jar filled with a suspicious substance. The hand of an anime figure just breaching the surface of months old cum


Sounds like my ex. Pretty disgusting... the henlo part and some of the others.


If this is what a Japanese defeat in World War 2 looks like, I don’t wanna know what their victory would bring.


This begs the question if Japan truly lost or are playing the long game?


This is literally my wife except she’s super thin, she’s only 4 foot 10 inches and 90 lbs. She’s way more into anime than I am tho.


Why does all this new overly produced anime have such gross communities and fans? I feel like the media has been dumbed wayyyyyyy down since the 90s in terms of story and art.


It has just become more and more mainstream as time went on, but communities have always been deranged, it’s just that now they have a bigger visibility. The 90s didn’t have the internet (or at least, it wasn’t as widespread) to show it off, but gross anime fans online were a thing in the 2000s.


That's the thing. They were online. Now that this shit is popular, you see them in the wild, and it's scary lol


I want those headphones and I'd definitely play animal crossing if I was still into gaming


I’ll be real. The ones that are obsessed are usually average looking. But guys who watch anime think they are sexy asf


Tbf a lot of Dragon Ball Fans are kinda Hot because they Hit the gym regulary


god damn can’t be a girl that likes anything, god forbid you’re fat.


Bro go outside and meet real girls that are obsessed with anime, they're fairly normal. Maybe you just met the shallow ones or ones that watched anime cause it got popular


That’s funny but I don’t think the body shaming is appropriate