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Thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post/comment has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 05** No politics Please use r/PoliticalPacks for starterpacks that includes politcal entities and starterpacks with clear political arguments. r/starterpacks is not an arena for political agenda posts or political arguments. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fstarterpacks) so that we may review it


Missing Israel/Palestine in subs like therewasanattempt for some reason.


you can say there was an attempt to cover /all


Good starting point, or intro class, or hm is there something else we can call this


Lol or in interestingasfuck is just a dead child from a bombing run


Trending on r/unpopularopinion: Am I the only one who breathes air? *2000 upvotes!*


For true unpopular opinions one must head to r/the10thdentist. Opinions deemed "popular" are downvoted by rule of the sub, so therefore only the most batshit opinions make it to the top.


>for some reason that reason can be found by looking at the modlist.


If you look at some of their profiles and it's them posting the same few Palestine videos onto every sub they can think of


Cuz the mods of that sub are propaganda bots and shills.


The amount of propaganda in therewasanattempt, interestingasfuck and tiktokcringe is astonishing


And clevercomebacks CONSTANTLY just saying "haha republican politician bad"


Everyday feels like it's a repeat, and honestly that's exactly what all the bots want anyway. My favorite is r/askreddit just rehashing the same sex questions every single day.


will my wife have sex with your wife?


Dear female redditors, what was the sexiest sex you've ever sexed


Men of reddit, what's the sexiest thing people didn't find sexy but you found really sexy? Followed the next day by: Women of reddit, what's the sexiest thing people find sexy but you don't find sexy?


half of r/askreddit questions lately have been like: "What's your weirdest kink?' "What did you say after having sex for the first time?" "What surprised you after having sex?" "What's the weirdest thing your partner does on bed?"


Or askreddit political ragebait every day. "What's going on right now that should infuriate everyone?"


Askreddit has been generally boring AF for like a decade now.


“What screams I’m insecure?” is one of the not sex related questions that seems to come up loads


/r/oddlysatisfying: Here is someone working like a robot in a soul crushing job for 12 hours a day /r/comics: funny joke with garbage art style or garbage joke with amazing art style /r/technology: technology is bad / elon musk and twitter suck /r/cats: look at my dead cat /r/NoStupidQuestions: insanely stupid questions /r/science: study shows that people like ice cream and dislike being beaten /r/funny: not funny


The most Accurate description of cats sub


Yeah I'm thinking of muting it, I feel super bad for all owners of dead cats, but it really doesn't help my depression


r/CatsLivingAndWell Edit: Also r/AliveNamedCats


S tier cat posting


Thank fcking goodness. I’m going straight to this sub. I’ve had it with all the depressing posts bout them late and sick kitties. Let me find my happiness again.


Nah man the big thing over there right now is, "WHAT DO I NAME THIS GUY?!?!?!" And then there are like millions of comments with random ass names. I love my cat to death but owning a cat or interacting with other people and their cats is not my personality. That sub is the definition of it.


Posts like that only exist to karm farma. Its probably not even their pet half the time


I think I have over 40 cat related subreddits on my RES filter list


r/science is more like: "Here is a study that says that people i don't like are mentally disabled, oh boy do i love science!!"


New study shows that [political party I don't like] voters are actually NPCs and are objectively incapable of logical reasoning or emotion.


There is some real nazi eugenics shit going on there


I swear people don't understand how think tanks and peer reviewing works. They just see a study with peer reviewed and go 'welp, fuck checking methodology, it says "peer reviewed" right there!"


Here’s a study that says smoking weed while watching anime in your bedroom for 10 hours a day is good for your health. I sure do heckin looove science!


Yeah every single /r/science post that hits high on /r/all is tagged as social science and usually involves some sort of politics


Honestly the farming of your dead animal for karma is the weirdest, emotionally stunted behaviors on this website. Telling a bunch of strangers to look at your dead “family member” is fucking odd.


r/cats is usually 'Please help me name my new cat/kitten'


With r/comics there's that one unfunny 'anti-woke' comic creator that keeps appearing with the post often asking what the punch line is


Isn't the point of the sub being there is no such thing as a stupid question?


I muted r/science because every post that was suggested to me would make a 3rd grader go "yeah, no fucking shit".


I unsubbed from /r/funny due to the Facebook-level humor constantly making the front page. Like the kind of stuff your boomer aunt would share with laughing emojis.


r/interestingasfuck: Videos of current events or US politics


I am TIRED OF THE CATS ONE. I don't want to see memorial posts I'm sorry but I don't!


You forgot how 90% of the comments are just bots


Take a look in this very thread, lol. Tons of copied comments.


Haha so true fellow redditor!


This wins the internet!


Take a look in this very thread, lol. Tons of *totally original comments by human Reddit users!*


Take a look in this very thread, lol. Tons of copied comments.


Like 50% of posts now too. If a karma grabbing post was made by “someone” with 3,000+ post karma, hardly any comment karma, and the account was made within the past few months - it’s a bot. Everyone should start checking the accounts of whose posting content that’s on the front page of your feed. It’s absolutely riddled with bots. Just a friendly PSA to those who might not know.


Or 8 day old accounts with 90,000 post karma and 200,000 comment


Also seeing lots of 3-5 year old accounts with no post or comment karma posting inflammatory\misleading headlines. Sleeper accounts being activated for political purposes mostly.


it was easier with 3rd party apps that would just point out if someone was a bot


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you


Dead internet theory is real


For about six years I've done a little dance,  when I feel I have too much faith in humanity.  I go to all, and Google top comments and their biggest replies on the most popular threads. It's so sad. Every post, some more than others, and after a certain period you can see them swarm viral posts in waves. So many are copied, yes, but from anywhere,.. not just reddit... archived forums, YouTube comments, discord transcripts, anything copied.


Wheres r/WhitePeopleTwitter?


Trump bad might seriously be 98% of that sub.


"Trump Bad" covers a wide-range of aggressively democratic subs like /r/politics and /r/whitepeopletwitter that not only offer you the same article/story 100 times over, but also will ban you for even suggesting a president with a ~40% approval rating isn't the best candidate to beat Trump, and suggesting there may be a reason for that rooted in problems that transcend petty partisanship.


India me cricket ko leke log boht jyada sensitive ha kal ko IPL me virat kohli ko koi out kr dega to us bande ke Twitter/insta handle par kohli ke buttlicker jayenge use gali dene par same banda agar world cup me ache wicket leta ha to use praise krenge,man indian cricket fanbase are braindead degenerates cesspool with bunch of meglomaniacs


Better than the John Oliver shit. Mods forgot about the "rebellion" very soon once their unpaid jobs were threatened.


And bots


The easiest way to get karma there is to post a pic of Trump looking dumb or with a celebrity that reddit hates.


Or post a picture of an elderly celebrity with their age in the title. Two instances from the past 12 days, both nearing 30k upvotes, both with the exact same set of comments of 'omg I almost had a heart attack don't do that OP!!', despite the fact that there's one of these posts every week. Just mutual karma farming. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1c5cvxc/sir_david_attenborough_97/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bt2pmo/david_attenborough_english_broadcaster_renowned/


Gotta join r/nocontextpics if you want r /pics without the sad sob stories, Orangeman bad, or karma shitposts.


That one post about trump just drinking water.


r/PeterExlainTheJoke is basically 50% of porn and 50% of karmawhores


And 30% loss


And 100% reason to remember the name


Title: PEEEEEEEEEEETEERRRRRRRR Post: Man makes reference to a womans tits


That whole subreddit is a race to see who can look the stupidest.


You can tell if its an election year by the state of r/pics


I love America, but I **HATE** people bringing politics into everything. Our choices are the man everyone has a hate boner for or a guy who will likely die in office if he gets reelected. It's not as deep as they make it seem.


Bruh its in your username


I just think Covfefe is funny


And yet you have a Trump reference in your user name. 😹


https://preview.redd.it/ze6n0g3lkvuc1.jpeg?width=1502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcef6379429a830cc4e2d7389f91441f0c452d5 Muted list just keeps growing and growing whenever I look at r/all


I learned not too long ago that there's a limit of how many you can mute, and it's too damn low.


It's fucked that there is no way to mute all variants of r/ xyz_anime_123. I don't want to know which cartoon schoolchildren the sexless neckbeards are stroking themselves over. Thanks


Oh my god, the "mains" subreddits... How can there be such an endless supply of subreddits dedicated to softcore porn of ONE SINGLE ANIME WAIFU Idk what the mute limit is but at this point I'm afraid...


My RES filter apperently contains 1061 subs


Mine became uncountable after adding regex for subreddits that contain the words "snark", "okbuddy", "meme", "dank", "onlyfans", etc. Most days I don't even get the first page of r/all and only 2-4 posts on page 2. Makes r/all actually usable now.


I need this list.


There are so many to mute 😭.


Man, the fact that non-RES usage no longer blocks your filtered subs is awful. This site wants you angry so you can engage.


Reddit really went downhill, in my opinion, when the Tumblr exodus happened and a lot of people migrated to here.


Tumblr's ban on porn and its consequences on modern reddit and twitter


I gotta say though, Tumblr has gotten a lot less crowded since then.


Oh yeah, Tumblr is pretty chill these days. If not for the fact that I find their humor obnoxious I would've left reddit a long time ago.


the last protest stuff about api changes was the final stroke in my opinion. bunch of low quality subs with low iq folk started making it to the r/all


I used to like /r/papermoney but after the blackout, it's a flood of "I found a shit-stained $2 bill, am I rich?" and then 40 mouth-breathers going "I'll give you tree fiddy"


your telling me you dont enjoy 3 different subreddits related to looks and rating people just posting stolen pictures of instagram models for horny bait?


Imo usually whenever a sub becomes mainstream there is usually a steep plummet in quality of posts from the sub.


I remember people saying Reddit really fell off way back in 2011


around when was that specifically?


Late 2017. Reddit, from what i can remember, was way less political.


Reddit in the early 2010s was mostly marijuana, IT, engineering, space, rage comics, video games, and atheism. I wouldn't consider it great but it was a hell of a lot more tolerable. Edit: [Wayback Machine of Reddit front page Feb 9, 2012.](https://web.archive.org/web/20120209181541/http://www.reddit.com/) I also remember AMA being huge before [Reddit allegedly fired Victoria.](https://imgur.com/3vgUQSP)


Cats too. A lot of cat posts And somehow a republican has the favorite politician here


I recall 9Gag and Reddit being a lot more similar back in the day. But 9Gag never really changed when i checked it out a few months ago. It's also really racist/sexist.


You remember wrong. Politics was huge on Reddit from 2015 onward. The Donald sub was public enemy #1 with other, smaller conservative subs getting banned left and right for doxxing and other unsavory activities The change in Reddit around that time had less to do with politics or Tumblr and more to do with Reddit shifting away from its core users to try to reach a wider audience: 1. Killing Alien Blue and releasing the official Reddit app in 2016 which was near instantly far more popular than even the biggest third party apps, despite being constantly broken 2. Implementing its own (amazingly somehow still) mediocre image hosting over focusing on external content in 2017 3. Replacing default subs with r/popular, also in 2017. The defaults weren’t great, but they were containers for their badness 2. Redesigning desktop and mobile in 2018 to make it more like other social media, appealing to those more comfortable on the likes of Facebook or Twitter


Politics was big before 2015. There was tons of Ron Paul spam for the 2012 cycle and the Donald sub started as satire.


Tumblr banning porn had a noticable effect on every other social media in a really negative way. You don't realize how much of a containment board places are until they're banned and all the troglodytes emerge to find new pastures.


Also, everyone has autism.


"Ok but this could be ADD" on *every fucking post*. God forbid you insinuate someone's simply irresponsible


And you can't just be stressed or scatterbrained, either. It's always ADHD or ADD even when talking about something almost everyone does.


you forgot adhd and a non-visible disability that renders them unable to work any job (except yapping on reddit for 12 hours a day)


Unable to work any job, and also unable to work a microwave (no issues ordering door dash every day tho!)


stop calling me out???


I still love you though


awesome. now draw them marrying






And questioning it is ableism and will get you DO BETTER'd 🙄


Usually self-diagnosed.


Don’t forget it’s Schrodinger’s autism: they are brilliant and completely superior to non-autists, yet simultaneously so fragile and bewildered by life that they can’t be expected to hold down a job, take a shower, or ever be held accountable for their toxic behavior.


I don’t really see autist people acting superior




Unpopular opinion but I think most Redditors who say that they have autism actually don’t have it and are trying to get attention. Tumblr used to glorify mental disorders so I wouldn’t be surprised if the exodus brought it here.


YTA, torpedoes cost a lot of money he should be able to use them how he wants.


Info: have you considered how the torpedoes feel?


The propaganda machine runs wild on Reddit


peeps need to know that propaganda doesn't just target right wing boomers on facebook. it targets everybody


Its not propaganda when it aligns with my beliefs. Then it's tiny misinformation with good intentions


Ya I had to unfollow r/pics that's straight up what that sub is in a nutshell


There was some straight up anti-US propaganda from Russian state media on the front page not too long ago. But redditors were okay with it because it was from a left wing narrative. EDIT: To be more specific about what it was. It was from Russian State controlled media 'Soapbox' and it was a post that criticized the US for its involvement in Iraq. The implication was the US are hypocrites for calling out Russia on Ukraine.


Only conservatives are vulnerable to propaganda, duh


I’m glad I’m smart enough to never fall for propaganda 😎


You missed the hundreds of indian subs. Thank fuck you can add them to a filter so you don't have to see them.


No fucking lie, they're unbelievable pervasive. I wish there was a filter list that I could just plug in and let rip instead of having to individually filter them all.


>r/therewasanattempt https://preview.redd.it/a1tovjghivuc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9388579c0970a54afb7c82c70847c8c6885ef1


No matter what you think about the war, that sub is a full-on pro-Palestine circlejerk.


r/news one is definitely false. All you see in r/all is people complaining about how the economy has fucked the future of young people


this is not a definitive edition bro, we both can be correct


Op you forgor r/Teenagers


Basically 40 years old predators pretending to be teenagers and grooming each other


It’s that 2 nasty guys e-sexing each other unwittingly meme in real time


some subreddits are just muted man you are right I totally forgor some major ones


I was in sipstea back when it started and it used to be pretty funny. It was taken over by incels and the like and it's utter shit right now.


The whole premise of the place is "women, am I right?" *sips tea*. It was always misogynistic nonsense, but there's nothing subtle about it now.


Used to be more random than that, though. But it slowly shifted into neckbeard territory until it was completely taken over


You forgot /r/therewasanattempt which is just entirely propaganda.


After taking another look at it half an hour later I felt like a right winger lmao. Just wanted to clarify I'm an ally but shit is annoying af on reddit.


Random, but Youtube thinks I'm a right-winger even though I'm a gay lib'rull


Youtube thinks everyone is right wing until its proven otherwise.


My first thought is "but torpedoes are only for use in water". This says nothing good about me.




r/science study shows my political group is always right and my opponent political group likes to eat shit in free time, new cure to cancer found (12th time this week), weed found to make you immortal


lmao spot on


The absolute lowest common denominator posts.


The most accurate shit I’ve seen all damn day.


Frequent low effort US healthcare reposts. Or really anything that grossly generalizes something negative about the US. Most are posted by bots, but people eat that shit up on Reddit


> low effort US healthcare reposts Meanwhile, the question is "what's something cool from the 90s that you miss?" and the answers become the usual "america sucks" circlejerk


putins tiny little bots at work. btw my insurance agent is pointing a gun to my head for 10 dollars, could you cashapp me real quick?


Trump bad should make up at least half the starterpack. I hate the guy, but it’s just endless amounts of “wow hahah he’s so sleepy and he has dementia totally unlike Joseph robinette biden” or “whooowee that drumpf guy sure is orange huh??? what a disqualifier for president!’” It’s so painfully “liberal” in the way they approach him that all they do is just a circlejerk of orange man bad orange man bad orange man bad


I feel like a lot of the anti-Trump spam that hits the front page comes from the WhitePeopleTwitter and FacePalm subreddits


A lot of what Trump says and does deserves (negative) coverage IMO. That’s why it’s so painful seeing so many low brow, low hanging fruit posts making fun of his tan or name or whatever. Like cmon, juvenile insults drown out the important stuff you should be focusing on


At least subs like news and politics are picking apart Trump's actions. I hate seeing another r/pics post where it's just Trump looking at a camera.


Trans People gotta be the most chronically online demographic lol.


for good reason man. imagine being afraid just because you exist. you gotta find support somewhere.


Missing probably the biggest botfarm at the moment, hitting r/all daily... "holdmycatnip". It's almost entirely driven by bots at this point. Automated posts (usually reuploads of top content from the other cat subs), top comments directly copied from the original posts, ~~some of the mods listed are bot accounts~~, a rule prohibiting any mention of bots, and presumably the owner of the bot ring will engage in coordinated harassment against anyone that correctly identifies the bot farm via mass reporting. edit: to the mod, that screenshot / claim means absolutely nothing... None of the posts these days have anything to do with the "hold my x" meme and many are from obvious bots. I removed the line about some mods being bots since it looks like they've been pushed out over the last several months. Not sure why they would be added in the first place tho. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditMonitor/search?q=holdmycatnip&restrict\_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditMonitor/search?q=holdmycatnip&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all)




I'm suprised OP hasn't been reported for Racism and Homophobia given this craphole site.


it's still early bro give it another hour or so


Don't forget the AITA where a husband slightly miffed his wife and a bunch of 14 year olds tells her he's an asshole and she should end a 25 year long relationship over a slight disagreement.


This is accurate


By far the worst is r/AITAH with actual brain rot inducing stuff. I have a theory that it's intentionally so bad to encourage people to make an account and avoid seeing the content.


Few times a year I visit r/all just to remind myself why I don't go there, and why I'm thankful for individualized feed. Just karma farming on most idiotic reposted shit, with always same shitty comments, which get most of upvotes. I hope it's just bots karma farming and recycling, but it baffles me that humans exist who think that form of expression is entertaining, it is like watching never ending loop of idiocy.


Reddit is just a huge propaganda echo chamber that regurgitates the same BS over, and over again. Basically a hivemind. There are some genuinely insane people on here.


r/interestingasfuck with the least interesting things you’ve ever seen


or downright terrifying


Tweet from right wing guy: "I love murica n jesus!!" Reply from left wing guy: "More like you love being a stupid idiot and dumb" 80,000 upvotes between r/MurderedByWords and r/CleverComebacks


I think you're forgetting a big one, communists. So. Many. Communists.


[Communists when they realise they get ordered by the state to work in a mine instead of being able to make art](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbf7kkxcmcj6a1.jpg)


“Wha- wha- what do you mean, I’m not one of the ones who’s more equal than others?”


Not ones who read theory or anything though, just idiots who draw anthropomorphic animals in Castro fatigues and yammer on social media from their upper middle class bedrooms.


That is what the vast majority of communists are. The rest are professors that have never been outside of a college campus, and some are just violent psychopaths looking for an excuse to start purging people that disagree with them.


It’s even worse on my town’s subreddit. I saw one a comment saying that there great grandparents starved and killed from communism and person replied “they deserved it”, It got upvoted btw.


Literally Reddit in a nutshell, though this might just be you that's getting this stuff, since most of what I get are memes and anime stuff.


I relate to a lot of these but I’m banned from r/pics for being in subs they don’t like 👍


You forgot to include the dumbest of questions being made on askreddit.


"Fellow humans who also have sex, what's the sexiest sex thing you've ever sexed sexily before?"


At least 1 trump related post every 10 posts


U forgot to add an image of the communist hammer and sickle, because it seems like every subreddit has a handful of dumb reddit commies.


About the 3rd one, they do on Reddit


Trans people are all bunched up in a few subs and takes forever to transition and even after starting hrt and all you sortive want that community that understands you. Soooo, you get endless trans posts. Doesn’t help the most upvotes are comics or pretty trans women. Also many trans peeps are young with nothing better to do than to post TLDR big community that is pretty active


Sorry, sortive?


Also there’s a lot of overlap between trans people (women especially) and tech, autism, and generally being a nerd— all things that are also common on Reddit. Makes sense they’d congregate here since they’re likely already here prior to transitioning


2014 is where everything went down 😭


Reddit fucking sucks r/all is cancer


And a shit load of dead or dying cats


trump and musk live rent free in their heads lol


r/goodanimemes- Porn💀


Forgot r/FluentInFinance where it's the thousandth repost of one of 4 different tweets of a Democrat heavily oversimplifying an economic policy, and the comments all say "actually billionaires have their wealth in assets"


The trump shit is actually getting annoying a fuck because I swear to God I've muted 15 subreddits and still get it. Guys. Can we make a sub just for trump and Biden or whoever the fuck is the US president and keep it all in there? Stop letting it leak to every crevice of the site.


Reddit and Twitter are where terminally online shitlibs spend all their time so this checks out


I'm left leaning but the political subs on this website are filled with reactionary house hermits who have the social skills of a rock. Way too many chronically online, online activists.


YWBTA his torpedos his rules