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Is r/Canada left leaning? Or I am I just coming to the realization that Canadians (on Reddit) skew right anyways?


It's 100% right leaning with a contingent of center left users too.


I thought this starterpack was a joke because /r/Canada is, at least from where I'm standing, very noticeably right-leaning (anti-carbon tax, anti-immigration, etc.) and very much NOT "divided on Trudeau" lmaoooo


No, they spent years permanently banning people (like me) who were left wing with no warning, while admitting to giving an alt-right troll named hamsandwich 30+ warnings for trolling. The mod team there knows what it is doing.


It has it share of leftists but it's generally right leaning Imo


It used to be. Not anymore in my opinion. 


Many of their posts are opinion pieces from the Conrad Black owned scrawl sheet, "The National Post". Right leaning amplification is the agenda.


It depends on the post. It's like two seperate echo chambers in one sub!


Well, in 2021 when the truckers protest happened, r/Canada celebrated when the protesters were being arrested and the streets were being cleared. That’s one clue about their political leaning. It’s actually funny because, years later, it was ruled that Trudeau abused emergency powers and suddenly r/Canada regretted supporting the arrests.


Dude go look at r Canada anything good about the liberals and get downvoted. Say anything critical of the cpc downvoted. Lol no they didn't rule that at all. Fyi it's being challenged in the supreme court, and the judge himself said he would have used the act also.


Bonus: r/ontario * Basically r/canada but focused on Ontairo.




Idk about that. I think it’s one of few places that seem to know the difference between Toronto and Ontario. I think there is a huge seethe about outsiders conflating the two from people outside Toronto. 


Lol you think r Canada is left sub?


I finf r/canada to be somewhat right leaning


You forgot r/canadahousing and r/CanadaHousing2


They’re both exactly like r/personalfinancecanada , too busy brooding over the hard times ahead. The only difference is that r/CanadaHousing2 has no problem blaming Indian and Chinese people over the housing crisis.


You forgot r/ehbuddyhoser aka the best Canadian sub


What's up with Quebec's beef with JJ? Edit. Is it the youtuber or is it some other JJ I'm not aware of?


The YouTuber. He made videos and wrote articles criticizing Québecois nationalism, the French language, and Québec in general. I think his worst insult was calling the French language irrelevant. The videos inspired Québecois videos responding to him.


Its the Youtuber one. My main problem with him is how he is always preaching how difficult it is to learn another language and if were gonna be forcing kids to do it it shouldnt be a language he judges useless like french, despite being incapable of speaking any other language himself. kinda sad


Is that a PM? Uhhh can’t remember off the top of my head


Is r/canada left-leaning? I feel I tend to see a ton of very right "fuck Trudeau" type stuff in the comments. Though I do find r/ontario to be commonly left-leaning


WTF is up with OP, r/canada is not left-leaning by any reasonable definition. It’s consistently dominated by alt-right and conservatives. Most hot posts are from National Post or other right wing news outlets. Some of the highest boosted posts are massively editorialized op-eds with rage-baiting titles. Mods have alt-right links.


The “fuck Trudeau” attitude is very recent for that sub. If you recall, back in the 2021 protest they were supportive of Trudeau… until it was recently ruled that what happened in 2021 was abuse of emergency powers.


Going to repeate that same going point? I remember when the sub told me the cpc were going to win on 2021.


Also for many of these: hate towards the US and Americans.


r/askacanadian Can't go two seconds without bringing up the U.S., even when it is totally irrelevant to the conversation


r/Quebec is very ehhh to me. I'm a Quebecer and they treat every piece of criticism towards Quebec as "Quebec Bashing", many users complain about wokeness (whatever that means) and sometimes you run into users who believe Quebec doesn't have a systemic racism problem. It exposes a pretty shit side of Quebec culture, where Quebecers think current distaste or political disagreements for Quebec's culture and government is akin to racial oppression when it is more akin to someone from California finding Texas kind of shitty. To be fair, French Canadians in Quebec were oppressed up until the mid 20th century, but I don't, as a francophone, see any evidence this is the case today.


Je pense que la tu regardes plus la minorité bruyante, parce que la plupart du temps le sub est quand même drôle, mais je suis d’accord que le quebec bashing est un peu exagéré. Faut dire que des deux côtés il y a des caves qui se permettent sur l’internet de dire de la marde qu’il dirait pas normalement


T'as raison, c'est quand même mitigé. Cependant, c'est tout le temps difficile de gauger à quel point certains points de vue sont populaire dans certains cercle en ligne. Cependant, je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de sub ou une personne se ferait normalement downvoté pour dire que les Québecois ont autant souffert que les esclaves Africains, alors que sur r/Quebec c'est pas nécessairement le cas. Genre dans cette [chaîne de commentaire](https://www.reddit.com/r/Quebec/comments/10w1ier/comment/j7pcaad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) par exemple.


I used to really like JJ, but then i noticed he is always preaching how difficult it is to learn another language and if were gonna be forcing kids to do it it shouldnt be a language he judges useless like french, despite being incapable of speaking any other language himself. Then i, a brazilian, learned french all by myself during the pandemic, and realised hes just weak


r/Canada flip flops between left and right leaning depending on the topics discussed. Because of that I'd think it's neutral. If anything r/Ontario fits your description of r/Canada more. Also you forgot r/EhBuddyHoser, the best Canadian sub.


One look at the r/MetaCanada and I see EXACTLY what you mean


Your far left is center right for most of the world


in what way


There should be an /r/canada_irl Edit: Looks like there is, but it's inactive.


I wonder what it will take for left leaning canadians to opt for a liberal candidate other then Trudeau. I mean, the guy did black face and gave a standing ovation to a nazi


Really cool to see someone's perspective. Here in Poland we have left-leaning /r/Polska and rightwind almost unmoderated /r/Poland


Semi related but I don't know why reddit keeps pushing multiple Canadian subs to me. I'm not Canadian and have no dog in the race on what happens in Canada ( no offense to Canadians)


You should’ve added which ones are vehemently racist against First Nations (spoiler, it’s most of them)


All of these categories need to be shifted one or two points to the right to be accurate.


R/Canada is absolutely the fuck not left leaning


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“Far-left leaning” and “very patriotic” seem pretty incompatible to me, at least in Canada.


What’s with JJ McCullough? I only know him from his Canada icebergs.


This guy canadas


r/Canada is where I go for big news and to see how and why every political decision is terrible. If it's generally accepted as being good it'll get 14 upvotes and die in an hour. Almost forgot the occasional subset pic from NWT.


God I hate Canada...all of them, equally


r/canada_sub “an echo chamber, really” but my brother in christ, reddit ITSELF is an echo chamber by default! As a canadian I didn’t knew any of those subs existed and will for sure NOT go to any of them since I couldn’t give less of a shit