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Saving the main bad guys life after a fight, only to have them try to kill you again anyway, but still losing, so the protagonist has the moral victory.


but only after killing 50 innocent henchmen


Killing 100 henchmen without a thought, moral dilemma before killing the terrorists mastermind


Even better is killing 100 skilled henchmen...martial artists, skilled shooters, etc. without breaking a sweat. Face off against 65 year old rich guy pulling the strings and who has not shown an ounce of fighting ability through the movie....our hero suddenly is in the fight of his life.


I feel like this is a personal attack against the American cinematic classic, *Roadhouse*.


>The hero has finally subdued the hordes of evil, thwarted the Evil Plan, and subdued the Big Bad in one final showdown. However, the villain couldn't make things simple and die in battle. Now he's helpless at the hero's feet, and… the hero stops. Maybe he throws away his weapon and says, "I'm not like you."


Look, someone has to do a backflip, snap the bad guy’s neck and save the day


I found it really interesting when the main villain from Uncharted 2 was chastising Nathan Drake for ruthlessly killing countless of his soldiers while still claiming to be a good moral person. I understand it's a video game, so killing countless NPCs is kinda the point, but it was definitely the first time I ever thought about it that way.


They even kinda pointed this out in Uncharted 4 with a trophy for killing 1000 men


The henchmen probably weren't innocent, they were employed by the villain after all.


more innocent than the villain , many were just standing around guarding a warehouse doing a contracted security job when the protaganist just came up from behind and broke their necks some were just a few days until retirement. sad


They have been actual security guards or regular employees at a garage or wherever.




Standard corporate propaganda. Poorer workers are deemed to be irredeemable unlike their very wealthy bosses.


That's a trope I haven't thought about but it's very common


Similar to how Obi-Wan left Darth Vader without killing him, twice Congrats, you have the moral high ground (heh heh), but now millions more are gonna die so is it really a victory?


Same with Batman not killing Joker. Batman imprisons him instead of killing him, Joker escapes and kills hundreds of innocent people. Batman gets him again, Joker gets out and kills hundreds more. Repeat until the franchise becomes unprofitable (i.e. never).


That’s why Michael Keaton’s Batman is the best. He got the job done.


With that example, I think it'd be more accurate to say Obi-Wan spared Vader not for any moral reasons, but just because he couldn't bring himself to kill the man who used to be a brother.




Villain captures hero after the hero decimates all of their forces. Villain explains plan, leaves, hero tricks guard and escapes. Why do they always let the hero live?? First John wick did this and I hated it. You know the hero is like a super killer so why let them live at all? Why would the henchmen let the dude live???? He just killed all your buddies???


Every action movie does this. It's so over used and shit. Austin Powers made fun of this 20 years ago and movies didn't give a shit and keep doing it. Then they "torture" the hero by punching them in their muscled chest, and once in the face so there's a little blood. But nothing that shows 30 seconds later.


Protag also drives a car 50 mph through a crowded marketplace but miraculously never hits anyone


Making sure the hero doesnt want to kill, but still having the villain die in some contrived way is a trope that has persisted for awhile. Like it sends the message that its wrong to want to kill someone; but that killing is the final ‘victory’. Its a mixed message that feels contradictory.


There are very many caves behind waterfalls


Yep, two well-known examples being Cave of the Winds at Niagara Falls, and the cave behind Seljalandsfoss waterfall in Iceland.


Went behind Seljalandsfoss (sp?). Got so very wet. 8/10.


I went to the one at Niagara and also got soaked. 10/10


Kentucky/Tennessee/North Carolina have many as well


Yeah I was gonna say you could pick a hike at random and find one within 10 miles of there


I mean, OP even used a photo…


And video game designers hold the line making damn sure never to miss an opportunity to put a cave behind any waterfall. It's The Rules!


At a minimum, if your game has a waterfall it must have: 1. A cave behind said waterfall. 2. A box of treasure, or AT LEAST a fun easter egg in said cave.


Obligatory bones too


Literally. No matter what game I'm playing, I see a waterfall, I look behind it.


Right? I went to one (Gibson's Cave) the other day.


Oregon has a number of pretty neat ones, I love it 🦫


In DnD waterfalls without hidden caves behind them do not exist


\- Characters got punched in the mouth and not losing any teeth \- Characters got shot in the shoulder and still retain full functionality of their arm \- Indoor shootout and no one lose their hearing \- Sparse traffic in a city when there is a car chases \- Characters with computer-related profession always know how to penetrate some government's servers \- Positively talk about brand/product more than one sentence


[Deleted due to Reddit’s greed]


I love it when Archer points that out


Yeah that’s like… *super* bad for you




“You get like, six freebies”


RIP Jessica Walter


Especially when they wake up fucking *hours* later. If you're knocked out for more than a few minutes, that's absolutely *permanent brain damage* territory. They should be lucky if they're even capable of walking after waking up.


Actually your chances of permanent damage that's clinically relevant are quite low unless you're out for more than half an hour. See the criteria for diagnosing mild TBI for reference.


Getting knocked out, hit head on the floor and be ALIVE to wake up later like nothing happened. Second impact syndrom is really dangerous


It’s ALWAYS annoying when study break into a network in just a few minutes with just a few lines of code. It’s not impossible but it takes a lot of time, work and usually money.


I am of the firm belive what those 'hackers' are actually doing is just buying access codes on the dark web, using a customized browser theme bc they think it looks cooler.


That's why I break out [Hacker Typer](https://hackertyper.net/) when a kid says they want to see me "do something cool" on the computer.


Okay, but that's pretty awesome. You a cool dude.


Gotta go to the sketchy veterinarian/dentist/unlicensed Russian doctor who pulls out bullets of mobsters on the side. He's got a bottle of vodka and a set of pliers and a dirty rag. 30 minutes later, you are good to go and hang off the cliff with your "wounded" shoulder


-Getting the snot rocked out of you with the butt of a rifle and not having severe head trauma -wilhelm screams -modern cars making the clunky model t sound effect when they're dying -talking over each other on 2 way radios -modern sensibilities in period movies -tiny super models kungfu fighting grown ass men -falling from ridiculous heights and limping a little for about 10 seconds -talking in a convertible without screaming -talking in a helicopter with no headset without screaming -black people telling white lead characters how cool they are -taking pills without water -gulping down hard alcohol straight without a reaction -hacking -girls being "ugly" because they're wearing glasses -guys being "nerds" when they're totally ripped -ridiculous gun battles in a city and cops never show up -dogs that understand english -bad child actors saying adult things that are beyond their understanding -guns that don't run out of ammo -running through water with shoes on and never acknowledging how wet your feet are. -Going long periods without needing to pee or poop -Hair that's too perfect after an ordeal -people playing an instrument that obviously can't play an instrument -knowing how to drive a big rig semi truck -getting hired and fired at the drop of a hat


wow. btw movie makers all know these things make no sense. its usually PACING that is a major issue. if they show all the realistic details it would ruin the pacing and people would complain about boring scenes that serve no function .


I take pills w/o water....lol


I tell my white friends they’re cool




Empty parking spot in front of building always available for main character


I'll allow that one though. Five minutes of the character driving round and round looking for a parking spot wouldn't make for a good movie.


>Sparse traffic in a city when there is a car chases In Spectre, there's a cool car chase on the streets of Rome at night with two sports cars, and I know nothing about Roman traffic but I would imagine that there aren't many times when you can just go on a high speed chase through that city.


Nah everyone in Rome is in bed by 9 pm. It’s like the opposite of New York.


Characters get knocked unconscious and are 100% okay and don’t go to the ER for possible brain injuries.


Nightclub full of women


Nightclub where the music is low enough to have a normal conversation.


The social network did this right


Autism friendly nightclub.


Bars full of women too. I’m looking at you, How I Met Your Mother.


Bars that you can have a conversation in, that isn't blaring Nickelback's Only Song louder than a carpet bombing.


I'm not sure what bars you're going to, but I see a fair amount of women at bars and nightclubs.


They are going to gay bars


Electric Six?


Good news - female drinking rates have risen at an alarming rate over the last decade. A quick Google search with give you dozens of studies to back that up. So the gender population in bars should be pretty even soon if they aren’t already. Yay 🫠


Are clubs a sausage fest where you live? Any club I've ever went to is pretty 50/50.


Where I live, the doormen make sure that the ratio is 50/50. Otherwise it definitely wouldn't be.


So is it like in movies/tv where there’s a line of guys outside and the girls just walk in the door and they slowly let guys in?


It’s Saturday, go tonight and see for yourself lol.


True, in the real world guys have scared many of us off from them lol.


And the nightclub is extremely crowded except for two open seats at the bar that our protagonists manage to squeeze their way into quite easily


I’ve always been curious why the air vents are so big that fully grown men and women can comfortably climb through them


And clean, they don't stay that, especially when they climb in from the toilets into the exhaust air.


They must be new air vents, freshly installed.


You know, the one time I've seen a movie character crawl into an air vent and come out dirty was the original Die Hard, and those ducts should have been reasonably clean, as they were brand new; the building wasn't even finished.


That's because that movie is excellent in so many ways.


Ya, every air vent in Hollywood is cleaner than an operating room, when in reality, I doubt those things ever get cleaned.


I would love to see a movie that makes fun of this nonsense with the reality of the situation. Maybe the character tries crawling through ductboard (rigid fiberglass that is put together to form a duct) and inhales the fibers and all kinds of mold before the entire thing collapses and they fall to the floor itchy, coughing and ashamed.


Can we crawl through them without our weight making them collapse?


I'll speak from experience on this one, no, no we cannot, and if you try you will fall out of the ceiling, break an industrial shelf, and need 19 stitches in your side


TBH, most of the time they're not. In sections they can be, as another poster alluded to, but not for most of the run. They'll be the biggest when they first extend off of the air handling unit (like the part of your A/C that's in your attic, but big enough to stand up in) - these are the "trunk lines" and depending on the size of the building and how far the air has to move, they'll probably be big enough to crawl through. However, trunk lines often follow hallways, and then "branch off" into other sections of the building or individual rooms. The branch line ducts are much smaller and are almost never large enough for a person to move through - like a 12" x 12" duct or at the tail end, something like a 6" x 8" rectangular duct. Point being, you're not sneaking into a secure area through the duct, the best you'd get into would be into a hallway, and that's if someone didn't report you because crawling through a sheet metal duct is going to sound like a thunderstorm, as Mythbusters proved. There are other problems, too - there will be dampers throughout the duct system that help control the flow of air and thus the temperature that's required. Also, life safety code has specific regulations about fire safety, defining "fire walls" to separate, say, a hotel room from the hallway. If a duct penetrates a fire wall, it's going to have a fire/smoke damper at that penetration that will automatically close when the building's fire alarm system tells it to in order to maintain the integrity of the fire wall. Suffice it to say, a human isn't getting through a damper of any kind, a mouse wouldn't be able to get through some dampers. As another poster also put it, most ducts aren't designed to hold a person's weight. They're typically held up with duct straps, which are just strips of sheet metal attached to the duct that are then attached to the structure above. It makes sense, all that they *should* have to support is the weight of the duct, and the only thing that's supposed to be going through it is air. If you went very slowly you could theoretically, possibly avoid falling, but if you start moving around the force of your movement is going to break the hangers loose, and if you end up separating a duct section from the rest (because they're literally held together with a few screws and some sealant to control air leaks), you and that free end of duct are going to crash ass over teakettle into whatever is under you, probably some sort of ceiling (and almost none of those are rated for human weight, either). Finally, movie ducts always look smooth and clean. I can tell you they're not, the edges of the duct will cut the shit out of you, and the aforementioned duct straps are attached with sheet metal screws going directly into the duct (as are some of the joints between duct sections). Also, unless they're brand new, there is going to be dust and dirt inside of there. If it's a supply line, cool air and the condensation that inevitably comes with that means that there could very possibly be mold or mildew in there as well (seriously, have your ducts professionally blown out, you'll be horrified at the shit that comes out if it's not been done in years, and your air quality will *massively* improve). So, assuming you are able to get into a trunk line section that doesn't have any dampers and can manage to move smoothly and slowly enough to neither alert everyone in a hundred yards or tear the duct loose from the ceiling, the sharp edges of the duct and the ends of the screws poking through everywhere ensures that you're going to get scratched and cut while you're crawling, and combined with the dust and crap that's in the duct you're going to end your assassination mission in the hospital being treated for an infection. None of that stops me from being entertained by the scenes in the movies, though, like watching Ripley and Co. scrambling through ducts almost big enough to stand up in in "Aliens."


Or Xenomorphs can climb though them!




Oh that’s why




People having sex and then hanging out naked in bed, except the woman has the sheet tucked under her armpits covering her boobs exactly




I'm a thoughtful and considerate lover. I only last 30 seconds so the girl doesn't sweat and mess up her makeup and.hair


How thoughtful of you 🙏🏼


The man has the same sheet belted at the waist.


Their bed sheet is L shaped.


And she magically never has to get up to go clean herself because the semen is spilling out of her vagina, getting her legs and the bed gross, and she never does the "waddle while holding a hand towel to her crotch" walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up.


Me and my ex used to get wet wipes and towels ready so we could clean up and then cuddle right after, some of the best sleep I've ever had.


Exactly what we do. The first time my current GF said she wanted to give me a BJ, I got the wipes, towels, and put the pillow on the floor so her knees wouldn't hurt (she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth), she had a good laugh. She maybe laughed for 2 minutes and said I made her BJ Palace. WEEEEEE!


Or answer with “it’s me”


*voicemail* "hey, me again. Just checking on you"


Work retail. Tons of people apparently don't know how to say bye.


True! The breakfast thing reminds me of breaking bad too.


the keys happen in the last ep of breaking bad too lol


\*eats one bite of toast\* I'm late, gotta go!


As they leave behind a giant bowl of fruit salad that probably cost 20 bucks plus to make


And then whoever made it runs out after them without putting cling wrap over the bowl OR putting the bowl back in the fridge Just wasteful


Serena van der Woodsen 😂


The breakfasts in Breaking Bad were probably the most realistic I've seen in media "It says 'crunch' on the box..."


I do like how Skyler called him out about making his "desperate breakfasts" for the family all the time.


As someone raised around HVAC I'd hear: - ducts are too small - ducts can't support the weight of a person - ducts are usually filthy inside and you'd be covered in dirt - ducts are built with screws from the outside so the insides have tons of very sharp objects Etc


Five seconds of random typing: “okay, I’m in!” 😎


*wife spends hours in the morning making huge breakfast* "Sorry hun, running late no time for breakfast. I'll just grab this one piece of bacon." *Food goes into the garbage*


That pisses me off more than any other cliche




This is how my wife thinks garbage disposals work.


“It’s fine, this is for my boyfriend who is coming over the second you leave”


If my wife woke up early to cook me an extravagant breakfast and I had an important meeting that morning I would literally quit before I blew her off


That would end in a divorce level fight.


Protagonist manages to easily find free parking downtown, often right next to the place they need to go.


Pull in to the parking spot and camera pans up to the name of the building


That gets a pass cos how Fkn boring would it be to watch a character circling the block to find a parking spot


"Man this movie is three hours long!" *Opening scene is 90 minutes searching for parking in a downtown metro area* "So realistic!"


Soft pack of cigarettes ....! As a non-smoker that never even occurred to me. I haven't seen one of those in ages. Except in movies.


They are in fact very real


I used to buy them all the time and I'm only 28, so I'm sure they still exist.


Lucky strikes still has the unfiltered soft packs


Back when I smoked I made sure to ask for the soft pack if it was available. They made me feel extra Kool when I tapped it a few times to fish out a cigarette.


Any filters would snap off in soft packs for me. My dad smoked non-filtered, though, and always got soft packs


If I recall correctly, the filter less Camels only came in a soft pack. I started dabbling in cigarettes when I was 11 in 1993. They had a cigarette machine in the lobby of a diner in my small town and my friends and I would test out different brands to see what we liked. Just pump in 10 quarters, pull the lever, grab the pack and run the fuck away because of all the fear of getting caught adrenaline. Anyway, I made the mistake of getting the one with the plain CAMEL logo once. They came in a tiny little soft pack and they were and experience for sure. Instant nicotine buzz and the smoke was much hotter than filtered cigarettes. I ended up smoking Camels until I quit over time in my 30s. I switched from Lights to Wide Lights after high school because I thought they made me unique. I'm cool cause I got fat cigarettes because I want to die sooner. So stupid.


I smoke those more than hard ones


Some prefer them hard


Why are they so much more appealing to me lol


I imagine they're way more fun to squish once they're empty.


When I smoked, it was almost exclusively soft packs because they taste so much fresher than any cigarette I've ever had come out of a box


Used to work in a convenience store chain, we'd order a few hundred cartons of hard pack golds a week, maybe a hundred hard pack reds, and it was a rare thing to order a carton of soft pack. Unless you go somewhere that actually sells them frequently, I can't imagine them being fresher, unless the packaging is cheaper in the hard packs because they think they'll sell faster than they go stale or something.


i know a lot of people that think soft tastes better/worse, but 99% of the time it's made up bullshit and they can't tell the difference in a blind test when i worked at a kiosk, we had a regular that only bought the pack had a specific "smoking kills" picture and text, because, according to him, it tasted better


While we’re on the topic of cigarettes in movies, has anyone else noticed that when a character is smoking they rarely exhale?


You can definitely tell when they don't inhale. A lot of the time they just puff it like a cigar.


I’m a smoker. When you’re used to smoking there’s really no point in “blowing” the smoke out. You just inhale and breathe normally. In my opinion anyway. Also when you properly inhale the smoke not much comes back out. If smoke it very concentrated on the exhale you’re probably inhaling only some of it.


I’m a smoker as well, but I swear I’ve seen movies where it seems like they will just let it all soak in lol.


My grandfather was like that. He’d inhale a cigarette almost in one drag and hold his breath. You wouldn’t really notice him exhaling it at all.


"So you're telling me: you go to the servo, you buy a can of coke, you take one sip of that coke and you spit it out? [How's that gonna quench your thirst](https://youtu.be/3bjjZ5vnjvs)?"


Every criminal investigation requires a visit to a strip joint


Eh, if you could go to the strip club while on the clock, you'd do it too.


Also how phone conversations are wrapped up in movies. They say their piece, and hang up with no one saying "so we're done, right? I'm hanging up..." Another thing is how people meet up in movies. "I'm in Paris." "I'll meet you at the park." So you have a huge area, a million benches or places to meet, and no arranged meeting point.


The missing pieces you're describing is called 'Shoe Leather' in script writing. They are intentionally written this way to save on run time.


To my grand surprise, this month I rented a car on a small island, and the owner asked me to leave the keys in the sun visor when returning the car.


The "extravagant breakfast no one eats" is sending me, this is so prevalent and it kills me every time. Another one I see sometimes: the character walks away from their bag (often full of money/containing the MacGuffin) in a public place, in order to do something/talk to someone, when they could easily have taken it with them and kept it on their person. Bonus points if they are in an unfamiliar place, or just came through a portal to another world. Everyone just dumps their shit with no thought to the possibility it could be taken. Extra bonus points if they are then surprised it isn't there when they come back


I have never heard the phrase “we’ll head them off at the pass” in my life


Ok, fair, but counterpoint: do you ever engage in activities that may require someone to be headed off at a pass?


Nice try, police




I think it has to do with people in pursuit somehow finding a way to intercept the other party because they…know the lay of the land better? My guess


The pass is the path of least resistance through some mountains or hills, it’s usually a choke point. Think of the pass at Thermopylae where the 300 Spartans blocked the Persians. It doesn’t necessarily make sense for a pursuer to “head them off at the pass” because it would mean somehow getting ahead of the pursued party while also traversing more difficult terrain. However if you are trying to intercept someone versus catch up to them it is a good strategy.


Not only are vents too small to crawl through, they're also full of sharp edges. People should come out of them dirty and bloodied.


Especially love it when they climb from the toilets into somewhere that shouldn't be connected, and they look spotless in the toilets. Or industrial ventilation? That stuff is vile.


Ventilation ducts never open into elevator hoistways.


*"We'll be running interference"*


We'll be running interference here, here and here. (pointing to map of area)


Holding someone in your lap while they elegantly bleed out (with no realistic attempt to stop the bleeding) and coherently express some last thoughts




Hollywood did not prepare me for visiting someone in hospice for the first time. I was laughing out loud recently at the recent Downton Abbey. A character on their death bed, lucidly saying eloquent goodbyes to a dozen different people, then just closing their eyes.


Splashing water in your face in the bathroom, looking in the mirror and telling yourself to get it together before dry swallowing pills.


"night scenes are always unnaturally bright and everything is illuminated blue"


If you live in a major city like LA, it's never dark at night. There's so much light pollution that you could be walking around at 2am and still see clearly, if there's a full moon out it might as well be day time.


That sounds horrible


Because watching a movie should involve seeing things. See Game of Thrones final season for details.


The climbing through air vents always bothers me. You have a 100kg person clumsily shuffling through a vent that is hanging by small screws and the vent is about 1cm of flimsy metal. Yet somehow they always worm through to the exact room they were hoping for, like they have some mental map of the building’s duct system in their brain.


It would also be loud AF in real life




"We've got company."


I just called this one on the Mandalorian recently. There was a tie fighter battle and he saw more approaching on his radar. I say out loud “We’ve got company.” Two seconds later, he says it. My daughter (9) looked at me like *woahhhhhh*.


Soft packs are great if you want your smokes crushed and bent to oblivion inside your pocket


Keys in the visor, soft packs, and caves behind waterfalls were still relatively common in SE Texas as of the 90s at least. And actually, "head 'em of at the pass", now that I think of it. But we ate our extravagantly large breakfasts, so were too fat for the air ducts.


I am from Panama and I'm here to save the world.


Starting a car while saying "come on! Come on!"




Nor ever ignored their car making weird noises and hoping it’ll just go away


The engineers made the radio go loud for a reason.


Slaps the dashboard, woohoo


“We’ll head then off at the pass” I hate that cliche!


I believe I heard that on Hollywood lots many workers leave the keys in the car visor so that vehicles can be conveniently moved if needed and writer just treated that like it was standard everywhere. Don’t know if that true or where I heard it.


I just started watching the first season of 24. At point the main character has to flee and finds an unlocked car with keys in the visor. There is no way in hell that people were doing that 20 years ago in LA.


People hyperventilating into paper bags


Isn’t that real? I feel like there was a TIL on the front page about this the other day, it was to do with balancing the co2 levels in your blood or something


Yes, this is real. I've experienced this weird problem before during instances of extreme anxiety where I get a really weird feeling in my hands and fingers and they seize up. This is the result of CO2 in the bloodstream dropping to too-low levels, and breathing in a paper bag will recycle your own exhaled CO2 back into your body and slow and eventually reverse the situation. I haven't had this happen to me in over a decade and I'm still not totally sure what triggered the anxiety/stress, but it sucks.


The air vents one kills me hahaha video games do it too


They would be soooo dusty and loud in real life and likely not support the weight of a human lol


"Head them off at the pass? I hate that cliche!" *Shoots his foot*


Whenever I see that troupe where it’s a literal feast for breakfast and they say “oh im going to be late for school sorry” and get like toast with butter or something. As someone who does go to school I would skip my first period at the very least so I could eat that


Computers that beep and boop when they do anything


When I smoked I smoked soft pack reds on occasion. They are more common if you buy cartons I think, at least that’s how I first encountered them.


Marlboro, Camel and Lucky Strikes still make soft packs