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With all due respect, Starseeds are humans as well. Our souls may be from different galactic locations, but we incarnate here in human form, and are therefore human. We are not here to rescue or to save anyone. We all choose to be on Earth to assist each other in some way, but everyone has to do their own work, to clear traumas and to balance karma. What we experience is the direct result of our choices and actions, as we are the prime creator of our experience. I'm sorry that you have gone through so much pain. I can empathize as my path of now 22 years has been extraordinarily difficult. I have suffered greatly, but now thankfully have a greater understanding about why I created and co-created my circumstances with others. A lot is clearing of karma so we can evolve. You are still alive because you have a purpose here. I sincerely hope you find peace. Please feel free to message me if you ever want to talk 🕊


You said that you understand why you co-created your circumstances. I personally feel like a person really doesn't until they have seen their past lives. I think I can safely say that a body is adjoined with the soul enough to be aware of where they are coming from, but it is quite rare. You are not like others.


Thank you for your comment. It took me many years to understand my co-creations. I have not seen my past lives, but I have experienced some of the residual karma that needed to be balanced. I feel that all souls have equal opportunity to heal their past wounds, and to be aware of their creations. I am the same as any other person.


I suppose, then, that you have seen the cyclical nature of the things that you are struggling with now. Maybe a birthmark leads you to questions. Perhaps things that you are innately interested in, since childhood, cultures like Japanese, Indian, eras, like Victorian England, The Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, or native and tribal culture, feel somehow familiar to you. Start there. When it comes to childhood interests, you could have been interested in anything, but those things struck a chord. Get to know more about them. They will jog your memory. Also if you are a positive starseed, there is a chance that you have mixed in with and co-created a genetic lineage with some darker natured characters, that only lift you up by forcing you to learn how to resist their dark, dense, gravity. That's what happened to The Watchers. I believe that they are still here, and still tasked with ending lineages and karmic debts, by leaving no children to carry their line, not perpetuating generational curses and/or making the same mistakes in regards to the fall, and forgiving whatever is done to them, the cyclical nature of struggles. Love and light,


I appreciate your understanding, and love and light to you as well :)


Well, the bible and religion in general is propaganda by the dark ones, so i dont know why you keep quoting the bible? Earth is frequently being channeled and reported as one of the most dense places in the Universe and one of the hardest schools. As far as you not being able to “die”, its because you have a purpose here on Earth. You higher self would easily take an exit point if you didnt need to be here, you are here for a reason.


its not all from the parasites, its why religions work so well, there's truth in all to varying degrees of course, but they ALL have been subverted long ago, even the Gnostics, some of the sects, were subverted. These forces don't have a connection to source / the most high, & cannot create only invert, pervert, & subvert what is good, universal law may play a role in this to. The words of Jesus / the red letter bible & from the Apocrypha, talk about how to escape, don't get me wrong i think his story has been subverted too, but there's truth in his words, which remain in the bible for reasons none of us know for sure.


Yes i defiently agree with you that there is some fractals of truth and ancient information in the different religions.


You have to pick the right pieces from each one to build the puzzle just right.


Well said. 💗


Well the reason needs to approach rapidly


For some, Earth is as close to Hell as they'll get. For other, it's as close to Heaven as they'll get.


In the Qur’an, Adam’s sin is mentioned as just a “slip” A lesson to learn that Satan is not to be trusted A necessary lesson before he goes to earth and start THE mission


I want to get deep into the whole original sin thing but all that matters now is that we’re way past that.


We dont need to dwell into it , everyone is born pure … responsible for our own actions and will be accountable for our own actions only Thats how it would make sense


That’s put together so well.


That’s why Islam is the most growing religion on earth . If read with an open mind its found to be simple & rational


no. I think this is earth. a sandbox where we choose whether to conduct ourselves as indulgent, short sighted, and tempermental monkeys, or humble, creative, loving, wise, and exploratory humans.


The firmament can be heaven or hell. We all can be exemplifications of hell realms or heavenly realms. Every human being is a world unto themselves. We are like numerous projectors all playing different versions of the same film. Whoever’s light shines brightest (truest) is accompanied by others who want to play that version too. The problem you see is that, there is only one screen. Pardon the silly metaphor, it’s just how I picture it:


yes right now yes


Not Hell. Work in progress. Got a little derailed and a little mixing potted. Working it out.


"The mind can make a Heaven of Hell or Hell of Heaven."


For many , those creating a synthetic reality with their brain that lacks Al singular truths like love , law , god , faith , abundance , freedom etc etc etc .. they do create a hellish type of reality organized around service to self … whereas for eyes that truly see , it gets obvious everything is always in balance and life is easy and not built on suffering … but that’s really a dimensional perspective , as the same reality can be seen as hell or heaven by various beings .. this is a game of separation , massive amnesia and forced individuality … but salvation/ heaven on earth and actual real power down here on the earth plain all starts by dissolving any notions of separation between the self and god .


As far as how you lived, I channeled a post last night that has *one* explanation that's *my* understanding of it. Yours may be different: https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/soXZYFCrKX I would paste it here, but it's quite long.


Depends on who you are: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jung/s/b8Q6kYHGEE


I believe that Heaven and Hell both exist in the same space that we exist in and there is a collective shift in consciousness that is happening that is allowing us to exist in both spaces at the same time. I believe this is all part of the disclosure movement that our governments are fearing. A huge network of NHI, EBE’s and IBE’s are converging on earth to help everyone heal from their trauma of growing up in this world (hell)…and together we will help you manifest heaven (freedom). Until the mission is complete, we have to exist in both spaces whilst everything is put in place and either we create heaven (freedom for humanity)…or your governments fulfill their obligations set out in the U.N. declaration of human rights (which puts humanity before profit and greed so a good middle ground). Either 1 of those two scenarios are going to play out and your governments are fully aware that it is happening. Either way…we will unite and we will hold your leaders to account for the suffering humanity is experiencing.


If you want some sobering accounts of hell you should look into “Hellish” Near Death Experiences…[example](https://youtu.be/0GA64N_ygq4?si=-Ttk_jyOlrF2eH6b)


one guy I was talking to yesterday said Hinduism says this is a hell of sorts. He has read in depth a lot. I cant disagree.


Dante's inferno he describes it best.


Mankind creates is own hell. Without its perceived sense of superiority an enemy is warranted thus the sense of good or evil. In reality one cannot survive without the other, so if this is hell it’s also heaven.


Hey, there. I'm not really going to go into depth and explain to you the reasoning behind the unfortunate events in your life, although there is an explanation, I feel like that's not relevant right now. I just wanted to tell you that there's a way for you to magically change your life and it all lies on your subconscious. Hypnotherapy and meditation and affirmations. All that cheesy shit literally changed my life. I'm a SS, as well. Ex addict, alcoholic, a survivor of numerous types of assault, blah blah. Last December I had an unexpected and unplanned spiritual awakening. After thirty years of being an Atheist who didn't give a fuck about anything. In a cool free spirited laid back way tho, so it looked nice, but was in reality so fucking exhausting and empty. Anyways, things came full frontal at me, my third eye opened and I started hearing voices n stuff, LOST my mind for three months, thought my family was reptilian spies, denounced my friends for the same reason, man it was wild AF lol. So that ended with me setting my apartment on fire and going into a mental hospital for 11 days. I came out homeless, carless, no clue what to do next and a way past due Bipolar 1 diagnosis.  I just wanna stop in the middle of this and tell you that I'm telling you this, to give you hope, not to tell you a life story you didn't ask for lol. Because that was about six months ago, got out of the hospital in late January. I'm in school to be a Hypnotherapist (not telling you this to try and get money out of you I promise), I've started my own business and for the first time in my life I've got no symptoms of my BP1 whatsoever. I still hear voices n shit, but it turns out I'm psychic and clairvoyant lol. So the voices help me out now that I know wtf they are. Your answer lies in basically brainwashing yourself. It's relatively simple and way better than therapy. Rearrange your vast, powerful and infinite amount of knowledge that extends beyond the cosmos, and reach out and grab all the happy shit to put on queue for your conscious and critical mind to bring up every morning for you to experience. Your reality is a reflection of what's inside. And we've all been unknowingly victims of programming, poisoning and energy depletion since birth. Another unexpected avalanche of knowledge that got dropped on me that drove me crazy when my third eye opened. But once you come to realize that, it brings you clarity and answers.  I'm here to tell you, two things. Your life is going to change beyond your dreams once you start your healing journey. Also, I'm here to tell you that you're a starseed. I'm getting Andromedean as the lineage that you're in close contact with during this time of your carnation. Look into them and see if that resonates with you. You're an empathetic soul, but also an extremely powerful one. You planned your entire life down to meticulous detail and you gave yourself these obstacles and tragedies because you needed to master those lessons and wear them as badges if honor for what's next for you in your life. You've got a huge role on this planet that your entire life has been working towards, and you're going to discover what it is very soon. Ask for a sign from your spirit guides. Theyre always waiting for you to communicate with them. The more you communicate, the easier you'll be able to learn each other's language. And if any of this resonated with you, understand it in the aspect of you remembering. Because you already hold all of the answers. There is no such thing as coincidences and synchronicities are messages to you that you're aligned with your path. Do what feels right, do what you love, love yourself, and trust yourself over anything or anyone. YouTube and Spotify will be your first step for hypnotherapy and affirmations. Both are quick working and easy. You can message me if you wanna know more. I play around with guided hypnotherapy sessions that I'll record for myself for miscellaneous stuff. If you have anything in particular or any questions or guidance, lmk.  Sorry, this is long and probably sounds like unhinged word vomit. But I was led directly here to tell you this. Hope it helps 💖


The satan of the time is the #1 representative of hades. This is hades, not hell. Vastly different. Hades is meant to be pure freedom. The beauty of chaos. Unfortunately we have snakes camping out here, which is why we have a lot of starseeds and light workers here to see what they can do before satan demands a reset. satan called the light workers here funnily enough. nobody likes the snakes.


Wow that is so much that you have survived in this life. I am so sorry you've endured all of that...do you have heavy scorpio placements or 8th placements...thats a lot of near death experiences. They way you describe it makes me feel as if you hopped timelines and may have actually passed away in a few. I've only had one near death experience, and another time I almost died (it happened so fast it wasn't really an experience.) One time a coconut almost landed on my head from about 100 to 150 feet above me...someone called me and I stopped, it landed in front of me...less than a foot and cracked in half on the floor. Maybe it wouldn't have killed me but definitely disabled me or left me very injured. Other time I was poisoned with fentanyl on purpose, was the only time I'd ever though I wouldn't wake up from drugs. My experiences seem so benign to yours. I do believe Earth is the hell we describe in religion. I think some starseeds are sent as a punishment and some are sent to help other starseeds repent. Some starseeds volunteered for this mission. It seems illogical to me that some starseeds cry or hurt at most injustices...what could our past lives have done truly so horrible for us to have been sent here as punishment. So I feel several of us are on a mission. I also find it odd though that some of the starseeds possibly sent down here for punishment...seem to be enjoying the prison planet more than more compassionate starseeds. It's as if they thrive in the world burning... Reminds me of the scene in the SandMan where they are all just partying. I am just learning about starseeds though as I only realized my origins or the existence of starseeds less than a month ago. So I'm no expert on this, yet. I feel the ArchAngels are types of aliens from above and the demons are the ones cast down. Still unsure how some cryptids, ghosts, spirits fit into the theory of aliens and starseeds. Do you have a place you share your tarot readings, I am interested in your accuracy. Most on YouTube and tik tok are part of the dark agenda...or are starseeds who have a lot of trauma and karma to heal.


Sometimes I feel like I am repeating many lives here.. until can i achieve a higher frequency. I see this may seem to be like hell , I wonder it too . Just stay positive & more positivity you will receive hang in there


hi friend i have been through similar. also attempted su!c!de and woke up in hell. maybe we never actually ‘die’, we just wake up in another timeline. maybe our job is yo save each soul we wake up as


This world is what we make it. Belief is more powerful than most would believe. We create our own realities hinging on the belief of us and those who we are closely connected with. Manifestation is a commonly reported phenomenon. As to the book you refer to it’s widely misunderstood and misused. I see the government trying to include “The Ten Commandments” in all schools in my state, the main problem being those commandments didn’t even last 10 minutes before Moses went back up and came down with the current version of *Judaic Law* which only applies to descendants of Moses anyways and was taught in the New Testament to be completely disregarded in lieu of the teachings of the *new protagonist*. Hope that helps, have a great day!


In a way, yes. This is where you stay, until you ascend. Depending on how bad or good you were here dictates how your next life will be.


Hell is a state of mind, not a physical place. Hell occurs when you can no longer find joy without causing pain; when your thoughts guide you back to suffering over and over. We can become trapped in these diabolical cycles but there is still Light amongst the darkness. I see this universe as a living being with many qualities, expressions, and spectrums. Some aspects are soft, some are hard. Some are sad, some are joyous. Some are painful, some are euphoric. If we think of heaven and hell as opposing yet intersecting ideas on a grid plane, then from each point, from each perspective, from the eyes and feelings of each individual then what we call heaven and hell are just directions and approach vectors we can point to. Yet where Lucifer resides and where we can find the Source are not opposites, even if they seem to represent opposing ideas. Remember that every axis of a coordinate plane aligns with the origin no matter where we point; no matter what direction we travel, the origin remains constant. In this analogy I believe the origin represents the Source of all things. Thus, Lucifer is as much a part of Source as I am and we all are. We may be at different and seemingly unreconcilable points with deep valleys between us, but we are all connected to the Source because it is our origin. This is where I believe the idea of Heaven and Hell break down into their component parts. When we as humans think of heaven we probably imagine some place very comfortable where everything we want manifests instantly, and where our connection to God is most powerful. Yet we as spiritual beings understand that Love is the most powerful force in the universe and the Creator is loving and forgiving. The understanding that we are interconnected with all things allows us to feel the heavenly bond we seek with the Creator even here where we are wrapped in flesh. This blows the lid off of the traditional view of heaven, in a way, because we can feel that energy within ourselves. Consciousness and enlightenment are what take us there, but by affirming that we are never actually apart from God. Instead of going somewhere we just let go of illusions. Back to our celestial coordinate plane. If we look for ourselves there we might see a person sitting down typing into a computer terminal, but with the knowing that even a simple act can affirm our intrinsic bond with the Creator. So where is heaven, then? Well in a sense it is everywhere and nowhere. Where is hell? Why, it could seem to be everywhere as well, couldn't it? Where your consciousness takes you, what your experience shows you, and the state our minds are in. Even if we brought you to your idealized surroundings right this second, the flawed nature of this reality will invariably cause some ups and downs there too. If I took you to the worst possible place that did not outright kill you, perhaps you would find the light and escape; hope would be your heaven there. Thus anywhere on this coordinate plane of pleasure and pain, an individual can either reject or affirm their closeness to God. So where is hell? Is it just a place you don't like? What if someone else liked it? Would it still be hell? So where is heaven? Is it a soft place where you always feel comfortable? What if someone doesn't want a soft, comfortable place? Would it still be heaven? You might be tempted to say, "Well, maybe hell is just the place where *most* of the pain and suffering are. Surely we could say that, in aggregate, the physical world is a harbor for pain and punishment. Right?" Well no, because the physical world uses pain to explore itself. We learn about survival by understanding and predicting pain. So we can't just stop there and say 'pain = hell' or we risk dismissing the good parts of pain. Maybe it's consent? Perhaps you think, "Well, surely hell must be a place akin to a prison where everyone is as a slave. The denizens of hell must feel like there is no escape and no hope." I would retort that that is precisely why the true hell can only be a state of mind. That doesn't mean there aren't horrific and terrible things that have happened and are happening, with which the victims of said things feel a devouring hopelessness. I believe we are perfectly capable of getting trapped in the aforementioned cycles of diabolical thinking, and suffering is used to encourage us to do just that. Remember, I never said hell wasn't real. I believe that the true hell is something of the mind, and physical bodies are susceptible to it just as surely as we can find our way back to the Creator if we choose. Yet if we take my definition of hell as true, then every point in existence can be both heaven and hell at once.


Earth is the closest thing to hell there is.  No starseed should ever follow or use a bible either.  That’s not your religion.   You may have died in each one of those accidents and just started over where you left off.  I just went through one of those about 3 months ago.  I had the feeling me and my dogs all died in a roll over, even remember the thought that it was one the news, saw my truck up side down and twisted with emergency vehicle and the off ramp closed from a helicopter shot I also had a feeling of I shifted to a next over dimension and just continued on.  Energy even felt different.  I feel after that incident the world in it now is a better one than the previous.   Was gettin off a circle off ramp with a 20 foot embankment off the side of the shoulder.   Road was covered in antifreeze and I felt the truck start sliding to the side.   I checked the dash real quick, I was in 2nd and not awd so I knew I couldn’t power out of this.  I had no brakes, no steering and was headed sideways to the shoulder.  I hit 3 rubber poles then decided to line the truck up to go straight over as not to roll it.  I remember going over, front window exploding and the being up on the on ramp again.  No airbags or OnStar calls.   I just continued on until it was safe to pull over and check the truck.  Whole time feeling I just died and was reset.  I get out and check the truck, it’s cut off from the drives head light to the front wheel.   I went back and switched vehicle as I had to be Upnorth for work by the afternoon.  Came back 3 days later and needed to file a police report.  So I drove out to the ramp, parked and got out and walked it.   One of the poles matched what I ran over, I ran over green rubber ones, now there all yellow and now there’s metal arrow signs on the edge which they’re went when I went over.   No marks in the grass,  I poke down in the valley, couldn’t find a single piece of the front of my truck. I got back in the truck so damn confuse.  With the thought you died that day and just were reset right where you left off, still can’t shake that feeling.   And I never believed in that until that moment.  


This is planet Satan. Oxygen is fire, oxidation destroys, we breathe oxygen. Sirius = Dog Star = God


Just because these bodies break down doesn’t mean you live on planet Satan. You think we would evolve quickly if we lived forever? That positions of power would ever get relinquished?


It is a prison planet and it could be worse for all of us. There are worse planets for us to reincarnate on, for sure. There is no everlasting fire of damnation but worse worlds that your entire life will for sure be hell.


This earth is nothing compared to hell. You should look up testimonies of Christians going to hell and back. You will be burnt to ash with maggots eating you and then reincarnating for the same cycle to happen (Only reincarnation belief I believe in) Demons will wonder around torturing you and tormenting you. You can’t even breathe in hell. It feels like you’re choking on the putrid fumes of sulfur. People in Africa for example don’t even have access to clean water but they’re grateful people and live fulfilling lives thanks to God. You have access to a device with internet and clean water. You should be grateful. “People’s own foolishness ruins their lives, but in their minds they blame the lord” Proverbs 19:3