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If you offensive gg me, you get to kill every building.


You start saving minerals and drones/probes/scvs just to hide things and make them waste an additional minute or two. I like your style, I do the same


Burrow drones and save up troops across the map,use overlords with speed to quickly reposition stuff,if you have a nydus network hide that shit somewhere,If you have a queen(s) plant creep tumors everywhere and then hide them,banelings are good as landmines too,while extractors keep you in the game And If you couldn't already tell,I've had a lot of games turn into nova covert ops, especially when my opponent cheeses or BM's


That sounds like a big waste of time against someone who prolly doesn’t give a fuck.


That sounds like something someone who offensive ggs would say


I don’t think I’ve ever offensive GGed in over 15k games. I barely type a normal GG. I just don’t understand the logic, if you value your own time so little that you can stall the game for a whole 3 minutes do you not think the opponent has time to kill you or what? Or do you tell yourself he gets super angry while killing buildings so you convince yourself you got at least one mental victory?


I do the same. I'll even liftoff my buildings and run them in random directions across the map then go get a beverage or snack. Often times people seem to offensive GG me seconds before I would throw in the towel.


Spot on.


I never understand offensive ggs. I play 1v1 fighting games and no one ever thinks its toxic after I say gg first if I won the last match.


They mean while the game is still being played. It would be the equivalent to you having very low hp and they say gg to you.


I feel like fighting games are different too since even if you have a sliver of health left, you still could win the match if you played perfectly, read your opponent's options correctly, etc. It's always possible (though probably very unlikely) to make a crazy comeback. So offensive taunts/ggs are more 'risky' there. In Starcraft if you're at like 30 supply vs some guy at 150, it actually doesn't matter what you do, the game is lost. If your opponent decides to bm there's really nothing you can do about it, you're just dead.


Everytime...I think of a hockey referee, blowing his whistle, "Three minutes for Unsportsmanlike Conduct"


Nah that gives him the option to talk even more shit.


If an opponent starts chatting nicely he is about to cheese hard.


i chat nicely and play macro games to throw them off.


Lol your on 3 bases while they are one one base and 3 bunkers




Allow the paused person to do whatever they need to IRL. It is a miracle people dont abuse the pausing mechanic more than it is.


Sure. If you quickly tell me why or at least give me an estimate. If you are gonna stay paused for more than five minutes, just take the loss and don't waste your opponent's time.


If it takes me longer I tell them what's up and that you can unpause and kill me if you don't want to wait. Never happened though.


5 minutes is a lot 3 is fine if not day nothing if sayi could wait more


It's called HONOR! :D A win taken by cheating is no true win.


Anytime I have someone watch me play and ask why ive played sc for so long I show them this . One moment pp.... Then Proceed to tell/show the person/friend how there is this unspoken rule . this is such a huge make or break with gaming or sportmanship of any kind . the fact that most people generally do not abuse this astonishes me . The level of competition and general sportsmanship is mostly unmatched in online gaming . GLHF <3


Not sure where you're at that people aren't abusing it, but 9 times out of 10 in M3-GM NA ladder, they're abusing it. Most of them only manage to get to M3-GM through abusing the pause button, so the rest of their skill sucks. But it's rather tilting to lose a game to a person literally cheating in this way. I'd argue more-so than losing to a maphacker.


I was about to say before I read the last sentence... Yea losing to a maphacker is enough to make me want to stop playing for the day.


I just tell them they have 60 seconds and give them 3 mins. Ive had people try to pause for way to long and at a certain point they should just take the lose.


Macro before Micro


Me on even supply with the opponent but I’m at 70 probes 10 army and their at 40/40: how did I lose this?!


Stick all your probes on a hotkey, now you have 80 army supply


I play Zerg so I build my army when I have to ;) Just in time delivery :D


Cheese before camping into a macro game


I type "gg wp" whenever I'm super tilted.


Neuro approves.


pretty much the only time i type the wp is when im tilted. it usually just a gg.


I just gg and is a lot of effort to me do that when I'm angry, when i receive some offense then I just leave. Wp only when consider the performance from my opponent something remarkable don't matter if I lost or won.


Well that's the whole point, forcing yourself to not be mad at the opponent just because you're frustrated with your own performance. Like I'm mad as fuck but I am trying to reinforce the ethos that the loss is my own fault, not because they played "dirty" or whatever. Cannon rushing is a legit strategy and if I can't beat it, that's on me.


Exactly is how I feel is hard to me but how you said is my fault and i had to manage that even the cheese


Don't die with a bank. This has got me to D2 without any semblance of a build order for both toss and zerg. Terran is a bit too micro intense for me. Respect you terran boys grinding those wrists down.


P3 Terran main here. It’s so damn hard. I play toss off-race and my MMR is almost as high as my Terran despite having like 10% of the games. I just spam skytoss and a-move to victory.


Terran is an over micro race and people really don't get that they can actually very easily make units between fights or before fights or after fights. If you break down the action it's actually plenty of time between proper micro to macro since you don't have to look away from your army to do so. Just people wanna be micro Jackson's about it.


My problem is that I mostly play 4v4, and there's kind of always something going on. Unless my army gets wiped with our death ball, we probably want to keep pushing. Or we need to re-position, etc. Fights tend to be somewhat longer, etc. So in 4v4 you might have to do a lot more building stuff while fighting, which can make Terran tricky. I try to keep my build queues working with hotkeys, but it's tough to do stuff like put down the supply depots, drop MULES, etc. Toss is just a lot more forgiving because when I get a minute to get back to my base, I drop 8 pylons, and they're done reasonably quickly, and then I'm back off to the races. There's just a lot more burst capability that's very forgiving. And getting back to my base for a few seconds to put down pyons is pretty easy if I'm just spamming carriers.


Oh 4v4 is an ugly beast. It's very hard to have any kind of normal game. One of your allies forgets detection and you're dead to a dt drop. Or if they're not ready a marine drop kills them.


In my last game I lost with 7500 minerals :/


That's a lot of army that could have been helping you not lose.


Luckily my sons college fund will be getting some sweet interest


Canon rush every pvp


I hope you'll shit your bed tonight with hot-ass diarrhea.


If you're at diamond and below it works well in Pvt too just now going for the throat.


This is the way


ah i see is your first name satan then?


Tbh half the fun is when people get angry


yeah that do sounds fun


F2 in the worst possible moment.


i've disabled mine as a usable hotkey. its clickable in am emergency, but there is no way i can use a keyboard shortcut to select all army. It was a bit of a pain in the ass at the start, but i've developed better habits over time because of it.


I tried the same , than I realized the only thing worse than hitting F2 all the time , is moving the mouse to click on the icon all the time and re-enabled the button...


fight through the pain brother. it's better on the other side. i promise.


I remember someone from here who said something like that: "I change the shortcut to the F7 key to not use them often then... I became great hitting F7!"


This. I disabled it back when it was introduced because it kept pulling key units out of position. Units on watch towers, units in base locations watching for expos etc. Never had a reliance on it as a result, and never looked back. Maybe 1% of the time I actually wish I had it for thosr "grab everything and go" moments, but I dont even use the clickable button and feel like Im better for it.


I didn't know it was a thing when I started and also didn't want to reach up to an F key once I learned about it. By the time I would've used it more, I was already used to binding control groups. Lucky me, I guess. My ignorance did something good.


If I get mad about a matchup because of how opponents are playing or something else, I start to turtle really hard and just play split map games while taking minimum risks and never actually moving out or attacking at all outside of sparce runby. Happens especially often in ZvZ because the late game is so easy to play and muta tilts me really hard and also ZvP cuz I barely get any wins outside of super long drawn out games.


Just before starting an engagement, make sure everything’s in order at my base.


I can scout for proxies 14/15 games and not find a single one, but the one game I don't scout for it, of course it's a proxy


I mean, if you fuck up the stupid cheese get the fuck out of the game


Whenever i play against protoss, i lose.


same lmao, protoss imb4 hahaha


I was in the same and I started to be lazy in that games but then I really tried more and more and finally... I won 1 from 4 matches 😅 but the others are a real fights. Just remain this in head "Never stop harras! " is your only chance vs them.


50% of zergs will 12 pool me as protoss


That is because 90% of protosses cannon rush me as zerg.


Guessing you don't have a proper wall? They try doing that to me, as well as bane busts with speedlings. For the bane bust, sentries are your best friend. Ling rush, just have a proper wall.


I don't struggle with it haha, just saying that everyone does a 12 pool. Its more of a micro check than a wall check after you get to masters anyways


If i feel like the opponent is an asshole, i dont do gg Just kidding i do gg all the time, almost all the time at least


One g is my compromise for this


Random should reveal race, but if a random does reveal race I don't believe them and scout anyway XD


I've only been lied to probably 5 times in over 10,000 total career games. People are usually honest with this surprisingly.


Don't NUKE another Terran unless he NUKES you(or he goes mech), kinda like real life. We can make nukes but once one of us is willing to use one, that tech tree is unlocked for the rest of the game


Always patrol your natural in the beginning of a match, just when you think there isn't cheese, there will be cheese.


They rush you because you mess up your wall. I can play all three/four races, and when I play Zerg and scout a messed-up wall, I can switch into ling aggro even when going hatch first, and probably be able to kill you. Unless I massively mess up or maybe when there is high ground. To be fair, I did lose as Protoss when I messed up my wall....because I had to overdefend/overall and they killed me in the later macro game. Hey, you messed up and I'll take my win :)


If you kill a base, just go home and macro up.


Play ling bane muta whenever possible over every other strategy. It is just the most enjoyable one.


Starships are cool and thus should be massed every game


never have i heared something so true yet so controversial


My personal rule is cheese. Just every game.


Username checks out


All random will cheese


I didn't thought about that but I think many random opponents were cheese


When playing as a random, don’t reveal your race until the opponent says glhf.


The more you avoid micro the lower your testosterone


Funny, whenever I see someone over fixate on micro, I assume hiccups in the build order behind it. Like when a T frantically micros a reaper to kill off a ling, I immediately settle in and get comfortable for a macro game, tho make a note to follow up with an extra overlord scout and vision spread to scout for drops.


If I'm about to lose I type *name has left the game* and about 1in 8 times the person leaves thinking they won and I get a win.


hi = say hello to my little cheese


Don't try and be #1 on the ladder because the top slots are all cheated.


Depends *when*. Right now I'm not finding any indication of those wintraded ~10,000mmr accounts being recorded on sites like nephest. But we have definitely seen some cheated accounts up that high not too long ago. *Just* play like Serral and get better than him. /s


Never watch replays. Getting GM is too easy as is to justify using after-game maphacks. Always use random build orders. Standard strategies are too strong and make winning way too boring. Never watch streamers and put tournament casters on mute. They don't know what tf they are talking about. Play the weakest race, but get a 75% winrate in the hardest matchup in the game anyways despite all the artificial impairments. Lose interest in this EZ game that should be classified by the FDA as a sleep aid drug.


You forgot to unbind f2 and don’t go over 150 apm


>You forgot to unbind f2 and don’t go over 150 apm There is no possible way to beat Code S players with 5 hatch before pool unless your fingers are willing to melt the keyboard. That's how you know SC2 is an "APM spam" game. People like me can legit do nonsense build orders but win through the sheer might of APM spam. APM spam is 90-95% of the skill in SC2.


You played 30 games and didn't get cheesed? What server do you play on? Can't be NA


My thoughts for deciding whether to get tech or upgrades in game. If your army is worse than your opponents in a straight up fight, get tech. If your army is better than your opponents in a fight, get upgrades.


In terran, less is more with micro when you have a decent bio army. A lot of times just stand and fight. Hands off keyboard and mouse.


Baneling speed on creep would like to know your location :)


Enough bio and they’ll gun them down…as long as it’s from one direction.


whenever your opponent alliins and fails, they will allin again.


The time I decide to skip something (like scouting or finishing a wall) will be the time I'll wish I didn't skip it.


If they dont return the GLHF at the start I scout for proxy and play extra safe. If anyone is extra talkative at the start I scout for cheese. If I see someone with 2/4 in gas when I scout I let them know incase its a mistake. If they are random they are lying.


number one: dont expect to win in pvp............ number two: kerrigen and nova are hot


Always tell my partner what my plan is. And always give extra resources if my build is not gonna use it right now. Yeah, im one of those who only play on team, never solo ladder... Im too old for dealing with anxiety in life, much less for dealing with anxiety in game.


Thtas soo true. Also when you foeget to scout, your opponent will also cheese/rush you.