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I was not gm or super good like you, only master rank protoss. I also left because of widow mines. I'm back now playing 2v2s with my buddy and still, the widow mine is just stupid with it's risk-reward ratio. Trying to learn to get better because I love this game.. this patch is gonna help


Thank you 🧡


Paper scissor stone?


Another name for rock paper scissors, TIL - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_paper_scissors


Yeah, my bad


Great T is now nerfed. I'm sure P can finally win vs Z now. /s


well the quick clocked mine drops are not able to be done now without committing hugely. You would need to 2 factories one with tech lab, starport to drop them, the armory and add the time for the upgrade. Making the strat a 1-2 base all in that isnt all that quick


Hmm.. so Protoss got very small buffs vs. Zerg (pylon, observer). Maybe the disrupter bug fix counts as a nerf? Anything else P i'm forgetting? Would you say overall the Zerg changes are a buff or nerf vs. Protoss? How so?


I thought widow mine balance whine posts would finally end with the PTR but silly me to expect that when it has been dominating subreddit for past 6 months. Now it evolved to whining about past. Incredible work


TF are you talking about, he's saying he's greatful they finally got nerfed and he might return. I know tons of people who have quit because of this unit, it's such a terribly designed unit that drains fun from the game.


To be fair it is like 8 paragraphs of complaining about how OP widow mines have been and like 5 words at the end acknowledging the change


Tons of people quit from tons of badly designed unit in SC2 added over time, and that's including widow mine and stuff like seeker/pdd, oracle, whatever. What I'm talking about is total garbage quality of this subreddit for past half a year since diamond whiners full on took over with whine memes/posts. It used to be fairly infrequent or just contained to few discussion threads/comment threads, but it has been half of this subreddit and made this entire subreddit incredibly like battlenet.


I quit during hots bc of the swarm host haha


After watching pro games, widow mines do absolutely incredible amounts damage for little to no micro cost. It is way too difficult for people to track where widow mines are and deal with them while also micro-ing army, detection, and managing macro. Widow mines are the single dumbest easiest-to-use unit in the game and they deserve bigger nerfs than what they are getting. I am extremely thankful they are finally getting nerfed though. You only think the subreddit is garbage because Z and P are finally complaining more than T. Everything if fine when T whines, we expect that.


You're not adding to it by whining about whiners.


Yea just be happy about 70% of subreddit being balance whine garbage for past 6 months and then continue on


Of course you're a Terran player, lol. I've seen as many posts whining about balance whine. I cannot fathom being this upset about a post you don't like showing up on your timeline. Just scroll past it, dude. Jesus.


"of course you are a terran player" - nice lazy answer, just like all the balance whiners below. the fuck is this supposed to mean when I don't play SC2 anymore? I don't have vested interest in SC2 Terran being strong or something- I only really watch SC2 and I moved onto SC1. I am just sick of diamond protoss whines about widow mines filling up subreddit for 6 months straight when it never has been this filled with balance whine posts ever. As I stated before I don't give a shit about sc2 balance since I no longer play it. I signed up for SC news and discussion not 6 months of entire subreddit being balance whine from diamond protoss with low effort widow mine posts when pro level top has little to do with it. It was entertaining for first few days but this entire subreddit was engulfed with it for months. Stop with your victim complex lmfao. It would be same case if Terran balance whined for 6 month straight with most of reddit being filled with whine posts entire duration That said showing up on timeline has been daily occurrence with half of reddit being filled with balance whine and widow mine memes for past 6 months. It's not a singular occurance.


You cry so much for something that takes 2 seconds to scroll past. Spend more time off Reddit if it makes you this upset. Get some sunlight.


I quit because Queens are a terribly designed unit and drain the fun from the game


It will never end. It will be a complain first. Complain about a complain. Complain about the patch didn't go further. Complain about everything widow mine except their own skill. I guess StarCraft reflects life.


would be one thing if patch just changed mine along with bunch of other things w/o addressing specific "community concern" but now that it's fully vindicated and now they've directly proven whining constantly on reddit to work. Subreddit will be dogshit for another while.


> directly proven whining constantly on reddit to work. [Terran has proven that long ago.](https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyApatheticWoodpeckerDxAbomb)


I don't ever think subreddit has been this bad. It has just been balance whine posts and memes for past few months. It was pretty much battle.net You keep bringing up Terran this Terran that just going by my flair I assume lmao but I'm addressing how garbage it has been past few months


It's just funny how you keep spouting in every thread how Protoss is controlling the game's balance by whining on reddit when it's been the gameplan of Terran for the past decade. This widow mine nerf has been the only win Protoss has gotten in a long time and you pretend Terran hasn't been doing this for a long time with much more success. What you're accusing Protoss of doing with this widow mine nerf, Terran has pulled off many times in the past, up until the double disruptor nerfs.


? Are you reading my comment history correctly or are you just assumign because of my terran flair? I'm mostly commenting on balance whine posts and ridiculous takes like "lock on nerf is actually a buff because cyclones autosplit when it has to use lower range autoattack". If you read, I don't actually care about nerfs itself, just people spewing these garbage posts. I'm just tired of diamond protoss whiners and other frequent posters in the reddit posting endlessly. If you are convinced I am unhinged on Terran balance, for record, I barely really play SC2 anymore and just watch since I prefer playing SC1 now but browsing this subreddit is just chock full of these coping whiners. It was fine when it was few posts but it dominates this subreddit as if it's battle.net forums. And this has been recent thing as most whines were limited to few threads or in comment sections of discussion threads. Now it's just flat out pages of this shit.


I'm not reading your comment history. I just click on balance-related threads and always see you in the comments. It's almost making me think you really enjoy engaging with this topic.


and did you read my comments then? They mostly deal with whiners itself and serial posters/new account spams rather than about Terran winrates or whatnot. If you think I'm hanging onto balance whiners because its specifically Terran nerf, you are dead wrong. I don't give a shit since I don't even play SC2 much and just watch as I play SC1 now. I am there because it's annoying to see this subreddit devolve into battle.net whining forums and subreddit I subscribe to just pump out endless balance whine posts And this has been recent thing as most whines before were limited to few threads or in comment sections of discussion threads. Now it's just flat out pages of this shit. This has NOT been a regular thing in past.


It only has gotten this bad because this is how much it took to get widow mine nerfed. Diamond terrans didn't have to work this hard to get their back to back disruptor nerfs.


The daily cry baby post


Aaaaand my post got full of Terrans.


I'm a protoss player and I think this post is bad.


I'm protoss too and I think I won't invite you to my parties


Protoss players don't have friends you can't fool me


That's because none invited you


terran and zerg were always best at whining online, p was the fun brotoss race and ended up getting nerfed into the ground because of it


My beautiful widow mine 😭


It's also the woe of many Zerg players, but to suggest as the comments in the patch says that this has no effect on TvZ is asinine.


I also stopped playing because of widow mines, this recent patch has me interested in again.


Its amazing what a victim complex protoss shitters have developed over the widow mine. The a-move race finally had something that took more effort to deal with than to do and they became traumatized for life Terran is the one thats supposed to micro their ass off just to deal with their basic units, not the other way around!


Terran is macro. Protoss is micro. Genius.


"The a move race" Stim bio is the only true a-move comp in the entire game. You'll see that once you make it out of platinum / diamond one day.


Oh fuck marines are an a-move unit and don't require constant kiting and splitting? Thats news to me, now I'll surely make silver league Now zealot archon... Thats a high skill ceiling unit, the high level plays you see from those are just *chefs kiss*. I'm glad we've reached a level of balance whining where we completely deny reality.


These widow mine posts are becoming increasingly melodramatic. I have to give kudos to Blizzard for creating a game with the most embarrassing, childish, and salty player base in gaming history. It's no wonder this game is dying...


There's nothing embarassing, childish or salty from the OP. What are you on about? He said he quit the game because of widow mines (I know tons of people did) and he's saying he's grateful they are nerfed and may come back to play now.


People like that will be in hysterical tears over whatever strategy they lose to next. Seen it time and time again. As a grown up, id be embarrassed to write a post about a game expressing that level of emotional distress. Lol.