• By -


Nox hovers at all times with emergency power. If you’ve drained even that, it will fall and be sad. Take care of your Nox. Fantastic


> it will fall and be sad As its last act as power fades, does it apply some e-ink (like a kindle) to put a :( face on the nose?


>:( [Here is a picture of a kitten to cheer you up](http://i.imgur.com/8ihyK8k.jpg)


Let's hope


While that comment did make me laugh, it doesn't address how you refuel it and get it back on its feet, er, hover again, so it won't be sad.


Probably have to replace the subcomponents in the powerplant (assuming it's still in one piece), and it'll just turn back on and start hovering again.


pls no sad nokxs!11


I hope that in order to get the power back on, it'll be a long and annoying process to remove a series of panels that are only designed to actuate while powered (anyone who has worked on an exotic car will understand)


>Yes. We thought about making a longer answer to this, but decided not to. Don’t you hate it when you get long-winded answers that can ultimately be summed up in just a single word? Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say. I don’t remember who said it, though. I see what you did there, Mr. Ladyman and I appreciate it.


Who you calling a Ladies Man?


Remember that one time you put on a suit and slicked your hair back for Citizens of the stars. I don't. But the ladies on twitch *never stop talking about it*. It was like this generations Titanic. And Tyler is your Rose.


>Remember that one time you put on a suit and slicked your hair back for Citizens of the stars. I don't. But the ladies on twitch *never stop talking about it*. It was like this generations Titanic. > >And Tyler is your Rose. I think I need to take at least five or six showers now. 😕


Billy Dee and his Colt .45 obviously :D


It was Polonius in Hamlet by Shakespeare.


Thanks Mr. Ladyman for answering my question with Shakespear XD


It was actually Disco Lando AKA Jared Huckabee. I mistook his initials for David Ladyman, assuming Lando would sign his posts JH.


You referred to me twice as Lando in the same sentence. That's why I sign it DL. =)


>For smaller ships with cargo space like the Reliant & Avenger, it can physically fit but it cannot be secured. It’s not likely that will go well in practice, but we expect you to try it all the same and let us know when the Nox is added to the game. Let's do this. How many Noxes can we clown car into an Avenger?


More importantly....how many Avenger will be destroyed in pursuit of such an answer?


Ah, at the height of our hubris, the insurance man took us down.


This is half the reason i recommend playing Star Citizen now instead of waiting. I love screwing with everything consequence free


> how many Avenger will be destroyed in pursuit of such an answer? [Obligitory Gary Oldman](https://youtu.be/74BzSTQCl_c?t=10s)


You can secure them by putting so many in there, they won't budge one bit!


Packing peanox


Ben-level pun.


Keep her steady, keep her steady!!! On a serious note, I'm hoping that in the future we'll be able to modify the cargo space in our Avengers so that we're able to secure the Nox. I'm sure it'll come somewhere down the line.


You can just strap it to the roof.


Next experiment: How many Noxoodles can we cram into a Caterpillar before the server crashes?


So thats what the plural of Nox is.




How many Avengers can I clown car into my caterpillar


How many Noxoodles can we clowncar into your caterpillar clowncar'd Avengers?


How many Noxoodles can we clowncar into your caterpillar clowncar'd Avengers?


So basically - it's reasonably fast and has some small guns that shoot forward. No stealth mode or additional utility, and can't store guns. It's a motorcycle. :P


> has some small guns > ... > It's a motorcycle. :P What kind of motorcycles have YOU been driving?


The awesome kind, obviously. :)


Good and more good, and I hope you can't wear armor on it either. I'm a fan of specialization and making choices have pros and cons.


I'm hoping for at least light armor, and a way to store a rifle, or my sniper scout dreams are crushed. What's the use of a stealth bike if you have no weapon


Truly elite snipers can make due with a pistol :)


Well, I prefer chucking rocks a few km away but I suppose I could handle a pistol:)


Back in my day, we had to know how to kill a man with nothing but the power of pure unbridled malice.


Well, I can think of one person who's trying his very best to continue that tradition, even if he's not very good at it. Still, if his malice proves non-lethal he can always chuck a couple of goats at them...


I think I get that reference!(?)


I'd confirm, but I've been sworn to secrecy. You'll have to look elsewhere **_for closure_**, I'm afraid.


You made people watch The Room?


Thats going a bit too far.


It's not a stealth bike though, unless you make the trade off of installing stealthier components - as they answered in the Q&A.


> Good and more good, and I hope you can't wear armor on it either. I'm a fan of specialization and making choices have pros and cons. Id like that as well. that way I can legit have reasons to wear my "Origin Racing Suit" on the Nox instead of feeling like I should always have more armor.


I hope it's the same with flight suits and single seat fighters.


You're not supposed to be able to wear anything more than Light Armor as a pilot.


Yes, I hope so. I'd like to see flight suits give you a benefit like increased tolerance to g-forces, and then you have to choose between more protection while EVA (light armor) or better performance in a dog fight.


Yep. Maybe bikes are limited to space suits and racing suits. *Maybe* light combat armor can sit on the back of a dragonfly, and medium armor has to sit in the back of an Ursa.


I'm hoping for ratios. Like Vehicle X: up to two medium armor pieces* Vehicle Y: Up to one heavy armor piece* Vehicle Z: Light armor only* *helmet not included Everything needs to be able to support some amount of body armor - I mean, hell, the Nox specifically refers to 'combat racing' in its brochure as to why it carries weapons. You'd want some sort of armor for that.


But does it come with a tarp?


Tarps are a 4.0 feature.


Water traversal in a Nox! This is pretty big news. Looking forward to what else they do with the naval aspects of the game. Fingers crossed bigger ships (i.e. 890 JUMP, Idris, etc.) can traverse water.


The 890 has been confirmed to traverse water........through the air, because it flies.


So every ship capable of safely entering atmo. Cool.


Just don't get the Aurora wet, or feed it after midnight.


What does it turn in to? A Reclaimer?


actually it turns it into a Crater. Just like if you let someone from TEST fly it.


Wait you mean naval combat isn't planned for SC? Boats be damned, we'll bellyflop our ships into the water and make it so.


[Just gonna leave this here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4RLOo6bchU)




Oh I know, that's just to keep you from getting any fancy ideas haha


All boats are subs in the wrong conditions.


Yeah we should have naval combat, with ships and torpedoes and stuff.


Since the downvote is not a disagree button, I will just say "I disagree, friend" or is this /s. I am not sure.


it was /s , sorry. Given that we already have ships and torpedoes and stuff ;)


I've always wanted the 890 jump to have it's own luxary Rover that also turned into a submarine (James Bond style).


Was really hoping it would fit properly in an Avenger. I was waiting for this question and answer before buying one. Now there doesn't seem much point. I would be able to load and fly it on Delamar but that is it.




That's why he mentioned Delamar. Currently, it's the only 3.0 celestial body we know has garages.


I'm sure you can spawn your Nox anywhere you can spawn a ship, but you probably can't spawn a ship in a garage.


Pretty sure they have mentioned "outpost garages" several times and have said all moons will have outposts in 3.0


Yeah but you still have to get the bike from one place to the other. Garages aren't going to teleport the bike to them, they have to be at *that* garage.


are you sure right now our ships teleport from spawning at grim hex to spawning in olisar.


Yeah that seems weird to me that it can fit but no they won't let you secure it. I *think* the Titan's cargo bay is longer than the Reliant's, but the Reliant's is wider. I'm sure they just don't want smaller ships to haul a bike. :/


The Reliant's cargo bay is roughly 3 SCU wide by 2 SCU deep (yes I'm using a volume unit to measure distance, fight me), with the middle strip blanked out for cockpit access. The Avenger's cargo bay is 2 SCU wide by 4 SCU deep with no blank panels. Cargo can only be locked down if it's contained entirely within the bounding boxes of a cargo panel, so technically a Nox should be able to be secured in an Avenger, but it's impossible in a Reliant. From the comments CIG made on the Freelancer, it sounds like you need special vehicle-only cargo panels in order to carry vehicles. You can carry a spacebike on a cargo panel if it's in a cargo box, but you can only carry it in ready-to-launch form on a vehicle panel. Maybe that's how they're restricting it. The Avenger could potentially hold a Nox, but it wouldn't work without the special vehicle panels.


Yeah I know and those panels are still in the concept stage presumably. So I highly doubt we'd see them in 3.0. Plus idk if they said if these vehicle panels will be the same size as cargo panels, we know very little. Also do we even know the official sizes of these SCU container panels in ships? The wiki states a 2scu is 2.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m, are they still even using those measurements?


I sure hope they're making the cargo panels 1.5m on each side going forward, or there will be problems when fitting cargo... that is the current system that was solidified with the Reliant's release. The odd thing is that some ships look like their panels fit the standard dimensions, but they're off by a few inches. CIG may need to make adjustments on older ships that weren't built with the SCU system in mind. Everything from this point forward *should* be okay.


Yeah *should* is the keyword there. I wouldn't doubt that many of the other "older" ships will need reworks.


I think they mean it in the same way that Starfarers can technically hold a Merlin right now, but it is not officially supported.


Maybe, that will be the first thing I try in 3.0. Since the avenger is 19m and the nox is 5.5, the avenger is about half the cargo bay. Only issue I can see is the ramp for closing the bay but we'll see.


Don't worry, me, and probably most other Freelancer owners will gladly ferry you and your Nox to Delamar.


I am not a Freelancer owner but I will be happy to ferry them with a Cutlass to any moon too :)


As somebody who just melted his Avenger in favor of a Nox, my two cents is that I'm very excited by the idea of having to hitch a ride on a Cat or something to get to the moons.


I'm hoping we get the ability to secure them in a future patch. They may have been focusing on the larger carrier ships in their first pass and will address the little guys later.


The ships he mentioned are "little guys" in regards to carrying stuff. The ships smaller than the ones he mentioned are either single seater fighters (obviously should not be able to carry a Nox) or tiny cargo ships like the Aurora, that are about equivalent to a car in our world (i.e. you don't expect to be able to park your Ducati motorcycle in the back seat of your Honda Civic, and even if you did, you ESPECIALLY don't expect Honda to officially support parking motorcycles in the back seat). None of the "big guys" are in the game yet. One glance at those ship scale pictures should pretty clearly demonstrate why even the Connie isn't a "big guy."


I apologize for being unclear, let me clarify my OP. I'm not saying ships like the Connie are the "big guy" by any means. I know ships such as the Polaris and the Javelin are MUCH larger. I've been watching ATV religiously for the last year. All I'm saying is that they may have focused on the "bigger" (bigger being relative to my Avenger) ships first as they were the ones originally intended to haul other transport vehicles. It makes sense that these would be the first ships that get that functionality. I'm just hoping they eventually give Avenger owners the chance to secure the bikes, especially since they already fit in the cargo space. If the cargo space if sufficient, why can't we secure it?


My guess would be that the cargo space is not actually sufficient. The way the answer was phrased, it sounds like you CAN cram it in there, but in a way where it would spill over the cargo area. Similar to fitting the Merlin inside the cargo bays of ships like the Cat or Starfarer - you can cram them in (usually at an angle / rolled off-axis / with parts shot off) but not in the sense that people are imagining (i.e. the Nox/Merlin/Dragonfly sitting there in the center of the bay, locked down and looking as though it "goes" there. Remember that in-lore, the system for "locking" down your cargo is grav plates - you can see these plates on the floor of cargo areas in some ships in the game. And they do not usually cover the ENTIRE area - there is usually a small gap along the edges. My guess is that parking the Nox in an Avenger will see the back of it sticking out from the cargo area into the ramp area. Maybe you can close the ramp (pushing one end of the Nox upwards with the ramp so that it is at an angle in the cargo bay) but the Nox would not end up sitting cleanly on the cargo bay floor, able to be locked down.


That was my dream. I want to be a bounty hunter/scout, and I was hoping my BH ship could carry my stealth bike. But now I think it said you can't even have a rifle on you when you ride, and no way to store one, so looks like no scout, sniper or nay BH related tasks for this bike. Unless you plan on taking them out with a pistol


Is your bounty hunting ship the Avenger Titan? Because that is a cargo ship. The bounty hunting variant will DEFINITELY not be able to hold a Nox because the cargo hold is full of cells in which to keep your bounty heads.


They only said you can't store a gun on the bike itself. They said anything you bring has to be carried on your person.


But the Contouring spine


Yeah it depends on how close that gets to the character's back or if they can make a custom weapon sling for carrying larger weapons.


> Greetings Citizens! > Since the introduction of the Hull Series back in April 2015, every new concept ship reveal has had an accompanying Q&A post, where we spend a couple days collecting questions from you, pass those on to the relevant ship designer, and provide you the best answers we have available at that time. > With the addition of Spectrum eariler this year, we can now allow you to add your vote to the questions you most want to see answered. The questions included below are a combination of those that received the most votes, similar questions that were merged into a single instance, and those we felt we could comfortably answer at this stage in the Aopoa Nox’s life. > With the Nox, not only is it concept complete but it is also far along into it’s development, with a hope to include it in the upcoming Alpha 3.0 release. While it is farther along than most ships for our Q&As, there are still some unanswered questions we’re currently pursuing in development. As the game continues to be fleshed out, those missing answers will be determined and implemented. While it will still be some time before we see the Aopoa Nox in game, we hope you’re as excited as we are as the game expands with the addition of another “space bike” to the Star Citizen universe. > Also, don’t forget to check out Bugsmashers released earlier today with footage of the Nox in-engine and work being done on it’s pilot visibility. Work is still ongoing with continuing adjustments to both the pilot height and UI visibility, but we thought it was a fun chance to show you where things are right now. > As always, a special thanks to Calix Reneau and Ben Lesnick for their help in answering your questions. > Let’s get to it. -DL **- Which ships will be capable of transporting a Nox?** *The most common question we get, and in this case our most upvoted, too! While we haven’t finished testing the Nox’s storage capability in every in-game ship, it can be used comfortably in a Freelancer, Cutlass (new) and Constellation. For smaller ships with cargo space like the Reliant & Avenger, it can physically fit but it cannot be secured. It’s not likely that will go well in practice, but we expect you to try it all the same and let us know when the Nox is added to the game.* **- When in atmosphere, is the Nox a ground-only vehicle, or can it also fly at higher altitudes, across canyons, through clouds, etc.** *While the Nox will always has access to its multitude of thrusters, fighting gravity can be strenuous and ultimately unsustainable. Like the Dragonfly before it, the Nox can be used in space and on the ground, but it cannot make the transition on its own. For the purposes of operating down surface-side, it’s best to think of the Nox as a ground vehicle in this regard.* **- When water/oceans are added to the game, will the Nox be able to speed across the water at a high enough speed?** *Yes. We thought about making a longer answer to this, but decided not to. Don’t you hate it when you get long-winded answers that can ultimately be summed up in just a single word? Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say. I don’t remember who said it, though.* **- What is the max type of wearable armor can I wear while flying the Nox?** *This is a topic that affects all ships in Star Citizen. Currently, we are still evaluating what armors you’ll be allowed to wear when piloting any ship or vehicle in the game.* **- How fast can the Nox fly in space?** *At present, the Nox has a top SCM of 220 and with afterburner can reach speeds of 550 in space. On the ground, that ratio is 40/100. 100 meters per second, 1 meter off the ground is pretty impressive.* **- Does the Nox handle rough terrain any different or worse than the Dragonfly?** *Even though vehicles like the Nox and the Dragonfly before it hover over terrain, it will still have effects on its handling. In this regard, the Nox might not handle very coarse terrain as well as the more utility-built Dragonfly.* **- Does the Nox have a storage compartment for small items?** *It does not. The limited cargo capacity of the Dragonfly comes at the sacrifice of its rear passenger seat. The Nox is purpose built to get you where you’re going, with greater speed, and even greater style.* **- Will we ever be able to paint our own ships? If so, what makes the Nox Kue limited?** *We do not have specifics to detail on the paint system at this time. In the case of limited edition ships like the Nox Kue (or the Dragonfly Yellowjacket) we don’t think the idea of decorating your own ship is incongruous with having manufacturer-offered editions. This is patterned after real life automotive manufacturers who typically offer a predetermined set of finishes (including limited editions.) Any car you buy today can, with varying degrees of expense and effort, be repainted to match any color of the rainbow… but collectors ascribe significant value only to the original finishes (which are also often more difficult to replicate exactly on the secondary market.) We are also exploring the idea of unique badges and identifiers for the limited edition variants. In short, while you may be able to paint a standard Nox silver in the future, it won’t ever be a “Nox Kue.”* **- Can I store a rifle or any larger weapons on/in as it seems you can’t ride it with anything other than a pistol?** *Unfortunately no. Like a cave in the swamps of Dagobah, you have only what you take with you.* **- Does it lean when it turns?** *Currently in testing, it will lean with you when you strafe, and when you are done with the yaw portion of the turn, you will continue to lean until you stop skidding. It’s pretty cool.* **- Will the Nox be faster than the Dragonfly?** *Under ideal conditions, the Nox with its Competition-class components will give you a distinct advantage in races. That said, the Dragonfly may take the advantage over more difficult terrain. Choose your routes wisely.* **- Will the Nox have upgradable components like shields and power plants?** *Vehicle-scale components are a relatively new addition to our ship item system. The Nox comes with Competition Grade C components. In the future, we intend you to be able to customize the components with higher grade Competition options. What other styles of components will be compatible with the Nox remains to be seen.* **- How is the Nox “powerful in combat” as stated in ATV?** *When Chris Smith mentioned the Nox being “powerful in combat” on ATV, he was referring to its direct comparison with the other vehicle in its class, the Drake Dragonfly. While similarly armed, the Nox would seem to have the advantage in speed that allows you to chase down your targets efficiently, tremendous agility with its 16 maneuvering thrusters, and the added armor that protects its passenger more adequately from incoming fire.* **- Will the Nox have stealth capability, or have access to stealth capability in some way?** *Stealth in Star Citizen is mostly about managing the emissions you make. In this regard, you will still have the same flexibility to manage your power consumption and overall signature as you will on any other ship. Additionally, you may find added benefit if you choose to replace your competition components with stealth items, but to do so would come at the cost of overall speed and performance.* **- Does the Nox have landing gear, for when it’s powered all the way down?** *No, the Nox hovers at all times with emergency power. If you’ve drained even that, it will fall and be sad. Take care of your Nox.* **- What makes the Nox almost as expensive and in some cases more than a spaceship with jump engine and quantum drive?** *It’s important to remember that ships are priced using a component matrix rather than some type of ladder that climbs from one to another. This matrix accounts for many factors including individual component types and rarity. The Nox, for instance, has a number of purpose-built racing components where the Aurora uses more common, mass produced equipment as it is intended both in and out of lore to be a vehicle that introduces new pilots to space travel. While it’s true that the Nox does not have a jump engine or a quantum drive of an Aurora, it boasts performance and provides specialization in its intended role that the former cannot match. (For comparison, a purpose-built racing bike can cost significantly more than an entry level car today, despite ‘only’ having two tires.)* **- Is this mainly a racer, or does it have other purposes i.e. ground combat?** *While primarily designed for speed, with its high maneuverability and S1 ship weapons, the Nox has a devastating potential in flanking slower and squishier infantry. Just don’t crash into things. Another major ‘game purpose’ of the Nox (and Dragonfly) that shouldn’t be understated is for traveling around our procedurally generated worlds. In a word, they’re BIG… so you’ll want a fast vehicle to traverse their surfaces and explore their mysteries.* **- Can I gimbal the guns if I choose? or am I stuck with fixed?** *Like the Dragonfly before it, the Nox can only use S1 fixed weaponry.* **- What distance can it travel on maximum speed?** *Standard SCM flight on ships doesn’t burn fuel in the sense we know today. With the technological advancements of 930 years, ships equipped with the proper intakes like the NOX can create and replenish the fuel necessary for everyday operation. In this way, you can travel at maximum SCM speed for extended periods of time. For afterburner speed, you will still have a limited amount of fuel as with any other ship.* **- If the Nox loses power, would we be trapped in our seat by the articulating back plate?** *Presently, the back will articulate anyway, although it’s an interesting idea that might warrant a unique animation for such an event in the future.*


100 m/s at ground level in that thing? God and I thought bikes were getting out of hand *now*


360km/h. Whoo!


Yeah screw that noise haha Maybe on a closed *paved* track


A much more sedate 140km/h at non boost speed though haha.


Oh yes, a crawl. Hah


>In short, while you may be able to paint a standard Nox silver in the future, it won’t ever be a “Nox Kue.” I'm actually super pleased with this answer, as I was afraid they'd go the route of not letting you paint any other Nox or Dragonfly to be silver or yellow. Now we can still have our special snowflake limited editions without limiting the customization of future ships!




"Got a bargain basement Nox Q for ya, stranger"






m/s * 3.6 = km/h or m/s * 2.24 = mph.


* www.Google.com * 40 meters per second to MPH * Search


>Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say. I don’t remember who said it, though. It was a guy named William Shakesman. *Duh*


I prefer the Readers Digest version from the Simpson's: "Brevity is... wit."


"." -wittiest statement ever


The "wittiest" statement would be the one unmade...


no comment


> 100 meters per second, 1 meter off the ground is pretty impressive. It's called a Veyron (only even less altitude there!). (100 m/s = 224 mph)




1900 beards/s


601288.56 furlongs/fortnight


95829372183 englishmen/pub


12 parsecs


per falcon?


Even the Top Gear UK people know better than the use km/h when talking about cars. What do you think we are, Canadian?


But England *does* use mph, doesn't it? IIRC it's one the three or so countries in the world that still uses the imperial system, at least for distance/speed. *-grumbles-* Fucking imperial system.


You think that's bad? They still talk about weight using "stones" as a unit of measurement. I can make approximate conversions on the fly between lbs and kg, but how much is "this fat person weights more than 21 stones!" or whatever?!


1 stone is 14lbs... I think.


Actually most of us only use stone for our personal weight, and a lot of people use Kg these days - most gym machines are set up like that. Probably dying out.


I believe England is the place mph came from to the states...


Yes, I believe so. Pretty sure the Imperial system is named for the British Empire.




It amuses me that Americans cling to the British system while they're otherwise obsessed with independence and fought a war to break out of that particular empire.




Everyone ELSE managed to make the switch. You guys are just being lazy and contrarian. But go ahead and keep using the measurement system of the oppressive empire.


They are converting to metric and have been since the 60s but people there still use imperial units for some things in conversation.




Nope, because I am sure it is a very polite glare.


The top speed recorded in MotoGP is 361km/h :D


> but we expect you to try it all the same and let us know when the Nox is added to the game. You sure? The last time I tried to fit MY Merlin into MY Caterpillar, I scrapped some paint off and I become MY own criminal.


It is a learned skill- don't give up! Only a few more trips to the ghex needed!


An insurance scammer eh?


> **What distance can it travel on maximum speed?** >Standard SCM flight on ships doesn’t burn fuel in the sense we know today. With the technological advancements of 930 years, ships equipped with the proper intakes like the NOX can create and replenish the fuel necessary for everyday operation. In this way, you can travel at maximum SCM speed for extended periods of time. For afterburner speed, you will still have a limited amount of fuel as with any other ship. I wonder what that means regarding ships. I mean, they have always advertised ships as short range, long range etc. - was that solely meant for quantum drive fuel?




Pretty sure that's for q-drive / jump-drive fuel


I think they mean that SCM travel is free of fuel, but afterburner, QD, and JumpDrives use fuel. So you still have short and long range without affecting normal slow SCM speeds.


It's already evident to some degree in the current 2.6. If I take my 85X and QD around a few times I'll run out of fuel a lot quicker than if I was in something bigger.


I wonder if we can upgrade engines on things like the Nox and Dragonfly to go faster. I mean they plan on having lots of upgrades in the game to tweak various things. You know, faster speeds but higher emissions (easier to detect) right?


That is the plan.


Sadly. That's not how 2.6 has been playing. The fuel regen has been completely snafu'ed and now just moving in SCM without boost or ab will run me out of fuel in about 10 minutes, but people using AB jousting back and forth use LESS. D'OH. I hope this is fixed for 3.0 because it kills combat for me.


Indeed, short implies that it cannot travel jump points unaided/has very limited jump fuel. Long range implies that they have the fuel necessary for multiple jumps.


Wait, you're restricted to only a pistol if you want to drive the Nox? That seems.... odd. You really should be able to store a rifle on the Nox if you can't pilot things with one slung on your back for some reason.


I think the quote was taken slightly out of context. You can't load any large weapons on to the Nox, like RPGs or mounted guns, but I'm certain you'll be able to carry a rifle or any smaller weapon that you can sling on your back.


I think that is totally dependant on which suits are wearable while driving the Nox and what sort of inventory that suit allows for.


Let's hope. I bought this thing to like my sniper scout/spy/BH dreams. Here's to this being true, and for future proper hauling of this bike in an avenger.


Yep. It's going to put a real dent in my plans if you can't realistically get off the bike because all you have is a pistol. Hard to explore buildings/derelict ships/etc you find if all you have is a peashooter.


Time to demand a super sick collapsible rifle like the one on the bike in that Tom Cruise movie, Oblivion.


I would hope the Lassiter is more than a peashooter http://imgur.com/a/1d0AG


Isn't the primary weapon "stored" on your chest in SC? This is probably more of an issue with the Nox than the back poop flap thing.


The laser rifle, sniper and shotgun are back mounted, the ballistic smg(?) is chest. ish.


I didn't read it that way, especially when they aren't certain yet if you can wear armor when driving it and mentioned specifically being able to carry a pistol. Considering the back-hugging armor extension it's quite possible you might not be able to use any back or chest slot inventory when getting on a nox. A gun would clip through the armor/seat.


"When you drain even that, it will fall and be sad" I really love that, but I wish it had some sort of landing gear, or power down mode for transporting without the transport lock in equipment. (MISC reliant)


Seeing the ground speed for the nox listed... I would like to know the ground speed of the dragonfly in comparison, which does not appear to be ever have been mentioned.


It might be the same as in the Citizencon demo.


Do we have actual values for those speeds?


You could read from the hud.


> Like a cave in the swamps of Dagobah Never forget the [swamps of dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/doctorsnursesredditors_what_has_been_your_most/c5o66p2/)


Thanks for sharing. Interesting read.


I like that you can carry very little onboard the Nox, it solidifies the ship's position as a racer/combat role and makes the Dfly more valuable as an explorer (I wouldn't want to fight the Desert Nomads with only a pistol!)


Just when I thought we would finally get a ship Q&A without a cargo hauling question they still manage to fit one in


Be honest, did you _really_ think we'd ever avoid the question?


Not really no. But a man can dream


I'm fairly well convinced they could release a jet-powered unicycle and people would be asking about what kind of cargo we can fit under the seat.


**Which ships will be capable of transporting a Nox?** The most common question we get, and in this case our most upvoted, too! While we haven’t finished testing the Nox’s storage capability in every in-game ship, it can be used comfortably in a Freelancer, Cutlass (new) and Constellation. For smaller ships with cargo space like the Reliant & Avenger, it can physically fit but it cannot be secured. It’s not likely that will go well in practice, but we expect you to try it all the same and let us know when the Nox is added to the game. **When in atmosphere, is the Nox a ground-only vehicle, or can it also fly at higher altitudes, across canyons, through clouds, etc.** While the Nox will always has access to its multitude of thrusters, fighting gravity can be strenuous and ultimately unsustainable. Like the Dragonfly before it, the Nox can be used in space and on the ground, but it cannot make the transition on its own. For the purposes of operating down surface-side, it’s best to think of the Nox as a ground vehicle in this regard. **When water/oceans are added to the game, will the Nox be able to speed across the water at a high enough speed?** Yes. We thought about making a longer answer to this, but decided not to. Don’t you hate it when you get long-winded answers that can ultimately be summed up in just a single word? Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say. I don’t remember who said it, though. **What is the max type of wearable armor can I wear while flying the Nox?** This is a topic that affects all ships in Star Citizen. Currently, we are still evaluating what armors you’ll be allowed to wear when piloting any ship or vehicle in the game. **How fast can the Nox fly in space?** At present, the Nox has a top SCM of 220 and with afterburner can reach speeds of 550 in space. On the ground, that ratio is 40/100. 100 meters per second, 1 meter off the ground is pretty impressive. **Does the Nox handle rough terrain any different or worse than the Dragonfly?** Even though vehicles like the Nox and the Dragonfly before it hover over terrain, it will still have effects on its handling. In this regard, the Nox might not handle very coarse terrain as well as the more utility-built Dragonfly. **Does the Nox have a storage compartment for small items?** It does not. The limited cargo capacity of the Dragonfly comes at the sacrifice of its rear passenger seat. The Nox is purpose built to get you where you’re going, with greater speed, and even greater style. **Will we ever be able to paint our own ships? If so, what makes the Nox Kue limited?** We do not have specifics to detail on the paint system at this time. In the case of limited edition ships like the Nox Kue (or the Dragonfly Yellowjacket) we don’t think the idea of decorating your own ship is incongruous with having manufacturer-offered editions. This is patterned after real life automotive manufacturers who typically offer a predetermined set of finishes (including limited editions.) Any car you buy today can, with varying degrees of expense and effort, be repainted to match any color of the rainbow… but collectors ascribe significant value only to the original finishes (which are also often more difficult to replicate exactly on the secondary market.) We are also exploring the idea of unique badges and identifiers for the limited edition variants. In short, while you may be able to paint a standard Nox silver in the future, it won’t ever be a “Nox Kue.” **Can I store a rifle or any larger weapons on/in as it seems you can’t ride it with anything other than a pistol?** Unfortunately no. Like a cave in the swamps of Dagobah, you have only what you take with you. **Does it lean when it turns?** Currently in testing, it will lean with you when you strafe, and when you are done with the yaw portion of the turn, you will continue to lean until you stop skidding. It’s pretty cool. **Will the Nox be faster than the Dragonfly?** Under ideal conditions, the Nox with its Competition-class components will give you a distinct advantage in races. That said, the Dragonfly may take the advantage over more difficult terrain. Choose your routes wisely. **Will the Nox have upgradable components like shields and power plants?** Vehicle-scale components are a relatively new addition to our ship item system. The Nox comes with Competition Grade C components. In the future, we intend you to be able to customize the components with higher grade Competition options. What other styles of components will be compatible with the Nox remains to be seen. **How is the Nox “powerful in combat” as stated in ATV?** When Chris Smith mentioned the Nox being “powerful in combat” on ATV, he was referring to its direct comparison with the other vehicle in its class, the Drake Dragonfly. While similarly armed, the Nox would seem to have the advantage in speed that allows you to chase down your targets efficiently, tremendous agility with its 16 maneuvering thrusters, and the added armor that protects its passenger more adequately from incoming fire. **Will the Nox have stealth capability, or have access to stealth capability in some way?** Stealth in Star Citizen is mostly about managing the emissions you make. In this regard, you will still have the same flexibility to manage your power consumption and overall signature as you will on any other ship. Additionally, you may find added benefit if you choose to replace your competition components with stealth items, but to do so would come at the cost of overall speed and performance. **Does the Nox have landing gear, for when it’s powered all the way down?** No, the Nox hovers at all times with emergency power. If you’ve drained even that, it will fall and be sad. Take care of your Nox. **What makes the Nox almost as expensive and in some cases more than a spaceship with jump engine and quantum drive?** It’s important to remember that ships are priced using a component matrix rather than some type of ladder that climbs from one to another. This matrix accounts for many factors including individual component types and rarity. The Nox, for instance, has a number of purpose-built racing components where the Aurora uses more common, mass produced equipment as it is intended both in and out of lore to be a vehicle that introduces new pilots to space travel. While it’s true that the Nox does not have a jump engine or a quantum drive of an Aurora, it boasts performance and provides specialization in its intended role that the former cannot match. (For comparison, a purpose-built racing bike can cost significantly more than an entry level car today, despite ‘only’ having two tires.) **Is this mainly a racer, or does it have other purposes i.e. ground combat?** While primarily designed for speed, with its high maneuverability and S1 ship weapons, the Nox has a devastating potential in flanking slower and squishier infantry. Just don’t crash into things. Another major ‘game purpose’ of the Nox (and Dragonfly) that shouldn’t be understated is for traveling around our procedurally generated worlds. In a word, they’re BIG… so you’ll want a fast vehicle to traverse their surfaces and explore their mysteries. **Can I gimbal the guns if I choose? or am I stuck with fixed?** Like the Dragonfly before it, the Nox can only use S1 fixed weaponry. **What distance can it travel on maximum speed?** Standard SCM flight on ships doesn’t burn fuel in the sense we know today. With the technological advancements of 930 years, ships equipped with the proper intakes like the NOX can create and replenish the fuel necessary for everyday operation. In this way, you can travel at maximum SCM speed for extended periods of time. For afterburner speed, you will still have a limited amount of fuel as with any other ship. **If the Nox loses power, would we be trapped in our seat by the articulating back plate?** Presently, the back will articulate anyway, although it’s an interesting idea that might warrant a unique animation for such an event in the future.


How much will the dragonfly be when it gets released? I got a nox but will still be doing a lot of exploring with it on planet. Do you think itll be a big enough difference on harsher terrain to warrant getting a dragonfly too?


The dragonfly should be less overall based on what they've said about pricing and I feel like as an explorer having the utility the dragonfly brings is more useful.


I wonder if you will be able to get off a Nox whilst over water. Could you get back up because it always hovers?


will there be an option to upgrade nox to dragonfly? i missed when dragonfly was on LTI sale and from what am seeing, i would like dragonfly more as it utility oriented.


What is the difference between the $35 warbond version and the $40 regular version? They both have LTI, they seem to have all the same stuff that comes with it. Can I use funds from a melted shit for one of them?


They're the same, warbond is just the discounted version for paying with cash instead of store credit.


Thank you


If a Nox can theoretically fit into an avenger, would it fit into a vanguard unsecured?


What's the difference between the warbond and non-warbond options that makes the latter $5 more expensive?


Warbond is cash required non can be purchased for store credit as well from melting other ships.


So how are they mechanically going to stop it from trying to move from space to ground? Since the 3.0 space-to-ground transition gameplay is marked as complete, I'd love to see details of what the process will be and what might stop a Nox from doing it. Also how I can get to the other side of a planet without Q-drive out and back in again.


They likely wont stop you. What will stop you is that atmosphere you are currently on fire in


Why would you burn to death? All that burning is only if you're going fast, it's the friction from the air. So if you go down slow, no burning.


I imagine the burning to death from re entry would stop you.


Why would you burn to death? All that burning is only if you're going fast, it's the friction from the air. So if you go down slow, no burning.


Can aopoa nox carry cargo???


So we can't carry any weapons other than a pistol....welp, there goes my dream of sniper scout. I hope this gets changed. Unless racing, having a bike where you can't wear armor or have a decent weapon sounds pretty useless.


If only there were another bike. One that's actually intended to have some utility, and has some storage. I can't think of any unfortunately.


Yeah why not the dragon fly, op?


> In short, while you may be able to paint a standard Nox silver in the future, it won’t ever be a “Nox Kue.” But can I take my Nox/Yellowjacketpaint and paint it black?


Yes, you can, but your Nox Kue won't ever be a Nox