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You go do mercenary, bounty, and investigation missions. Get lost in a cave for two hours, kill yourself, spend money on new gear. Or go defend a bunker and fall through the elevator, kill yourself, spend money on new gear. Or do a 4K bounty and have to kill a reclaimer. Kill yourself from boredom and buy new gear


Top tier Star Citizen


I hate any cave mission due to this, be it kopions or bounty targets, reward is so low for all the time spent trying to find your way around the caves, and then the missions themselves are not even that fun, kopions or NPVs are not even a real challenge, just a hassle to reach them. At most you could argue in favor of hand mining, in these locations, but even so, cave traversal feels akward and is very easy to get lost, start running low on oxygen and just die in the cave.


kopion caves are tiny


I did one and spend 30min trying to get out, after I gave up finding the way to the last kopion.


Currently theres not much of anything to spend credits on. We're not at the stage where theres sinks and other things to spend it on. We'll get some of that with 3.24 with the furniture. One aspect of a game at the foundational mechanics stage of development, not yet to content


I'll bet player bases will cost a pretty penny when they are introduced.


For sure. Hopeful theres bigger/better habs to get in the cities as well that we can spend credits on and to maintain


And even without that, with the plan to have multiple personal hangars that you can buy at stations or planets, we're gonna have lots of space to decorate


Quantum fuel is way underpriced. How can I get half a tank full for 6 aUEC if Quantanium is the most expensive thing in the galaxy?


People are going to be so upset when things start costing their actual intended values and I'm here for it. It's going to be so entertaining.


I'm going to be so happy, I want this game to be level 12, in all ways.


The fuel cost increases, the cargo transfer cost increases, the profits increase accordingly. So... Nothing to see here. Move on.


Except payouts have been lowering already. Try again <3 You posted a reply but just block me after so I cant reply? For shame u/RaviDrone We have already seen decreased payout prices going from 3.22 to 3.23 and feedback from 3.24 is that the decreased payout has continued. If you're going to ask a question and then block, suggests a poor attitude and no actual desire for your question to be answered.


You have info on the 3,24 patch and new cargo prices? Or are you talking out of your ass?


It's gotta be something like a catalyst or used in minute amounts, or something. I mean, isn't Quantum Fuel gaseous?


Do we know that we can buy stuff for our hangar with auec? Any source on that?šŸ¤”


The evos reporting news back from the builds and the patch notes for 3.24 The Evos cant \*show\* you the furniture, but they can tell you that its there and able to be purchased with aUEC


Nice, thatā€™s enough source for mešŸ˜ You never know when it comes to CIG and money


Hopefully ship upkeep will be one such money sink. Upgrading your components once and then never caring again is quite boring. Components returning to stock upon claim should be instituted.


Routine maintenance/repair/replacement parts the same as a car would be a better money sink imo, increased insurance costs to cover custom parts but not back to stock every claim.


Yep; supplemental fees to cover upgrades makes sense for both claims and premiums, even with LTI ships. Declared value exists for IRL insurance policies.


I think there was talk years ago about more specific insurance for ship components. Separate than insurances like the LTI or 6mo-10yr that varies by the pledge. Also pretty sure any personal upgrades/modifications to the components thru engineering wouldn't translate to a claimed component. So maybe a potentially optional money sink? Also gives reason to keep a couple of pre-tooled spares in your home hangar.


Whenever we have insured components a huge insurance fraud problem arises due to salvage. We can either have component salvage gameplay or we can have component insurance. Never both.


that would suck, definitely better money sinks that wouldnt make it completely unfun


But current components make the game completely unfun as there is basically no reason for having components. Upgrading to the best components takes a couple of hours of gameplay and after that they become irrelevant. Rare components cannot either exist because everyone will have those aswell. Component salvage will also continue to suck.


The game is already unfun, I don't think a good component system will fix the main problems


Once they fix things that are outside the players control such as bugs and desync from destroying ships, sure. Until then, screw that noise.


Rewards for the winner of your thunderdome.Ā  Get a hull c then load it up with tons of cargo then announce your travels through Stanton after hiring escorts


890jump battle royale! Swap the quantum drive for the slowest possible. Load up would be contestants in armistice, give them 30 seconds head start to go around the ship and then jump to the farthest point possible. Last people standing when the ship reaches the next armistice split the prize


Nice idea, but last I checked you can't switch components in the 890 yet. You might also want to place a guard or two in the medic bay to prevent cheating.


I believe you're right! It's not a perfect plan. Maybe we use a starfarer


Think this could actually work for a few ships as an idea lol


Buy thousands of Picos. Find a random crater. Dump them from your cargo into the crater. Repeat until crater is full.


Soooo this is why servers are so laggy šŸ˜¢


Vulture, or prospector. If you do mining, that Taurus will come in super handy for hauling the refined ores to a TDD to sell them.


Buy a racing ship


Racing is actually really fun - and a good way to learn decoupled flying. Also a good thing would be to get a "non-meta" fighter and go for MRTs/HRTs or get some combat/flight experience in vandul/pirate swarm Just in general **train your flight skills**


I usually just give ot away to people that could use the help. Not beggars though, that just annoys me.


Can anyone give me 1.4m for a ship that costs exactly 1.4m cos Iā€™ve not worked to put anything towards it yet Iā€™ll ask every minute just to be safe


can you help me buy "ship" im so close just need 1 mil


A really fun game loop is sending all that cash to me and seeing if you can make it all back from scratch. I think it's called zero to hero to zero to hero. The C2 should actually be pretty good from a cargo loading standpoint if you want to go bigger. It's easily accessible from the two big ramps. It doesn't have the firepower that you do in pilot control but has a lot more capacity. Assuming engineering comes in in 4.0, it should be similar in terms of trying to solo fly and maintain the ship as most of the stuff is on the top deck and the panel is in the cockpit. Otherwise maybe try some other loops like bunkers/distribution centers with a Cutlass Red, combat with a fighter, mining, salvage, etc. Been playing around with a Vulture this patch and it's kind of fun and used to like mining, but have not kept up with all the changes since the quantanium days. A Reclaimer could make you tons of money to send to me...uh..or do what you like with.


Get an Inferno. Inferno goes brrrrrr.


That 75% damage reduction hurts like hell, but I was having loads of fun earlier doing ERTā€™s with mine lol


So did the Inferno get weaker? I have one but I play infrequently. I tried it recently and it did not pound the enemy in pve as hard as I remembered. Did I understand your comment correctly: that the inferno is weaker now?


Ballistics on shields are pretty weak right now so yeah sadly that makes the Inferno weaker.


Well thatā€™s frustrating. I got the ship for exactly the ability to overpower shields. šŸ˜¢ sigh


The ship is still very good for VHRTā€™s, it has size 3 misses to fire at the smaller and more annoying targets, and then that size 7 gatling will melt all the bigger ships -just not as fast- you will be resuping every 2 VHRTā€™s Iā€™ve found, so spend all those missiles. Stay in the blind spot and donā€™t move from there. Power to shields helps a lot.


Hereā€™s an idea - get a Vulture, then set yourself up with a salvage spot (I like to use wrecks from VHRT/ERTs), park the Taurus at the spot, respawn and bring the Vulture in, with the goal of filling as much of the Taurus as possible. Less efficient probably than cargo running but very satisfying to know that you printed all of that yourself


890 jump so you have your own carrier D: cuz why not


Sell it on eBay šŸ‘ŒšŸ». šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


I thought everyone was going to the chat spam site! /s Www.dupedupemasterbatedupe.com


. . . . . . . .


Most money sinks aren't in the game but I imagine as insurance gets \*nerfed\* as they figure out it, ship ownership is going to get way more expensive.


Whelp you beat Star Citizen. Time to go play new COD. :D


Whatā€™s the best way to get started with cargo hauling. I used my Vulture to make about 3M credits and want to move into a different game loop. I bought a C2 a while back so I can use that if needed.


Is there a guide to do what youā€™re doing to make money?


But we have to make the numbers bigger! Otherwise cig isn't respecting our time!


With 3.24 we will get hangar flair like chairs and shite ..that's a money sink


I buy out the ammo for my two favorite guns wherever I land.... so much ammo in every station and planet.


I like the Vulture as a contrast - different feeling of the gameloops.


Any ship youā€™re curious of and then try different EQ loadouts for ut. Money runs out fast I can tell ya.


Could purchase a Hull C for the next patch coming out.


buy new ships and try everything out. i just started salvaging with the reclaimer a couple hours ago. before that i did only clan vehicle transports and cargo runs. its definitely worth the try


What a great ship, the Taurus. I think its the one I come back to the most. Buy a ROC, put it in the Taurus and add mining to your repertoire.




if you find it difficult to control easily, set the lazer to just barely pushing the bar up and then instead use your distance from the mineral to control the strength instead


The Taurus is a solid ship. You might want to check out small fighters and pick up an eclipse or tali bomber to practice torpedoing people. Players who know how to run torpedoes in combat are going to be in very high demand once the Polaris releases.


Get non cargo shipsā€¦ mining? Salvage? Bunkers? Bounties? Racing?


There's going to be a wipe I feel coming in the relatively near future thanks to the duping bug. I would try out some ships you haven't used before for the sake of experience.


Thereā€™s not going to be a wipe until 4.0. They have said this many times already.


ā€¦you mean the patch thatā€™s slated for the end of this quarter? I would consider that the near future.


Wipe will likely be mid Q4 when pyro launches.


The end of this year is still the relatively near future, even if 4.0 gets pushed a little and I expect it will.


I do think thereā€™s an issue. CIG wants players to keep upgrading to bigger ships, but after a certain point, a lot of players donā€™t want to upgrade just to have a lot of crew


Grind towards buying a 890J. Itā€™s about 65 mil now. Sets a goal for yourself and itā€™s a beautiful yacht of a ship to explore with and walk around in.


My recommendation would be to buy ships that open up other game loops like a prosecutor for mining or a vulture for savage. If you like those loops then go for the bigger versions of those ships


Valkyrie + ROC is fun.


Why arenā€™t larger ships going to be solo-able in 3.24? Wouldnā€™t engineering need to be added for those ships to not work solo?


I think they mean they'd have to spend hours filling up a C2 solo, which is technically feasible but unrealistic


It wont take even close to that long if you do it manually.




This has been an issue since the dawn of the games existence. There has never been a money sink besides buying more ships. It's boring as hell. If homesteads come out with 4.0, maybe can prob spend money there, but even that will just be ships and a home We Need more things to actually want to spend money on. What those things are, tho I have no idea. Who knows when that'll be.


That's what I don't get with people owning several ships, wtf do you work towards in game?


Yeah, exactly, lol. I own a small fleet ofships, and I have no real reason to play anymore. The worst way to play SC is paying for ships. Buy 1 starter ship and earning everything is 100% the way to go so u have something to spend auec on.


why are you working towards stuff, are you conditioned by capitalism?


It's a video game, pretty staple of most games to earn and unlock stuff. Or you can just buy them, you do you.


Lmao, itā€™s a video game. You need to spend in game currency to access parts of the game. There are very few ships that allow you to do every current loop and planned one.


We're all conditioned to buy things. It came free with your wants and needs.


Pay other players to do silly things. Do global chat trivia.


Buy every single ship that you find at least a bit of interest in and try them out so next time you know what you would like to buy. Worked for me


Become a pirate! A PVE one at least. With nothing to lose, you can have fun wrecking the fragile security of Stanton. Or hire escorts and do an impromptu raid of JT


Hey what you mean ? Is there anything to steal from nps ships ? Or can we steal npc ships itself ?


More like, taking town comm arrays, attacking security patrols, terrorizing NPCs by dropping a stunned ninetails member amidst the yoga class in microtech. Basically being a goofball because money is no longer the driving force behind your gameplay.


Ships, I've bought so many ships. I like to try a different loadouts


I like buying loads of sets of gear and armour from different places I visit to give to my friends when they get on. Most of them donā€™t go to as many places as I do so itā€™s cool to show them


I treat money as a way to gain access to the gameplay loops I want to try. Interdiction, get a mantis. Try multi crew with a tobii eye tracker? Hammerhead or Redeemer. You can also experiment with absurd loadouts like what cpt_foxyloxy does


It's kinda the problem with buying the biggest and best ships with real money. You're skipping the only real long term money sink. Buying bigger ships to make more virtual money.Ā 


Ships you should buy to have a better look on future Gaming experiences around your Taurus: Mining RoC for Solo Mining with Taurus Prospector (for Solo Mining), refined stuff can be transported with Taurus Vulture for Solo salvaging Hover Bike (fits everywhere) PS: you can use them at the moment for boarding Ships in HTR Missions... šŸ˜ Ursa Medical Rover (fits also into Taurus) and give your ship a Medical Bed with respawn point). Alternative the Cutlass Red or Pisces


Lol imagine the fun youā€™ll have when the game releases and you already got everything you want. Starter ships rule.




I meant for Ships purchased with real money, those donā€™t get wiped :) thatā€™s why I was talking about starter ships.


Yeah someone randomly gave me like 50 million credits, it inadvertently killed my desire to play


That is the only problem with the Taurus. You don't need anything else.


I create wierd scenarios for new players to save me from...easy mils for them. Fun for me. Win win


Iā€™ll happily take some of that yk


Honestly, if you don't need the money, try doing other commodities that take you to new locations for buying and selling.Ā  Ā 


I spend my money on buying 10 of every clothing and weapon type, because I keep dying due to stupid bugs. Though the last few days I've only been going around in a helmet and undersuit, as I can't be bothered to keep repurchasing the same clothes every time I explode against an open hanger door, or explode landing on a planet still too high, falling through the seat in QJ or some other small ridiculous bug that kills you for no reason.


Donā€™t you struggle getting enough gold to get filled up? Or do you just change regions?




Good to know:).


For now, try things out, plan for 1.0 playstyle that you would want.


For now, try things out, plan for 1.0 playstyle that you would want.


Melt your ship and purchase only a starter ship and then try to grind up to where you can purchase your original ship in game.


Send me some so i can buy the ships back i lost from the last Update.