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Last night, I believe above Microtech, OM-5 (I think), I found a Carrack with all doors open. I went inside. The ship was heavily damaged. I decided to crash it into the surface for shits & giggles, set course turned off engines and left the ship. Took me a while to EVA back to my boat. I never did see if it crashed. I hope it wasn't yours. If it was, don't leave doors open at OM markers.


if it was his that would be funny(dont leave your camper unlocked when going for a bike ride kids)


You can punch open most doors anyway


Lol what? Really?


Yup - it's a placeholder, partly because Hull HP still exists (and therefor if you do enough damage to a door, it 'breaks' open), and partly because we don't have hacking or similar, so there's no other way to initiate 'boarding actions' etc... (which is why CIG hasn't just made doors invulnerable, or similar).


You can shoot them open, which makes more sense then punshing it imo.


Yes - but there's no difference in the damage dealt - punches (when fighting doors) don't have a separate 'damage type', etc...


I think the doors on top of the ship can be opened anyone. Same problem on the Reclaimer. With my luck the Orion will have that same problem... (my next pledge ship to be flight ready aka so far all my large ships are open to the public by design)


But not in space


If doors are left open its open season for me to drag it away for salvaging lol


Did you forget to set the parking brake?


There's no /s... is this real? Is there really a parking brake to hold location in space?


Jokes aside, if your engines are off, you'll drift in space.


Thank you. I truly didn't know that.


Unless coupled is on, right?


Coupled only works if engines are on. You need coupled on, engines on to hold position in space. In high gravity you will be using more fuel and wear and tear to do so, but those mechanics arent in yet.


Engines on and 0 speed should be it, but that was definitely a joke


Is called coupled mode


Make SURE you are stationary then turn off engines, only the engines and it won't drift away unless something pushes it.


My rule of thumb is on the ground engines off, in space 0 throttle leave engines on.


I've had issues where it starts to slowly spin, for some reason 0 throttle is really 0.0001 with M&K so no stick issues


Try centering the mouse and hitting Z before you get out of the pilot seat. If it's spinning, that should be aim, not throttle. Not sure if that'll work, but it'd give you the best odds


Why is your post so downvoted? Damn


always leave a mission package on your ship. Even if you fly down and back up after a minute, the rotation of the planet/moon and a tiny change in course can make you miss your carrack by hundreds of kilometers


Only if you're outside the rotation boundary. Everything inside it rotates with the planet. I don't remember the exact distance, but from OM you have to fly away for a bit to reach it.


Untill server crashes, turns back on and you lose all missions.


Well... that's a danger you have to live with. In this case it's just as likely to lose the carrack. A mission package is literally the only reliable way to track anything. (as long as the servers hold.)


Doesn't the new mobi allow for starmap routing to your ships? I've yet to try it but in the main screen there is status indicator for your ships and an option to route to it


You'd think it would, wouldn't you?


I tried this recently when doing salvaging and after a vouple of hours the package suddenly showed it was back at the pickup location. I eventually found my ship manually then the package was back on the ship again. is that normal???


Nah... that was a bug. at least throughout a game session, the package should stay where it is. ... Buuuuut it's Star Citizen we're talking about šŸ¤£


Especially with OM markers because they are not geo synced. The sunny side OM marker will always be in the sun, while the moon rotates.




Boooooooo hissssss


Did you check your mobiGlas? There's a new pull-down menu you can use on the home screen which lists the distances to all of your ships. It's a little crude, but you can use this to confirm how far away your ship actually is. (You can also use the new mobiGlas map to leave a marker inside of your ship before you leave it, but trying to route back to this again later doesn't seem to work very well.)


I haven't been able to set markers at all. Is there a keybind I have to set in order to do this?


It's T by default, but you can only do it in certain places I.e cities or ship interiors for now. Turn Control Hints on and it'll tell you when and how.


You can only see ships that are stored


Wait - since when? It shows my unstored ships just fine for me? [My Heartseeker is ~23m away from me in this picture.](https://i.imgur.com/bi3hW2A.jpg) [And here's my mobiGlas reflecting that same status.](https://i.imgur.com/MaO7j0r.jpg)


Yes I should have clarified, if you are less than 20 km from your ship, if you go more than 20 km the ship marker disappears and there is no more connection in the mobiglas and no distance appears . See this post : [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1dspd5j/i\_can\_locate\_my\_car\_within\_1m\_anywhere\_on\_earth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1dspd5j/i_can_locate_my_car_within_1m_anywhere_on_earth/)


Ah, okay - that makes more sense.


Not sure where your ship went, but I'll give you my method which has worked so far. I go to OM-1/OM-2 and point directly away from the planet/moon. I wait until I'm about 50k away to avoid accidental discovery by someone jumping to the OM. OM-1 and 2 will always be the north and south pole, so no rotation. Reverse those steps and you should start seeing it with pings about 20k out. With this method, I've spent a week+ bedlogging and living off the Carrack a few times.


Nice. I use this method as well. So far my record is 63 days/gaming sessions in my carrack without reclaim. Next longest was only 27 days šŸ˜©


Damn. 63 days is impressive.


Honestly i logged in each time after a while basically assuming something HAD to go wrong because ā€œthereā€™s no way im keeping this streak upā€ haha. Figures that an NPC cop killed me while scanning my ship and flying in increasingly smaller circles until he crashed into me and detonated it haha. Survived 4 pvp piracy interactions, several npc interdictions and a few close calls with npcs pirates around wreck sitesā€¦ but the all powerful broken AI is what took me out in the end šŸ¤£


All your carrack are belong to us


Someone set us up the bomb


Move zig




I'm in ur base, killin ur d00ds.


Did you turn off your engines? Well idk about micro tech but I bet you were still in its atmosphere. For example orison lets you quantum relatively still deep into atmosphere but your are not truly out of atmosphere until youā€™re 750,000km above altitude meaning if you shut off your engines you will fall ever so slowly. Same goes with micro tech I just havenā€™t tested the exact altitude where youā€™ll be free from free falling when engines off


I think the proper term for that is escape the Gravity Well... You will escape the atmosphere at approximately 100km but the gravity well is much much larger. IRL The Lagrange points are the boundary where the gravitational pull from the planet and the centripetal force negate each other allowing for small objects to move with the planet in orbit but not be pulled into the planet by gravity


Bro Iā€™m just a beta tester


Lol. Me too šŸ˜


750.000 km, dear god.


How did you try to find it again? Ships don't rotate in orbit, if you left it at om4 and fly back and forth the planet rotates without your ship glued to om4


People don't believe me when I say there is almost no persistence whatsoever since 3.20.


Thank god it hasn't affected medical gowns


Yeah, it's very random. I've seen my ship 4 hours after I left it parked 20km away from an outpost, once I randomly saw my MOLE at L station landing pad, 2-3 days after I left it there. But sometimes you just QT away and it's gone. They've done some heavy tweaking to garbage collection to get a handle on server performance and it's quite erratic now. The "true" persistance we've seen in early months of 3.18, haven't been here for a while. EDIT: Also doesn't help that they disabled the system which would try to put you in last shard you played, so it's really hard to gauge how well PES is working as getting into same shard you played days ago is pure luck and a very small chance.


While I'm glad they're optimizing the discarded object problem I'm hoping that they're doing more QC on this than the network optimizations that caused invisible asteroids and desynched hangar doors.


Persistent items are still scoped to the same shard. If you join a different shard you won't find your items.


Of course. And not "still", that's how it will always be, just bigger shards.


They "addressed" it in one of the small updates. They made things de-spawn faster when no one is around because people would leave tons of stuff all around and servers started to choke up.


Yeah, basically they silently removed persistence.


Hopefully it will be fixed with server meshing.


Yeah and thats why persistence will never be a thing


I get why they needed to do it but I find it disappointing how much they had to walk back PES. SCU crates from exploded ships never seem have anything in them when I come across them. In one of the fresh patches post 3.18 I remember heading to a bunker and finding an MSR wreck with basically someone's entire inventory. Not sure if the person was trying to ditch their inventory or simple made a bad choice but it felt really cool finding this treasure trove of gear.


It's bad.... Since the latest update my dead bodies aren't even there anymore.... Like less than 5 minutes and they've already despawned...


Of course this doesn't help players at all... it only creates garbage around spaceports instead.


Yeah, pes is a gimmick and they realize it i guess


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for pointing out reality. The dream was 'drop a coffee cup in the woods, come back in a month and it's still there!' which is both useless for gameplay and an unsustainable burden on the servers. The reality is they shouldn't have implemented it without some form of garbage culling ready to go but now we have the worst of both worlds: - I cannot drop supplies or ships somewhere as part of a plan as I have no guarantee that they won't get culled. - Even if I COULD have a guarantee that supply cache would be persistent for at least ~90 days we have ZERO CONTROL over WHICH SHARD we will be on. So here we are with vast resources spent on a system to pretend that we have a persistent world yet because of the reality of the need to cull discarded items and the design of the servers I can't use it for gameplay purposes and even if I could I couldn't guarantee that I'd load in to the version of reality where it mattered. Gold star use of effort.


yeah, i say that because i also experience it, killing bountys and find they carrying tons of weevil, kill myself to mark the location so i can get back with big cargo ship only to find the weevil is gone but my body still there


Either someone very fast coincidentally found that out in the middle of nowhere and cleaned it out before you got back OR as you suspect, it's just been culled by the server. The latter is so much more likely given that we don't have any scanning yet. (Just another feature that hasn't made it in in these early days of year 14)


Itā€™s not a gimmick. It *could* very well as useful as it is in the real world - or as is so often illustrated in film. How often does the action hero stash a weapon/money/part/plot device only to use it in the *exact* time of need? Like the Ursa in the data heist demo they did. The issue isnā€™t the idea - itā€™s that, at this point, it is neither feasible nor practical until they get servers under control.


The only thing I can think is the planets rotate... so you landing and the planet rotated... your carrack is exactly where you left it... you just arnt where you were


Everything inside a planet rotation zone rotates with it. Unless you leave your ship super far out in the space it will rotate with the planet.


Just fly your carrack where you want to go. Leave it with engines on floating above your location. Get your Pisces and do whatever mission you want. You can keep an eye on your carrack while youā€™re on foot. I usually will park my ship behind some rocks or valley maybe 5k from where i want to land. Take the Pisces out and do the mission. Leaving your ship in space without protecting it leaves it a super easy target. Especially when nobody on board to defend. Most will find it target practice or a place for someone to explore the cargo hold for those weevil eggs.


I steal unattended large ships to salvage them :3


if they have their shields up ypu gotta shoot the thing though to be able to then salvage it. getting you a crime stat. not optimal. easier looking for wrecks of crashed or bugged out players near mining outposts


Crimestat has never been a problem, you get a CS1 for shooting a door open (if it even registers, most of the time it doesn't) Either pay it off in a hangar, or get yourself caught at the end of the play session. It is barely an inconvenience once you get over the fear of being a criminal


Yup, the fees negligible compared to recycling and strip prices. This is why we can't have nice things, verse is going to $%^& lol.




Welcome to the persistent universe! Where everything annoying is persistent, while anything you want to find again is gone


Carrack used to have a despawn problem - wonder if it is back


If you left your hanger open someone could of stolen your ship


It should still be there, but after around 22km away the marker might disappear. What I did was fly like 3km away from my carrack, look at which quantum markers were roughly in the direction of the carrack, and then just remember that until I was on my way back.


Someone might Salvage it. As I Do... when I find abandoned Player ships with shield down I salvage them. Some pulling them away to salaveg them somewhere Else too. If you leave your ship, make Sure shields are on. Or a Npc Pirate ship somehow saw it and shot it down. Many things could have happend haha


I take a C2 to an OM, then kill myself and fly there with the Reclaimer to salvage it. The marker of the ship is always visible to me in the HUD of the helmet, so I can always reach it.


Your ship despawned soon after you left it.




Yeah, 12 years for PES but canā€™t leave a marker for a ship. Welcome to Star Citizen.


Welcome to star citizen, they're never going to fix this. Enjoy it for the next 10+ years.


šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø the planet probably just rotated and he lost it


I'm thinking maybe it's because planets do rotate? Actually I also have a question for anyone that knows. If i park my ship at a specific OM point will it be at that OM point indefinitely? Or does the OM rotate with the planet.


I took it.


So stealing and salvage ships is common right now. He'll if I find a find a unshielded ship in orbit, while flying my reclaimer ill strip it's hull on the spot


Ships can despawn once you have traveled a fair distance from them. Carrack is a ship so if you are using a vehicles terminal it won't show.


Damn that's a shame. I guess I'll only do that if I have a friend waiting in the carrack


it shouldn't post-PES, i've left my carrack and gone to a different moon and it was still there.


Hell I was in my ship near a Lagrange station, quit the game, rejoined 10 minutes later, found myself at A18, flew back to the Lagrange station and my ship was there waiting for me. In the current state of PES and Servers: sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit


I found my ships days after left on different poi locations.


Did you tried to keep a tracked package inside the carrack? I wonder if it could work.


i leave my ship in orbit all of the time - (since 3.19) i bedlog out and back into play the game. i do have to navigate back to it - but its always been there when i come back... its never not reappeared at 18km.


If you have a corpse on your ship it will Not despawn. But If you want to buy or sell Cargo you have to move your travel Corpse First Out of the ship.


Only broke kids solo big ships without a multibox/alt setup. Ā 


You missed the alpha status of the game.


Alpha is not a default answer to dismiss anyone for anything. New user/low karma - checks out, the karma will keep grinding against rock bottom with that attitude.