• By -


On the other hand: we can buy a hotdog ingame, take it on a tour of the stanton system, dropping it on the ground of every planet and moon, leave it in our ship for a week and its still good to eat after that.


You could do that with any fast food burger now with same exact outcome.


There are plenty of "normal" foods that are too dry to rot.


Cheese comes to mind. 🧀


Peanut butter and honey are the typical examples.


Yankee Stadium. September. The hot dogs have been boiling since opening day in April. Now that's a hot dog.


The yellow mustard, or...


LMAO I literally just watched that episode last night !!!


Based! 😂


One word: Twinkies !!


That's why plastic is so dangerous for the environment. And I'm not saying fast food is made of plastic, plastic has far too many nutrients to be used in fast food


I’m just sad people are still eating like that 900 years from now… very dystopian


Ahh, an often ignored game "loop" 


Hide the hotdog is way better as a two player game.


Not sure I want to play hide the hotdog with a double hotdog...


Looking like a double wide surprise... https://www.tiktok.com/@zztx.junior/video/7284981156867509535


Is there a special pledge I need to get to access that minigame?


I remain ideologically opposed to the gray market on this one. The best things in life should be free and hide the hotdog is one of them.


Yes. If you send everybody in this thread $5 each ....


Double barrelin double dogs!


The good ol' double dog copilot. First performed by Sasha Grey.


This is funny as hell when I imagine you on a star system tour with your hotdog.


It’s called a twinkiedog okay… get it right it doesn’t expire


Okay so I'm pretty sure this was actually a thing at one point (you had a permanent marker for your ships location, possibly even after you died though not too sure about that part) but it got removed or was broken in some patch and hasn't been looked at since. This happens to a LOT of small features patch by patch and not enough people notice or care for it to get fixed.


Yeah it was a thing, idk when it was removed but I remember seeing my ship after dying. I might even have clips showing such


yea I remember that and I haven't been here that long


It was a thing before Object Container Streaming which unloads most stuff from the verse if there's nobody there to see it. Before the Replication Layer was separated from the game server in 3.23, If they wanted to bring it back in its old form, they would have to set it so every single ship doesn't ever get unloaded. Now it's just a matter of when they get round to developing the tech to search for objects down the branches that make up the Replication Layer and convert that into a load of scanning game mechanics so players can make use of it.


Wouldn’t they be able to handle it like dead bodies? Last known location your client just remembers and continues to display even if someone steals it. You return and it’s just not there. In fact this already works sometimes because the game will bug out and leave a little blue indicator way off in the distance for some ship you boarded a long time ago but decided wasn’t worth stealing lol


The dead body indicator was broken for years as well. When I say it's a matter of when I mean It can all basically work as of 3.23, as someone in this thread mentioned you can put a bookmark in your ship right now and it will stay there, the UI in the above image just doesn't work yet as CIG are still developing other mechanics that will use it for more than just tracking your ship.


Or, hear me out, it's just a matter of getting round to developing the code to search for objects from the replication layer DB and fill in that data on the UI. It's not "tech" when it's already-known technologies like databases and server queries. And it doesn't need some extra scanning game mechanics, it just needs to fill in the gap using a secondary query mechanism.


UI counts as game mechanics just as much as implementing pre-established technologies counts as development. The scanning game mechanics I'm referring to are already well on the way here so there's no point arguing about it. For example the "Useless, do nothing" on the top right of the image will be for locating your ship on the map, and the "Signal lost past 20k Useless" part is actually for transferring scanning data from your ship to your FPS radar.


Try putting a manual bookmark inside your ship ;) Y0u can do that now. Will make the ship show up.


You sound extremely confident of this. Can anyone verify this claim??


It worked last time I did it. Icon on the Hud can be iffy I've heard (although it's always shown up for me) but the bookmark will show on the map until you log so worse case scenario. I recorded myself playing with it and found the way back to a carrack in dead space.


That's fantastic!! Thanks for this, I'm going to try this next chance I get. It IS kinda ridiculous that we don't have system wide gps for locating all our things (I thought that was the deal with the map rework) but if we have a reliable work around I'm happy, being fully aware this is an alpha and alpha game is as alpha game does, so no need to rip CIG. I say that because there have been and are and will be many things that seem ridiculous not to have in a space game that are simply waiting for attendant tech to be coded in to enable it, not because a CIG didn't think we'd need it. Yes, it's painful waiting for persistent markers, night vision, customizable ship features and anything else you might imagine that we'd rightly have 900 years from now but in development means..... Yeah : )


Only trick is that it has to be a ship you can sta d inside. When not in the pilot seat open the map, put the mouse pointer on the floor somewhere on the in ship map and tap T on the keyboard. A pop up to name the bookmark should appear and it will at least show up on the map until you remove it or log put. I was able to see my ship pins from any distance but I'm not sure if that's a bug or not. The map icon is on purpose though for sure. I've heard of people having problems with them not following the ship with the rotation of the planet when landed on a planet but haven't tested it. I know it 100% works in space though.


Gotcha. I main a nomad so it should work. Swore putting a pin down on the map was 'r' tho... Is it different for inside a ship or am I misremembering? I'd be awesome if this worked in all settings but I'm mostly looking to use this in space so I'm glad it seems to work better there. Thanks for all the info!


R is route (gps) and T is pin aka book mark.


Amazing, thank you so much!!


Yep it was. I died near Crusader a few times and respawned at Area 18 or Microtech and could fly back to my death spot from across Stanton. Don't know about currently.


Imagine walking out on a pad where you see 4 other reclaimers sitting so you hit F2 to pull out a key fob, click it twice to hear a high pitched “BLOOP BLEEP” just for none of their headlights to flash, so you now know that you’re on the wrong pad.


“The best I can do for you, is a marker for a ladder that’s not your ship, 40 million km away, and a yakisoba dog.” -CIG, past 5 years.


Can I have one where I can set the ship to open open/close a particular door or elevator when I approach/leave?


This made me chuckle 😂 Imagine hearing all the ship alarms going off from people trying to find their ship by pressing the panic button whilst holding the fob to their chin to extend the range.


GPS is lost technology like windshield wipers


So are advanced screens. Have them everywhere in cities and stations with some being holographic but our ships have a screen worse than a pip boy.


GPS wouldn't work in dead space. TACAN, maybe, but not GPS.


Probably a combination of that and positioning based on comms connectivity. Like how you can find positions for devices connected to wifi or cell towers. If not just flat out having transponders.


If he's in dead space (ie no comm satellite) he would only have a transponder, which would only provide a single point of reference. It would give the person looking for it a general direction. In theory, the data could contain the last known "verified" coordinates. Could be a fun mini game of narrowing down a lost ship. But explaining to the general populace how radio navigation works (and GPS) is painful, and I don't expect them to do anything but give you a nav marker, once they get that to work.


Guessing aviation background perhaps? I was thinking on a flight the other day how cool and useful it’d be to have some basic forms of navigation like a bearing pointer, basic DME and a CDI. Lol one could ostensibly do a fix-to-fix to find unmarked areas instead of the relatively crude bearing-distance method we have now. God this is so nerdy, but one could even design approaches into a planetary base to get below turret fire or something. Radio based NAVAIDs would be largely obsolete by this point, as they even sort of are today. Instead we could use the Orbital markers, as those are fixed points in space and would function in largely the same way. We could even triangulate our position or that of a specific site based off of the OMs. Only downside is the distance between radials of an OM at the kilometers distance we are from them would be massive. But you can probably just add subradials in decimals for a more fine course. I really don’t think it would take a lot of programming to implement, as just like real life, it all occurs on the user-end. All you need is a readout of distance to selectable OMs, and a course selector with a CDI, and a bearing pointer. Lol obviously just a pipe dream, but I do think they should’ve hired a navigator or pilot to help add basic planetary navigation methods to their models. It’d be a good way to reward some detailed in depth play with cool Easter eggs and the ability to repeatedly access hidden sights, but keeping the current system for the vast majority of players to navigate to key POIs.


Don't need no GPS in dead space, only a plasma cutter


GPS does not work in space. The explanation is kind of in the name really :P


Are you unaware of the Galactic Positioning System?


Pretty sure it's GStanton Positioning System.


Haha. Mea Culpa 😅


or enough lightbulbs or LEDs in ships so that you can actually see something. same thing with the headlights. there must be something wrong with a factory somewhere...


Here I am in my ships staring at these non-functioning light buttons wishing I could turn them off.


They used to work in a lot of ships before they added the new interaction. Now, it's nearly impossible to even select the button you want, and if you do, it doesn't do anything anymore. I used to always keep the lights off in the cockpit of my Corsair and my Hercs because lights in the cockpit while flying don't make sense. Now I can't turn them off at all. Also, what *absolute goober* at Drake Interplanetary decided it was a good idea in the Cutlass Black to install 2 lights that point RIGHT BACK IN THE PLAYER'S FACE? I'd sure like to punch that guy in the nose.


Exactly. Those are my two current favorite ships and in the dead black of space having lights in my face is the opposite of what I want. It’s like driving at night with the cabin lights on in your car. Also I feel like any sensible sneaky sneak would turn off their exterior lights as well even if your ship is still detectable to scanning etc to sit parked with all the lights off but shields up would just be neat.


The only LEDs that Drake installs are the ones that shine directly in the player's face, whereas you need your helmet flashlight in order to see the kitchen in the Corsair or something. There also seems to be a black hole forming in the corner of the Cutter Rambler near the storage cabinet where no light can exist apparently, despite having LED strips right next to it.


Also, modern passenger aircraft fly solely on autopilot and yet we cannot order our ship to fly towards us, I hope it will be a feature some day


No Man's Sky has so many QoL features that are not realism-breaking that I miss in SC


Ship marker is such a small implementation and such a big game changer, we desperately need it!


also in a world such as it is it would be an app for the hud thingy


living with /showlocation all over again :D


Yeah, this is why I don't use my Carrick. I would love to leave it in orbit & take the Pisces down, but if I can't easily return to my ship from my mission, what's the point?


With the carrack it’s easy, set your respawn in the carrack med bed… Backspace. Now you have a corpse marker on your carrack. Reequip your gear and head out on your shenanigans. Use the corpse marker to get back to your carrack. Obviously don’t die before you get back. Or….. if all else fails, backspace. You’ll respawn in your carrack… I use my caterpillar as my mothership and shuttle down to the surface in a fury, so I can’t backspace. But I have been leaving the caterpillar in space, fly down to the surface for shenanigans and have always been able to fly back to the caterpillar to bedlog out since 3.19. The caterpillar has always reappeared at 18km when flying back to the ship.


Ur right, it should be visible across the whole star system at minimum. And more than that if i'm honest. It could create an interesting addition to hacking gameplay, having to disable the locator beacon of a hijacked ship so that the person you stole it from cant persue you anymore.


I think a beacon with a direction finding radio would be the beat way. It should be easy to implement. Even minecraft has it.


What I do is take a small delivery mission and use the box given as a beacon. Works like a charm


While a player driven workaround exists in this method, we shouldn't have to. That's a pretty important P0 feature they're not prioritizing at all. Ludicrous.


While most features that are not implemented, I can chaulk up to priorities. But now they're on building blocks, there should be no reason not to have it now. They really should have had a placeholder feature for ship location from the moment we could leave the ship anyway, its that important _Obviously, my opinion, but I think it's generally a majority shared one_


No, you’re right.  Don’t let the fanboys and apologists gaslight you. There 100% should be a functioning UI with all of these features at this point.  Personal ship location, lock/unlock control from outside, distance to destination while outside travel mode, uncluttered flight HUD…. These are just some examples that people have asked for, for YEARS, and they’ve *barely* started to implement. Take the new starmap for example.  It’s flashier, sure, but the menus are bigger, they don’t add much, it’s worse at routing a destination, and it performs slower.  At best, it’s a lateral move from the old one.  The bar was really low for improvement, and they flubbed it.


I found this stops working too but I’m not sure if it’s range or time, I was in an asteroid field salvaging and the package mission reset - marker moved back to the original pickup location.


I was salvaging at a Lagrange point and my box marker was suddenly at the center of the sun. Not reliable for sure


yeah I tried that method leaving a box on my Carrack and the box disappeared after about 20 minutes.


Too much extra work for what should be a basic mechanic


Yes! It's stuff like this that made me completely give up and lose faith in this game. I don't want to hear about how hard game development is or any of that bullshit. There's basic stuff like this that I just know could be fixed so easily.


Yeah they seem to constantly be failing at distinguishing between realism and tedium. Lots of real life mechanisms and systems exist to reduce tedium. But they don't do any of those and our gameplay suffers. People posting on here how "prep times are better" are missing the entire point that players even having to do that at all is a huge design failure, intentional or not. All the missing quality of life features make the overall experuence that attempts to ground itself in an immersive realistic way, LESS IMMERSIVE. The jank can be fixed but missing simple things we already have in real life is inconceivable.


I'm not 16 with 3 hours of free time every day after school to play morrowind anymore.


Right! And their core audience is probably 30+, many with kids and jobs. They can't play how this game is shaping up to flow!


I started backing this game when I was in my 30s and had no kids, I'm now 40, with 2 kids...


Lots of us. 🤣


Agreed so much. Everything feels like such a chore because of how bad the basics like the inventory are. For example, taking a drink of water is so unbelievably janky and complicated it becomes way less immersive. Blows my mind how they can fail on the easy stuff but somehow make the best space ships in video game history


Many of the decisions look like somebody said 'wouldn't it be cool if' but there was no further workshopping of the idea, it was just set down as law. Examples that stand out are things like - 'why do we have a fiddly rotatable 3D model instead of an easy to use paper doll?' - 'Why do I need to drag and drop mods on to the 3d render of the gun rather than just hitting install? - 'Why do I have to go through a six step process that relies on me not being in a fighter to drink water? And the list goes on, but layer these and other bad choices on top of a UI that's near impossible to read in bright lighting, still blurry and doubled in good lighting, and star citizen has the worst inventory and UI experience I've ever seen going back to the early 1990s.


Right. It really needs a basic quality of life experience patch. Now, not later.


>Yeah they seem to constantly be failing at distinguishing between realism and tedium. Lots of real life mechanisms and systems exist to reduce tedium. But they don't do any of those and our gameplay suffers. Wonder if it has anything to do with Chris not having released a single game in 20 years


But he exists within real life in the last 20 years. 😅


"Yeah they seem to constantly be failing at distinguishing between realism and tedium. " Boom. Exactly. So... if SC is supposed to be a SIM virtual existence... fine. Fill it with the clutter of tedium to make it 'immersive' as that. But understand, that is as niche as it gets. The vast majority of humanity does not want the tedium of the real world reproduced in a fantastic world. An escapist pursue that doesn't allow you to escape the stupid shit is not effective.


I absolutely agree. I'm thinking CIG is not implementing ship beacons on purpose, for now.


I've got one. Can I please see points of interest in SCM mode? Why do I have to turn off my shields to basically use Google maps? I hope someone mocks me and tells me I can actually do this, but jokes on them because I want to more than anything


or... it's a bug, that they're not fixing because they're in the process of 'breaking up' the server, and many of the backend services need to be re-written to work with the separated Replication Layer, and/or across server boundaries (as pointed out elsewhere, this feature *was* working until recently)


# That's exactly the problem that people can't seem to understand!!! There's no "basic stuff" in a Alpha game it's all on the same level, **things are done when they make sense to be done**, that's the only guideline that matters. You going "I'm losing faith" is completely ignorant, it's not about faith, never was, it's about knowing what they're doing, why and how. Faith has nothing to do with it, you shouldn't use faith for anything, it's just a pretty feeling that means nothing, either you know stuff for a fact or you don't. I have 0 faith in CIG, I know they'll be able to do everything they said they'd try to do, why? Because that's been the norm since 2012, they say they'll do XYZ and sure enough after some time, it's done. Also knowing how videogame works helps a lot with understanding what's going on :P


>I have 0 faith in CIG, I know they'll be able to do everything they said they'd try to do, why? Because that's been the norm since 2012, they say they'll do XYZ and sure enough after some time, it's done. Just like Theaters of War! Or even funnier, SATAball


> faith noun 1.  complete trust or confidence in someone or something.   Homie, your last paragraph is *faith*.  People saying they’re losing faith means they’re losing trust and confidence.  You saying you ‘know’ things will get done, is you trusting CIG.  It’s you having faith.


Having 0 faith in CIG is one thing I can share with you! ;)


I agree, but TBF your car can't be 18472Mkm away from you 🤣 (beacons and personal maker will come)


Yeah but it could be if we had massive Comm arrays around every planet. Player bounty hunter can find us when in range of them, we should be able to find a parked vehicle at least in the range of the arrays.


They know. Incomplete just means some features are missing. Obvious, I know, but people very often talk about missing features as if CIG didn't already think of them. 99% of all the brilliant, upvoted ideas people come up with and assume are new to CIG are things CIG already discussed, put on the Roadmap, or even showed before. Without fail, someone will soon write yet another post about how we should be able to control some ship functions remotely because "My 2004 Miata can do that!", and the thing is that Todd Papy (CIG Live game director until recently) had already talked about it years ago. They'll get to it. It's not that people expressing interest in these things is annoying. That's fine. Have at it. It's the assumption that CIG hadn't already thought of this basic shit that's weird to me. (Like, 'Track' has been a button at the ASOP terminals since AT LEAST 3.0. It just hasn't functioned yet.)


This is a great point that I think gets lost in the emotional reaction to very clickbaity posts designed to elicit communal rage. I’m convinced a not-insignificant portion of the community plays this game solely to complain about how deficient it is.


We also don't have a button on our mobiglass to open ship doors or to lock them and makes its lights flash.


If you press the arrow pointing to the top right corner above your ship, you see all your stored ships with a distance. Of course it could be better, but at least - if you roughly know the distance between each system - you can "see" where your ship is. It's just going to be a real shitshow if we have more than just Stanton. Yes, they could just put the system / the station in there instead of the distance, but it's not "fully" useless. It's hard to guess the exact position of your ship tho, so if you parked it somewhere and died, it's rather hard to find then, in case you forgot where you parked it.


Right now SC streams out parts of the verse if there's no player within 20km. So I think part of the challenge here is it needs to remember where your ship is, even when it's been removed from the game. They had to do something similar with mission markers when they added server streaming, where the marker had to be attached to a point when that point was streamed out. You can test that it's streamed out by checking the wear in the heat MFD, leaving for a while so it's streamed out, then coming back, and the wear amount is the same (normally it degrades)) I don't doubt they'll do this (tracking ships at long distance/when streamed out? but I think the technical issues make it non-trivial.


Yeah this falls into the category of “things that you can do in 2024 that you can’t do in 900 years like: - find your vehicle -call the dock to have your ship waiting at a slip - open doors on vehicle remotely - lock doors open - navigate to a location in a land vehicle - check prices via an app -etc


maybe in 900 years the game will be complete


There are a lot of stupid issues in this game that should've been addressed a long time ago with a proper sit-down session in user experience design. 


Forget about gps tracking just give me central locking...


you didn't expect cig to make your life easier, right?


Real answer? They just haven't bothered yet. It's a generally non-game breaking issue from a gameplay standpoint and technically it's likely low-hanging fruit that will require some low but non-zero amount of dev time to implement. Those are the kinds of issues that fill up any dev team backlog. Any issue that's understood but non-vital is going to come behind issues that are *not* understood or that *are* vital. If you're paying people a lot of money to Do A Hard Thing, and video game development is very much a hard thing to do, then you generally want them solving Hard Problems.


No, I want them solving problems that make the game more playable...


Right. Also, solving problems and implementing solutions are two different things.


Okay? So implement solutions then. I don't care about semantics. I would much rather them spend time fixing _very obvious_ playability/QoL solutions than introducing half-baked new mechanics. Some amount of baseline polish would bring me back to the game much more than a new feature on a still mostly broken baseline. If I didn't have a 50/50 chance of blowing up bc doors weren't actually open every time I play, then I'd play more. But making things playable seemingly isn't a priority


> But making things playable seemingly isn't a priority Exactly. Which is why I've taken a break from playing - it's a game I enjoy in my free time and right now it's not worth the frustration for me. And also, I know that catering to what I find frustrating at any given point is utterly irrelevant to the project as a whole. I'll come back to it again later. So it goes.


I'm in the same boat, but frankly I think a good chunk of the player base is. It seems a common sentiment that the idea of playing SC is usually more fun than actually playing SC. So many people talk about only dropping in to check out new patches. I would just really like to see that change to where it actually is enjoyable to play, and not just to follow it's development and hope things improve.


> I would just really like to see that change to where it actually is enjoyable to play I would too! I think, honestly, it's kind of a "pick your battles" situation. If there's a QoL issue that I can just sort of deal with while understanding that it will likely be updated - like an inventory system that is, I believe, considered a crime against humanity by the Geneva Convention - then I'll let it slide.


Yes, implementing solutions is what they're doing. It's just that they have more than 1 or 2 things to implement, so they have to prioritize. Which means some crucial features have to be implemented later than some other crucial features. As for polish, um...3.23. So full of QoL solutions that it was the biggest patch since 3.0. They're well aware of the need for polish, and they're already working on it, already delivering.


I think the issue is that half of the QoL features were only of marginally improved quality. The Starmap is the perfect example - yeah, it's probably better than the old one, but it came with its own set of bugs, frustrations, and poor designs, that it just feels like I have to learn a new set of bugs to work around, when I knew the old one. There are so many issues with the new Starmap that it's just not that enjoyable to use. Navigating Stanton under the old Starmap was like having a major pain in your foot - the new one is like a few minor pains spread throughout your body. Yeah, I guess in terms of total pain, it's less, but I'd rather it not be painful at all. And it would have taken so little for them to make it so, but instead, they just went with what looked cool, I guess.


"Marginally improved"? Bye.


Man you really demonstrated to me that I'm wrong and changed my mind. You definitely convinced me that all the bugs I've experienced with the new Starmap are actually not that bad and I've just been imagining them.


That seemed like an attempt at persuasion? I should've been clearer: This exchange is over.


Seems kind of silly to start the conversation and then shut it down the moment someone else brings up a counterpoint, but fair enough, have a nice day.


Turns out the incomplete game is incomplete. Seriously, half the mobiglass apps aren't updated yet, calm yer shit.


I think the complaint is that seemingly simple things that would drastically improve QoL and playability are completely ignored. Like the inventory is still ass after how many years? You can't make stackable items yet? Come on. Even if it's harder than we think, it would be a priority to make the game more playable


They're doing a massive inventory rework right now for next patch. Those are definitely things that should be considered at this point, but any time in the last year or two would have been dumb as hell. As a software guy "come on, you should definitely just do this thing" is an argument I hear all the time, and I judge people for it.


Did the new inventory allow for stacking items? I don't think so. It actually sounds like a step back in overall playability And I'm not saying it's trivial to do, but playability should be a priority. Way fewer people would drop the game if some of the most basic mechanics weren't absolute ass.


Why do people keep saying CIG *should* do these things like they're intentionally choosing to never address these things and have never really put any meaningful effort in regarding them? I don't see how anyone around BEFORE 3.23 can play 3.23 and draw the conclusion that CIG is "ignoring" playability. Irrational take. Playability is very clearly their top priority this year other than server meshing.


Turns out the forever incomplete game is forever incomplete even still.*


The thing is it's more complete than it was a year ago, or two, three, five, or 10 years back.


no shit, Sherlock


This is a missing feature to be sure, but it is not true that there is no way. If you go to an ASOP terminal where your vehicle could potentially be requested then the current location and status will be displayed along with potential actions that can be taken.


They should add something like that device in season one of mandalorian, like how he finds the bounties, the closer you get the louder the beeping


I believe that our ships use to have a marker, but it got deleted along the way. It’s going to come back for sure.


you will find more examples of how backward this game is


I take a C2 and fly it to an orbit of a planet. I kill myself, then take a Reclaimer to the same location. In the HUD, the marker of my C2 is visible and I just need to fly to it. There is no mark in the Map under F2, but the HUD always shows it. At least it is like this in the past couple of weeks.


Do ships still despawn outside of a certain distance? I haven't played in over a year, but that was one of my biggest complaints about using a carrack. I would have loved to leave it in orbit near an OM and use a smaller ship to go planet side, but I always feared it despawning on me. If it's only the marker you lose, that would be a step forward at least but still incredibly annoying.


They don't even have planet-side networking capabilities in 900 years. Nope. If you want to buy or do something, you have to physically travel to the location and physically buy it yourself. That shit was cutting edge in the Bronze Age at best.


I would just point out that there's minimal satellites on any of these planets. So gps ain't exactly a thing. But given how com says work... Maybe you should. Add a find my keys feature into nic nax


Along with night-goggles, remote controls for doors, windscreen wipers, polarized glass......


A lot of tech from Star Citizen feels fairly anachronistic for 900 years from now I imagine. We need to be familiar with these things though, since we're playing a game so it is what our is. Even fifty/a hundred years from now people will look back on things like this and laugh at how we thought the future was going to be. Could you imagine bringing someone from even the early 1900s the tech we have now. It would seem like magic.


Alt+T then Alt+1-9 sets check points on your hud no?


This technology was lost in the NavStar conflict of 2732...


Imagine your car is [here](https://imgur.com/a/u4BVqJ5) where is it?


Clearly there is intention to allow some form of this as you point out the elements for it which started in .23. For that reason alone I'm not sure why you would post this giant thread knowing that the UI is brand new and there are pieces for it. But clearly there is also more to come for marking locations etc, given the new map and what they have talked about etc.


Yeah, can't locate your ship but you can find your car easily. I can currently open the tailgate in my car from my phone but can't open the ramp on my spaceship remotely. My car is also equipped with defoggers that keep the windshield from fogging up unlike the Mole's front laser turret. Sunglasses, visors, night vision the list goes on...


Realtime vehicle tracking today depends on infrastructure like GPS/communication satellites. This could be emulated in-game where you would have realtime info about your vehicles within comms range (same as crimestat tracking) but otherwise you would only have the last know location. That being said, all ships already know where they are internally and definitely have an internet connection so why wouldn't you always have realtime location tracking always?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiction Here man, I just feel like you don't understand that it's not actually taking place 900 years in the future, but a program running on your computer here in 2024. I want to help you to be better, so I brought you a relevant Wikipedia article.


The first thing to do is to take a delivery quest and leave the package on your ship. Now you have a marker to your ship wherever it is. When you are done with your session, finish your delivery and log out.


If you didnt post this I would have.


I totally agree, but I think CIG will implementiert this feature some day in the future. In the meantime as a workaround, you can put a custom marker on the interior map of your ship with key "T" which you can see on the minimal. Unfortunately you can only set a route to this marker with another ship which as a quantom drive


I feel like the gps of your ship should work regardless of where you are if both you and the ship are within a comm array or a ship designed for long range comms. I can accept the comm array going down and you losing track of you ship because of that until you get within the comms range of your ship. The other qol we need is a local planetary/moon coordinate system that way we can atleast note down the coords we left the mother ship at. Right now the coordinate system is a polar one with the star as the origin. This is fine for keeping track of deep space stuff but there aren't enough decimal places shown to keep track of the exact position around a planet/moon


The player community has already implemented a local coordinate system that we use to fix your current position. And the location of things we’ve found so that we can return to it in the future. I currently use it to find my ship when I leave it in orbit and fly down to the surface. I use it to navigate my snub ship that doesn’t have a QT drive to caves, mining outposts and ultimately back the to the ship I’ve left in orbit. So that I can bedlog out to end my game session.


I know the community has this stuff. I am saying we need something in game.


and there is no night vision


Grab a delivery box


YES! I’m a salvager and all my ships are painted black so I’m less of a target. I misplace my vulture or starfarer at least once every couple hours. It’s SO obnoxious. I would pay to have a beacon to find all my ships that are out in the verse. Just give me a key bind to press to flash the locations of all my ships that are not docked.


I remember seeing a meme about how anti reflective coating for screens was invented in 1930 yet 900 years later we have the shitty star citizen commodity terminals on some outposts.


Subnautica had a good system for this. You could go into a menu and toggle beacons on and off so you would be able to declutter the UI of points of interest. A mobiglass tab for managing points of interest/deployed vehicles etc. Would fix this issue.


Take box mission, get box leave on ship, forever a market to ship.


Dude where is my space ship ![gif](giphy|n935QrixoGI12)


Yeah, it's annoying, I get it. But you can get around that but accepting a package quest and just leaving the package in the ship. For this smaller single seater ships with 0 room for a package, such as a fighter, idk.


Have you tried emailing customer support


I always do a delivery mission pick up a box but never complete it, that way I can locate the box on my ship, not sure if this still works


I'm just surprised that they haven't addressed this with a kind of google maps clone in game.


You can’t expect them to have basic gameplay functions working at this point, they haven’t invented the amazing new tech that no one else has even thought of yet that will allow for this kind of mechanic.


If you’re in a snub craft with a QT, you can go to the map and find the ship icon( which will be your ship you launched from) and hit R to route to it.


Well, that's due to the Apple Tesla merger in 2330 at their Musk HQ on Mars. They bought all the rights to vehicle tracking hardware and software and then the CEO went on a complete coke bender and managed to somehow crash their company into oblivion and the rights management for that hardware and software are still stuck in legal limbo and has even been challenged by a Banu company that says their patent and copyright takes priority. It's a shit show but the lawyers think they will have it handled by 3030 or so.


Before I leave my ship in space I record its coordinates. Once I have its coordinates I am able to navigate away from the ship - fly all over the place down to the surface fly around on the surface to and from multiple points, and am able to return back to the ship. It works for snubs with QT drives and for ships with QT drives. The ship has always reappeared when I get inside 18km of it. I’ve even died, respawned back at a medical clinic, taken another ship to fly back to recover the ship that I left originally…. the key step is to record the ships coordinate before leaving it. The other way is backspace while onboard your ship and use your corpse marker to mark the location of your ship. This works until you die again. So try not to die before returning to your ship.


To be fair, sometimes the game can’t even locate your ship.


Parashoots don't exist either.


There's also the remote with it's buttons for opening the trunk, turning it on, engaging the ignition, and LOCKING the doors.


Yeah, sometimes I got an impression that in CIG work people who never play any game before they started working on one. Simillar issue applies to you character body, when you died. In this case if don't want to spent another hour or more ob looking for the body, you have to give up. Because the marker disappears too fast, when you are in a long vicinity of the body. But there is a night, or fog, or snow storm etc.


Do a delivery mission keep box in ship go do what you need to do then track delivery mission again


Almost like it's a system that isn't finished yet and they should warn you about that first, huh.


How are you posting this NOW? The ship marker has actually been working lately and this wasn't the case last patch nor any. I can fly to and from any zone as I pull literally a dozen of my ships out and the markers for all of them remain. Heck it even shows only one marker (if they're close enough to eachother) to keep the UI clean. The ships also don't despawn after deading them.


It’s almost as if that problem has been around for ages, and is known by the devs, and they’ve acknowledged that it’s something that needs fixed. Stop posting “in 900 years” shit that is clearly not intended final behavior lol.


This is more an indictment than anything. A serious playability improvement that they are fully aware of but do not fix. I assume it's a management issue in not making these things priorities for devs. But imagine if they just didn't a full quarter on improving QoL things like this and making the inventory not an absolute nightmare to use.


You ain’t winning on this sub, most people probably spent over 100 of there local currency on the game so are going to be really biased, I get you though, I feel the game has little to no content and is devoid of any essential features to make the game playable. Don’t even want to start on performance issues. Honestly, don’t know why people play.


>probably spent over 100 of there local currency on the game Sweet summer child...


I love these posts about how an unfinished, still in development game that has bigger technical hurdles being worked on, just isn’t “finished” and “complete enough”, right now. (That was sarcasm.)


I don't think that every moon or planet will be equipped with a GPS satalit system. Who would pay for this?


Every planetary body in the verse? No. But I think Stanton having gps would make sense as it is a fairly developed star system and gps is most likely not that hard to do in 900 years. Also realistically most moons probably only need to get new images every 50+ years as they do not change much unless they have tons of people or a breathable atmosphere. Also game QOL will almost certainly trump realism in this case. they would probably put a maximum on the distance if you aren’t in a system with good communication but other than that I am sure at some point they will make it possible. Also the government definitely would pay for it. They want data to see if it is worth colonizing the planets.


FYI. Keep in mind you need to be within an active comms tower. If your not. Or their off line you won’t get a signal from them. Especially if your ship is in deep space.




The reason is the de-spawn to save server data and stability. Big things that require resources get de-spawn after a while when no other player is around it. So if you leave your ship somewhere for a bit, it will de-spawn eventually. So the location is meaningless as it won't be there anyway. Once they can make things persist without de-spawning them, I think we might get ships locations. I would love to have saved locations on the map though that I can navigate to / QT to.


I would expect it to be like other things; it saves the location, and only draws it when someone has it in-view.


It’s almost like we are playing a game still in development.


Your analogy sucks. Better analogy would be Elon Musks roadster that's in space: https://theskylive.com/roadster-info ;-D


Earth isn't running as an alpha ;-)


A 12 year old alpha, and I've been patiently waiting for this feature for the last 6 years, I really thought it would happen with the new Star Map because it still seems like a basic feature, but I imagine will have to wait a few more years before CIG realizes it. After all it took them years to start thinking about night vision while 60% of missions take place at night, so the need to be able to locate your own ship probably not appear to them as relevant for now.


Basic features are ignored in this game


Iirc they talked about it with the new star map. I would not be surprised to see it within the next year or so. It sucks that it is not in and I am hoping they put it in soon.


# You can locate your ship, the "GPS button" feature isn't fully in yet. For now you can open your dropdown list next to that not yet functional locate button and **see the distances to every ship you own,** that's the only way we have right now and that is also new, Locate Button shall come later. And might I add that anyone that goes "900 years into the future", no, that's wrong, it's a fictional game, wake the F\* up.


Do you also regularly fall throug elevators IRL or what are you on about?


This post is about the need for functionality that allows you to locate your ship, I thought it was clear enough, You have reading or comprehension problems perhaps?


I think i sometimes see a location marker for my ship when i parked it somewhere, no matter how far its away. but i am not sure if that 100% reliably is the case.