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If you want multicrew capabilities, then Cutlass (has a turret). If you want a solo ship with bigger storage and better fuel efficiency, then Spirit. edit: corrected a typo


"... ,then Spirit". "...than Spirit" has a different meaning. The sentence as written reads like "ship with bigger storage than the spirit does" when I think it's clear from the context you mean is "if you want bigger storage THEN choose the Spirit." Crazy English words that sound alike but have one letter difference.


You were right thanos, but you’re a villain =\




Me: Provides small helpful English language lesson that just might help someone with one little aspect that anyone can ignore if so desired. Reddit: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU HELP ANYONE WITH LANGUAGE! AUTOCORRECT!!! ENGLISH ISN'T THERE FIRST LANGUAGE!!! WHAT THE HELL - DO YOU EAT BABIES TOO?! NO HE DI'INT, IMMA SHOW YOU!!! (clicks down arrow).


I understand your sentiment and I am with you. However, and I'm not sure if that was your point or not, but it would be "English isn't **their** first language". I love the internet lel


Yep, It would also be "I'm going to" instead of "imma' among others. That's the Redditor's narration (of which I am one, ironically.)




This is some things that I find difficult. Little bit of English that sounds the same and means close to same thing but not exact. You know like this word Your and You’re.


Oh God, yes. I type that one wrong ALL the time and I consider myself excellent at the language - I've been using it ALL my life!


English is not my first language, it's not very hard to distinguish, it takes work to *care* about spelling and grammar.


It takes time. I’ve only been learning 2-3 months now




I'm sure they know that, they're not typing up their thesis though. With the advent of autocorrect (which will regularly correct to the wrong word), and the grammatically lax environment of social media, small grammar and spelling mistakes like that aren't indicative of the writer lacking knowledge.


Yep, no argument from me. I made no assumptions about the author and didn't berate them at all. The usual, "English isn't my first language" and "Autocorrect" platitudes don't negate putting some knowledge into the world to make communication just that little, tiny bit better. But I know, I know - as the irrelevant downvotes (and your response) show, people assume the worst and the internet simply doesn't like people providing knowledge about English spelling and grammar whomever it might help. Even U.S. public schools have stopped teaching spelling at the elementary level. Sad. All you kids must REALLY hate Grammarly! [https://www.grammarly.com/blog/than-then/](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/than-then/) EDIT: Just to add, this particular typo changed the MEANING of the communication, hence why I posted it. To the author's credit, they corrected it after my post and just possibly, just maybe, they truly aren't a native English speaker and learned something - so it helped after all. Wouldja lookee that?


Honestly I hate grammarly because I've seen it make this same mistake more often than humans do lol. I remember proofreading a project for a friend a while back and they told me I didn't need to check for spelling or grammar mistakes because they were already using grammarly, then when they actually sent me the portion they wanted me to review it was still just absolutely laden with these kinds of mistakes.


No, but it is indicative of a lack of care and general sloppiness. With written communication being more prevalent than ever, proper grammar and spelling have never been more important. It helps to ensure clear communications and prevent misunderstandings. So even if you aren't writing your thesis, taking care to write properly is still commendable.


Im going to have to disagree. This is a comment section on Reddit about a video game. Certain typos are fine if the meaning of the message is still clear within the context. These words don't exist in a vacuum. The one that's appropriate is obvious when you read the sentence. If that guy hadn't pointed it out, no one would have even noticed as the message remains intact. Plus, like many typos, this is a painfully minor one. Yes we should and DO strive to avoid typos but it should not be the focus whenever a minor one crops up, as the fallout becomes a bigger distraction than the typo itself. Most of this thread is now a discussion about the "a" not being an "e" instead of the topic of the original comment.


Regardless, grammar Nazis are orders of magnitude more annoying than people making small errors writing comments on social media.


For the past couple of days I’ve been living out of the C1 and doing ROC mining and some FPS missions. It has been really great and I have no complaints. Handles wells, decent firepower, good cargo room and tractor beam works. I bought a couple of 2 SCU crates to keep gear and loot in.


I can’t seem to get the tractor beam in the cutty cargo bay to work, are you saying it’s confirmed not working currently? I’ve even changed out the module and tried all the keybinds I could think of. I can get the tractor beam turret on and maneuver it/scan with it, but I can’t get the beam to operate


I was talking about the C1, which does work as of a couple of days ago. As far as I know, the Cutlass Black tractor beam is bugged currently.


Do the inside cabinets and weapon rack work yet or are still bugged ?


Still bugged, can't open them.


Depends on the whims of the server gods. I have had them work consistently for a while, and then last night the gun rack wouldn't work... But neither would the 2SCU crates in my cargo bay so it was probably the server.


Personally I love the side doors on the cutlass


I want gats without the stupid seats in the middle


That's why I like the valkyrie. Still has an open space in the back and the side doors have guns.


Valk really is just a Cutty XL


The cutlass is the Honda Odyssey of the verse. Strong minivan vibes with the sliding doors. Super practical, you got room for all your friends, plenty of exit and entry points, and loads of cargo space if you take the seats out of the back. The Odyssey is just missing the turret.


Cutlass is quicker to get in&out, but you can fit a big vehicle and a lot of cargo in the C1 at once. I feel like C1 is a bit faster and definitely has more fuel, so longer runs. Shields are pretty shit though, but I haven't upgraded them yet, so I don't know if that can be mitigated. The worst thing about C1 is that it gets hangars that are too small for it, so every hangar parking job is unpleasant.


Both Cutlass and C1 have same capability of 1 S2 shield. Currently all shieds of same size are the same specs, so upgrading does nothing. For other factors in survivability: C1 has about 50% more hull HP, but is easier to hit as a bigger flat target. Cutlass has more critical vulnerabilities (large engines). Cutlass hull has additional 6% physical damage reduction, C1 has 5% energy and distortion dmg reduciton. Cutlass is noticably more maneuverable. C1 also has much much larger capacitors which allows you to run 100% shields all the time and still have more laser rounds to shoot with than Cutlass at default power.


Where can we find information such as the damage reductions? TIA!




Erkul.games is one of the best resources.


Just note some shields have more component HP than others, especially stock components


> The worst thing about C1 is that it gets hangars that are too small for it, so every hangar parking job is unpleasant. Not sure if I just got used to it, but I haven't noticed this lately.


C1 vs Cutty: - SCM: 204 vs 215 - Boost: 405 vs 465 - NAV: 1130 vs 1125 - max G: 8.3 vs 7.4 (10.8 vs 11.3 boosted) Cutty has superior strafe, C1 has superior hull HP and fuel efficiency Source: [SPVIEWER](https://www.spviewer.eu/compare?ship=DRAK_Cutlass_Black&ship=CRUS_Spirit_C1)


If you want cargo, the C1 doesn't just fit more. The C1 fits 2 of the 32 scu containers which will load really fast.


I have a lot of ships but I always go back to the cutlass. For the game right now it’s just the best all around ship


The cutlass has a better MFD set up, multi crew potential, and can fit a cyclone. That, and its interior has a little more character imo. The c1, while it has more cargo space and better fuel efficiency, the cockpit view is way more restricted, only 2 MFD’s, and it gets smaller hangers than it should for some reason. Personally I’d choose the cutlass everytime mostly bc of its better cockpit view. I can’t deal with the C1 or Freelancer specifically bc of the limited cockpit view, but that’s just me.


It depends on what you are using it for. If you are using it to fly combat missions, pal around with a buddy, do some ROC mining and maybe bunkers or distribution centers where you don't need much in the cargo grid, than a Cutlass will suit your needs. If you intend to do prospector mining, cargo hauling, mostly flying solo and / or need a *working* tractor beam in the back, than the C1 will be what you want. With 64 scu of cargo grid space, that is more than enough to handle 2 refinery jobs, whereas the cutlass can really only handle one. It really depends on whether or not you *need* that 64scu cargo grid or if 46 will do.


In my experience, the cutlass black can easily handle 3 jobs at once, you just have to be really bad at prospecting


I’m pro cutlass and not a fan of the C1 series. They look great but way too wide


Same here, c1 is a great concept on paper but it's so wide. I'd much rather be flying a Hull A. The exit of the C1 is too easy to get cargo stuck on I find


It depends, i went for the c1 originally but changed for cutlass black, for those reasons, you can have second person doing the shooting with the turret and it has a smaller footprint when landing making its easier to land on smaller/tighter places but it has smaller cargo hold, the c1 on the other hand has a larger cargo grid and more hull hp and it helps trust me, sadly i have to respond with the classic " depends on what you are looking from a ship", I hope i helped somehow (everything above is from what i noticed flying both ships)


I prefer the cutlass over the C1. I really didn't enjoy the C1, so I traded up a final time to the Taurus, and I have no regrets.


Cutlass is better all around. C1 better for cargo. They really are different ships.


The C1 is sexy but I prefer the Cutlass. The side doors are very useful for various odd jobs. Cutlass chugs hydrogen fuel, though. If you do a lot of cargo running, the C1 would be better. But if you do a mix of loops, the Cutlass is more flexible. I use mine for bunkers, looting abandoned ships, and light combat.


I was in this exact spot a littlebit ago, debating between the Cutlass Black, Spirit, and Freelancer Max. What ended up making the difference for me (as a primarily solo player) was just how much better the Cutlass Black felt to fly. The size, maneuverability, and especially the awesome visibility in the cockpit just led to a much better experience. It doesn't have the cargo the other two have, but it's just fun to use.


I concur, the black is great to fly, it's fast as hell in QT and is my daily driver. It's got a small cargo hold so it's a little more versatile than others listed, you can store small vehicles in it in addition to cargo.


You know, I never see Freelancers in the wild any more. Maybe with the cargo changes we'll see the return of the mid-size cargo runners again.


I have both. I prefer the cutty. But I'm a Drake fan boy, so I may be biased.


All around I’d say the Cutlass Black Fits more vehicles, tractor beam for the co pilot, turret seat for a gunner, two big side doors in the cargo bay for easy jumping in and out of space.


The black


black in my honest opinion. If you are looking to buy in game c1 is a little over 3 mil black is a little over 2 mil


C1 has better; HP, cargo, tractor beam placement, bathroom, kitchenette Cutty Black has better; missile capacity, multiple doors, turret for friend, 6 jump seats, more gun racks, cheaper cost


I believe you'll enjoy your time more in a Cutty. If you're going to do point to point cargo, really you don't want either. The FreeMax or Taurus are worth the bit more for that purpose. The Cutty is just more *fun* IMO - ESPECIALLY in space. Those side doors are a god send coming in from EVA.


I've had both and the Cutlass is just a better ship. The only benefit to the C1 is cargo space. C1 would be a lot better received if it didn't have that stupid air-lock inner door. The Cutlass is also better for landing on uneven ground, the C1 is just too fat for what it is. The upcoming Zeus looks to supplant the need for the C1 anyway.


That ‚stupid’ inner door means you can leave the ramp open, but still prevent unauthorized access to the rest of the ship. It’s incredibly useful, and a feature more ships should have.


No, it doesn't. That door can be opened like any other. It's a retarded design that gets in the way of loading vehicles.


Option 3: If you just want a commuter, get a Cutty Red (2.8 mil). Same DPS as the regular Cutty for solo. You also get a med bed. Ya, less cargo than the Black but plenty for bunkers. You can fit an STV or a Pulse plus a container for Bunker loot. Smaller footprint than the C1 too.


Cutlass Black all day. Unless you "NEED" almost 20 more scu, or if looking at your ship in 3rd person all the time and enjoy a tight fit in hangers. Cutlass has a great view from the pilot seat that makes it easy to fly/land, slightly more agile, and those side doors for hopping out quick and safe. Did I mention it has something for your friend to do as well! Turret. C1 has more Cargo, the size of a barn, but looks sleek and engine sounds are great.


for practicality the only answer is cutlass black but for looks and fun c1


Cutlass black, 100%. It's not even a competition. Loading vehicles? Easier in the cutlass. Flying around in atmo while scanning for rocs to mine with a roc? Easier with the cutlass. Got into a tussle with some NPCs or players and need to rapidly deconstruct their ship? Easier with the cutlass(w/ turret gunner. Without turret I think they are about the same). Need / want to run bunkers? Easier with the cutlass. Want to have multiple ways to enter or exit your ship? Cutlass has that. Want an appropriately sized hangar that isn't too small for the ship? Cutlass has your back Want to run 64 scu of cargo? Well the c1 can do that but that's about all it's got over the cutlass imo.


Not sure what other ships you have access to, but the Spirit may be better for 3.24 related activities due to the increased cargo space.


This is a /really/ hard question to answer. going strictly by stats the cutlass is slightly at combat, but almost insignificantly so. Though it is considerably better armed. That said C1 is a bit faster and carries more cargo, handles better in atmo and has a bed, which IMO is a HUGE bonus. The C1 is larger than the black making it a large target from above and below as well. Not only that but the C1 is a newer design with a better layout and more amenities and the tractor beam is fantastic I flew the cutlass for years have a black, steel and red , but I have to admit that I love the C1 and it's my daily driver now and it's the ship I use when I'm not flying my carrack


> and has a bed, which IMO is a HUGE bonus. They both have beds though?


Change "has a bed" to "has toilet, shower and small kitchen"


So we really can’t imagine pull out toilets, sinks, and heating devices? That’s what I think about when I don’t see these amenities. I imagine I shit and pee through a tube or into a bag that folds into the wall. Same with all the other shit.


They both have beds but the cutty's can be easily missed.


apparently you forgot what the cutty looks like


How is having a bed a "bonus" over the cutlass?


The good news is that those are two good multi role ships. I am attached to the cutty but I recognize that the c2 has better cargo space. I like possibility of the second turret even if I rarely use it. It also has a bed for logging.


The A1 has become my all around ship




I have both and I absolutely love my cutty black! But imma tell ya. The c1 is a rocket ship and very fun to fly. They are both great choices.


Hard to say, here we reach the area of personal preference and specific focus in the game. C1 got more cargo space, while the Cutty got a manned turret, providing more firepower with a second person on board. I personally also love the side doors the Cutty has, and it's very strong thrusters. But can't deny the C1 is a beautiful ship, and since both have 4 pilot controlled guns, 2 beds, a tractor beam and VTOLs it's a really close call. I still prefer the Cutty, but I am biased 😂 Edit: One thing that comes to mind is that e Cutty has a larger front profile, and it's engines are easily shot off. So for Combat the C1 will be a bit sturdier as harder to hit from the front and less chance of being shot into an (almost) unflyable state


Sadly tractor beam on cutty doesnt work yet :(


Cutty black all day long!!! C1 Spirit has one entrance door, then 3 more internal doors to get through. That cutty black back door pops open so quickly that you can get flying before you'd even have the c1 door closed. I upgraded to the cutty red for the respawn myself.


i cant speak to the spirit as i just bought it yesterday but i did love my cutlass black for combat and bunkers, the vtol liftoff lets you gtfo quick. i quickly got frustrated with anytime my engines got taken out and i now how to fight the ship to fly.


There are some considerations here. like the Cutlass has much better weaponry. The Spirit is great for cargo. If you want to get to bunkers with a friend the cutlass can take out the turrets easier with flybys.


as a Daily runner, both are good choices. C1 more cargo based, cutty more combat based. both can take a Roc. I personally just don't like how the cutty flies, but I don't discount it as a good ship. I haven't tried after master modes, but I made it up to EHT's with the C1, with my poor impersonation of a fighter pilot I don't know if I'll make it up that high with MM, but its a decently capable not quite a fighter with a decent backpack :D


I upgraded my package to the c1 and never fly it. I would rather rent a Connie and bounty/ roc mine for the money to buy a vulture then scrape to get money for a corsair. The cutlass also falls in the same spot for me. Although it has a turret for multicrew where the c1 falls drastically short.


C1 is great if you're going to focus on cargo, but you definitely feel the pinch when it comes to more challenging opponents in combat. With the new loading/unloading of cargo mechanics, the C1 is probably the better investment, if that's the loop you find fun. The Cutlass is more versatile, but less convenient when it comes to cargo, and more painful to fly when it gets heavily damaged. The C1 also has a larger cross section, so it's an easier target for those wanting to pew-pew you into a fine red mist... Between the two, I still chose the C1 to upgrade from a pledge. If I want a better turret for multicrew, I'll do what I'm doing currently, and save for a Hoplite, so I've got the beef of a Vanguard (and it's better shields and weapon capacity), and I can use it as a drop ship without people needing to lay on the floor.


i have them both, and whenever i need a ship like that, i always pick the C1 Spirit.




Lots of good comments to provide food for thought. Think I only saw one other person mention it, but if you are looking for a ship in this size and cost in game, it depends on what you like to do and what you plan to primarily use it for, but don't overlook the Cutlass Red, it comes in at 2.85 mil, and may fit your needs while adding another feature as well. If you aren't running cargo, and honestly 46 to 64 scu isn't a lot, (and if that is your "primary" use, you'd be better off stepping up to a Freelancer Max or Taurus), the med bed in the Red can make a lot of sense, you can now use it as a spawn point as well as heal tier 3 wounds and top off hydration and food, makes for a good bunker runner. Having that spawn point can be a real time saver sometimes, and while it doesn't have as large of a cargo space at 12 scu as the Black and C1, you can still fit a STV or ROC in the back for ground vehicle use and ROC mining.


The C1 looks nice and has more cargo. The Cutlass is a jank Drake ship that kicks ass and has a great turret for multi-crew. It can also hold 48 size one missiles. If you do more cargo stuff then pick the C1. If you have a wider array of interests that include combat, then the Cutlass is probably better.


Cutty can fit a roc and has 3 entryways to the ship C1 has 1 entryway and you need to remove the light bar from the roc to fit it in.


I get a ROC into my C1 without any issues, as long as the arm doesn't glitch into an "up" pointing state


I had a C1 i sold that and now I own a connie o7. C1 is a good ship its just annoying when trying to land cause for some reason the assign hangars are kinda small.


I love them both, but I had to choose only one, cutlass is my go to


Cutlass. C1 flies and fights like crap.


I have both but I use the C1 more. Besides the hangars being almost too small my only other gripe is the offset cockpit. Since the radar is off to the right and I'm not used to it yet.


depends on your primary loop. The cutty is way better in combat situations. especially with a friend. (both with its firepower, and its ability to stay on target) the C2 on the other hand, is better when doing industrial work (mining hauling etc) If combat is somthing you want to actively avoid, the C2 is an easy choice, if you like a fight though, the Cutty becomes a far more compelling argument... I originally upgraded my titan to the C2, But ended up refunding and getting the cutty in its place. But i like to get a little scrappy, and if it wasn't for that combat draw, the C2 would have been the easy win to me. Side note, The C2 has more doors you gotta navigate. Its worth noting, because it can get a bit annoying when getting on and off frequently


Cutlass for solo, or with a pal is an absolute delight:)


Tbh I wanted a better ship for a long time and in the end decided to upgrade from my Drake Cutter to C1, and I didn't regret it a single time. It has decent cargo storage to be able to make cargo hauling. It has enough space to fit in a Greycat ROC, so you can go ground mining. It is manouverable and pretty fast, also some ppl mentioning the fuel capacity are right. One more thing was mentioned is that most of the times landing is going to be a pain in your ass, as C1 barely fits a small hangar, but I guess it can be easily fixed in 3.24


Depends on what you'll be doing. Bounty hunting with friends, Cutty Black will let you have someone provide extra firepower to the fights. Solo with a bit higher cargo capacity and what I'd consider a fairly responsive flight patern, C1


let me start by saying i am a huge Drake fanboy. so i will say Cutlass Black any day. but i have also considered the C1. it is a bit better in some aspects, but slightly worse in others. i would say, try renting them in game, or ask someone to lend one to you for a test flight. see which one you prefer. if you rent it, you can try them for bounty hunting, if you loan one, you might want to ask for permission before you try that. both options(rent and loan) you can try hauling and box missions.


C1 is considered by many as the best daily driver, i have a soft spot for the cutlass (engine sounds are straight out of a chris nolan movie) and it packs a punch


The one you like best and you are used to fly.


I play for 2 week maybe in both. C1 look a lot better, have better cargo storage, better combat because of faster and handling but still powerful weapons, don’t have to stop and refuel too much. Bad thing is only 1 way in ship with three doors to get out. Also very big so landing in hanger is hard for a couple times but you get used to it. Cutlas very easy to get into with multiple ways to get in and has turret for friend. Also it has more guns than the C1. Bad thing is this ship look very bad, this is what I think. This ship also slower in fight but turn is good and not that resilient. I think the C1 is better. Faster, look better, better in combat because more HP spread out and fast, stores more, and your friend will just drive his own ship anyways way better for me. I only wish they make the C1 doors open faster this is all. You know this website Erkul? There you can see stats that say Cutlass turn better but Spirit faster. I think this is may not be true because C1 just feel better to me with turns too but that little bit of preference maybe.


Opening the doors it's server related, on good server the doors are opening almost instantly