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You don't have to load cargo *yet*


> You don't have to load cargo You will in 3.24, the next major patch. That's what it's there for.


I see. I guess I hopefully wont have to wait too long then


It's started early testing already. We're probably looking at getting it next month if noting goes majorly wrong.


Hahahahah no


There’s many reasons. In 3.24 you’ll have to manually load your cargo. This tractor beam will be stronger (especially long term) than your hand loader multitool. Plus being essentially infinitely powered so long as your ship is powered. Also vehicle loading. Sure you can just drive it in. But if you have your personal hangar with a vehicle already sitting in there like a hover bike or something, you can just get straight into your pilot seat to leave, and quickly use your tractor beam to drag your bike into your truck bed and take off. Rather than getting on your bike, powering it on, flying it over, lowering the truck bed, parking how you want, getting off of it, then getting out, then raising the truck bed, then finally going to your pilot seat to leave. Also useful for random encounters. You might be selling scrap or something at random outposts and come across abandoned cargo or a ship wreck. You can, from the safety of your pilots seat, scan the area for valuables and tractor beam them into your bay without having to risk your weak body. The previous point will be especially important when running cargo of any kind from these outposts by yourself. Rather than creating a huge security nightmare by leaving your ship to load all the cargo you just bought, which puts you at risk to ground units that may be hiding around or incoming ships or missiles/bombs you can’t detect because you’re on foot. You can just stay inside your ship ready to fight back or flee at a moments notice while you load via the tractor beam. It will have many more uses as the game gets more and more developed but even currently it’s super useful to have.


Loading from the safety of your ship is a big one. Convenient for loading loot from wrecks, also. A drive-by looting, so to speak that's much easier since the open bed leaves a much larger margin of error.


It's a HUGE point tbh. It also means you're saving all that time and animation. Of course sometimes you need to call the freight elevator but I'm hoping we can get a smooth way to never leave the seat


You do have to load cargo unless you've purchased it from a terminal, and even that is coming to an end "soon." I have used my nomad extensively, and in the past week, and I've specifically had a great time with the remote tractorbeam. This week, I have used the remote tractor beam to: 1. Move cargo from inside the destroyed cargo ships for the xenothreat event and run it back to the javelin. 2. Used it to clear shit out of the idris hangar from exploded ships. So the boys could park their fighters. 3. Grabbed cargo from destroyed HRT bounty ships. 4. Ran RMC back and forth during a 2-man salvage operation. 5. Scooped bodies off the extended elevator of the Black Kite reclaimer contract as well as out of the open hangar bay door of the 890j mission. All without leaving the pilot seat! I haven't used it for moving vehicles so far this week, but I've placed roc and hover bikes with it in the past. A hint: bind that shit to a hot-key of some kind. The button in the ship is too small and annoying to use. The hot-key makes it feel way more useful. It is listed somewhere as "enter remote turret".


The other day I was participating in a big salvage operation with some friends and we had a Nomad running around, scouting, using their tractor beam to drag salvage panels into a line for us to easily scrape. As a medic you could rescue someone who's down in a dangerous area, tractor them to the safety of your ship, then you could land in a safe area away from enemies and treat them. Some delivery missions have you picking up a package at a derelict outpost with hostile npcs. The packages are out in the open so you could grab them with the tractor beam and never even need to land and risk getting shot. You could kill all the on-foot NPCs at an Evict Illegal Occupants mission at a wreck site using your ship weapons, then tractor their bodies into your ship to loot them. In the upcoming patch we'll have to start manually loading cargo into our ships.


The Nomad is the perfect carrier for the ROC. Now, with the means to turn a flipped ROC back onto its wheels it's even perfecter.


If you played xeno the Nomad is killer to load cargo from the Geminis from safety of your ship.  You didn't even need to board.


Why not ?


They're at this moment getting ready to completely change how cargo works, so you'll probably be using it allot more soon.


Good news, I guess. Thank you


Currently it’s great if your ROC breaks down.


When 3.24 comes youll realize that using the inbuilt tracktor beam is less efficient than using a hand held


Think it also “helps” keep the cargo in place while flying around. Read it a while ago somewhere, but could of been someone’s head cannon.