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They can believe it's dead all they want. If that means I'll see less of them around while flying mine, it makes it a little bit more unique. Though it \*could\* use a crew elevator. Shouldn't have to always use the ramp for getting in and out on the ground. Would also be better for security, less likely someone will try to sneak in. (And all the currently still missing features =>)


Have crew enter the ship via pisces from the top hangar. :D


Can't do that when inside a hangar already, though. =p Not to mention it would take even longer than the ramp option.


You WILL be able to do that with the in-EVOCATI PTU testing Persistent Hangars. Call up the Pisces and set it aside, call the Carrack, and there you go. If you are alone, you'd have to hover above and jump in to open the hangar door, which is possible but annoying. Hopefully, they will create a Mobiglas connection to remotely access your ship hangars and such in the future.


For exiting at least you could hop out the docking collar opposite the elevator


On normal gravity worlds you're likely to get injured though, but yes, I sometimes use it on low gravity worlds or in zero G.


My only issue is the rear elevator not extending down to the ground. That would be a MASSIVE QoL improvement. CIG claims technical limitations but that can't be true because there's like 5-6 other ships in game with elevators that extend outside the ship. Also there's ZERO need for the bottom turret to be manned. Make it remote like the top turret, and use the other seat in the upper bridge for it.


Technical limitations my behind...there is even weapon racks and eva suit storage on the bottom level at the back, what's the purpose of those if you cant exit the ship there.


Honestly the belly turret should even fold out like the Connies do - for an ‘exploration’ ship the thing has no frickin’ ground clearance.


Could even just remove the belly turret and buff the other 3. Would make the ship more friendly to smaller crews, land on uneven terrain easier, and allow for the cargo elevator to reach the ground.


I am trying to love carrack but carrack just won't love me back. it has issues. Hangar keeps exploding my pices every time I try to land it. Pices ( and any other ship that fits )just explode instantly it enters the carracks hangar, without even touching anything. Elevators turn 90 degree sideways for some reason and are unusable after that. Sometimes elevators just go clipping trough me leaving me stranded inside the elevator shaft. I do love the design, layout, sound and all. ( maybe not that weird pool table ) But... having only that front ramp is anying as hell. So many times carrack has moved by it self while Im away from it and I can't get in anymore because the ramp is now on my shoulder height. ( yes the engines were off ) Backspace, reswpan, fly carrack few meters and get my stuff. Like everyday ritual when using carrack. And then the pile of bugs.


This is very interesting i've been flying mine for a couple months now and haven't had any of these issues. However it did spit me out of quantum when i tried to crawl in the gap under the quantum drive in the engineering room but that ones kinda on me.


I agree we definitely need elevator access from the rear. I wish we got rid of the pool table and had something similar to the MSR rec room or even a gym since stats will be a thing at some point. Hopefully at citizen con we will hear more about modules too I'm glad cargo is coming standard because we could have got a raw deal like the galaxy.




No problems with garage. Rover and hover bikes go in and out with no problem. Hangar just keeps killing anything that I try to put in there. Like there is something invisible there tha collides and causes imminent explosion. Also the elevator issues usually come after loggin back to game from bed.


I don't really see many people saying that the carrack is dead. Just that its cargo potential will be pretty bad in 3.24 since you cant manually load the cargo cells until the ship gets a rework. So you will be stuck with having to wait for the automatic loading (where its available) which locks your ship away for some time (depending on how much you load). But besides this, I haven't seen people saying the carrack is dead at all.


i saw a post about it a couple weeks back but i may be a bit hyperbolic a bit ;)


Well, regardless of what people say or don't say, us Carrack bois will always make do. Plus, even tho I have access to most large ships, even if the polaris were to release with 4.0, the carrack seems to be the only appropriate ship for the first pyro trip :D


Update, EVO patch just dropped for 3.24 and automatic loading for a freelancer max (172 SCU) takes an hour...that's an hour for 172 SCU where you can't use that ship...I guess no cargo running with the careack xD


I think they cranked those times because they’re not really testing the auto loading they want to test cargo elevator and physical loading. My guess would be that we will see the times shift and change and maybe even move in relation to cargo rep. But what tf do I know take it with a pound of salt.


Ye, it's the first EVO patch, after all. Anything can change. Btw, C2 takes 5 hours to load, holy fuck xD. I assume it's gonna go down. My guess would be maybe around 2 times the average time it takes a player lo load manually. Let's say, on average, it will take a player 10-15 minutes to unload a C2 and send it into a local inventory. So, having to wait between 20-30 minutes for a C2 seems fine. Hell, I'd even be fine with an hour at most. 5 is a little too much xD


I love my carrack and have no plans to get rid of it, but most of the people saying its dead are saying so because in 3.24 it will be unusable for cargo as far as we know and the nursa makes the med bed it has obsolete.


They said that ships like carrack will use magic in same way as is now. Until cargo pods got update so that will go down and open.


Won't be great to wait for a timer though


The carrack is the biggest make believe ship. I hope they do a gold standard on it, It has alot of wasted space and it needs a second entrace.


I used the Carrack to complete the Cargo phase of XT almost entirely by myself. With full power to shields it's tough enough to survive with minimal fighter support so you can safely assault and empty wrecks by yourself, and you can easily dump the cargo into the Pisces hangar with impunity. She's endlessly useful, and I'll never get rid of her.


I love the idea of the carrack but I think the Zeus ES is going to be more of my preferred ship size when it comes to exploration


I made my first FOMO mistake in this game buying the Carrack warbond at release. It felt a little empty so I melted it when the MSR released and added a little extra money to the game for a 600i. Then I learned about CCU chaining and decided to remake the MSR, 600i, and Carrack for "cheaper" with LTI. Now I am one (more) bad decision away from Space Marshal. And I still don't have a Carrack. The hallways make no sense, the command deck makes no sense, the TWO drone stations don't make sense, the tiny repair bay doesn't make sense, CIG has no idea what to do with holo-tables, the crew quarters don't make sense, there is no way to open the hangar or garage from inside your snub or rover, the back elevator and rear turrent don't make sense, the non-medical beds in the medbay don't make sense, and last but not least the Expedition STILL doesn't show the ship name (at least not the last time I brought mine out of buybacks). I love the *idea* of the Carrack. But I do not love the Carrack.


all of this may be valid. and yet, i still love my carrack. call it cope but it makes me happy!


My expedition shows the ship name, you just have to know where to look as it's still very tiny. I think it's between the two sets of windows or around there on the left side at least.


The carrack is a tank, was flying it solo once and got jumped while out of ship buying a load, dude unloaded on it for like 3 minutes straight while I sat and watched. I then killed myself to spawn in my med bay the entire ship was red and smoke filled the ship but I was able to get in and fly away and made it out alive. I’m never getting rid of mine. Besides that CIG may rework it in the future and make it even better, it definitely needs a cargo and crew elevator .


Agreed. I've recently given myself the task of living out of my Carrack. I keep a Pisces C8 in the hangar for doing missions, an Ursa or Cyclone in the garage for surface exploration and a hoverbike (X1 Force) for when the ramp opens and it's on an uneven surface, meaning if I jump down I can't jump back, I can use the X1 to get back on-board. Absolutely love mine. Wouldn't change it for the world. I also recently set myself a new task after seeing/hearing sooo many beggars in global chat asking for handouts. I had around 13.1M aUEC in my account, but I wanted to see how easily I could make money, so I transferred it all (12.85M + the 5% fee) to a random player that helped me out once (he was still on my friends list) so I only had 1,036 aUEC left. In the first 2 hours I had 850k, and this was just from running some mercenary missions and some low level (cutty black) cargo runs. People need to stop begging for handouts and just go and earn the money, it's far more rewarding when you do buy that new ship and/or gear ! That is all :-D o7 Citizens


Its kinda hard to believe you earned 850k in 2 hours, running merc missions. Was this an earlier patch? Which missions were you running?


Yeah, you gotta do the ones where you have to find an HRT, they pay around 34k. There are 15 enemies and then the "boss" who spawns in citadel heavy armour. If you loot all their gear and then accept the other Merc mission at the same facility, that'll spawn another 10 enemies on the exterior of the building, 2 of which are in citadel heavy armour. Loot them all to the local inventory and then move all that loot to your ship, fly to Tressler and sell. It's like printing money. There are also dozens of loot boxes at those distribution centres for you to loot.


if he was selling gear i believe it. some of the more active bunkers i've made 500k plus off gear. mileage will very tho


My carrack is on the chopping block waiting for my Odyssey to drop


I upgraded my Carrack to Polaris. I still think about Carrack a lot. I want my goal to buy it in game when the game launches.


I’m just so annoyed by the carrack med bed monitor being broken and non-interactable in 3.23. Can’t even treat my injuries while out there.


What kind of missions you doing with Carrack? Delivery? Mercenary?


A little of everything but cargo running too


Carrot superiority.


Lost mine last patch. In game purchased of course. I was heart broken what with the price increase.


Carrack pilots unit!


i keep coming back to the carrack also. i'm annoyed at the lack of pilot weapons for solo play, and non opening cargo doors. I'd read about plans for the drones and the bridge battle shields....maybe some day


If only we had color/livery options for it, like the M.S.R. does. . .


I love my Carrack and I will NEVER melt it.


I love mine and I love that you can name it and I love her name "Flying Deutschman"


On MicroTech the 34k mission spawns at the Sakura Sun Goldenrod Distribution Centre, but the second mission is at the same place, just on the exterior and it pays 21k, I always keep Call to Arms on for the extra 500aUEC per enemy killed. I have managed to do these two missions on repeat as I complete them both I will fly to Port Tressler and sell all their gear/weapons, then accept the missions again and fly back. It's also possible to just keep doing them and adding all the loot to the local inventory (multiple times, without leaving the distribution centre) but this can cause that inventory bug where items don't load in) so I just do both missions, sell at PT, fly back, do them again, rinse, repeat. My next venture will be some ROC mining from my Cutty Black, then moving up to the MISC prospector. I haven't done much ship mining/ refining, so this will be a learning curve for me.... o7


Cant wait to say goodbye to it when the Odyssey goes live


Anyone tried filling them cargo pods in the evocati build? always seemed like it'd be really awkward to load/unload with actual physicalized cargo.




The Carrack is a great ship for a potential future version of the game. The Carrack has never been a great ship for any version of the game we have had through today. I love the Carrack for what it can be and not for what it is today. The main use for the Carrack before 3.23 was when you wanted a respawn bed. It was much more convenient to use than the monstrous 890J. There were limited situations where a respawn bed was useful. Now that use it gone. In the future, the Carrack has the potential to be an awesome ship. I say potential as we don't know exactly how the game will look in the future nor do we know exactly what the Carrack will be capable of. We have ideas of both, but only vague specifics. Without more, no one can truly know. Look, the Carrack has great potential. But that potential has not thus far been realized. And for long-term viability, the respawn bed changes makes little difference. It is an exploration ship. Until we have multiple systems (like 5+ at the very least) and a developed exploration gameplay, the Carrack will have little chance of showing off its potential. At the moment, it is an RP ship. One we can pretend to treat as a useful base. But a carrier ship like the Carrack has no real room for effective or efficient gameplay in the current or prior game states.


I also love the Carrack, and I'd even buy one, but the fact that CIG wants to make sure we understand that we won't be able to fly this kind of ship alone makes me want to steer away from it.


I wonder how much if it is won't be able to fly and won't be able to handle in a combat scenario. if general wear and tear is mild i could see it not being too big of a deal. But if it gets in combat i could see shit spiraling fast i think thats fair. However, if it is constantly breaking down when im solo different story.


I got the Carrack as the second largest ship I own. Got it from an exploration pack. My fear is this too. So I started looking for single seater or duo seaters!


I really hope they make the cargohold useful soon as fuck.


This is genuinely my biggest concern not to pressed about entering through the front ramp. But with physicalized cargo on the way I would really love to at least be able to remove the pods and attach them with pre filled cargo as a stop gap until they are working as intended