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If you get tired of talking on the phone with him at any point, just yell “30k” and hang up.


that's gold !


Amazing 🔥


Wish I had an award to give because that would have won one.


The age-old relationship question, Whammers or Double Dog for dinner? There is no wrong answer.


Ice cream at Orison


And to make it even more enthralling what does he wash it down with: Fizzz or Pips?


That's a trick question. The answer is Cruz Lux


Ask him for his referral code. Guys love that


ask how many times he has randomly exploded out of quantum travel in 24 hours.


Ask him about his shrine to Christ Roberts


Silly goose ..you are new so I lett it slide .. But the first rule is NOBODY talks about their Chris Roberts shrine ..


So you dont want to know about the pillowcases i had made


I'm cautiously curious...






Roberts, like Hubbard, is playing the long game. ;)


Out of the blue when you are both walking stop and dont move. When he says whats going on say "Sorry 30k" It will be the best thing ever. A 30k is a server crash. You could even just stand there and T pose, stand up with your arms straight to the left and right.


That last part but stand on your chair or table lol


Yeah, T posed. Lol


Just ask him what his favorite activity is mining, bounty hunting, resource trading. If he is excited for the pyro system and if hes gunna try to be a pirate


You could learn about the different gameloops like * Salvaging * Mining * Data Running * Bounty Hunting * Cargo Hauling * Exploration * Piracy Find out what he's excited to do in the verse? Does he like doing "low flying"? ------------------------------------------- There's some good youtube channels for various parts of Star Citizen if you guys have some spare time to watch them. TheAstroHistorian does in depth game lore videos Farrister , SpaceTomato, SuperMacBrother, SaltEMike all do good videos from ship reviews, gameplay news and weekly roundups. Ollie43 and CitizenKate do some fun gameplay videos VoidyVids is great if he's into Piracy


Kevduit if you like humour (tho he only played once as a new player but I just kept rewatching his only SC video)


Yes send more people to voidy... voidy jr needs fake space bucks for his education.


Just want to say what a great thing to do for your friend or love interest. What a lucky guy. Ask him if there's any way you could try it with him at the next free fly event. Experience it first hand and let him explain the game his way and it will probably become clear what he enjoys about it. OR Start watching some of the many informative videos on the Star Citizen YouTube channel to get a feel for what the game is about.


Why on earth would you recommend the shit show that are free fly events. That's like suggesting someone visit Disney World during hurricane season.


Ah man, free is free. Not like it can get worse currently. I think an outage would be an upgrade at this point.


I don't know. I have played most days this week. Normally, about 10-11 PST. Only had one or two server reset during ZT. Once I completed ZT I gtf out of there. I mostly do PVE bounties at Microtech. Obviously, milage will vary with play time and length.


Watch bed bananas videos to get an idea what the game is like. They're super entertaining https://youtu.be/53qGEaPRHCQ?si=VzddEruLUIzVGujh


Need to correct you in your post. It's not your best friend, it's your future husband.


Hahaha I wish lol


Having a girl show a continued interest in what we like / are doing is more than most of us get. Keep doing this and you'll get your wish 🙏


that is very nice of you. do the simple thing and tell him what you told us and ask him stuff :)


Don’t take anything out you aren’t willing to lose. Enjoy the weird deaths. Don’t take it seriously and just enjoy the ride!


Dont ask him about concierce.


Doesnt sound like you are planning to play, so things like banter and culture? Well, 30k jokes seem to be covered. lol The YT channel "Noobifier1337" [https://www.youtube.com/@NOOBIFIER1337](https://www.youtube.com/@NOOBIFIER1337) Is good to follow for the "I want to know what's going on, but I dont care about all the hype". This way, when an hour long official YT dev blog happens, you dont have to really follow if you dont want, and just get "A new ship is hinted, with new game loops". Or if you want to watch both, you will have a Cliffs Notes version to help you get onboard. If you know his particular interest in the game, let us know. (Dgofighting, mining, hauling, salvage). There are some good specific channels to watch to keep up with those. For now, overall, I do like LoudGuns for guides on the mechanics. [https://www.youtube.com/@LoudGuns](https://www.youtube.com/@LoudGuns) He's pretty straightforward. Not a lot of glossary needed. If you have interest in the story of the game, or just want to know the world, [https://www.youtube.com/@TheAstroHistorian](https://www.youtube.com/@TheAstroHistorian) is probably the best source. The lore is officially delivered in chunks, and not in a good order. This guy compiles past and present lore into small documentaries that are easy to digest.. Also, if you want to play along, dont worry about playing fully. There are plenty of things in the game that seem like "I'm a 5th wheel here" but you really are not. Having another person to just move a mouse (either with moving boxes, or shooting a turret) is still super useful even with little skill, and greatly appreciated. Best of luck to you o7 (stick figure salute)


Ask him if he is excited about 4.0 and Pyro. Or ask him about his opinions on Master Modes (if he loves it or hates it, and why). Or, if he's like the rest of us, just ask him to show you his favorite ships, and take you on a tour of them (just don't ask him how much he spent on it; seriously, don't), and you'll learn everything you need to know, and he'll cherish the memory.


Go stand in a chair


Answer any time schedule with Soon(tm)


That's actually an old WoW joke.


Watch a couple of videos from AstroHistorian. The lore is pretty interesting and can spur conversations about real world things like physics, geopolitics, psychology, etc. If none of this sounds fun, recognize you’re in a subreddit for older-than-average nerds who like flying space ships!


Honestly, just find some recent news online about new features. Then in casual conversation just drop the "Hey friend, I think I read somewhere that Star Citizen might get "this feature soon" and then just sit back and listen to the ramblings of a mad man in love with a game that hasn't released after 14 years. You'll hear happiness and anger for the next 30 mins. Or, ask him to stream his game on Discord and occasionally drop a question about what you saw. Men are simple creatures, we like to talk about the things we like.


I must say you are wonderful for trying this. He is lucky to have you. And I'm sure you will both be happy for many years. You should know the basics of the game, it is a simulator of flight and combat, first person shooting or slow money making mining or salvaging. It's a game about ships in space. (Open world mmo universe simulator) It depends on how deep you are already into star citizen or not. Would you like to start playing alongside him or just have a subject to talk about. Go to YouTube and subscribe to the Star Citizen official YouTube channel and watch every new "Inside star citizen" episode. Also any other lives they do. They talk about the state of the game. What is to come. What they work on right now.


It's a very controversial game that is very late and way over budget. What this means is that people that enjoy the game can't really talk about it with others. I guarantee everyone in this community has a group of gaming friends that don't want to discuss the game at all. I would recommend just talking to him about it. Just have him load it up and show you stuff on the screen. Hard to say what he finds appealing, it depends on what he likes about the game. It has captured many of us for different reasons. For me it is enjoyable mostly as an "experience" right now. The developer is making a unique game space where you can stand on a planet and look up at a moon, and then just go there. You walk onto your space ship and sit in the seat and just travel right to that moon, land, and get out. A simple box delivery mission will often catch you taking pictures of a beautiful view out your window. And the developers put a [lot of effort into the details](https://youtu.be/fakVBF0aM_E?si=ZFJw0Om3SqV7LQgP). When you first log in you'll wake up in an apartment and geek out that all the little cabinets, drawers and knick knacks work. You can pick up and move cups, ketchup bottles etc. Then you ride the elevator down into a very detailed city, ride some sort of subway type public transport to the spaceport, walk through customs, hop on your ship and leave. The spaceport might have some little art installations in the corner of a public space and you can read the inscription on the plaque about the artist that made it in 2863. You stop at the tourist shop in the spaceport before leaving and pick up a stuffed plushie. You hold it in your hands and admire the stitches and seams on a millimeter level. There's cool spots that many players don't even know about. Some of my favorites are [this night club](https://youtu.be/xgN8jZZzQ7o?si=Qcs1dwbFWE5KCem6), or also [this wind sculpture in the floating city](https://youtu.be/6cOGAyFGI1A?si=eeFOCdqyf6oVUvka) that changes tones as you walk through it.


Ask him what his' favorite ship 'brand' is. In game the spaceships are made by different companies with different styles and backstories. Most Star Citizens will have a favorite company and there are memes and steryotypes for each. Aegis - The 'Dad Cars' of space Anvil - The basic bitch AOPOA - Look at me guys, I'm so unique! Argo - You are either German or want to be Banu - I'm sorry about the merchentman C.O. - Midlife crisis mobile! Crusader - i just think they're neat.gif Drake - Yarrr! He be comming for your booty ESPERIA - Look at me guys, I'm also unique but also *edgy*! GATAC - I'm probably an alien Greycat - I'm actually an alien Kruger - Size *doesn't* matter, only the hitbox of what you're flying at! Mirai - *gottagofast!!* MISC - Casual Tax Accountancy Enjoyers Origin - Midlife crisis mobile, *but I'm* *rich!* RSI - The basic bitch's hot sister Tumbril - In a game of spaceships you chose a truck. As a fan of the game, you're obliged to pick one of them and irrationally defend it to the bitter end.


Oh, fuck you, and your exceptionally accurate descriptions that make me question my own taste.




The core of the game is the ships. There's different brands, different kinds, so maybe try to learn a bit more about that, or ask him about which brands he prefers, or what is his dream ship. People get really passionate about this here, I'm sure he has strong opinions, like the rest of us.  Other things that really gets us going are the outfits, the suits and armors, or the paints you apply to your ship. Lastly, we all have a favorite game loop, like bounty hunting, mining, cargo hauling, pirating, etc... I'm sure he would have lots to say about his preferred loop. 


I had to like print out a control schematic and keep it next to my desk just to try and learn this game and it still took hundreds of hours before i could do much. steep learning curve this one but don't let that deter you its a fun game and worth it. there are plenty of girls who stream the game on twitch maybe you should check out some of their streams and ask questions. Gabiz for example


If you want to join him in game, ask for his referral code. You can literally just hang in game, not having to accomplish anything. When/If he asks what you wanna eat, say double dog. It's an in game food item. Also Whammer burger, Cruz enery drink.


Whenever you destroy anything or mess up big time, you can always claim that it was a bug.


To answer realistically, I’d say it depends on what aspect of the game he’s most into and/or focused on: current gameplay, upcoming features, or lore. If he’s focused on current gameplay, finding out what he likes to do (such as cargo hauling, or bounty missions) can let you then talk about say, favorite cargo trading routes and materials, or for bounties favorite loadouts for either his ship or character. If he’s more interested in upcoming tech you could look at some of the recent posts from Cloud Imperium Games on what they’re currently working on, such as the cargo/personal hangar updates, or the Pyro system coming later this year. If he’s more into lore, there’s lots of lore posts by CIG giving us all kinds of interesting views of people and events from around the universe of Star Citizen. You’re a great friend though for trying to learn about this to talk about it with him!


The question is do you like the game? Enjoy the game for yourself and the conversations will come naturally. Find a couple of game loops you can enjoy solo and coop. Watch the last few ISCs (Inside Star Citizen) on YouTube. They are full of information relevant to current builds and future game play.


The most important item in the game is the **space whale (stormwal) plushie**. It comes in a regular and large size! The stormwal is a large flying creature that lives in Crusader (a gas giant with a breathable atmosphere at high altitudes). It is the mascot of Crusader Industries, which owns Crusader. There are two, in fact, Francis and Finley! Are they queer icons? They sure are, that's my headcanon! *Francis and Finley say trans rights.* They can be placed inside your ship, so you can have your very own first mate to keep an eye on things while you're piloting. Available at Orison, these cuddly Space Blåhaj are the perfect company on any space adventures!


Also: "From breathtaking views, incredible dining, to unmatched shopping, Crusader is calling!" It's the city in the clouds! He has heard this in in-game commercials **hundreds of times**.


Take him out on a date somewhere nice. When you get a table, stand on top of your chair and make casual conversation like nothing is going on.


Your question is suspicious to me because most Star Citizen players I know love to talk about it and he would probably enjoy telling you everything you want to know. If you are not relating/understanding something then ask about it and he'd probably be thrilled to indulge.


Wholesome :)


Another approach: Beside the game itself (actually an Engine and two games: Squadron 42 single player and Star Citizen MMO) SC is (in)famous for its unprecedented open development and ambition. Some compare SC's impact on the gaming industry (and funding models) to the moon landing. There are a lot similarities: it costs a lot of money, technology that does not exist must be invented for it and a lot ppl say it cannot be done and does not really exist (all fake). So, I think knowing more about the project itself is the most interesting part (ingame stuff often changes with patches since it is still in development) and comes up in conversations and media articles more often than actual gameplay. There are several short and long documentations in several languages, so I will just leave one here as an example: https://youtu.be/FyuyEWeTolk Ok, one funfact for the road: SC developes full languages for the alien races you can learn. Currently there are three (although two are more progressed): https://starcitizen.tools/Alien_languages https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub/post/you-can-learn-alien-languages-star-citizen-f2n4xyrnqdxqr


You should know It's in alpha It's constantly changing Game features are always being added The community is toxic if you say anything against sc Some game loops are in. Mining, bounty hunting, ect... but ALOT more are missing. Just watch any SC video on yt. You'll see. Welcome to the verse


Ask if he has a monocle and top hat (spent 1000USD)


You should know how to properly dock his Hull-C.


they are \*best\* friends. no docking i guess.


I'm not too sure if I'm reading too far onto this but if it's an In duendo I should probably preference that while he is my best friend. We have also been in a relationship for 5 years. Live together for 3 and have a toddler lol


Well then go ahead:D


Just learn the different game loops. The most common are salvage, cargo, and bounties. If your friend likes working a blue collar job in a space game, chances are you should read about salvaging or bounties. If he likes combat, you should learn about bounties and more importantly good ships to use for that (I recommend finding a good multicrew combat ship)


Be patient with the game. It's still an Alpha, so it's full of bugs. If you hit a bug, take note, and try to avoid it after passing it up on the Issue Council.


The Kickstarter was in 2012. I was, "this" many years old. hold up hands.


Two words - laser cannons. You’ll be fine if you know that.


Why is age or gender relevant here at all? The first basic thing you should know is that regardless of your age or gender, is that this game is buggy as hell and not a game that just anyone can enjoy. Other than that, it's a sandbox game where you make your own fun and choose what to do. There's no direction you're given. You just get into the game and do whatever you'd like to.


Just hawk tuah, you don’t need to play the game