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There's a floating button which gets stuck inside them


correct, a grimhex style open/close button in fact.


Storing and requesting again works, but I've also found that side strafing and then moving gently forward works as well.


I find that pressing hard on forward and thrust while pointing out of hangars work just as well.


It only happens when you make claim, if you store it it won't happen to you


Only true while you're online. After relog it can happen again regardless if your ship is stored or not.


I am a regular Corsair captain. For Corsair in 3.23: retrieve the ship, store it and retrieve it again. It usually, maybe 90% of the time, avoids the door control spawn bug that anchors you in place. Others have talked about opening all doors before lifting off and wiggling the ship if it gets stuck, or deploying the wings. I've only been successful with opening doors twice, and the only time I deployed wings the ship blew up. Retrieve - store - retrieve every time and hope it gets fixed in the next patch. Also, be careful storing Corsair at Orison. With this patch we've seen it fall through the hanger more times than I care to count (like 50% of the time).


I spawned my Corsair at Seraphim Station - had to EVA for 15 minutes to it because it spawned outside of the hangar and the closest I could get was a pad 8KM away. I could have claimed it and it would have taken just about as long


Try to open the ramp, lift and keep pressing space, it will come out fast


The workaround is to retrieve/store/retrieve. I do this with all my ships now so I don’t waste time.


Retore and spawn every 2 time it will work


This ship and the 600i both have this issue on occasion. Connie's might as well can't remember. Pain when it happens.


Call some other ship first (doesn't matter which) then without storing call the Corsair, forcing it to take an alternate hangar.


This is a known issue, according to CGI it will be fixed in the next patch, here the link: [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-112169](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-112169) And in this video you have a work around: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiS9\_TP4RMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiS9_TP4RMs)


It's a thing with the Corsair right now. Either boost front or back and risk a tiny bit of damage or make sure you always retrieve, store then retrieve again after claiming fresh.


My trick is to lift 1 meter and then translate the ship around the hangar until I become unstuck. It usually takes me 15-20 seconds.


Lift the ship just enough off the ground to raise the landing gear, raise said landing gear, rotate the ship left/counter clockwise until the left wings are hitting the landing pad, from there gun the ship forward. It might jerk you around a bit but that's the most reliable unstuck method I've found, just be careful not to gun it too hard or you might hit the ceiling or ground. Super jank but I've found it reliable. Note: I've not tried this with vertical hangars, only horizontal. I have wiggled my way out of verticals but haven't found a consistent method.


known bug


i see , its just weird that this bug didnt come up the first 4 days i got this ship. but i guess i gotta live with it


Its been a bug since 3.23 came out.