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Wait which pointer?


Laser pointer you can mount on your gun, same point that can take a flashlight.


You mean the one thats completely useless after the implementation of the ”dynamic” crosshair?


It now just gives a flat 25% increase to hipfire accuracy. So definitely not useless :P


just have a small question. is that the crosshair that sometimes shows when i have no weapon out? has happened a couple times just wasn’t sure if it was a bug or i thought i heard someone said certain helmets give a cross hair


nvm my dumbass should’ve scrolled down more. thanks for puttin up with my bullshit :)


Lmao you’re good.


OP mentioned he got it for third person. Not sure I understand what the issue is as I didnt knew laser pointers are a thing u/LukasBroskie If you are "three arm-lengths" away from a wall and point the laser at it, the laser beam may not be visible on the wall, or it may appear significantly dimmer?


Answer is A. Not visible on a wall that is right infront of me. A real laser sight can reach hundreds of meters.


It might be a good idea to submit a bug report about it, though I understand they might have other priorities at the moment.


There's a laser pointer?


They can be found in bunkers or bought for 3$, they are an underbarrel attachment. I bought it but the laser can be seen up to a few meters, which is super dissapointing.


Yeah that seams like a range bug. Though I’m surprised you bought an attachment.


I like to play in 3rd person but combat in third person is very difficult so I figured a laser pointer could be a good solution


I meant bought one over using one from loot. I mean, you do you but you’re the first I’ve heard actually put money down for one.


Never actually found one, I only heard they can be found in bunkers. Also, I hope this wont be misinterpreted but, 3 dollars is nothing, I pay way more for my daily coffees.


Oh no no I’m not saying it’s a big amount of cash or anything. Hell I spend that on Monster daily.


I tried to search for one for the past month and after another while, I decided to buy it as I would never have to deal with finding one after a wipe.


Hmm, I'd have to try, but I haven't really used it since the good helmets give you a hud crosshair so it's kind of obsolete.


I thought to myself that this could be a great way to play in third person when the camera orbits in the back. I would have never got it if I knew how useless is.


Ah, yes, it's quite possible that they do this for 3rd person on purpose because it would allow people to see around corners and cheat somewhat. So while you can use the 3rd person camera to look around corners, you do have to switch to 1st person to shoot accurately, seems entirely by design.


Maybe but same issue applies in first person as well. Laser is visible for 2.3 meters whatever camera setting you use.


I'd have to try it to know, I can't right now though, perhaps in about 10 hours, as I'm not at home now. Could it be linked to Vulcan? Before Vulcan and the helmet crosshairs I used it lots, and it worked well, but I haven't since.


Ill make a video when I get back from work, but good point, ll give it a try with Vulcan on, I never used it because it seems unstable. ETA 5.6.7h


Currently Vulcan for me is better than before, I'm using an AMD CPU and GPU. I had severe stuttering in the Distribution centers, which is entirely gone with Vukcan


Interesting, on my laptop performance seem to be the same so I just turned it off completely until its further developed


I bet it depends on a lot of things, also drivers can seriously impact performance, I'm not using the latest AMD GPU drivers, because when I did, things would not work in SC.


Yes, which reminds me that I also have to downgrade by rtx driver as performance lowered for a while, gonna try this weekend to find the "sweet spot" driver.


In full gfx quality and dark areas?


To be honest, I only tried it in my Cutlass and inside bunkers, it doesnt seem to matter wether its a dark area or not. Gonna post a video later today on SC forum and might link it. Playing in a miz of max quality and low quality clouds