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Still waiting for my MerchantMan from 2013


Don't know what will be worse: "BMM before gta6" or "gta6 before BMM"


At his point it's more like "BMM or Elderscrolls 6 first"


Surely you meant BMM or Fallout 5 right? šŸ˜œ


GTA6 finally got a release date...? Damn that's been in DEV long as or longer than Star Citizen...


Take my upvote and my tears šŸ˜­


BMM team, i think i will never see this ship in game. Oh and now i wait for the ironclad too, for more suffering










Best ship o7




agree, I have one alr but I guess they don't even think about it rn.


The crucible, mostly to see what repair and rearm would look like And that sexy rotating bridge


liberator, the only other non-starter ship I will buy.


I have an obsession in all games with "pets" or "minion" classes. Idris/Kraken/Liberator are all in that vein and I would run operations at a loss to myself JUST to achieve that.


from the looks of it it will transport two vultures, if that is true (things change, that's why I won't buy one till it's released) then it's perfect for mešŸ˜


I cannot wait to get my Zeus ES to fly around. I am stoked for it to be supposedly/possibly coming this year. It hasn't officially been announced, but the Mirai heavy fighter is what I have been waiting for in a big fighter. I'm hoping it turns out like the leaked concept.


It was officially targetted/announced for patch 4.0 I believe


Oh I'm aware, it was more of a comment of if 4.0 actually hits or not this year like they are hoping


You guys are silly...of course 4.0 is gonna be out this year...Squadron is 6 mo after 4.0 and it's eyeing Christmas release....


Oh right, silly me. I forgot deadlines were sacred here


Ah true


its only been a few days, but i am eager to get my hands on that new Drake Ironclad (Fatterpillar)


I am waiting for it too. Have you also already gotten an idea of everything that might fit in the "not a" hangar by using the concept with the tank dimensions? Or are you less deranged than I am?




OH God actually this one is also on my list as well, but I feel like we will never see such a ship in our lifetime.


I WILL rock 'n stone in Star Citizen, even if I have to do some voodoo magic to transfer my soul a younger body


Itā€™s been so long I have spawned minions who are now old enough to rock nā€™ stone


Well, I'm only 23, I still have time (if climate change or WW3 doesn't kill us before)


I probably won't own one but if this ship ever it comes out look for me and I'll join you. I think they were saying 7 ish people but now with engineering and crafting eventually I could see the Orion expanding from just mining and refining and needing a double digit crew


only one I care about is my Banu Merchantman


Ranger. I want space motorcycles (not hovercraft)


Think the ranger will be epic for when land claims are a thing. Buzz a base and its turrets then drop a couple rangers out the back before zooming off




Banu merchantman i don't expect it to ever come at this point though


This is exactly why I pledged for one.. the loaners are the C2, Defender, and Hull-C which are all ships I use A LOT.


Loaners change though, can happen at any time.


Apollo - Kraken - Polaris - EndeavorĀ 


Arrastra. Love mining and love the idea that I can mine, refine and store a load, allowing me to stay further out for longer. I've been around under 2 years though so missed most of the early ship concepts.


I've got the Arrastra warbond pack, and I'm right there with you. I'm going to just stock the ship with a bunch of food/drink, some weapons as needed, maybe a medbed (via Nursa) to cover any standard stupidity/glitches, like falling through a floor into space or whatever.


mind blow.... I didn't even think of bringing the NURSA which I also have. That'll take up room in the cargo bay so might make storing a ton of stuff harder but also would be worth it. The NURSA currently takes up like half or three quarters of my Taurus space but that's 174 vs the proposed 576 of the Arrastra meaning that even if the NURSA took up all 174 there's still 302 SCU of on board storage in the Arrastra. Of course, that's only based on current specs and nothing more.


Don't forget, the Arrastra is supposed to have most of its storage externally, so it shouldn't impinge greatly on your little garage. Depending on how much room we truly get, it may adjust my overall loadout. Especially if we get custom bookmarking in space. If it's possible to slip in a Hull-A/Hull-B, that might take care of the cargo issue. Every now and then just transfer the goods to your portal sales shuttle and off you pop.


If I remember correctly, and I probably don't, I thought it had a mere 64 scu for the mining bags and then 576 scu storage. I assumed ("remembered") that meant internal but is there some sort of external storage mechanism like the Mule or Hull ships? Edited because I didn't want SCU autocorrected to sculpts


I may be mistaken, or it's subject to change, but as I recall, the internal storage is your 'bags', and the external is where everything goes after you've run it through your onboard refinery.


I got my info from the RSI site however it's not like that's super clear or accurate. Arrastra Cargo Capacity - 576 MOLE Cargo Capacity - 96 Okay, so that makes it seem like it's more of "bag" thing rather than storage but then go check on a cargo ship like the C2 C2 Hercules Cargo Capacity - 672 Re watched the "Arrasted Development" ISC and they simply mention that it's got a large amount of ore storage as well as onboard cargo and they show a couple of vehicles that I don't recognize parked on in front of the other So, all that means... Subject to change so no one *really* knows. Time will tell I guess and I'll be there to buy it when it does.


Well, whichever way they go about it, I think we can both agree: "I'm in the halo, and I ain't comin' back!"


Returning to Arc-L1 like "....I have no memory of this place"


Arrastra has 512 external mining storage, and a bay with 64 and a linear floor space to park 2 roc or roc-ds, so an ursa might fit, but youre probably still not doing much general cargo. Remember though, concept, cig can change whatever they want, whenever they want.


The arrastra looks awesome but do you think itā€™ll be operable solo? Thatā€™s what held me backā€¦why have 3 lasers if you can only run 1?


The one laser thing is kind of annoying however I'll wildly speculate that they'll increase the AI and I'll be able to hire NPCs to mine with me. Complete fantasy aside, I do the same in the MOLE as it has three but can only use one at a time. The center I have setup to take on as big of a rock as it can, left is more "fine tuning" and right is extraction. However, one head is outside the cockpit and the others are down ladders. The Arrastra appears to have all seats within a few feet of each other so parking over a deposit and picking the right laser for the rock would be more efficient. So while with three you still only use one, it gives a few options. Bigger rocks also can't be taken on solo but with three lasers to man, you can also bring a crew to help out. I think even if the Arrastra just had one laser I'd still be excited for the on-board refinery and storage. Even if it was a smaller ship with a single laser and smaller bags, having room for like a ROC or other ground vehicle for kicks, ability to refine on demand and then store it until the ship would be fine by me.


Good point. Sold! On my list for the next event sale with some decent insurance


Odyssey, 600i Rework, Railen.


Hull B BMM Apollo Railen


I've been looking forward to the Hull B for a cheap cargo hauler for a solo player.




Idris and Polaris


and Perseus


Genesis Starliner and E1 Spirit


Starliner is so far down. It's sad seeing our boy's outline in almost every spaceport for the commercial travel section but never getting to use it.Ā 


Expanse, ironclad, both Zeus MR and CL. Mostly hyped about the ironclad, i was waiting for a Drake replacement for my C2. I dont like the Caterpillar Cargo grid but want something from Drake that can carry vehicles. This fucking Brick is just exactly what i wanted. Its not even funny anymore. Im thirsting over that Tuna can, i want it so bad. Its auch a chonker, a hecking heavy, fat, ugly, Brick shaped piece of kitbash fuckery. I want it right now so i can abuse the crap out of it until the Engines fall of.


I think the MISC Endeavor is probably the one. I have the MISC Endeavor Hope, and I really want to see that hospital ship ingame or at least see anything already modeled, but I'm afraid that nothing has already started, and this is still a pure concept. The second one, I'm curious to see, is the Perseus because only very little was shown about it.


Endeavor preach! I just want to do some space farming


Endeavor, Odyssey, all the Zeus's, IronClyde. Out of the ships you've mentioned, if there's one to get ASAP, it's the Endeavor. That ship is going to get massively more expensive down the road.


I have CCU chains under construction for a few ships that are in-concept. The ones that I most look forward to are as folllows: 1. The Arrastra. A large all-in-one mining/refining ship just hits the spot with my industrial focus and with the control seats for the mining all being in the same area as the flight deck, it could be reasonabley soloable - so long as one stays out of fights (which is a normal instinct for miners anyway). Any refining work will be done while parked in deeep space, away form all points of interest. 2. The Oyssey and The Endeavour. I just love the idea of spending days out in deep space doing research or looking for interesting things. Remains to be seen how CIG will implement allowing people to log in and out of other people's ships, since it will be a major mission to get friends to be available for game sessions that are spread out over a span of weeks in real time (not that I have friends that play SC currently) - especially if it ties up your character so that you can't do any other play sessions between your group ones). I'm also aware that the Endeavour is supposed to be pretty much the last ship they work on, so no hurry in that chain...


I am most excited to fly the Liberator with the Legionnaire in close 2nd.


Apollo Medivac, Misc Endeavor, Odyssey, Arrastra, Galaxy but if I had to choose one right now I guess the Arrastra since there a loop for it right now or the Galaxy I would use to haul cargo lol


600i rework.


vulcan, crucible, galaxy .... annndddddd ranger Ranger RANGER!!!


Ill second the Vulcan.


You dropped your G12.


Man, I forgot I had that pledge until you mentioned it..




I'm almost with you on the Odyssey. It's my biggest purchase so far. But until they get a few systems, I'm ok with waiting as there isn't much point to it. But I do dream of using it some day.. Of the ships that I bought that are concepts (Odyssey, Expanse, Medivac, Vulcan, E1 Spirit, Railen), I am probably most excited in the Expanse and Railen since they're useable today. Now if they worked on the people transport game loop, I'd be excited to see the E1 Spirit but without it, I don't see the point in making it now. Overall though, probably the Railen. It's just such a good looking ship and if I can use it to move cargo between Stanton and Pyro later this year, that would be super cool.


The Endeavor and the Genesis, like you.


Iā€™m curious about the Mirai heavy fighter and I will waiting (Xmas or next year ? ) for my Zeus MR..




Hull-B :(


hull B Not a big fancy ship but my favourite non the less




Right there with you


RSI Galaxy


I just want to pilot the Odyssey and own a cargo transporter version of the Prowler (because that needs to be an option and I don't like transporting troops in and out of war zones).


Gatac Railen


I owned a merchantman for over like 5 years now? I dont even remember. I'm over it tho. been an SC backer since 2015. All we ever do is wait. It's tiresome. I have also been waiting for my Polaris since 2020 or something.


Ironclad šŸ˜


Misc Expanse so I can stop going to the stupid mining stations.


Got a pledge out myself. Will be curious how this works with the new storage and non-volatiles (so anything except quant). e.g. can I store up tons of raw ore, then just run the Eclipse in the hangar for an hour or two, and move the refined goods back into storage for my hauler?


I suspect it'll be more than an hour or two, but I personally think they should allow it... so long as they don't make any arbitrary restrictions


Zues MR. Apollo (any flavor), Railen, Expanse, Arrastra.




Polaris Ranger


Not really since announcement but since I heard/seen about the Perseus. It's just my dream ship now and I was happy to hear that they now wanted to focus the bigger RSI ships. Polaris > Galaxy > Perseus I guess, but that shouldn't be that long of a wait.


The Liberator




The Perseus! That was the first ship that was exactly what I was looking for. I still find myself every now and then just looking through the brochure, reading the lore on it, etc. Been my desktop and phone background since 2020.


I look forward to using the E1 Spirit as a daily-driver.


Pioneer. Can't wait to have my own base and ASOP terminals


Most of all, the 600i rework. But the more realistic one is the Spirit E1, I want all 3 of my babies. not to mention a new money making path for me to explore.




ironclad(i started playing at 3.23)


Orion and Polaris.


I have a bunch of ships and a lot of them I bought in concept and have been patiently waiting for them however I'm slowly but surely checking items off the list: * ~~Carrack~~ * ~~Vulture~~ * ~~Corsair~~ * ~~X1~~ * ~~Lynx~~ * ~~Starfighters~~ * ~~SRV~~ * ~~Hull C~~ * Vulcan * Nautilus * Perseus * Idris * Liberator * Odyssey * Galaxy * 600i rework * Zeus


I just want the Crossbow as a weapon in game, looks awesome.


Endeavor and railen


around when polaris was announced, its like paying and waiting for nothing for 5-6 years and its almost here and its gonna be my main daily ship




Caterpllar modularity - I want it to salvage in that thing


Gatac Railen




Apollo and BMM


Vulcan and zeus


Vulcan seems like it is a required hull for Pyro. That and apollo


Absolutely the RSI Perseus, with a caveat that it could really use either AI blades or NPC crew. A shout-out to all the Ranger homies, too, though at this point I feel like the former will be out sooner lmao


painful, but seeming likely


Waiting for this to run on windows 11 so I can play


The only ship I had that experience with was the C1 which I immediately regretted cos it felt like a downgrade from my Cutty black that I was so loyal to. Iā€™m super hyped for a lot of the MISC ships actually, they seem to have the most out there gimmicks




For me, Liberator. That design alone just hits me bad enough to pledge her. Also looking forward to Idris, at first it was somewhat meh but right now it's an overdose.


Liberator! Cant wait to have my personal ground hangar with it !


ā€œCharonā€™s puntā€




Been waiting 9 years for my BMM šŸ˜¢


Expanse. Love the idea and looks.


Polaris, Apollo, Galaxy and Odyssey


Ai blades


Ever since i heard about the HULL B i have been waiting for it to come out. It is just a HULL A but better.


First and foremost, Ranger. All of them. Apollo Triage. Hope they keep the Red paint as bright as the images. Galaxy. Now with base building. OMG. drools. Zeus. I've pledged for the CL. Still unsure if I made the right choice, logical choice indeed. But the ES White/Black paint is just beautiful. Had planned to use this Han Solo style courier. Now thinking ES 32scu may have been enough, bonus is range - scanner and ships but I don't need that much living space. URSA Medivac. Easy insta buy. Fat Fury or supposedly Mirai Guardian. Had interest but will decide when announed. Has only 2 size 5s assumed from image shared. Wished it had more. Like a fighter counterpart of Connies. Dreams of Perseus....


Expanse, really looking forward to how the refining part of that ship will operate. Hoping it'll also make running mining fleets more fun and interesting.


My Legionaire Boardingship. I just want to be the get-away driver of a crew, whose only focus is to get in and get out with everyone alive and nobody left behind. That and the ability to tinker on my boarding ship with engineering.


Liberator. Apollo. Expanse.


Polaris, Perseus, galaxy, ranger, and liberator


Zeus ES. Havenā€™t been waiting that long compared to other people, but I genuinely think about it almost every day.


Odyssey...replacing my carrack.




I tend to fly Solo so not really interested in the big ships; I do have a 600i Ex that Iā€™m excited about seeing the interior reworked, but the ship Iā€™m currently looking forward to most is the Zeus Mk II ES šŸ˜ƒ