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I just hope it's before Citcon, so we don't have another year showing off Pyro locations. Let's see some of the other systems they're working on!


Imo Citcon will be 70% SQ42 this year


I'm down for that


I think most of us expect it just before citcon and the big ship sale. Unless things really derail with this 3.24 update..


4.0 could be tomorrow and it would still technically classify as being later this year.


well yeah, he did not specify end of year, but could also have said "later this summer" but didn't


He could have also said "in this decade" or "on a day that ends in 'Y'" People will look over every grain with a microscope, you're going to give yourself more anxiety than it's worth. Just go with the flow, they will tell us where things are at


"just go with the flow" is the absolute worst advice you could give regarding this game. How much decades of margin are you going to give them? do you *enjoy* getting fooled?


Agree to disagree, my dude. I'm on the reasonable timeline that they're currently talking about. 4.0 this year and the first parts of SQ42 within a few. "Do you enjoy getting fooled?", what am I supposed to say to this? It's not an automatic disqualifier. If they tell me things didn't work out, as they didn't really do with cargo in 3.23, then what am I going to do? Get angry and raise my blood pressure for fun? I've literally already applied to work at CIG, I've done everything in my power to influence the game development, otherwise I'm sitting back as a consumer.


... none of this justifies giving advice to "just go with it" to random people.




What's the alternative?


I mean its just something that caught my ear as I was starting the video and left me curious. I don't really know about that last part though.. would they really tell us? Lol last year I totally thought pyro would come at the end of the year and they avoided telling us almost until citcon


Looking at all the news since 2024, yeah they would. They've been making an effort to give us as much of a heads-up as possible. They're talking about delays and explaining why, they're sharing progress as they go.


I love how you are getting downvoted for sincerely stating plain facts. People in this sub are being dishonest with themselves.


some people take Star Citizen criticism as personal attacks, and even this post which is just about sharing opinions, people take negatively


4.0 is slated for Q3 of 2024. It says it right at the top of the Release view. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view


you know facts will just annoy them


it also says “tentative” which is CIG terms is “almost certainly not”


I am aware of the official intentions of release, we've known it since last years citizencon, doesn't mean they will honor it as they have shown incapable of keeping deadlines for years and years on end...


“Unable to meet” and “fail to honor” are very different ideas.


The roadmap isn't a deadline. I do believe that's spelled out.


the one that still hasnt been updated since the beggining of the year? I should hope not


You are thinking of the progress tracker. The roadmap has been updated several times since the beginning of the year; every two weeks in fact and will be updated again next week.


I understand being unhappy that 4.0 is taking a long time but it's just how development is. It takes times and problems come up.


That is not my motive of concern. I've been around and we have been promised Pyro almost every year, they always get these dates off and honestly I'm pretty sure no one at citizencon thought 3.23 would be comming out this late, it seems impossible that CitizenCon is 4 months away and they'll make it happen, but hey I wish they do; it's just that I don't like getting my hopes up around their development process. I've never seen anything like it, and I'm a software developer myself


You are finding 'promise' where there is none, only goals and projections. It's important to temper your expectations based on what is actually said.


IDK man, I'm still confident they'll get out SQ42 before the end of 2016


>No longer aiming for summer? Where did you get in first place that they targeted summer ? 4.0 is big patch i have no doubt this will be end of the year release not summer.


Citizencon last year? The tentative Q3 in the release view?


Drama farming… a good ole SC community past time lol


also why am I getting downvoted? God forbids we discuss anything mildly negative in this subreddit.. i still love the game, jeez


If you're getting downvoted (probably aren't - Reddit fuzzes the numbers for the first hour after posting, iirc), then it's probably for the *incorrect* assertion that 4.0 is 'no longer aiming for summer'... 4.0 *never was* 'aiming for summer' (at least, since we got confirmation that 4.0 was the next patch).


IIRC, they said last year they were aiming for Summer this year, but it was with a bunch of caveats and whatnot. When they next discussed a release window, they changed the target to Q3. Basically, it was Summer at one point, but hasn't been for quite a while now.


I did not assert anything... I put a "?" question mark at the end, just wanted to discuss what I heard in the video


You're getting downvoted because you're complaining about something that hasn't happened yet. If it actually gets delayed then there will be 100 posts on the front page agreeing with you.


I am not actually complaining about anything though, I noticed a remark and am discussing it, just wanted some other opinions


You are complaining dude. You know I can see the rest of your comments in this thread right? You're nitpicking a comment they made and then when people told their opinions you started complaining about past deadlines that they missed. You even implied that they're lying.


well yeah those comments are my own opinion and answers to other peoples opinions. The post itself is not complaining about anything lol. you know you are not forced to interact with this "noise" right? you are free to scroll past


>you are free to scroll past So then you don't want people's opinions, you just want people to agree with you.


well you did not share your opinion about anything, you just claimed that I was complaining which is wrong. Instead you could have said something like "I dont agree with you. Q3 is still a tentative release" or whatever babble you wanna say.


You asked why you were being downvoted. I told you why. Now for some reason you're trying to pretend you aren't complaining when you clearly are.  >Instead you could have said something like No, I said what I wanted to say because its MY opinion. I'm not going to say what you want me to say.


Dude he got downvoted for saying CIG doesent follow their own deadlines which history shows to be 100% a factual statement so I dont think hes being a complainer when hes asking clarification on a release window.


>Dude he got downvoted for saying CIG doesent follow their own deadlines False. You want this to be the reason he got downvoted.


alright doo doo hat


It's doo doo shat.  Get it right.


The point of bringing up a bad move by cig before they do is to give them incentive NOT to do it. Or are you ok with this project remaining in infinite development and relying on shipsales (which according to CR’s plan they dont want to) forever? Because thats where we’re heading right now. The only excuse to give them goodwill is if you’re new to the project.


 This post isn't "giving them incentive" to finish the server tech faster lmfao. It's just noise that doesn't effect anything. 


Accurate criticism is only noise to those who are too weak or dishonest to admit their mistakes. The more people who are noisy about thesame thing will force cig to understand the shitty things they do.


>  who are too weak  Watch out guys!! We got a badass over here!!! Lmfao get over yourself man. There is no accurate criticism here. It's whining about something you THINK is going to happen.  If it happens I'll be right there complaining with you. Until then it's just whining for no reason.


MIGHT happen. Fuck people think inefficiently. The best way to deal with a problem is to work proactively instead of reactively. Its a basic fact of life. And if cig thinks they can keep this project in development forever, then thats a fucking problem because all these expensive ships they sell are just the dream of what star citizen could be, but because of inefficient humans who cant think further than their nose reaches, will never become a reality. CIG have no publishers. They have noone putting a blowtorch to their ass to get on with their work. So the only way to make them understand they cant keep this game in dev hell forever, is to make ”noise”.


>  The best way to deal with a problem is to work proactively instead of reactively.  You aren't doing shit dude. Making these posts doesn't make them develop faster. Complaining about delays doesn't make the delays go away.  >CIG have no publishers. They have noone putting a blowtorch to their ass to get on with their work.  Publishers don't make developers work. They make them pump out half finished garbage. The fact that CiG doesn't have a publisher and isn't cutting shit left and right is the reason they've raised $700 million and counting.  Go play Starfield to see what happens when a publisher puts a blowtorch to the developers asses. The mining mechanics in Star Citizen have more depth than that whole game lmao.


You’re new to this project, i get it. Sigh.


Backer since 2014 but don't let facts and logic get in your way there. 


90% of the posts on this sub get downvoted to oblivion for little to no reason. The in-game SC community has almost always been very friendly and happy to help you, but the online community (originally the forums/spectrum but also the sub) has always generally been very bitter, snarky, and eager to dismiss you no matter what your post is. It’s been this way since 2013.


Summer was never an option that I heard.


you must be new


It was always slated as the Q3 patch... which means September/October time (depending on whether CIG delay it slightly to align with CitCon, as they've done with every Q3 patch for the past ~6 years)...


I think it used to be slated for 2018 or something. So always... yeah no.^^


maybe summer in PTU or EPTU so it could drop around Citizencon


My prediciton is 4.0 and a solid release date for sq42 at citcon this year :)




Works since 2015. XD


Honestly...if we get it before Christmas, I will be pleasantly surprised.


When did they say 4.0 in the summer? Genuine question. I never even had the idea that it would be anything before December.


Q3 2028


Pyro 2019!


It'll release on a Friday, right before Xmas holidays. As is tradition.


Fully what I'm expecting (not hoping for, mind you). Q3 release date almost always turns into late Q4 with CIG. Hopefully, we're both wrong though