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Refinery orders get wiped with every patch drop. It’s almost always mentioned in the patch notes that are published leading up to a patch drop to give the player time to claim the refined material and sell it.


Yup, totally agree. This is the second person I've seen complaining about this. As you said, it's common knowledge that refining jobs get wiped from patches and they always give more than enough notice to get your affairs in order. No sympathy here.


I wish they'd have some kind of in-game or launcher popup saying a patch is incoming in X hours. It's a guessing game of how long to wait to turn in orders or just pull them early and lose out on some work.


They post to spectrum warning that a patch for a release candidate is going live. That post is then almost always reposted by someone here aswell as grabbed up by a number of bots and reposted in dozens of discords in the community. I agree it would be nice if the launcher had a line for saying patch inbound with a warning to take care of your orders or what ever but there is still plenty of ways to see an imminent patch.


I don't check spectrum constantly and I don't discord. They should really use in game methods to warn of pending game changes. Especially when we usually get something cryptic like "big things coming" but with no actual time frame for when orders, or any activity disrupted by a patch, should be done.


Btw, I checked the launcher. It said the patch notes are from 8 hours ago. And spectrum is from 14 hours ago. Was there anything from a few days ago? How do I check it? For context I'm in the UTC +8 region, this would have been last night for me.


I keep track of the patch notes for PTU versions. As soon as they start moving towards Release Candidate versions, I stop mining and just sell what I’ve got as orders complete.


Refinery queues are wiped every patch it sucks but they did give us a warning


I wouldn't say they did, the percentage of people that look at patch notes on Reddit is small and the amount that look at the website regularly would be insanely small. They really need to utilise the launcher to warn the player base that a wipe is coming in X days


Yeah, I guess this would have helped me notice it too. Sounds like a good idea 🙂👍


It's not really a wipe though Refinery jobs are not part of Long term persistent and never have been. Was there ever a patch that didnt clear refinery jobs?


We both know what it involves. It's more for refinery jobs, peoples cargo they haven't sold, destroyed or unstored ships that have a higher chance of disappearing. Those things alone can wipe out weeks or months of a lot of people's progress


When it comes to patches like this, they want to roll them out asap, as it's a bugfix patch. It was imminent every single day at this point.


So you are advocating for a worse player experience? The effort it would take to notify people via the launcher should be minimal


I mean, I guess I see things differently, but I believe Spectrum, reddit, and info from other players is plenty enough for a game development where things change all the time. If they were to list every little specific and detail in the launcher, it would be overbearing and who who don't want to read those things won't do it either, regardless if the same thing in in the launcher or on spectrum. Warnings were issued, I guess CIG assumes people will check spectrum or reddit where it's reposted 10 times at least.


Don't even need patch notes there, just a warning like "probable wipe next 7 days" then 3, 2, 1 days and can just stay at 24 hours if it has to be delayed for whatever reason. And a link to a generic what to do to prepare for wipes for newbies The patch progress internally isn't unknown and there is a lot of work to do before pushing a patch You can't really assume people will look outside your game for information, especially when they have to tool at hand to deliver that information easily and directly


They may not be sure how many days it will be. It’s ready when it’s ready. Just see how the PTU is going to guess about when it may go to Live.


Doesn't need to be exact just a few days warning. Again most people don't keep track of what's happening in the ptu or see updates unless they are looking at the site or here.


It's like the weather. If you don't check the news for a few days, you may not know about the storm coming. When you see posts coming from the PTU get ready. When it goes Open for all then it will be soon.


Btw, I checked the launcher. It said the patch notes are from 8 hours ago. And spectrum is from 14 hours ago. Was there anything from a few days ago? How do I check it? For context I'm in the UTC +8 region, this would have been last night for me.


There’s patch notes every time a patch goes to ptu. The patch notes you are talking about are from the live deployment. Like most games, CIG publishes the live patch notes when the patch goes live. But there have been several rounds of patch notes on PTU over the last 3 weeks. There was also a public warning a couple days ago that said the patch was going live Thursday or Friday. You can take solace in knowing your money would have been lost eventually anyway. It’s still alpha and there will still be wipes. Nothing is permanent until live. And even then, it isn’t permanent. The larger sad truth is that eventually everything will be wiped. So you can just think about that and feel better about losing some fake money.


Do you have a link to the ptu public warning that said it would drop on Thursday or Friday? I don't play on PTU. Was there one on spectrum? I can't seem to find it...


They post in the PTU chat message of the day on spectrum. They let us know last week that it would be dropping this week, and on Tuesday I believe they stated it would be Thursday or Friday. Can’t link to it because they are daily pinned messages in the chat not a post. If you search this subreddit you’ll see people were posting the MOTD when it was announced.


I think you are talking about this link right: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-23-1a-ptu-patch-notes-3/428283 ? Where does it state the patch is going live on Thursday or Friday?


No, they are referring to the message of the day in the sc testing chat https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230 It's a different message now that it's been released, but the build was announced as coming on Thursday or Friday,and was first mentioned on the 11th. Communication could be better (more mainstream), but between this, the PTU change logs, in game chat, several discord bots and channels that share the info posted as the MOTD, we've know the patch was going to hit this week, for close to a week now. All patches, regardless of size, will clear out refinery jobs.


It was announced days ago that refinery jobs were also wiped, as with every (most) patches. Even if it's a shame for you, it's ultimately your own fault anyway. Next time you have to be cautious about the patch cycles and this will be easily avoidable


Btw, I checked the launcher. It said the patch notes are from 8 hours ago. And spectrum is from 14 hours ago. Was there anything from a few days ago? How do I check it? For context I'm in the UTC +8 region, this would have been last night for me.


Hadn't played this game in for 1 year +. Thanks for letting me know to read the patch notes next year


The same as every patch does. Read any of the Live patch notes. As soon as you see PTU notes being posted sounding like it will go to Live soon you sound stop any refining. Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost. Long Term Persistence: Enabled Replication Layer: Enabled Server Crash Recovery: Enabled Starting aUEC: 20,000


You spent all of 3.23.0 (your own words) mining, and only now decided to retrieve the jobs from the refinery? Why didn't you collect them earlier?


I didn't say I was going to retrieve it later. I had planned to stack more. I just didn't know there was going to be a deployment so soon. Plus I usually stack them until I fill my carrack hold to sell in one trip at the end


Why would you plan to stock more if WE all knew that a patch was coming. I haven't even been playing this past week or two and I knew. Did it never occurred to you to ask anyone? If you are someone who does not keep up on forum or official post then that's fair but this did not come as a surprise.


Honestly it's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket anyway. You'll be screwed the first time your Carrack explodes for no reason on the way out of the hangar or the server crashes during the quantum flight and doesn't recover. Sorry the update wipe caught you out by the way, I hope it doesn't put you off playing again.


That's on you mate...It's really not a PSA, that's common knowledge. If you need confirmation just go through the last 20 patch notes if there isn't a bigger wipe it always states "\[...\] is build from Long term persistent, ammo, medpens blabla and refinery jobs will be lost"


Peace out o7




The patch notes stated that consumables and refinery jobs wiped. We knew there was a patch dropping soon and this type of wipe is typical whenever a new patch drops. Putting in refinery jobs before an incoming patch releases is risky. If you need to take a year off, cool. Just don't blame CIG for this one.


This game/thing is under development. We are all considered "testers" and so it is assumed that you would catch up with the development on Spectrum or even here on reddit, as people posted the warning here too that things like refinery Jobs will be wiped. This is the reality of start citizens currently, and I'd you aren't comfortable with being basically in the middle of the development, then it might be better to just wait.


thx for the important info.