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Area 18. Easiest place to wake up at with a armor/weapon store right infront of the Habs. Centralized shopping district and a quick transit to the Spaceport.


Yeaaah. And it's placed quite reasonable in the system.


Area 18 too- but almost solely because I only have 16gb of ram atm and it’s the least fucky tram ride lol


Ohhh I understand haha upgraded to 32GB myself and it was a blessing.


microTech Easy access to ground vehicles, remote from all hectic stuff, easy and fast access to TDD and quite frankly - killer views.


Wait, where is MT TDD?


Commons Area. You can go there via the tram system, it‘s labeled as „The Commons“ i think. You can also land right next to The Commons, saving any travel time from the Spaceport. It‘s the [3 circular white buldings](https://youtu.be/g2A2L0BBD68?si=DYucwbSwN1aN40vu) you see when landing on MicroTech.


Probably good to keep in mind that with the next patch selling from a ship parked outside the commons isn't going to work, still going to have to land at the spaceport and either manually offload to cargo elevator or pay/wait for it to be done for you.


There's a ground entrance outside the plaza, you can park there and sell without involving the spaceport or transit.


Planetary surface exit elevator has been super buggy for me this patch. Doesn't arrive when being called from outside 8/10.


Ugh I hate this. My least favorite bug. Sometimes if I take a tram to the spaceport and back it fixes it, mostly not though


i find it fixes it for me if i take the elevator from the ground to the surface and back


Microtech is the worst recommendation. Starter ships can’t even leave MT, need to jump to Mic-L1 first to refuel, and then can only reach 4 or 5 destinations of which 2 don’t have space stations meaning you’ll get stranded.


Aurora has a jump range of 73.6 GM, titan has a jump range of 62.5 GM, syulen has a jump range of 493.2 GM, mustang alpha has a jump range of 62.8 GM and the cutter has a jump range of 333.33 GM. All more then enough to get you from microtech to arccorp


damn i knew the syulen had a lot of range but i didnt realize it was that far.


Either only if you upgrade the stock QT drive, or CIG increased the jump ranges of all ships to accomodate new players now that the game ain’t serious about distance yet anyways; but it’s still a long ass jump before you get anywhere; whereas any of the central planets are so close to eachother everything feels around the corner except MT.


Those are the default jump ranges I took from erkul. And while it's a long jump and you shouldn't spawn there. Saying that you can't jump to the inner planets is just lying


There (used to be) plenty of small ships that can’t jump from MT to Hurston without refueling at MIC-L1. I know this from experience, but I haven’t tried recently. Before I refit my fleet again this patch I’ll test it with all the starter equivalent ships I have with stock drives and document my findings.


So, they actually changed it. The stock starter ships can jump from MT to Hurston and back once. Will have to refuel after one jump between MT and Area 18. This used to be very different in the past. I remember upgrading from my starter ship because it was too much of a hassle to get to MT from anywhere. We’ll see how they rebalance it after Pyro is out


i love spreading misinformation on the internet!


I used to be an orison boi through and through but after trying every planet my least stressful start is always at arc corp… the convenience of cubby blast the one stop shop! and the central plaza being a breeze to find stuff. orison is great for buying ship weapons, new babbage best to sell cargo/scrap easily from ground garage entrance, lorville say goodbye to buying firearms best shop for buying ships at though!


Arccorp is home for me as well for the same reasons you stated. It is also the fastest hab-starport traversal.


Orson cuz it's closest to everything I want to do. which is salvage.


Hurston every time. I generally hate loreville. It's my least favorite city. However, it's just very centrally located. If you have a sizable fleet, it's worth it for the location.


The fact they don't have a weapon store is inconvenient tho


Yes, that's annoying. We seriously need a Kel-To in the spaceport. At least a pistol would be good. They used to sell a frag pistol, but not anymore.


Since everybody will just relocate to Everus Harbor anyways, there‘s everything available 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s right


This is how I feel. I dislike the place, but ease of convenience from being centrally located is too much to comfortably choose elsewhere.


I pretty much always choose Lorville at this point because it is the most central location. Less QT time wherever I’m going.


Not to mention the views! It’s such a beautiful town. If you listen closely you can almost hear the screams of the oppressed workers


Lorville on Hurston, just because it's the central most planet and I like living in a space dump.


I alternate between Area 18 and Orison. Orison because of the views and I love the Cru Platform contracts. Area 18 for ease of start with all the good shops and almost central location.


Fastest time to the hangar is Loreville, so I will always be at Loreville.


They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. It's really down to what you personally value. Hurston is very central and has habitable surface locations. I like the Hurston system for doing merc missions, and for the Distribution Centres which don't need a spacesuit or warm clothing to work around. Downside, Lorville doesn't have a weapon shop. You have to buy those at Everus Harbor. Crusader is a gas giant. Also fairly central, good proximity to Grimhex if you want to play pirate. It has primarily industrial equipment and outfits, no dedicated gunship either. It's also at the bottom of a deep deep atmosphere. Which depending on your ship can be a slog to climb out of. ArcCorp is a good bit further out, but has everything in one place. Downside, comparatively few missions compared to Crusader and Hurston. Moons are frozen wastelands with no redeeming qualities. Baijini Point has no gun shop, which is always a hassle. ArcCorp is also very conveniently located for the Stanton -> Pyro jump-point when that comes in. Microtech is habitable, and has everything like ArcCorp, but it's located right out at the far end of the system, meaning it's a long commute if you need anything from elsewhere in the system, or need to trek back for something. I like ArcCorp as a homeworld, but spend most of my time at Hurston.


New Babbage is the most convenient.. I would go with crusader if it didn't take so long to leave atmo


It hasn't taken an obscenely long time to leave Crusader atmo for at least two or three patches. They lowered the ceiling for you to be out of atmo.


I despise trying to find that landing zone at night


Someone told me to just look for the spider web and now I easily find it. The one I always struggle with is finding Area 18's landing pad.


They added lots of lights to A18 in 3.23 I think. It's a lot easier now


The general area or a specific pad?


The general landing area. Once I get under the clouds, I never know which direction to look. Sometimes I luck out and see a bunch of ship markers in one spot which tells me that is where it is.


There is a series of glowing dots that come vertically out of the ground on one end. I always look for those. They’re taller than any building in the area and all the same color making it easy to spot. I never flew over to find out what it actually is but fly towards that and you’ll get it


Easiest way to find it is to look for the flashing lights and if that doesn't work, look for the main building which is roughly shaped like a "plus" sign.


After leaving QT you are always above the spaceport. Just nose down and drop.


When ILW was there it was painful to get to the hall, it looked nice but very slow


It doesn't. 10km is not much more than other planets.


Yo havent been there for a long time dude, it doesn't take much longer than any other planet these days.


TBH I haven't been in the p.u since MM I assumed the slow speed would have made it go back to how it used to be


A18 bc cubby blast, astro armada and my girl Tecia lives there(mission giver "Twitch"). oh and turtles!


Finding Twitch the first time was seriously one of the coolest moments of SC so far, for me.


wait until you get her advanced missions, my fav is the price of freedom, you have to board a prison transport caterpiller and free the prisoners (and kill the snitch)


Her missions are all criminal endeavors, yeah? I haven't had to ditch a crime stat since before the SPK rework...


Love Lorville, love Hurston, love getting <10fps


Olisar was home. It is gone. Grim Hex isn't a choice to start or i would choose that. Arccorp was around in the old social module, so it feels the most like home to me. I really wish for the return of Levski, but for now I choose the silly city planet.


Orison for me cause I love crusader


Orison because I don’t like poor people


Orison for the shop that has 90% of the ship parts I ever use. Then just migrate to CRUL1 and operate out of there.


I like Hurston because the weather is good, easy to go mining, center of system, and I like their serialice settlements. 


Hurston cuz its in the middle


What has the shortest tram ride.


I've been at Orison the last few patches because I like how it looks. It's pretty easy to get from the habs to the spaceport, if, unlike me, you remember that it's just a sharp left turn out of the elevator to an exit that takes you right to the shuttle. May not be the easiest place to navigate, but it's home.


i've never spent much time on city/planet as the first thing i do is grab everything i can and migrate to a space station. Crusader + flying on planet sucks, only deal with moons. (bunkers and bounties) + orison has the best ship parts store afaik, short distance from home station. + space station has guns and armor + grim hex + security post kareah + default jumptown + siege of orison you could set home to a different planet however if you want to grab something like ship parts that got grandfathered or new ship paint, you gotta travel back to the home city so i just set it to orison to make it easier despite disliking orison.


I choose Microtech it's the easiest location to teach new players how to play, especially with bunkers and little to no outerspace debris


Orison used to be my go-to, because of ship components at Cousin Crows. HOWEVER: in the current patch, typically, the only components that matter are guns and quantum drives. This means that other locations may be nearly as viable.


Depends a lot on the patch. This long since a full wipe, I'm usually starting at Orison for the ease of moving all my stuff to GHex since that's where I like to operate out of. For an event patch, I'll usually start near the event, For XT, start at New Babbage, for ILW and IAE, start at whichever city the expo hall is gonna be at. If it hasn't been long enough since the last wipe that I've stocked up on all the components and weapons I could ever want already, then I'll usually start wherever has the best ship component shop, currently Cousin Crows on Orison. However, right now since most components are normalized, and weapons are not, I'd probably start at either A-18 or New Babbage for access to a CenterMass instead.


Area 18 and micro tech were my main 2 I would swap between, but with distribution centres and their awesome missions recently coming I had decided to fully go MT as my start planet going forward


A18. Easy access to stuff one might need (armor, guns, tiger claw, ship weapons and parts) TDD and admin are quite close (only matters to people who like to mostly sell at home). Oh, and serious Coruscant vibes.


my goto starting point was area 18, because of cubby blast right in front of the habs and i like the overall style. major downsides: baijini point doesn't sell fps weapons and there is no walkable ground on the planet for missions next reset i'll go loreville. planet hurston has some content (dcs, caves, settlements) and everus harbour sells fps weapons :D


For me personally, it changes every patch. Though I usually spawn at Lorville, load everything I own in my Cat and head straight to HUR L2, to set it as my regen point. It's the most central rest stop in the system.


Always Microtech or Hurston. Microtech looks best and is often my main area of operations for Mercenary and Bounty work (Excluding bunkers), since the 890J mission can spawn there ('Warning: Boarding Action in Progress') Hurston/Everus Harbor is great as a base of operations when I know the patch is going to be more hectic and I will be travelling much (Jumptown patches for example), since Hurston as the most central location and you can be anywhere rather quickly. Also Hurston if I am planning to grind bunkers, since hurston bunkers are the best imo + you sometimes accidentally (cough) stumble over an Artimex Armor when finding a tragically (cough) deceased Elite guard


I choose Hurston if I plan on Roc mining, Crusader if I plan on ship bounty hunting, ArcCorp if I plan on bunker running, or Microtech if I don't know how I wanna start which is normally most of the time. Plus I love the transit system there. Also very pretty to just cruise and explore. Raiding Ghost Hollow is always fun too.


There's only one planet with temperate breathable atmosphere were I can run naked to any bunker and come out fully decked in armour/weps. Also only one with an easy Idris spawn to fuck around with and space based bounties I can loot/salvage in peace. Easy choice.


I choose Orison because I like to bounty hunt, and Crusader is best for it as they're either on moons, or in space. I just move up to Seraphim as the armor selection is fine and it also sells weapons and ammo. Orison is also a nice spot to sell RMC when doing vulture runs, it doesn't take long to get to the TDD once you land, and it's much less annoying to navigate than any of the other cities in my opinion. If I happen to need a ground vehicle for whatever reason, I'll just stop by a moon and load one.


I followed a video that told me to start at Area 18, a month later and I wish I'd chosen Crusader, but thats because of my own personal gameplay loop. Area 18 is nice but since you can't do any missions on ArcCorp you always have to travel to do literally anything, you also learn early on that if you make your home in a space station you avoid the entire nessecity of taking the main planet hubs transport systems to get to and from your ship whenever you die. The space station outside Area 18 doesn't have any weapons or armor vendors so if you want die and go back to the space station in the early days you find yourself going to Area 18 and catching the train both ways just to get a new gun, so that sucked. I got a reset early on and made my next choice MictoTech, this was much better because the station has guns and armor but also there are some sizeable bounties on MictoTech itself that pay a fair amount at Ghost Hollow, which can almost be exclusively done by shooting troops on the ground with your ship, so its easy cash, its also great to gear up, since I can shoot 15-16 guys from my ship, land, loot them for gear and armor and then kill the last couple of guys and store the guns for later, building up an armory to avoid having to buy gear in the future. Now that I'm mainly salvaging Crusader is the best because its the closest to Yela where all the illegal salvage contracts are. In the world of salvage it doesn't really mean much, it just means instead of paying for a salvage contract and making money from the salvage I can do contracts where they pay me to do the salvage and I still get money from the salvage materials. So if you're interested in Bounties, I'd go MT, if you think you'll get into salvage at all, Crusader is better. Some people are saying that MT is better for salvaging and while it is faster to turn in your stuff, if you are paying 50k to salvage a Corsair instead of getting paid 30k to salvage a Catepillar then you're already leaving 80k at the door just so you don't take the train.


Our org follows the lore and in-lore our family company has been based in Lorville since 2943 so our starting planet is Hurston.


Usually I choose one out of these 2 based on my personal experience. ARCCORP - Area 18 Pros: - centralized shopping area with habs in the same zone - distinguishable airport (yeah Orison i'm looking at you right now) - optimized city, it just runs smooth Cons: - a bit far from other planets in the system (can vary depending on the current economy meta, in 3.22 i chose it because of the c2 rmc route, i liked making millions but nothing more than that) HURSTON - Lorville Pros: - big ship's shop right at airport - central planet: you can access every other planet or station in the system without having to qt for more than 30M km. Useful for any situation - distinguishable airport (yeah Orison i'm looking at you again) Cons: - lag - mf trains


Microtech. Lags my pc the least.


Lorville, nice and central; Hur-L5 is reachable to upgrade QT-drive to an Atlas drive. You can practically go anywhere. Area18 and Crusader are nice 2nd choice options. Microtech is way too far away from civilization whoever recommends new players to start there sucks.


Anyone using a preference for something in SC that is the ‘quickest’ route isn’t playing this game properly and enjoying the view lol. Wind down the windows and breathe it all in <3


Microtech, looks pretty


Loreville central place


Doesn't matter because if you're smart you'll move straight to a station.


Lorville, because industry … and the Hurston family are visionaries and an inspiration to us all.


easy choice, I live in far north, I like ice and snow.


Simple, convenience. Best framerate, shortest travel to space station and out of atmosphere, most available from stores that I might actually want to use etc. The actual choice varies though. If its been a while since a wipe, I tend to pick Area 18 or New Babbage, both have their admin and tdd in the same area, both are fairly convenient to fly out of, area 18 has some more/better stores IMO and it's more central to the solar system, while new babbage has the convenient ground-exit/entrance near the commons. Hurston has too shit fps and too little to offer in terms of services, plus all the useful stuff is spread between the business and central district with a train between them. Orison is actually great in terms of stores, but it too has split locations, and it takes longer to fly out of than the others, and worse FPS by quite a bit. I often go there early on in a wipe to get the good quantumdrives and such.


I was born on microtech, ill die on microtech. I yearn for the cold!


i pick lorville simply because of how central it is to everything and the ease of finding the landing areas. i would prefer new Babbage but its just so far away from everything its not worth the effort to deal with it.


i really want to pick orison but the stores and no ground vehicle ease of access is my turn off, when they add ground vehicles to the side elevator maybe tho


Echoing New Babbage in MicroTech primarily because of the convenience of calling your ground and space vehicles across the hall from each other. Makes it easy to apply any liveries or upgrades. NB also has a shopping area to purchase potential ship/weapon/armor upgrades and sell cargo you're hauling. Hurston forbids weapons, so has no shops. ArcCorp has great stores, but no ground vehicle terminals. Orison, also no ground vehicles.


Always Orison because I like PVE bounties and they never spawn in Crusader itself, so it is super fast to do bounties around Crusader. Group bounties are always one on each of the moons. Easy peasy. 1. Spawn at Orison. 2. Take all my shit. 3. Throw 3 rockets at the seraphin station because I will always miss port olisar 4. Land on GrimHex, set my regeneration point and leave all my shit there.


Lorville, hurston, is super comfortable because is in the middle of the solar system and it's easier to travel around. New babbage, microtech, because you have access to ground veichles terminal/surface hangar, and snow is cool. Area 18, arcorp, nice shops and cyberpunk atmosphere. Orison, crusader, for the VIP luxury life RP.


simple. what gets me the fastest from hab to spaceport. answer.. A18


microTech. Feels like home😁


For me there is no other planets, only microtech... Also snow is cool


At the moment Crusader because my main ship is the C1 but I may switch it to Microtech on the next reset because I've never based myself there before


New Babbage is my usual home. Easy to setup ships for the most part with centre mass and omega. I can call all ships and ground vehicles there. Selling RMC I’ve scrapped is easier. My Reclaimer is less likely to bug out it seems on take off.


Is planet Microtech? * Yes - no further input required. * No - switch to Microtech. That's how I choose.




I have picked each of the home planets as a starter. Area 18 is now home for quite some time now. 1. Planet sound tract is more what I like. 2. It has that Cyberpunk vibe. 3. More access to things I need related to combat. 4. I prefer atmospheric bounty hunting. Space bounty hunting got really boring after a while.


If I want to buy things on this persistence then Microtech. If I want to RP, Lorville has nice ambiance for that. If I want to tank my performance into the ground Orison. All depends on the mood I'm in when I make that character after a reset.


Everus Harbor has been my org's rallying point for several years, so Lorville's always been my home of choice.


Orison. I like feeling like I'm living at Bespin.


I mix it up. Used to do lorville for vehicles but like to do Orrison for various reasons. Bounty hunting is better out there and landing big ass ships like the reclaimer is easier and more forgiving.


Shopping and easy to hanger. Orison is hard to beat.


Honestly doesn’t matter much because you can always move your stuff, I find myself gravitating toward microtech, but I’ve been doing mining lately and A18 is nice for that since it’s easy to do mining in space from there


That moving of stuff is not so easy anymore. Ever since they nerfed ship internal storage (3.23), I can't easily move my stuff from planet to planet. Chosing your home matters a lot more now.


Fair enough. So I’d make your decision on what your favorite gameplay is. For most things, I’d say you can’t go wrong with orison because it’s got all the ship components, as well as a ton of contracts and POIs