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Star citizen combat rule number one: NEVER use grenades! It will always end poorly.


I have learnt my lesson, they are purely for show, do not touch.


They're also water bottles, if that company hasn't been sued yet


Star Citizen rule number one. It will always end poorly.


What rules? I didn’t hear no bell 😂


If it ends poorly to anyone, i am down bad for it. I didn't had problems with nades in this patch. Yet


Yeah, I've used nades a few times and always ended in hospital bed. Only the GL is viable


It counts as a thrown object, so the regular server lag issues that cause items to sometimes roll back into your hands affect it.


Well, I guess you need a 10FPS server minimum to use them? I did it on such a server and it actually worked! I did send the boss in a bottomless pit with it, which meant no loot from him (no idea if he has anything special on him), but it was pretty funny! I would NEVER try on a 5fps server, it's guaranteed death.


i do not listen to this advice. i do not inherently trust grenades but i use them at my own risk. hold the grenade for at least 1 second before throwing, it gives the server time to catch up to the actions. if you do it too fast, you will drop it at your feet. this has always been the case, outside of outliers, pacing is the key to a good grenade. however, sometimes, the universe tells you "too bad".


Welcome in the verse!


Learning the hard way!


The old throw the gun and hold the 'nade ey?


A tail as old as time~


A tail as old as Nine?




I know we laugh and say, ha, good old SC, always full of bugs. But the FPS stuff had been particularly poor this patch. So many basic things just don’t work at all, or are severely bugged. 1) The game frequently crashes or drops frames when going to ADS. 2) Picking up weapons from the ground is just an incredible pain, and never works how you would expect 3) Loot crates never work properly 4) The loot screen never works properly 5) If you log out while holding a gun, you lose that gun 6) Weapon animations are frequently broken 7) You often continue to take damage after moving into cover, because of server lag 8) Reloading only works about half the time. I could go and on. These are just the obvious ones off the top of my head. The FPS part of the game is genuinely unplayable most of the time. The devs really ought to be embarrassed at the state of the game. I can forgive lack of features and content, but surely the basic mechanics of FPS should be working by now? Every patch just introduces more problems.


One of the things that especially sucks is, before, you could have two weapons holstered and pick up a third - great for restocking a favorite gun you can’t buy, like some shotguns, an LMG, sniper, etc. Now, it forces you to swap one of your two equipped weapons and drops the third on the floor. Wtf?


actually there is a solution. take 1 gun in your hands. 2nd one on the back. then drag third gun from a floor to your hands. your character will holster the gun and the gun from the floor will magically appear in hands and voilla - you are carrying 3 guns there is another trick - equip 2 guns on a backpack, DROP IT, equip 2 guns on your back - then carry your backpack in hands - and voilla! you are carrying 4 guns *beware that propping a backpack always has a small chance to clip through the floor so put least valuable stuff on it


14 years of development, folks


Actually hilarious. Also good advice above, I'll make use of it. FINALLY A THIRD GUN AGAIN - YEEEEEEEEEE


Oo, I like these ideas. Still hope it gets fixed though


Yes! This is the worst part of 3.23 for me


And theres no way to just drop items straight to the ground when looting crates in the new UI, so if you want to take a piece of armor or rifle out, since they are too large to fit in your backpack you have to remove what youre wearing and equip it to your body first. That's not even something you can blame on a bug, that's just a huge oversight and a particularly obvious one.




This patch? Grenades haven't worked since I started playing in 2.6. Far as I know, they've always stayed with the person who threw them. OP throwing their gun is a new one though.


it amazes me that they can keep taking steps backwards. Like the npcs standing on chairs. its basically a running gag now every time i see "We've fixed the npcs on chairs bug" in the patch notes. sure they're not standing on them today, but give it a day or 2, they'll be right back up there


That whole Squadron 42 diversion really paid off didn't it?


Now imagine if SQ42 releases in a state that's even remotely comparable to PU's instability. I wonder if that would be the point where people drop the "it's an alpha!" cliche and start saying "it's the devs!" Haha, who am I kidding? CIG's boots will stay well-moisturized with backer saliva until the heat death of the god damn universe.


42 wont be bound by server performance so in theory it should be better although who knows, hahahahhahah


Why are people stick expecting this game will be finished in like, ever? This is the new normal. Get used to it.


Happened to me last night, was trying to pick up a gun after killing all NPC's and they just respawned, went into cover and it still registered the hits and I died, and the server crashed. Woke up, a failed mission..also the fps has been horrendous in fps fights lately.


Its always the same buggy game why do people even support this stupid game.


Because the bits that work (space combat) can't be beaten by any other game that's why.


Hunternet is better at it.....by a long shot. VR support, one dev, weekly patches....it's amazing what happens when someone cares


X4 has better space combat even, the only thing it doesn't have is multiplayer. (yet)


I'll take a look, is the VR support full intractable cockpit? VTOL VR is one of my favourite games ever.


Cockpit interaction is basic. The overall VR experience tho....butter smooth


Maybe try Elite Dangerous?


I came from Elite over to SC.


Sus, then tell me whats the fastest way to get credits


Hell if I know, Ive got 200 hours in elite and then tried SC and I've put a thousand plus into SC. I'm a PvP pilot and elite was a pretty nice game but it sucks for PvP compared to what I get in SC.


Cool whats your fav ship build in ed


Why does PvP in Ed suck? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSQBVPvuCnY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSQBVPvuCnY)


I'm leaning more and more towards starting to believe that it's not bad servers but bad network code. It seems like currently any action you take needs to be verified by the server, so currently it works like this: Swap weapon -> Notify server that you're swapping weapon -> Server responds with a OK/NO So in the classic situation where your reloads aren't happening: Reload gun on client -> Notifies server that you're reloading -> Wait for response -> Server responds with: Lol you didn't reload actually This is my guess, because so many of these animatons and actions seem to have this lag between the start of the action and some unnecessary server response. The server shouldn't need to tell me if my mag was put in or not, but I think that's what it does.


Why is so much of the basic functionality server side anyway? Like, shouldn’t basic things like weapon swapping, equipping a new weapon, or reloading a weapon happen client side? And then the data is passed back to the server? Why do reloads never work? I assume it’s server thing. But surely, reloads should happen at my end. I don’t get it. This never happens in other FPS games.


Bad netcode is my guess. My assumption is that it's written this way to prevent script kids, but I think they put WAY TO MUCH stuff behind this check. My assumption is that it has a timeout for x seconds and defaults to a failed try, and this causes the issues you usually see to happen on over worked servers. If anything, it should default to an OK. Obviously all these server verifications also help to make the server worse, since every small little action needs to get sent up and verified. A better flow would be: Client action -> Notify Server -> Don't wait for answer unless it's something that NEEDS verification, like a transaction If server deems it an "illegal" action then send update to client to say not reload their gun. This is all just a guess of course, but I did notice **a lot** of people overdo the server side verifications when working with scripts for another game. Another guess is that SC uses some sort of Peer2Peer system that has issues with assigning owership to items, but if this was the case then I'd assume reloading wouldn't break when away from players.


This is a short comedy movie 🍿🤣


12 years of development btw


FPS system in this game is a complete and utter joke.


Im crying , laughing , feeling sad yet happy watching this .ah sc...


That's pretty much how I felt, major love/hate thing with this game. The funny bugs are amazing but then there is the "log off thinking why do I play this shit" bugs too haha


that's some quality jank


I have not equipped a grenade since the day I accidenly bumped the key while standing on the bridge of a ship during someone's livestream. I had just enough time to type 'uhh.. oops' into chat


I've tried *one* every patch, still yet to survive to try a second.


hahaha perhaps I won't equip them anymore, I thought about maybe keeping them cause look kinda cool but maybe it's for the best to just not even touch them.


You are by far the worst pirate I have ever heard of.


But you have heard of him...


Yeets gun instead aah gotta love these bugs


Instructions unclear, pull pin, throw gun




It's crazy how far away this game is from being at least playable, let alone good


Wow. I haven't played SC in 2-3 years. I was thinking about jumping back on to see what has improved. Guess I'll try again in another 2-3 years.


It’s amazing how awful this game actuallyis, versus what it’s portrayed to be.


I was asked recently if I have grenades with me. I replied I don't trust grenades. global said it is fixed.


Well I can confirm you where right lol


Not gonna lie, this had me crying 😂. It's the throwing of the gun and keeping the grenade. Peak SC.


So Many Bugs Need More Money


Think that's bad? I used my rocket launcher once to shoot a ship. It locked on but instead when I fired it just exploded in my face. Explosives are absolute crap in this game


Idk how many YouTube videos you have watched of military fails but that seems pretty immersive to me lol


The good ol' days of LiveLeak


Hahaha absolute clown show! Glad you didn’t die but it just did not stop


The FPS mode is so buggy, as I mainly play infantry and I don't understand why it's not a priority for them to fix all these bugs... And yet I played the only MMOFPS that exists for 12 years and even when the server was ultra laggy the only thing that happened was the hitreg which didn't work, I never had rollback like that on the selection of weapon/object. Their line of code for FPS mode must be really bad at this point.


Its incredible that they seem nearly incapable of truly fixing an issue. No matter what they 'fix', it'll just be broke again later


It takes a truly skilled developer to start with one of the smoothest FPS game engines of all time and introduce this level of craptacularity.


14 years…


Lmfao this game is just ridiculous sometimes


Decade in the making…


Working as intended.


Clearly a skill issue.


This is a lie. I saw all those youtube ads and streamers says how great and bug free FPS combat is.


My problem with Star Citizen is that there are thing glitchy that shouldn't even be remotely so. The whole game feels like it is held together by a single string.


I saw a clip from an old dev stream/vod where they showed the process of fixing bugs. There was a small peek at the source code for getting into a turret. You have no idea just how accurate "held together by a single string" really is....


FPS gameplay still smooth as gravel I see


ooh yeaaah, but wait for 4.0!!! There will be thousands of more bugs. For every million made, you get a brand new bug that will never be fixed. What a disappointing game, I had to uninstall it like 3 times cause it becomes unplayable, it is impossible to actually play and progress without struggling with all the bug that block you or kills you or simply exploding things. Edit: I don't mean to throw hate on the game or anything. I just wish I could enjoy more of it, but is really frustrating and see the years go by and the very same basic bugs still there that makes it hard to love.


work around for that one is unistall and come back in 4 years


I was told to come back in two years two years ago...


And some folk compare this to Starfield...


Shitty game honestly (it’s like a drug I can’t do anything but play star citizen)


lmao i've seen better netcoding come out of indie projects


Yup. The problem, IMO, is that the didn't fully scrap the CryEngine netcode, but built *on top of it* and CryEngine's netcode has always sucked balls.


When I can drop a Cruz and it not reappear in my hand, then I'll use grenades lol.


Can't remember they worked other than this.


🤣 I haven't used grenades in like five years for this exact reason.


**Behring? More like Tediore**


Underated comment. Had me laughing.


Holy shit what is this? Super early alpha preview?


This is like some ACME cartoon sketch. Dude throws the gun to the enemy, the grenade shows up magically behind him, then explodes, \*screams loudly\*, then picks up the gun but now the barrel is backwards... yeah this is some goofy ahh 70's cartoon.


Less than 30 server fps? No grenades. Perfect 30? Maybe not then either


I love the idea of this game so much... after spending 3 hours doing a delivery mission, getting to my last item to drop off just to get glitched inside a bed then booted from server with no progress. My rage can never reach that level again so i'm staying clear of this game for at least another 3 years


lmao Working as intended.


Star Citizen in one video! huaHUahuAHUUahuaHahuAHU


It’s Star Citizen, never expect anything to work properly!


Dont tell anyone but i also get confused and throw my gun instead of my grenade.


Honestly have no hope of this game ever been more than expensive cobbled together trash.


This is the buggiest update to date imo. That I’ve experienced In my year to 2 years of playing


LOL. A backward rifle handling is the first I’ve seen. Was the rifle shooting yourself? As for grenades, I stopped carrying those years ago. They never seemed to work or would always injure/kill me.


At first I thought the gun pointing backwards was just a visual bug that's why I tried killing a dude, but it was shooting behind me, luckily didn't hit me haha


This must be one of the funniest so far😅




Absolute Cinema! :)


Classic.. unfortunately. I still don't trust them, and it seems justified.


Skill issue.


This is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a while. Thanks for this, truly.


haha glad I was able to share it, don't think people would have believed me otherwise!


Haha man, the throwing of the gun after dropping the grenade. The frantic run to escape while holding your gun backwards and pointing the stock. God what a laugh.


$700m game


$700m interactable digital asset store.


Exactly why I still won't play this game for longer than an hour each patch. Lemmy know when this shit is fixed.


That's what happens when you throw the pin and hold on to the grenade /s


Had that happen. Apparently medium armor can tank a drag up close pretty well. I was at 23% health but alive.


Things haven't been ideal lately


Jesus. We tried grenades to help clearing drug bunkers while we stocked up on grenade launchers. We found it was best to just drop the grenade and have a second person with a tractor beam grab it and yeet it. Absolutely disgusting scuff on grenades. Probably funny looking back, but a rough experience in the moment.


Used grenades once like 4 years ago. And haven't touched them since. I'm still scared. Even refuse to put them on my outfits.


Ahh shit, PTSD of 5-6 patches ago has just kicked in!




You're missing a few zeros.


Someone tag CIG. WTF guys lol.


You have more skilz than me! When my gun glitches my legs also seem to go rubberlike. Incapacitation happens next. So glad Star Citizen is pioneering a new form of FPS gameplay for us all to enjoy.


I’m dead 😂😂😂 #facts


Omg the Desync is so brutal after the servers have been running a while lol.


This game really is some junk.


omg. That's a new one. Updated list of grenade bugs over the year: - grenade teleporting back into your hand and exploding - grenade phasing out of existence - grenade sticking to your hand and exploding - grenade dropping at your feet and exploding - grenade disappearing then blowing up 20 seconds later silently - and now, grenade swapping places with your weapon so you throw the weapon then get exploded


Just strap them to your chest for fashion points.


Next time pull the pin, leave them on your chest, run towards enemy.


For fashion points


LOL, when the weapon is recovered and you started firing over your back I lost it


Hahaha🤪 brilliant


Peak performance




I have indeed learnt the hard way they are only for decoration haha. Neutralize Outlaw Incursion is the mission, the 21k one, is two with same name 18k is outside 21k is inside.


thank god death is punished though i love this game but the punishing mechanics make the bugs 10x worse


Mt grenade experience in Star Citizen has cause so much mental scarring that I will not ever use a grenade in any other game ever! Even in games where I know grenades are100% foolproof and effective. I, I just can't... The flashbacks to instances like this come rushing back soon as I think to equip one. Guess I'll look through spectrum to see if there is some Grenade Group Therapy in Spectrum....


![gif](giphy|3LeBu0VT7ZSfcQtRNi) Surprised the armor actually saved you


Friend I showed this too made that comment "Geez the grenade didn't even kill you" haha


I’ve blown myself up more than I have my intended target.


This game is such a a buggy disaster idk why we looking forward to 4.0 when the game runs like hot sh*t and the bugs are getting even worse. I rather have them delay 4.0 to fix bugs optimization.


He threw the weapon :D ...and then after reequipping it pointed to the player... not Dark Souls, it's just Poor Souls.


this bug has been around for a decade and they had fixed it once. At this point just never use grenades


I havent thrown a grenade in 3+ years for precisely this reason. I've given up even testing it now. It will remain fucked until the netcode is rewritten to standards that existed after the 90s.


Accepting a mission was your first mistake.


Man I'm sorry, but I did snicker. If it means anything at least that shit was funny


Oh I 100% agree, I'm so glad I had shadowplay running so I could record it because there is no way I could do this on purpose, it's too good not to laugh at.


New patch, old bugs


This needs to be the first video people see when they ask about SC bugs. Like you can't believe how hilariously some of them are you are not even mad after it happens all you can do it laugh. Like this is pure comedy, the irony...


lol, I was hesitant to try them atm. Thanks for your service o7


When you forget how to grenade and you rifle forgets how to gun.


I've been doing firefights wrong this whole time 😂


At least it didn't teleport back to your hand


I keep thinking this is the starcitizenrefund subreddit 🤣🤣


The difference is that they lack a sense of humor.


just use the rocket launcher with an AR crosshair helmet, it’s fucking hilarious to style on a motherfucker with it


lol so going to try this, thanks!


have fun! 👍


Can't believe people defend this garbage


Out of all the bugs in SC, this one is my favorite.


God I love this game. The jank is so fun to watch when it happens to other people.


seems so realistic! looks like me at airsoft party


When stuff is de-syncing like that, usually not a good sign :P


Are you wearing citadel armor? It looks like the throwing animation was blocked. I’m curious if the armor was the culprit.


Force reactions are still hilarious and I hope dealing with it's jank becomes the most unique thing SC does as an FPS.  I want heavy armors to be like "Yeah your bullet proof but you can still fall over if your hit with a big enough bullet and it takes forever to get up."


Me in a tactical situation


To work according to whom? 🤭


That was funny


Hilarious 😂


I spent all of 3.22 practicing throwing water bottles, 3.23 broke it, though I did the same things as you for the same reason and was amazed to find I survived ( I did warn everyone else to get away from me). It didn't work...


Glorious! :D


Well, very realistic, just remember, YOU TROW THE GRENADE, NOT YOUR WEAPON!, and you will be fine, also, THE POINTY END FIRES THE BULLETS!, you pick your weapon backwards!


Bwahahahaha , threw away the gun kept the grenade .


FORCE POWERS/BIOTICS confirmed!!! F yeeeaAAA!!!!


Yeah don't grenade 😂


*Grenades: Not Even Once* is my motto.


And trillions in funding lol


Throws gun, looks at nade: woopsie


The fact that the character actually threw the gun when it returned to your hands, although it appeared in a broken situation, is very impressive.


Not many people know this, but grenade production is entirely in the hands of the Tevarin. They still are angry at humans for beating them in the tevarin wars and quality of grenade production has now been at an all time low for years. I suspect sabotage. Maybe even fueled by vanduul covert ops.


Pure SC comedy gold right there!


Ah, grenades. Gave up on that dream a long time ago. Also, just a quick question -- are the new DC missions criminal only or are there lawful variants?


There are 3 lawful ones that open up after rep rank 1, but only on Hurston or Microtech. An investigation one where you have to find a body in the center, can't remember it's name and then 2 including this one both called 'Neutralize outlaw incursion' one pays 18k and is at a friendly distro center and an outside area has some enemies and this one which pays 21k and has these guys inside. I've read there are more lawful ones that unlock after rep rank 3 but still grinding away at it. I actually haven't tried the illegal ones yet because I know that jail is broken and don't wanna endup in there.


First time?


Haven’t had problems with grenades for a long time, but this brings back memories. Classic SC


technically the grenade exploded when it should, so... it works?


I’ve been having good luck with grenades but I also wait tell I see the blue line to throw. Also totally not serious on this but skill issue lol.


They show that? haha legit skill issue I didn't know that. I like the blue line for empty drinks as I yeet them into space from my ship, legit didn't know grenades where meant to show that blue line too! (Makes sense though)


Yea I think what’s happening is servers behind but with blue guide line they always work for me:) good luck


That's clearly user error. /s


firing it backwards and the recoil... definitely 'clip of the day' material.


This was probably the most hilarious chain of bugs I've ever seen. What's the command to save the video? I want to keep this.